The ignorance of liberals (Full Version)

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TheHeretic -> The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 6:44:57 PM)

A while back, I started a thread pointing out the commonplace ignorance of guns among the anti-gun crowd. An article I ran across today takes it quite a bit further, pointing out the widespread ignorance of pretty much anything beyond their own opinions in the media community. I thought It was a good read, with some pretty darn amusing links embedded throughout. Enjoy!

Kirata -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 6:48:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

A while back, I started a thread pointing out the commonplace ignorance of guns among the anti-gun crowd.

A humorous case in point...


DaddySatyr -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 7:03:15 PM)



A humorous case in point...



What undiluted BULLSHIT!!!


Clark Kent

Screen captures still RULE! Ya feel me?

Gauge -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 7:15:44 PM)

The majority of media is ridiculous, biased, more obsessed with being first than accurate, and did I mention biased, ridiculous and obsessed with being first rather than accurate?

The ignorance of liberals and conservatives is fully and wholly equal when it comes to media.

What I find disturbing is that we trust our comedians to report our news with more accuracy than we do any major media outlet.

thishereboi -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 7:25:57 PM)



The majority of media is ridiculous, biased, more obsessed with being first than accurate, and did I mention biased, ridiculous and obsessed with being first rather than accurate?

The ignorance of liberals and conservatives is fully and wholly equal when it comes to media.

What I find disturbing is that we trust our comedians to report our news with more accuracy than we do any major media outlet.


PandoraFoxxx -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 7:29:47 PM)

Banning guns will no more stop gun violence than Prohibition stopped the drunk and disorderly. I'm sure someone somewhere has probably said that exact phrase, but it's still true.

@Guage I agree but I don't really find it disturbing - they're a whole lot more on point than 99% of news anchors; and probably 10x smarter. There's a lot to be said for memorizing tirades vs reading points off a teleprompter. I'm also a fan of the fake news because the majority of the time it allows me to come to my own conclusions about how I feel about this or that - and spurs more research if I need more information. I can see where you're going with that though - we need better sources. More nuetral sources. If wishes were horses I suppose.

Oh wait, most people [who watch real news] don't like to think. My bad.

Marini -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 7:33:46 PM)



The majority of media is ridiculous, biased, more obsessed with being first than accurate, and did I mention biased, ridiculous and obsessed with being first rather than accurate?

The ignorance of liberals and conservatives is fully and wholly equal when it comes to media.

What I find disturbing is that we trust our comedians to report our news with more accuracy than we do any major media outlet.

I have to agree with Gauge on this one.
We really need a strong 3rd and maybe 4th party these days.
Most people on both sides of the aisle are fed up.

I have issues with both political parties, and at the end they are BOTH at the "mercy of/or in bed with" special interest groups/big business/corporations.
We sit here and argue about who is right and who is wrong, and this country is going down into the toilet.

Rich, there are plenty of ignorant conservatives, republicans, democrats and liberals to go around and watch this country go down the tubes.
Plenty on both sides to sit and blame each other, as the ship sinks.

It really is not every generation that can sit back and watch their country decline at such a rapid pace.

GotSteel -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 8:23:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: PandoraFoxxx
Banning guns will no more stop gun violence than Prohibition stopped the drunk and disorderly.

Except that it has. Australia's got less than half the gun deaths it used to plus 0 that's right zero mass shootings in 16 years. They have demonstrably managed to stop a HUGE amount of gun violence.


joether -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 8:40:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi

The majority of media is ridiculous, biased, more obsessed with being first than accurate, and did I mention biased, ridiculous and obsessed with being first rather than accurate?

The ignorance of liberals and conservatives is fully and wholly equal when it comes to media.

What I find disturbing is that we trust our comedians to report our news with more accuracy than we do any major media outlet.



It is a sad commentary on 'Freedom of the Press' these days...

But its not just liberals and conservatives. All those moderates are just as blamable.

