RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (Full Version)

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vincentML -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/21/2014 7:56:57 PM)


That's right tweaky, it's all Israel's fault and the us for standing behind them. Never mind that the Palestinians strap bombs to their kids or let terrorists hide out near schools and other places kids might be as if they are hoping one of them will be killed in a strike so they can wail about it and use it for an excuse for even more violence.

@@@ thishereboi
Beyond ridiculous. Gaza has the most dense population of nearly any area in the world. The population is packed in. How do you expect Hamas to separate themselves from the population while Israel is blasting their cities with bombs and rockets?

thishereboi -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/21/2014 7:58:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Politesub53




ORIGINAL: thishereboi

Well I suppose if they could plant bombs in the trade center towers while it was being built in order to create the illusion of planes flying into them years and years in the future anything is possible. [8D]

As our borders are being overrun some of these undocumented Democrats from Honduras and Guatemala are dropping Muslim prayer rugs and Korans etc

Your stupidity knows no bounds Sanity, Bois sick statement isnt much better either, with or without the smiley icon.

I was pointing out the absurdity of his statement but I am not a bit surprised you missed the point.

thishereboi -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/21/2014 8:04:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

Perhaps BamaD or boi, if either or both of them can tear themselves away from parroting Israeli propaganda, can explain this video of Israeli troops using 2 Palestinian youths as human shields: ;

Or this case of 2 IDF soldiers being convicted by an Israeli court of using an 11 year old Palestinian child as a human shield :

For all their bellyaching about Palestinians using human shields, the evidence suggests that Israelis are at least just as bad, and that IDF members use Palestinian youths as human shields regularly if not systematically. As is so often the case, the Israelis themselves are guilty of precisely the crimes they accuse their opponents of committing.

And this is supposed to excuse the terrorists from hiding behind kids and strapping bombs to them. Interesting logic.

BamaD -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/21/2014 8:05:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

I am having an adult conversation with someone who is definitely non-military background and whos opening salvo is:


Yea cause you never know when someone will run over and shoot him in the ass.

So, given the fact that I am dealing with an untutored soul here, cuz I wouldn't think you were being a hit and run sound could seem I am talking down to you. But you got some growing up to do as well.

The guys in the back are not engagement alert, and are more or less milling around in a safe area, the guy with the gun and the kid is on point, the kid could be sent back to the rear guard. He is a shield.

You don't need a military background to see the angle you would have to be at to shoot at the soldier and hit the kid. Now perhaps if you had the need of a shield you would hold it below your ass but most people hold them up in front of them. And since there was no story included all anyone can do based on the pics is guess.

Without context the picture is meaningless.
This kind of "journalism" gives bigots cover for being anti-Semitic.

thishereboi -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/21/2014 8:07:20 PM)




ORIGINAL: thishereboi


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

I am having an adult conversation with someone who is definitely non-military background and whos opening salvo is:


Yea cause you never know when someone will run over and shoot him in the ass.

So, given the fact that I am dealing with an untutored soul here, cuz I wouldn't think you were being a hit and run sound could seem I am talking down to you. But you got some growing up to do as well.

The guys in the back are not engagement alert, and are more or less milling around in a safe area, the guy with the gun and the kid is on point, the kid could be sent back to the rear guard. He is a shield.

You don't need a military background to see the angle you would have to be at to shoot at the soldier and hit the kid. Now perhaps if you had the need of a shield you would hold it below your ass but most people hold them up in front of them. And since there was no story included all anyone can do based on the pics is guess.

Without context the picture is meaningless.
This kind of "journalism" gives bigots cover for being anti-Semitic.

This is true.

DomKen -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/21/2014 8:52:59 PM)




That's right tweaky, it's all Israel's fault and the us for standing behind them. Never mind that the Palestinians strap bombs to their kids or let terrorists hide out near schools and other places kids might be as if they are hoping one of them will be killed in a strike so they can wail about it and use it for an excuse for even more violence.

@@@ thishereboi
Beyond ridiculous. Gaza has the most dense population of nearly any area in the world. The population is packed in. How do you expect Hamas to separate themselves from the population while Israel is blasting their cities with bombs and rockets?

That's nonsense.

