Posts: 6
Joined: 6/1/2010 Status: offline
Strangle fucking runs the gauntlet from soft furry terry cloth light strangles to full fledged garroting. Light strangles are just as dangerous because the bottom often times does not realize the danger that they are in. Light strangling slows but does not stop the blood flow to the brain and in no way affects the bottom's ability to breathe. Medium strangle somewhat affects the ability to breathe and slows blood to the brain even further. Full out strangle stops or almost stops blood flow to the brain and cuts off the bottom's ability to breathe. Full throttle or a full strangle can result in death within two minute s or less. A light or soft strangle can take up to fifteen minutes for the bottom to die or even longer. A tighter, then looser, then tighter, then looser scenario can drag the dying process out for hours. The dangers: The human brain is the least understood of all the body's organs. Strangle fucking for even a minute can lead to heart attack, stroke, aneurisms of the brain, lungs, or heart, or a full charged grand mal seizure you might not come back from. Also there seems to be a kill switch in the brain whereas for no explained reason, the brain just turns off and the bottom dies. EVENSO, with all of that being said, strangle fucking is more common than you might think. Especially in total control/total submissive situations. I was wondering if anyone else had any experience in this area as a Dom or sub who would like to share. I, of course am not looking for the oh no, don't ever do this, response because I have already listed the dangers and as I've mentioned there are people doing it anyway. I am one of them.