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RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 12:11:09 PM   

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Thanks for the answer. I read so many posts today, and one of them by Resident Sadist seemed to have an official and informative tone. (LOL, RS, I don't mean to imply that this is unusual for you!) A few more, not by RS, had me wondering.

It wasn't a complaint. Thank you for clarifying, Mod3. :)


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RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 1:51:29 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Worldtravelerxo

The self indulgent "poor me" pity party blog posting that "Tiffany" replaced collarme with was an immediate red flag to me. It screams of a desperate woman scorned and airing her personal drama while slandering her ex partner is trashy. There are three sides to every story, I had a comment I posted on the blog censored and removed. If what she says about her child is true I feel bad, but her hissy fit and pulling the site took away what ammo she had. Now she has nothing. This is all just annoying.

I've been awy from CM for awhile and tried to log back on Friday (ironically to message a friend to see if he wanted to exchange outside email addresses!). Worldtraveler, you said exactly what I was thinking! While I am sympathetic to what she's going thru (if it's true) her hissy fit was a total red flag to me. She's only hurting herself.

(in reply to Worldtravelerxo)
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RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 2:23:38 PM   

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No matter what I do, I still get a bad request/invalid hostname.

I stick to FL for now...I am not into the profile side anyway...


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(in reply to littleone14)
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RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 2:38:45 PM   

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ORIGINAL: LookieNoNookie

And here's the facts:


Those are (everyone's) choices.

Not everyone's choices. There is a another option (of a sort) for some people.



As for the Tiffany/Eric thing... they are friends and I hope they heal. Eric's silence is not admirable and doesn't inspire trust. Tiffany's interference with the site is not admirable and doesn't inspire trust. If Eric owes her money, then this does not bode well for his future in business. Tiffany's use of her daughter's illness as a factor to be considered in business dealings reflects, at best, poor business sense, and at worst, vile parenting. They are both a mess!

What's clear on this thread is that conclusions drawn without facts reflect the poster's emotional life, hurt history and resentments towards "the other" sex.

Just in case it all blows to hell, please accept my thanks for those who post on the forums. :)

This is the most fair statement about the situation I have read on this thread. (Although I still don't agree that Tiffany is "using" her daughter's illness.)


ExiledTyrant's groupie. Catering to his ego since May 26, 2007. :D

(in reply to BecomingV)
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RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 5:30:24 PM   

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It's gone? Well, you just got a lesson about who is really important to you in life. If you honestly cared, you'd have gotten their phone number, sent them a text, or met them for coffee. You "weren't ready," you say? Don't blame Me, or Tiffany, or Eric, or anyone else. That's your inaction. Don't blame anyone else that you didn't move when you had the chance. If the moment passed you by, you have to look at the part you played in that.

Oh, ouch. Dislike.

Not sharing personal emails or meeting for coffee doesn't always mean inaction. It just means being comfortable using the medium being used until moving to something more. The pace at which someone moves regarding giving out personal information is their own business and really, why would anyone ever think there is a limited time frame on c-mail? In theory, it should work just as well as calling or texting.

(in reply to LadyPact)
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RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 5:47:01 PM   

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fast reply

After reading the blog, I got the feeling she wasn't telling the full story and it didn't go down quite like that. But whatever, I don't care enough about random peoples' dramas to get involved.
What I'd like to know is, can I trust the new site? Do I have legal agreements with a new party now? Is my data being kept private by the new database owner (assuming there is a new owner)?
A lot of emphasis has been put on pointing fingers and airing dirty laundry, but not a lot of support for the majority of us (the users) has been given. Perhaps the dramawhores at the top could stop for a moment and think about the hundreds of thousands of regular users they've amassed?


I almost never return to a thread, so if you saw my post and want me to hear your reply, please message it to me.

(in reply to DokktorSatan)
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RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 6:21:52 PM   

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Almost the same problem here... sometimes I enter and it works fine... the next time i try to log on I get the Bad whatever message.

Perhaps it has something to do with Chrome.



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(in reply to ShaharThorne)
Profile   Post #: 247
RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:09:26 PM   

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To all those wondering who owns "collarme" the answer is in this document. Collarme is a registered trademark at the US patent office, to Bayshore Software Technologies Inc having an address of
548 Market Street
San Francisco, California 94104
United States
Signed for by the "director" Signatory's Name: Eric Grossweiner.
That Tiffany owns the domain name , is irrelavant. It would quickly be returned to eric under ICANN rules of trademark infringement.
By posting this blog, Tiffany has put herself in legal hot water as she is infringing upon and causing libel to a registered trademark duly registered at the US trade mark office and will lose any legal battle that ensues and legally will be responsible for any damages including loss of advertising revenue and legal costs. I honestly would not want to be in her shoes once a good trademark attorney takes action.
It appears that "Bayshore Software Technologies INC" is set up solely as a holding company for collarme, collarchat, Darkgrove,com ( the nameserver domain). Here's a list of what they currently have on that nameserver:
Name server:

Displaying items 1 to 28, out of a total of 28

Of those, only ( an ad selling site) and msqinternet ( which I cant be bothered to translate to find out what it is) seem to have nothing to do with collarme. oh...and which unsurprisingly isnt up . Gee i wonder how that happened.

