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The abhorent Neo-Con Right... - 3/30/2014 9:02:38 AM   

Posts: 3593
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I peruse a number of websites everyday as I look for interesting articles to post or reference in one of my articles. I agree with many conservative leaning websites when it comes to economic issues, but when it comes to war mongering and wave flagging, I go my own way. Any site that supports our empire building and excessive spending on war is not a conservative website. You can’t act in a fiscally responsible sustainable manner without dismantling our war machine and taking on the military industrial complex. You’re a faux fiscal conservative if you think we can continue to spend $800 billion per year on war with no financial implications. The entire Federal budget was $800 billion in 1983.

The latest storyline being propagandized by Mad Dog McCain and his band of merry neo-cons is that Obama’s latest defense budget will gut our military and make us susceptible to attack from all of our enemies. The mainstream media mouthpieces like Fox News repeat these boldfaced lies without seeking facts or real data. The power of the military industrial complex is dangerous to our citizens. They have bought off Republicans and Democrats in Congress and they control journalists who get paid to write scary articles about the horrific budget cuts and danger to our nation. It’s all lies. Spineless corrupt politicians like Bush and Obama do and say whatever is necessary to win the most votes. Statesmen like Dwight D. Eisenhower stood up to the military industrial complex and their bought off lackeys in Congress.

The country was sufficiently defended with a war budget of $333 billion in 1999. No one invaded us or threatened to invade. The Cold War was long over. The military industrial complex needed a 9/11 to revitalize their profits. The neo-con/military industrial complex created War on Terror has opened the door to never ending wars of choice around the world with no consent or approval from the people. War spending grew to $879 billion by 2011, a 164% increase in 13 years. Over this same time frame GDP grew by 74%. Does this sound like the military has been short changed? The fear mongering neo-cons and conservative websites are nothing but nattering nabobs of nonsense. Even the hint of slowing in spending on our empire building creates an urgency for a new evil enemy. Is it a coincidence that Vlad Putin has now emerged as an existential threat to our freedom and liberty according to the den of vipers in Congress, the military industrial complex, and the corporate media mouthpieces?

The war mongers will continue to use propaganda and misinformation to convince you we are in danger if the war budget is cut by 2%. The truth is that we need to cut the military by 50%, stop trying to operate a world empire, and withdrawal our troops from Germany, Japan, and the dozens of other countries around the globe. We need to stop handing billions of dollars we don’t have to Israel, Egypt and dozens of other countries so they can buy arms from our arms dealers. We are the cause of all the war and violence in this world. The job of our military is to protect our borders, not to police the world. Hubris, arrogance, and overreach, financed by central bank created debt, is how empires die.

That is the non-conservative Right. They say they're conservative, but that's a lie. Obama is in bed with them, same as Bush was. Would Hillary bed with them? Of course. Most politicians do. McCain's been bedding them since... well.... ahhhh....

see link for whole article

edit: previously people were wondering why some Americans seem to have a thing for Putin. Here may be one reason. Yes, it does have an involvement with the above.

< Message edited by Yachtie -- 3/30/2014 9:14:59 AM >


“We all know it’s going to end badly, but in the meantime we can make some money.” - Jim Cramer, CNBC

“Those who ‘abjure’ violence can only do so because others are committing violence on their behalf.” - George Orwell
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RE: The abhorent Neo-Con Right... - 3/30/2014 10:18:01 AM   

Posts: 1577
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It doesn't take a genius to figure out why. A fiscal conservative would look at the DOD budget and say "what reason do we need to spend this kind of money? What is the threat? What do we really need" and would start from there. The problem is that fiscal conservatism only seems to apply with politicians to things they don't like, and defense spending or farm spending or the idiotic ethanol subsidies or corn subsidies are things they like.

Sure, McCain is waving the red flag of war, but be knows, having served in Vietnam, that Russia knows it has no worries about a military conflict over Ukraine, as long as Russia still has nuclear weapons, it is a moot point, and everyone knows it, including McCain.Not to mention that Russia's oil and gas is feeding into Europe, and if those supplies get disrupted, you would see oil and gas prices worldwide soaring, no matter how much the US pulls out of the ocean or shale, it is the same reason no one will hit Iran, other than Israel.

Mitt Romney, who talked about the 47% and all that jazz, wanted to increase defense spending by 100 billion dollars a year...why?

With Iraq and Afghanistan, we see how expensive wars are (roughly 3 trillion pissed away at least), and yet what is the end result? We aren't any safer, we haven't changed anything.

So why?

The Pentagon has been releasing reports over the past decade that say we are spending money on the wrong things, and too much of it, that for their needs they aren't getting what they want, yet get stuff they don't.

Okay,so why?

Very simply, DOD spending is very, very important to certain constituencies. The marine Osprey aircraft is a piece of shit, it has killed more marines I suspect then it has helped, yet we continue to make it, long after it became an expensive albatross..why? Among other things, key components are made in a district covered by Eric Cantor.

We are building the F35 attack fighter, that is way behind schedule and way over budget, the planes are approaching some ridiculous amount per plane, the program itself is approaching I believe 1 trillion in projected cost, yet it still is not in use from what I know, and it has many problems. More importantly, as advanced as it is, no one, not the Chinese, not the Russians certainly, is building anything approaching what we have today, so why?

The answer was found in several reviews of the Pentagon budget, what they found out is that about half the DOD spending is on large scale projects based in cold war thinking, of huge conflicts with mega powers, when it isn't likely. China though it spends money on defense, obviously, is in the game of economic dominance, and they frankly outside local issues aren't not in the kind of race the USSR was, they are a capitalist economy, intertwined with everyone else, and a war would cost them as much or more than an arms race doesn't make them money. Russia is what Obama called them, a regional power, and they, too, are not the USSR, their economy depends on demand from the rest of the world. Putin is a thug and an oligarch, but he has gotten too rich, as have his cronies, to really risk that.