TheHeretic -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 8:41:07 PM)

Funny thing there, Mari. I'll stipulate that there aren't a whole lot of conservatives who have quite the lefty background and upbringing that I do, but I'm going to say that as a general rule, a garden variety conservative is going to have a better understanding of liberal thought than your garden variety liberal has of what conservatives believe. Liberalism is the dominant paradigm of the entertainment industry, mainstream media, and academia. It's mighty hard to avoid getting the gist of it.

Marini -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 8:56:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Funny thing there, Mari. I'll stipulate that there aren't a whole lot of conservatives who have quite the lefty background and upbringing that I do, but I'm going to say that as a general rule, a garden variety conservative is going to have a better understanding of liberal thought than your garden variety liberal has of what conservatives believe. Liberalism is the dominant paradigm of the entertainment industry, mainstream media, and academia. It's mighty hard to avoid getting the gist of it.

Well Rich,
I think you have a bit of a point here.
On the other hand how many people, listen at length to ideologies that are different than their own?
Though liberalism is the dominant paradigm these days, there are a fair amount of moderates and there are people who listen to both sides.

I am among those that are liberal/moderates, who do listen to what conservatives/republicans have to say.

Rich, the thing is---- when I tune in to "the other side", I normally don't hear any REAL or viable long term strategies or solutions.
Lately, I hear more blaming, blasting, and condemning coming from the conservatives/republican/those on the right, than anything else.

joether -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 8:56:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic
Funny thing there, Mari. I'll stipulate that there aren't a whole lot of conservatives who have quite the lefty background and upbringing that I do, but I'm going to say that as a general rule, a garden variety conservative is going to have a better understanding of liberal thought than your garden variety liberal has of what conservatives believe. Liberalism is the dominant paradigm of the entertainment industry, mainstream media, and academia. It's mighty hard to avoid getting the gist of it.

I only have to go to the Drudge Report to get the 'latest' on conservative news and thought.

There exist just as many conservative media sources as there are liberal. The problem is, that many of those conservative media sources are not practicing good journalism qualities. FOX News, for example, is KNOWN for lying on many things. Why do you think was created?

Fortunately many of the moderate and liberal sources try to keep integrity when reporting information. When they have screwed up or pushed a political viewpoint past the point of 'the news' and on into 'pushing an agenda'; they get fired...AFTER....apologizing to their viewership. In the likes of FOX News, its expected to push the GOP/TP agenda whenever and wherever possible.

An example? Back in 2009, the newly made President, Mr. Obama was at the viewing stand watching all the numerous bands, floats and people walking by. Every station that carried the news (ABC, MSNBC, CNN, NECN, etc.) all carried coverage of it. FOX News? Not even a word about it the entire time. In fact, they were pushing some other set of crazy and lunatic theories. The signing of the Affordable Care Act into law? All the stations were carrying coverage of that historic moment....EXCEPT....FOX News. What were they doing? They had Mrs. Palin on explaining that this law would allow even MORE Death Panels onto unsuspecting Americans.

Before you go dishing on the liberal media, make sure the conservative media is performing better journalism. The origin of 'Liberal' is Liberalis in Latin. That word means 'of freedom, being free'. So your against 'Free Media'. Instead, you listen and accept controlled media sources; so they do your thinking for you, so your brain doesn't have to hurt so much....

Gauge -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 9:13:47 PM)

The other serious problem is that we have about 6 major corporations that own 90% of the media outlets.

The graphic on this site has the breakdown with a few errors since it was created as far as companies that have since been sold etc. but as far as I can tell the majority of the information is accurate.

My caveat: I cannot vouch for the entirety of the information, if I am wrong, please prove it to me and I will accept and admit that I was wrong to post this.

njlauren -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 9:40:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: PandoraFoxxx

Banning guns will no more stop gun violence than Prohibition stopped the drunk and disorderly. I'm sure someone somewhere has probably said that exact phrase, but it's still true.

