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Strangle fucking - 4/21/2014 4:14:06 AM   

Posts: 6
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Strangle fucking runs the gauntlet from soft furry terry cloth light strangles to full fledged garroting. Light strangles are just as dangerous because the bottom often times does not realize the danger that
they are in. Light strangling slows but does not stop the blood flow to the brain and in no way affects the bottom's ability to breathe. Medium strangle somewhat affects the ability to breathe and slows
blood to the brain even further. Full out strangle stops or almost stops blood flow to the brain and cuts off the bottom's ability to breathe. Full throttle or a full strangle can result in death within two minute
s or less. A light or soft strangle can take up to fifteen minutes for the bottom to die or even longer. A tighter, then looser, then tighter, then looser scenario can drag the dying process out for hours.
The dangers: The human brain is the least understood of all the body's organs. Strangle fucking for even a minute can lead to heart attack, stroke, aneurisms of the brain, lungs, or heart, or a full
charged grand mal seizure you might not come back from. Also there seems to be a kill switch in the brain whereas for no explained reason, the brain just turns off and the bottom dies. EVENSO, with all of that
being said, strangle fucking is more common than you might think. Especially in total control/total submissive situations. I was wondering if anyone else had any experience in this area as a Dom or sub
who would like to share. I, of course am not looking for the oh no, don't ever do this, response because I have already listed the dangers and as I've mentioned there are people doing it anyway. I am
one of them.

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RE: Strangle fucking - 4/21/2014 7:16:28 AM   

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A kill switch during strangulation or strangulation while having relations? Either way I haven't heard much of this 'kill switch' you speak of... I have engaged in such activities (from 'light' to a full out strangulation) and have always used my own judgement as to when to release the grip. I have also ever only used my hands though. And we have always discussed where our stopping point is while using demonstrations to illustrate and understand what we meant by each others standards. No one passed out, no one was hurt.

(in reply to subboi74)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 4/21/2014 8:27:51 AM   

Posts: 30259
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Dude . . . you're in the Gorean forum. Try the strangle fucking forum.

(in reply to subboi74)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 4/21/2014 8:43:22 AM   

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My experience is that I broke up with two guys over the years who tried this with their hands.

No meant no.

Also, why is this in the Gorean section? It should be in health and safety.

(in reply to Musicmystery)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 4/21/2014 8:58:59 AM   

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The thread is now where it belongs.

(in reply to sexyred1)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 4/21/2014 9:35:44 AM   

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The only way you can do this without the possibility of implicating a partner in a case involving criminal (and possibly civil) charges is through autoerotic asphyxiation. Of course the risk of death is much higher if you are alone, so I am certainly not advocating that, but no one thinks a bad outcome will ever happen to their partner; they think that they will always be careful enough.

Love him or hate him, he knows both the science and legal aspects of this:
Jay Wiseman's "Closing Argument" On Breath Play

btw: It is a vagal nerve stimulation issue and not really a brain thing, that is the so-called kill switch.

Please note, I am not providing the link for the OP. He has already made up his mind. I am providing it in case someone else comes across the thread who doesn't fully understand the risks.


The original home of the caffeinated psychotic hair pixies.
(as deemed by He who owns me)

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(in reply to subboi74)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 4/21/2014 1:05:54 PM   

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Not going to happen with me, I value my life. No one can predict how much is too much, at what point permanent damage or death can occur.


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(in reply to subboi74)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 4/21/2014 5:10:51 PM   

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Well I put it in the Gorean section because that is the type of relationship I'm in and as I very clearly stated, I was looking for feedback from people who actually have experience with this rather than those who just want to point out the reasons not to do it. I wouldn't have chosen to put it in the health and safety thread as this is a lifestyle and in my case Gorean activity, but hey, it is the moderator's call and I humbly bow to that authority. Thank you Master High One for your input on this matter. Thank you Angelica for pointing out that no one ever believes that something will happen to their partner until it actually does. Thank you Sexyred1 for sharing that yours was not a pleasant foray into the experience. Not only does no mean no, but a good safety should be in place, perhaps, to insure that enough also means enough. Oh and to Musicmystery, I would say thank you for your input but I could not find a strangle fucking forum on here to put this post in. I would actually like to see such a forum. You were being sarcastic, I believe. Anyone else want to weigh in?

(in reply to InHisHeart)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 4/21/2014 10:31:41 PM   

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I am not sure what you are asking or expecting, besides yes or no I've done it or all the safety warnings. What kind of answer are you trying to elicit?

(in reply to subboi74)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 5/9/2014 3:26:05 PM   

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I have had it done on me a few times. But I also have a tendency to hold my breath when I cum, for it does make it feel much better. I have nor had any negative results. Ahhh what was I saying doc?

(in reply to MasterAutarch)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 6/16/2014 1:03:40 PM   

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From: South Florida
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I do enjoy this as the bottom during play. It's usually on the light to medium side and a brief grab of the throat, and I'm either on my knees, sitting, or on my back. Whenever my partner goes for the throat I inhale deeply before he makes contact and keep my hand on his so I'm ready to tap out when I need to. Usually, there are no problems.