Honestly tiffany, and this isnt a dig at you, but you are in a difficult legal position. I do agree that collarme has more of less depreciated into a cesspool over time( it's one reason I more or less closed my account there some time ago), but dont make things worse by putting yourself at the wrong end of the legal stick. You are better off walking away with nothing than to put yourself in a long and expensive trademark battle as you cant possibly win.At this point by continuing as you have, you are at the wrong end of legal trademark restriction. Your best bet actually is to hand over the domain to Eric and let it be re-pointed to his servers. The legal sharks are probably already swimming in your general direction.

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 248
RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:15:12 PM   

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Unfortunately the lack of a statement from the site operators seem to cause a lot of confusion still. I take two (out of many others) comments that show a basic lack of understanding what actually happend (no blaim here, I could have quoted anyone). Knowing this needs to be clarified should justify the need of the site operators to make a proper statement. Well, or they just don't care as many guessed all along ...


ORIGINAL: wittynamehere
What I'd like to know is, can I trust the new site? Do I have legal agreements with a new party now? Is my data being kept private by the new database owner (assuming there is a new owner)?

Obviously there is not a new owner (assuming you are refering to, you must be as there is no new site on and there is no need why any agreement would have changed.


Neither Eric, nor Tiffany, have made a statement about privacy issues for site users. While I can see that the access and functions seem restored now, I still am not satisfied that it won't get blocked again. Can that assurance be made yet?

Also, my mortgage got passed from company to company in just 3 years, but each time, I was notified and had the option to look elsewhere. I was not required to make the transition just because the banks did. So, I'm wondering why that step is missing here.

There was no transition: a missunderstanding of what happened.

Let's assume the following: once a week you are taking care of your banking business in person at the local branch of the Bank of Kinksters. It's down on 500 Dungeon Street in your local town. You don't have a car, so whenever you go there, you take a taxi. You've been doing this for years and you are happy with your bank most of the time.

So one morning you get dropped of at 500 Dungeon Street and the bank is suddenly gone. The building is still there, but the entrance is closed and there is a note on the door from the landlord that explains that the Bank of Kinksters has not payed the lease, so they were kicked out. The note also mentions a few problems in the past between the landlord and the Bank of Kinksters in a slandering way and lists personal problems regarding the health of a family member of the landlord that are very sad but not related to the issue. And at the end of the note it mentions that a new bank that's of course supposed to be much better than the Bank of Kinksters will open it's doors at this location within a year or so.

Well, you read the note, you are confused. Maybe you feel sorry for the landlord, assuming that he really is in trouble and his personal situation is terrible. But you need to take care of your banking business, check your accounts and so on ... so what should you do?

What you do not know at that time is that the Bank of Kinksters was kicked out and moved over night, within just around 24h to a new location. The new building is now over at 666 Hells Court, which is just a couple of blocks away. But no one told you. Well, someone eventually tells you one or two days later and then you go there and they have all your account data. Surprise, they have your money even! And they know you. Even you can talk to the same people there that you knew for years.

You might be angry that the landlord off the original location did not give any info about the new address, but in this scenario, would you question if you need to open a new account? Or how they got your money? Or if it is a new or the same owner? No, you would just go there, after all it is the same bank with the same owner.

Well, the only issue is that for some time the taxi drivers bring you to the wrong location as they have no idea about the change either. Well, if you tell them the exact address instead of the name or the old address, they will drop you off at the right location.

In case anyone did not notice:

CollarMe = Bank of Kinksters = 500 Dungeon Street = 666 Hells Court
landlord = Tiffany
taxi = your browser and your internet service provider

In other words: the same site (not a new or moved one or anything else) is now on No new agreement is needed, only the address changed.

Nothing has changed, once all taxi drivers in your town know where they need to bring you, it is all back to normal. And the landlord has a building that is empty and might get sued by the Bank of Kinksters because of the defamation and depending on their contract might even be able to extend the lease of the building eventually. Or the landlord and the Bank of Kinksters make a deal. But all that is up to them.


As for the Tiffany/Eric thing... they are friends and I hope they heal. Eric's silence is not admirable and doesn't inspire trust. Tiffany's interference with the site is not admirable and doesn't inspire trust. If Eric owes her money, then this does not bode well for his future in business. Tiffany's use of her daughter's illness as a factor to be considered in business dealings reflects, at best, poor business sense, and at worst, vile parenting. They are both a mess!


And do we users want to continue to give our data to either of these people with poor business? This is what everyone needs to answer for him/herself.

< Message edited by legalANALyizer -- 5/25/2014 7:50:12 PM >

(in reply to wittynamehere)
Profile   Post #: 249
RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:26:47 PM   

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Exactly. I was only waiting until someone would post this, SeanaTG.

In my first post above in the thread yesterday I already made it clear that Tiffany has no chance to keep the domain name because of the trademark registration. On purpose I did not post the links as it would just be too obvious (and start sending the legal sharks her way), but it could not have been prevented anyway.