@Guage I agree but I don't really find it disturbing - they're a whole lot more on point than 99% of news anchors; and probably 10x smarter. There's a lot to be said for memorizing tirades vs reading points off a teleprompter. I'm also a fan of the fake news because the majority of the time it allows me to come to my own conclusions about how I feel about this or that - and spurs more research if I need more information. I can see where you're going with that though - we need better sources. More nuetral sources. If wishes were horses I suppose.

Oh wait, most people [who watch real news] don't like to think. My bad.

Actually, Prohibition provides a direct analogy to guns and what probably should be done about them. Prohibition, like arguments about guns, came about for very real reasons, abuse of alcohol was a major societal problem (I am leaving the religious wackjobs out of this one, with the demon rum crapola). Before Prohibition, alcohol was almost unregulated, not unlike guns in many places, and the consequences were many. Bars and Saloons could be open any time they wanted in most places, and the number of bars and saloons was not regulated either, and more importantly, bar owners could serve someone booze until they couldn't pay any more or became unconscious. Prohibition in large part gained traction because of the scope of the problem, and it was quite real.

With guns, there is a direct analogy, the loose gun laws in many states have led to tragedy,whether it was the crazy Korean kid in Virginia, or the 70% of guns pulled off the streets of NYC that were bought, legally, in a couple of states with notoriously lax laws. In Georgia you can basically walk into a gun store and fill up your trunk, friends of mine in our corporate office who are gun owners told me basically that it wasn't all that much different than buying a hammer at home depot or an electric drill.

With both guns and prohibition, outright bans are disaster areas, besides with guns the constitutional question, the other problem is there are legitimate reasons to own them, and people IMO have that right.

With alcohol, what Prohibition ended up forcing is what should have happened in the first place, and that was regulating it. Everything from alcohol content, to establishments having liquor licenses that both forced those with the license to police their selling of alcohol (cutting people off who were too drunk), setting hours of operation, and also limiting how many establishments there could be and how close they could be to each other and so forth, and it worked, that regulation helped cut down what had been an epidemic.

The same model IMO should be applied to guns. I think that people have the right to own guns, but there is also a strong case for regulation. You buy a gun and try selling it in the black market and it gets traced back to you, you are dead meat, and none of this "oh, I lost it" or "Oh, it was stolen bullshit"...if you didn't report it missing or stolen, then you are assumed to be liable. Joe Billy Bob fills up his trunk in Georgia then goes up to a city and sells the guns in the black market will think twice, because he won't be able to say Sheeet, I musta lost it or it done got stolen", not going to fly. We have more accountability in many cases with cars then we do guns, cars have to be registered in all 50 states, as do boats on navigable waterways, but in many states you don't need to register them at all. What regulation does is demand responsibility, and the position of the nutjobs at the NRA that guns should be without burdens is ludicrous, to say the least, when we require that kind of accountability with cars and boats. And before some loon cites how many people die in cars each year compared to gun violence, don't, because it is a bullshit argument. If you look at how many cars are out there and how many miles cars are driven in this country each year, the auto fatality and injury rate on a usage basis is a fraction of what guns inflict in a given year if you measure usage versus injuries and deaths.

Prohibition failed to clear up the problems it was enacted for, the regulations that followed prohibition that didn't exist before it, did, and it is very much the same way with guns. As far as the redneck kooks who think they are amassing their arsenal to fight the government and therefore need to be able to buy guns and ammos without any kind of restraint, I think we would be better served giving Wayne La Pierre and the rest solid doses of lithium and seroquel, they need it.

DomKen -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 9:43:53 PM)

Funny thing about uninformed cons, I wasn't going to bring this up but since Rich wants me to.
Cuba may have used gullible conservative media to try and influence a US election.

njlauren -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 9:55:12 PM)



The other serious problem is that we have about 6 major corporations that own 90% of the media outlets.

The graphic on this site has the breakdown with a few errors since it was created as far as companies that have since been sold etc. but as far as I can tell the majority of the information is accurate.

My caveat: I cannot vouch for the entirety of the information, if I am wrong, please prove it to me and I will accept and admit that I was wrong to post this.

