Survey ofUnpleasant Routine Unpleasant Chores (Full Version)

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Marc2b -> Survey ofUnpleasant Routine Unpleasant Chores (7/9/2014 3:09:12 AM)

As part of a sociology course I am conducting a survey on routine unpleasant household chores and the reason people dislike them.
If you wish to participate, please list a routine chore you most dislike and, in one sentence, the reason you dislike it so.

For example:

Making the bed. I'll just have to do it all over again tomorrow.

I will be correlating the results and publishing my findings in a day or two.

Thank you,
Marc - "the Professor" - 2b

Marc2b -> RE: Survey of Unpleasant Routine Chores (7/9/2014 4:23:18 AM)

Opps, just correcting my Title, there.

This survey, by the way, is totally serial.

Marc2b, da PHd.

Needmorenow2014 -> RE: Survey of Unpleasant Routine Chores (7/9/2014 6:58:58 AM)

cutting the f***ing grass and pulling the weeds.

Marc2b -> RE: Survey of Unpleasant Routine Chores (7/9/2014 7:42:49 AM)


cutting the f***ing grass and pulling the weeds.

Yes, but why?

InHisHeart -> RE: Survey ofUnpleasant Routine Unpleasant Chores (7/9/2014 7:44:37 AM)

The only chore I really dislike and will do *almost* anything to get out of is cooking. I don't mind doing any other household chores.

Needmorenow2014 -> RE: Survey of Unpleasant Routine Chores (7/9/2014 9:52:14 AM)

cause it is a never ending thing and it is all about the f***in homeowner's assss 'n makin it look "good" for others to see. heck I am inside f***in with the entrl net.

Marc2b -> RE: Survey ofUnpleasant Routine Unpleasant Chores (7/9/2014 11:17:09 AM)


The only chore I really dislike and will do *almost* anything to get out of is cooking.

[sm=banghead.gif] Why?

This super-duper important, totally serial, absolutely 100% scientifical, survey doesn't work unless people also list the reasons why they hate doing that particular chore.

Marc2b -> RE: Survey of Unpleasant Routine Chores (7/9/2014 11:21:50 AM)


cause it is a never ending thing and it is all about the f***in homeowner's assss 'n makin it look "good" for others to see. heck I am inside f***in with the entrl net.

Ah. This is more like it. It is always gratifying when the lab rats . . . er . . . I mean . . . the totally respected volunteers, help me to advance scientific knowledge.



Marc - Step Aside Bill Nye, I'm the New Guy - 2b.

GreedyTop -> RE: Survey of Unpleasant Routine Chores (7/9/2014 11:52:02 AM)

scooping the litter boxes, because 4 cats 5 boxes and, well, LITTER BOXES.

Marc2b -> RE: Survey of Unpleasant Routine Chores (7/9/2014 12:02:25 PM)

Hmmm... I'n not sure "well, LITTER BOXES," really counts as a reason. That sounds more like a statement of frustration. What is is about the "well, litter boxes" that you don't like?

The scientific world thanks you for your assistance in advancing mankind.

InHisHeart -> RE: Survey ofUnpleasant Routine Unpleasant Chores (7/9/2014 2:42:42 PM)




The only chore I really dislike and will do *almost* anything to get out of is cooking.

[sm=banghead.gif] Why?

This super-duper important, totally serial, absolutely 100% scientifical, survey doesn't work unless people also list the reasons why they hate doing that particular chore.

Ok, sorry about that. I find cooking VERY boring and a waste of my time. Depending on the meal, preparations can take hours and it only takes a few minutes to eat it so I wasted a whole afternoon on something that is gone in no time when I could have been doing something better. Luckily he enjoys cooking and does most of it. Making me cook is one of the discipline measures he uses and that's when I'm[sm=banghead.gif]

Marc2b -> RE: Survey ofUnpleasant Routine Unpleasant Chores (7/9/2014 5:51:45 PM)


Ok, sorry about that. I find cooking VERY boring and a waste of my time. Depending on the meal, preparations can take hours and it only takes a few minutes to eat it so I wasted a whole afternoon on something that is gone in no time when I could have been doing something better. Luckily he enjoys cooking and does most of it. Making me cook is one of the discipline measures he uses and that's when I'm[sm=banghead.gif]

Thank you.

I think I'll review things. I have 3.5 responses do far, which can be summarized as:

Marc2b - making the bed - because I'll just have to do it all over again tomorrow.
Needmorenow2014 - cutting the grass and pulling weeds - because it is never ending and it's all about owner's making it look good for others to see.
InHisHeart - cooking - because it's boring and a waste of time.
GreedyTop - scooping the litter boxes - because [still waiting for a more detailed response].