Question: the last time, I started to feel light-headed after no more than five seconds. I was on my knees in front of him and nothing else was different about the scene. I tapped out and needed a moment to breathe before he started again. Perhaps it was because I was more active than usual beforehand? It wasn't any more rough or in a different spot than in previous encounters. Anyone have an idea as to what happened?

(in reply to subboi74)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 6/24/2014 7:41:10 AM   

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Could be lots of things. Sometimes I feel light-headed when I get out of the car on the way home to get groceries -- it's usually because I skipped lunch.

Or maybe, as you suggest, you hadn't oxygenated again from before yet.

If you're not tired or with low-blood sugar, and it continues, worth a visit to the doc and getting checked out.

(in reply to RockaRolla)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 6/24/2014 6:00:36 PM   

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ORIGINAL: RockaRolla

I do enjoy this as the bottom during play. It's usually on the light to medium side and a brief grab of the throat, and I'm either on my knees, sitting, or on my back. Whenever my partner goes for the throat I inhale deeply before he makes contact and keep my hand on his so I'm ready to tap out when I need to. Usually, there are no problems.

Question: the last time, I started to feel light-headed after no more than five seconds. I was on my knees in front of him and nothing else was different about the scene. I tapped out and needed a moment to breathe before he started again. Perhaps it was because I was more active than usual beforehand? It wasn't any more rough or in a different spot than in previous encounters. Anyone have an idea as to what happened?

Pressure on the vagus nerve can cause the heart to slow, causing dizziness.

You may find more information in the link in my previous post.


The original home of the caffeinated psychotic hair pixies.
(as deemed by He who owns me)

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(in reply to RockaRolla)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 6/26/2014 3:06:32 PM   

Posts: 25191
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From: Apple County NY
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The thing is, you could do this exactly the same ten times with no problems and the eleventh could kill you. There's a risk when you're playing with the vagus nerve.


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(in reply to angelikaJ)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 6/27/2014 2:40:29 AM   

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That is it exactly.

So, for RockaRolla, my suggestion would be to listen to what your body is trying to tell you.


The original home of the caffeinated psychotic hair pixies.
(as deemed by He who owns me)

30 fluffy points!

(in reply to DesFIP)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 9/1/2014 8:44:12 PM   

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I love strangle fucking. Every single thing about it but you and the person you're playing with should be aware of what can go wrong and the ways to minimize risk. There is NO safe type of breath play. There will always be risk/consequences involved.

(in reply to angelikaJ)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 9/1/2014 8:48:26 PM   

Posts: 4547
Joined: 12/9/2013
From: Exiled
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I love strangle fucking. Every single thing about it but you and the person you're playing with should be aware of what can go wrong and the ways to minimize risk. There is NO safe type of breath play. There will always be risk/consequences involved.

What could possibly go wrong?


Gnothi Seauton
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(in reply to YouMayBow)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 9/2/2014 5:24:48 AM   

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We should make distinction between an air choke and a blood choke. Cutting off the air through the throat or cutting off the air through the arteries.

Pressure on the throat can lead to a collapse of the trachea making it impossible for the recipient to draw breath after release.

Pressure on the arteries in the neck can lead to artery collapse as well as causing a signal to be sent via the vagus nerve to the heart. Whilst a mild version of this usually does no permanent harm, its a good idea never to choke a subject with cardiac disorders or hypertension. Choke holds can cause arrhythmia and reduce blood flow to the heart, though it will usually go back to normal very quickly.

The primary danger with breath play is that it can eventually damage parts of the brain. The more daring you get and the more often you do it, the greater the odds of you getting signs of anoxic brain damage. Its also worth noting that whilst choke holds may have no consequences on some recipients, some people and we don’t know who those people are, can die from as little as one minutes suffocation. Everyone is different biologically and physical and making a valid guess as to how much breath play they can take isn’t easy.

Breath play will continue regardless. Some methods are a lot safer than others but however we go about such play its crucial that we know and understand the first aide responses to the likely scenarios we may find ourselves in.

I have been on the dying edge of a choke hold. My hedonistic days of breath play came to an abrupt and frightening end. The problem is, the more you do, the more you think you can get away with and for some of us, we learn that things (entirely of our own fault) can go terribly wrong.


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(in reply to ExiledTyrant)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 12/4/2014 12:48:47 PM   

Posts: 1153
Joined: 1/20/2014
From: South Florida
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Well, we discovered the boyfriend is also into the receiving side of strangle fucking. Definitely a new experience for both of us. I'll admit being on the giving end of that makes me nervous, and I don't grip nearly as hard as I could, but he enjoys it anyway.



(in reply to RebeccaR)
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RE: Strangle fucking - 12/4/2014 12:58:36 PM   

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I have had to remove a few posts from this thread. If your post is missing and I haven't made contact, it was because you responded to a post that required removal.

So sorry.

(in reply to RockaRolla)
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