That information is accurate, when you look at tv stations, radio stations, newspapers and other media, they are mostly owned by media giants like clear Channel, Viacom and the like. I often find it ironic when they talk about 'the liberal media', when it is owned by huge corporations who aren't exactly known to be bleeding heart liberals. Compared to right wing talk radio or the Fox News/Rupert Murdoch media conglomerates, they may appear liberal but someone needs to explain to me how the media can be all that liberal when the corporations who own them aren't.......

In reality, the media sucks because it has gone from being about news to being something called infotainment, where the primary information is not news, but 'factoids'. Fox News is the worst of the lot, they don't even pretend to be news, it is telling that Fox News is done on about a level of a 5th grade education (like its sister media outlet, the NY Post,about the same level), and is done simply to fire up the idiot set that uses it as their only source of news......but they aren't alone, the last time I watched CNN I wanted to upchuck, and the so called news on the networks is a joke. Despite what the douchebags in the GOP say (in part because it deals with facts, not opinion), NPR news is real news, their business reporting is on a par with the Wall Street Journal (whose news reporting is decent, but whose editorial page is from wack job central), likewise BBC news is the real deal, maybe because both are not commercial. Newspapers used to be about news, but the great ones, the Times, the Washington Post, have all fallen into the toilet, where some are a bit less covered in shit and slime then the others, and newsmagazines, well, let's just say they aren't worth the paper they are printed on.

Unfortunately, the news is a reflection of we the people, we live in a country where something like 42% of the population believes that the Bible is the ultimate source of knowledge and the earth is 10,000 years old, or where some ridiculous percent of the population when asked about current events can't even give a basic summary of the events accurately. The media has dumbed down, but it is what sells, and it is pretty pathetic when absolute shit like Fox News, that has been proven wrong a good portion of the time, can draw so many viewers (and there have been several major studies done, where they ask people whose primary source of news is Fox News, about recent news stories and events, and people who watch Fox News as their primary news source were less accurate about events or in even knowing about them then people who said they didn't bother to watch the news or read the papers or news sites regularly.....

njlauren -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 9:57:19 PM)



Funny thing about uninformed cons, I wasn't going to bring this up but since Rich wants me to.
Cuba may have used gullible conservative media to try and influence a US election.

Ah, Bob Menendez, a true Hudson county politician to say the least......Cuban agents behind smear attacks on him, that one is my chuckle of the day (note, as corrupt as Mendendez is, compared to the weenies the GOP has been putting up for the senate, all tea party morons and/or Ayn Rand acolytes, I'll take the crook any day)

Sanity -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 10:02:31 PM)

Who on FOX News lies, joe. FOX News isn't one person, there are many people and shows that make up FOX News - and they can't all be nearly as lowly as the crew at MSNBC

And while all the far left channels were idolizing, revering, worshiping and licking the feet of "The One" perhaps its good if one network remained grounded and didn't spew DNC propaganda 24/7. Many leftists (even here on collarchat) are only now beginning to realize that many of the pundits on FOX have been correct all along, and that our little big-eared community organizer is nowhere near presidential material and he is far from ready for his prime time gig

As to the article TheHeretic linked to, the following paragraph made me laugh out loud:


Or take the Los Angeles Times‘ David Savage, who argued just last week that the Supreme Court’s decisions under Chief Justice John Roberts “rely on well-established rights, such as freedom of speech and free exercise of religion, but extend those rights for the first time to corporations, wealthy donors and conservatives.” Perhaps it’s just poorly written. Surely a man who has been responsible for informing Californians about the Supreme Court since 1986 doesn’t actually believe that conservatives, corporations or wealthy donors were not covered by the Bill of Rights until John Roberts came along. As James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal notes, “that is as ignorant as it is tendentious.”

TheHeretic -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 10:02:34 PM)

What is this "Drudge," Joether? It certainly isn't something that comes up in any of the newsfeeds I check in with.

Sanity -> RE: The ignorance of liberals (7/9/2014 10:05:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: njlauren
I'll take the crook any day)

Don't tell me, let me guess - you're an Obama /Reid / Pelosi person

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