(If anyone disagrees with my summary, please let me know so I can snort derisively.)

Hmmm . . . it's a good start but I am going to need more responses before I proceed with my earth shattering, totally scientific, study.

Marc2 - I'm going to blind you with science - 2b

MysticFireTopaz -> RE: Survey ofUnpleasant Routine Unpleasant Chores (7/9/2014 9:29:09 PM)

Scrubbing the toilet because it is visually unappealing and I dislike the smell of toilet bowl cleaners. Also, you have to be careful taking the brush out of the bowl because you could get something disgusting on you. I thank the Goddess every day for my housekeeper so I don't have to deal with this and other gross chores :)

DOM68005 -> RE: Survey of Unpleasant Routine Chores (7/9/2014 10:21:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: Needmorenow2014
cause it is a never ending thing and it is all about the f***in homeowner's assss 'n makin it look "good" for others to see. heck I am inside f***in with the entrl net.

PlaytoyNeedTeasr -> RE: Survey of Unpleasant Routine Chores (7/9/2014 10:30:58 PM)

licking a cunt.
I don't like the taste. Others may, but I do not.

Marc2b -> RE: Survey ofUnpleasant Routine Unpleasant Chores (7/10/2014 4:51:56 PM)

Okay, I'm up to:

Marc2b - making the bed - because I'll just have to do it all over again tomorrow.
Needmorenow2014 - cutting the grass and pulling weeds - because it is never ending and it's all about owner's making it look good for others to see.
InHisHeart - cooking - because it's boring and a waste of time.
GreedyTop - scooping the litter boxes - because [still waiting for a more detailed response].
MysticFireTopaz - Scrubbing the Toilet - Visually unappealing and dislikes the smell.

Marc2b -> RE: Survey of Unpleasant Routine Chores (7/10/2014 4:54:42 PM)


licking a cunt.

Thank you for participating. Unfortunately I cannot accept this answer as is does not fall under the heading of "routine household chore." I can see how a full time sub might disagree but I'm thinking more along the lines of vacuuming or mowing the lawn - the routine stuff of home most of us have to do.

Marc2b -> RE: Survey ofUnpleasant Routine Unpleasant Chores (7/11/2014 5:31:50 PM)

Okay, I didn't get nearly as many replies as I hoped to (one never does) but I'll make do with what I got. I'll probably analyze my data and publish my results sometime tomorrow. Unless I'm feeling lazy, in which case it probably won't be until Sunday.

I will accept any last minute entries though (Yes, that is a desperate plea disguised as nonchalance).

Marc - What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hut me no more - 2b

Marc2b -> RE: Survey ofUnpleasant Routine Unpleasant Chores (7/14/2014 7:34:54 PM)


Okay, I didn't get the response I wanted but I will live up to my obligation and complete my study.

My results so far are:

Marc2b - making the bed - because I'll just have to do it all over again tomorrow.
Needmorenow2014 - cutting the grass and pulling weeds - because it is never ending and it's all about owner's making it look good for others to see.
InHisHeart - cooking - because it's boring and a waste of time.
GreedyTop - scooping the litter boxes - because 4 cats 5 boxes and, well, litter boxes!
MysticFireTopaz - Scrubbing the Toilet - Visually unappealing and dislikes the smell.

Okay, resent studies have shown that people who hate sex are usually afraid to admit it (societal pressure, ya know) and so channel their loathing into a hatred of household chores. In other words, the reason people say they dislike certain chores is, in fact, why they hate sex. So, from my analysis of the data, I can conclude that the following people hate sex for the following reasons:

Marc2b hates sex because: "I'll just have to do it all over again tomorrow." [I'm 48, two, three times a week and I'm good]

Needmorenow2014 hate sex because: "it is never ending and it's all about owner's making it look good for others to see." [I suggest closing the shades]

InHisHeart hates sex because: "its boring and a waste of time." [It is time to try something other than the missionary position]

GreedyTop hates sex because: "4 cats 5 boxes and, well, litter boxes!" [yeah . . . ok . . . uhm . . . I've no idea what's going on in that house]

MysticFireTopaz hates sex because its "Visually unappealing and dislikes the smell." [I recommend a blindfold and some deodorant]

MysticFireTopaz -> RE: Survey ofUnpleasant Routine Unpleasant Chores (7/14/2014 10:07:12 PM)

Well, my housekeeper now takes care of that distasteful chore for me. She's probably having enough sex for the both of us!

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