With the war on terrorism, those kinds of systems are useless, it is a war of intelligence and special forces, not grunts on the ground, not guys on aircraft carriers, not bombs and missiles and such.

Okay, so why the spending? Are they living in the cold war?

No, it is that DOD spending for the most part is pork barrel, a lot of districts, especially in the red states, live off DOD spending. Take a look at where Lockheed Martin Marietta facilities are located and take a look at their local reps, not likely represented by liberal or moderates. Look at where Boeing military stuff is done, Ratheon and others.......

Some of those reports say that 50% of that spending is on stuff simply to get government spending to some districts. Pentagon asks for 10 transport planes, congress give them 20. Pentagon says they need money to fund a standing army of 100,000, congress says make it 300,000, and so forth.

We have huge bases all over the country, that were built to a large extent either for WWII (16 million under arms) or the cold war, yet those days are long gone but many of those bases exist...and it is because those bases provide an economic lifeline to those areas. Close down Biloxi or Fort Bragg, if they are redundant (not saying they are), and it would devastate the area, yet in other areas, bases close and become economic gold mines (Fort Monmouth in NJ is becoming a mixed residential/business complex, for example). Defense plants are often the largest major employer in an area, what happens if they shut down or cut back? Then too we have the outsourcing of military stuff, where firms like Haliburton, Blackstone and others make a fortune on contracts for services...

Then, too, if we cut back our active troop size, what happens to those who see the military as a way out of poverty or to get an education? If the military cuts back, it means they likely will be a lot more choosy (during the depression, with a small military, it was very, very hard to enlist in the services)....

Even in relatively conservative estimates, 300 billion a year is wasted on equipment, manpower and facilities we probably don't need to face threats now or in the future...and a lot of that money goes to districts where conservative legislators will fight tooth and nail to keep it, they talk big about cutting pork and unnecessary spending, but only when it is someone else's....

(in reply to Yachtie)
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RE: The abhorent Neo-Con Right... - 3/30/2014 10:49:33 AM   

Posts: 3706
Joined: 7/4/2006
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Be careful, njlauren, you are mucking with the sacred pork barrel. <Snark directed at the pork barrel politicians>

We have one of those in my home state that isn't even DoD ... rocket test facility being completed at a huge budget expense for a rocket engine NASA has abandoned development on.

You reminded me of a frustration I felt while I was active duty. It was easy to get a budget for a high tech upgrade to systems that worked fine as they were but near impossible to get replacement steam control valves for steam powered hot water heaters. Nifty tech toys but cold showers. <sigh> Plenty of packet radios but don't bother trying to order insulated inserts for your boots either.

(in reply to njlauren)
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RE: The abhorent Neo-Con Right... - 3/30/2014 11:01:17 AM   

Posts: 19457
Joined: 7/4/2004
From: Chicago, IL
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Be careful, njlauren, you are mucking with the sacred pork barrel. <Snark directed at the pork barrel politicians>

We have one of those in my home state that isn't even DoD ... rocket test facility being completed at a huge budget expense for a rocket engine NASA has abandoned development on.

You reminded me of a frustration I felt while I was active duty. It was easy to get a budget for a high tech upgrade to systems that worked fine as they were but near impossible to get replacement steam control valves for steam powered hot water heaters. Nifty tech toys but cold showers. <sigh> Plenty of packet radios but don't bother trying to order insulated inserts for your boots either.

Don't remind me. At one point we had spare parts for a system that wasn't on the ship yet but we could get freaking coveralls.

(in reply to MercTech)
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RE: The abhorent Neo-Con Right... - 3/30/2014 3:47:42 PM   

Posts: 12225
Joined: 1/18/2012
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Be careful, njlauren, you are mucking with the sacred pork barrel. <Snark directed at the pork barrel politicians>
We have one of those in my home state that isn't even DoD ... rocket test facility being completed at a huge budget expense for a rocket engine NASA has abandoned development on.
You reminded me of a frustration I felt while I was active duty. It was easy to get a budget for a high tech upgrade to systems that worked fine as they were but near impossible to get replacement steam control valves for steam powered hot water heaters. Nifty tech toys but cold showers. <sigh> Plenty of packet radios but don't bother trying to order insulated inserts for your boots either.

NASA has a rocket test facility already, too. That's in my hometown, even.


What I support:

  • A Conservative interpretation of the US Constitution
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Help for the truly needy
  • Limited Government
  • Consumption Tax (non-profit charities and food exempt)

(in reply to MercTech)
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RE: The abhorent Neo-Con Right... - 3/30/2014 4:17:48 PM   

Posts: 3706
Joined: 7/4/2006
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ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri


Be careful, njlauren, you are mucking with the sacred pork barrel. <Snark directed at the pork barrel politicians>
We have one of those in my home state that isn't even DoD ... rocket test facility being completed at a huge budget expense for a rocket engine NASA has abandoned development on.
You reminded me of a frustration I felt while I was active duty. It was easy to get a budget for a high tech upgrade to systems that worked fine as they were but near impossible to get replacement steam control valves for steam powered hot water heaters. Nifty tech toys but cold showers. <sigh> Plenty of packet radios but don't bother trying to order insulated inserts for your boots either.

NASA has a rocket test facility already, too. That's in my hometown, even.

They have one in Mississippi too. Traffic backs up on I-10 headed for New Orleans on occasion as the engine tests are quite a show and can be seen from the freeway.

Oh, the influence of an old school pork barrel blue dog democrat. <grin>

< Message edited by MercTech -- 3/30/2014 4:20:28 PM >

(in reply to DesideriScuri)
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