Tiffany is in deep shit. She is at the bottom already and because of her foolish stupid actions she will most likely eventually sink lower. He has all the power over her and she might not even realize it.

It is up to Eric if he wants to kick someone at the bottom like that or reach out and solve this quickly and show that he is not the "monster" as he might be. And yes, legally he has every right to kick her ass ... even if he owes money to her, but her bad faith and actions easily outweights that - beside her missing income and his trademark rights are not related.

Can we as CM users morally let Eric do that and support him by using the site in the future and let him make money? Obviously she made a mistake and mistakes deserve to get punished, but not to the extend that someone who is already at the bottom gets kicked more. That's not the spirit of this community.

P.S.: is the page you get directed to when you click the "Advertising" link at the bottom on CM. You can see the standard rates for advertising on CM there.

< Message edited by legalANALyizer -- 5/25/2014 7:33:52 PM >

(in reply to SeanaTG)
Profile   Post #: 250
RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:39:20 PM   

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ORIGINAL: legalANALyizer

Can we as CM users morally let Eric do that and support him by using the site in the future and let him make money? Obviously she made a mistake and mistakes deserve to get punished, but not to the extend that someone who is already at the bottom gets kicked more. That's not the spirit of this community.

Such a valiant sockpuppet. You set a lofty example for all socks who follow in your footsteps.


Welcome to PoliticSpace! If you came here expecting meaningful BDSM discussions, boy are you in the wrong place.

"Hypocrisy has consequences"

(in reply to legalANALyizer)
Profile   Post #: 251
RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:41:46 PM   

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ORIGINAL: legalANALyizer
Can we as CM users morally let Eric do that

I can only speak for myself, but I feel no moral dilemma over continuing to enjoy my time here on the forum.


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(in reply to legalANALyizer)
Profile   Post #: 252
RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:47:10 PM   

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If I didn't know any better, this was a case of domain name sniping. Timing is everything, so riddle me this Batman....

1. Why did someone wait until the day after the domain name registration expired to redirect it to a new site and literally hold the domain name hostage?
If this person Tiffany truly owned the domain name prior to 5/23, why did she wait until the registration expired to exercise leverage. If I truly owned it prior to 5/23; I would have publicly raising the flag a week before, saying its going to go dark on 5/23, which would have been my leverage.

2. It appears that the owner on 5/22 is not the same owner that re-registered it on 5/23, but I thought she (Tiffany) owned the domain name already?

3. Do you honestly think the site owner would interupt a revenue stream, when all this takes with proper preplaning and engineering is about 25-30 mins or code work during a maintenance window? With proper notification both sites could have been stood up and tested at least several days before the registration would have expired. The result would have been a relatively transparent and painless to the end users.

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(in reply to Crouchingtiger77)
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RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:48:29 PM   

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Is his surname really 'Grossweiner'?



(in reply to poise)
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RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:52:04 PM   

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I'm surprised that post has lasted as long as it has. Perhaps the staff is at their Memorial Day Weekend BBQ and haven't seen it yet.


Welcome to PoliticSpace! If you came here expecting meaningful BDSM discussions, boy are you in the wrong place.

"Hypocrisy has consequences"

(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 255
RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:53:13 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Tallblkdom
1. Why did someone wait until the day after the domain name registration expired to redirect it to a new site and literally hold the domain name hostage?
If this person Tiffany truly owned the domain name prior to 5/23, why did she wait until the registration expired to exercise leverage. If I truly owned it prior to 5/23; I would have publicly raising the flag a week before, saying its going to go dark on 5/23, which would have been my leverage.

2. It appears that the owner on 5/22 is not the same owner that re-registered it on 5/23, but I thought she (Tiffany) owned the domain name already?

The owner of the domain never changed. It was always Tiffany ... at least before 5/22 and after 5/23. What changed is the DNS entries and with that the server it pointed to. Nothing expired.

(in reply to Tallblkdom)
Profile   Post #: 256
RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:54:29 PM   

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Please remember that you are speaking about human beings with feelings. We want you to be able to speak your mind, but please do not use harassment or personal attacks whether you know who you are speaking about or not or whether they are here or not.

This will not be another rip roaring session of character assassination.

(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 257
RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:54:50 PM   

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You can even find his home address in a couple of minutes. Not a big deal really and all public info on the world wide web.

(in reply to PeonForHer)
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RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:56:16 PM   

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Is his surname really 'Grossweiner'?


This didnt escape me either. No wonder he went to such great lengths to make sure it wouldnt be known he'd have been teased mercilessly. Every domain registration has the registrant hidden. He just missed the part on the trade mark registration, in the end someone has to be a signatory. Anyone with descent investigation and technical skills can find the information.


(in reply to PeonForHer)
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RE: CollarMe has gone - 5/25/2014 7:57:54 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Moderator3
Please remember that you are speaking about human beings with feelings. We want you to be able to speak your mind, but please do not use harassment or personal attacks whether you know who you are speaking about or not or whether they are here or not.

There was no harassment or any personal attack anywhere so far. And yes, people with feelings are involved and ignoring them does not help anyone.

(in reply to Moderator3)
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