You can look at maps and satellite images for yourself and see that there is plenty of empty space if Hamas wanted to separate itself.

For instance just north of Gaza city near the border with Israel is one of the abandoned former Jewish settlements. All the buildings are destroyed and it is clearly uninhabited, look just NE of Beit Lahiya.  Of course without their human shields to protect them Hamas would last about 5 minutes but that is a different matter.

Sanity -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 5:43:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi

Well if your concern is they are democrats perhaps you shouldn't tell them you don't want them and they won't think you're an asshole. As to the rugs and Korans, we have a lot of Muslims here. No big deal. I live near Dearborn and while you may find it hard to believe, they are people just everyone else and have just as much right to be here as anyone else. If the kids are allowed to stay they also will have just as much right to be here no matter which god they look to.

Your own little slice of heaven, Detroit... [:D]

You enjoy that. And if you don't see the issue with prayer rugs and korans being left behind by Obama's illegals along the border then I don't have the patience to try to bring you up to speed

I would apologize for that if I could do so with any sincerity at all

BamaD -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 5:59:00 AM)




That's right tweaky, it's all Israel's fault and the us for standing behind them. Never mind that the Palestinians strap bombs to their kids or let terrorists hide out near schools and other places kids might be as if they are hoping one of them will be killed in a strike so they can wail about it and use it for an excuse for even more violence.

@@@ thishereboi
Beyond ridiculous. Gaza has the most dense population of nearly any area in the world. The population is packed in. How do you expect Hamas to separate themselves from the population while Israel is blasting their cities with bombs and rockets?

So tell me how are the Israelis supposed to fight back and prevent civilian casualties?

Sanity -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 6:26:44 AM)



So tell me how are the Israelis supposed to fight back and prevent civilian casualties?

Like any reasonable non-Muslims, theyre supposed to die

Take the case of the Christians fleeing northern Iraq where they have lived in for almost 2,000 years

Convert or die

BamaD -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 6:42:39 AM)





So tell me how are the Israelis supposed to fight back and prevent civilian casualties?

Like any reasonable non-Muslims, theyre supposed to die

Take the case of the Christians fleeing northern Iraq where they have lived in for almost 2,000 years

Convert or die


DesideriScuri -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 8:43:39 AM)




That's right tweaky, it's all Israel's fault and the us for standing behind them. Never mind that the Palestinians strap bombs to their kids or let terrorists hide out near schools and other places kids might be as if they are hoping one of them will be killed in a strike so they can wail about it and use it for an excuse for even more violence.

@@@ thishereboi
Beyond ridiculous. Gaza has the most dense population of nearly any area in the world. The population is packed in. How do you expect Hamas to separate themselves from the population while Israel is blasting their cities with bombs and rockets?

So tell me how are the Israelis supposed to fight back and prevent civilian casualties?

Yell "STOP IT!" or use marshmallows.

No, the kids might choke on a marshmallow.

Maybe shake their fists menacingly at Hamas while shouting "Stop it?"

mnottertail -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 8:51:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

I am having an adult conversation with someone who is definitely non-military background and whos opening salvo is:


Yea cause you never know when someone will run over and shoot him in the ass.

So, given the fact that I am dealing with an untutored soul here, cuz I wouldn't think you were being a hit and run sound could seem I am talking down to you. But you got some growing up to do as well.

The guys in the back are not engagement alert, and are more or less milling around in a safe area, the guy with the gun and the kid is on point, the kid could be sent back to the rear guard. He is a shield.

You don't need a military background to see the angle you would have to be at to shoot at the soldier and hit the kid. Now perhaps if you had the need of a shield you would hold it below your ass but most people hold them up in front of them. And since there was no story included all anyone can do based on the pics is guess.

Wouldnt be too hard, a cameraman is right there. You will note it is the same kid and different soldiers holding him in place. (No non-insane person wants to spend their entire life on point.) No, there is no way you are gonna hold him straight in front of you, because you lose a hand grip on the gun, and he drops down if hit, and you are wearing no clothes.

There aint all that much guessing here. If he is keeping him safe, perhaps you want to guess why he is blindfolded for funsies, armchair general?

vincentML -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 8:54:54 AM)






That's right tweaky, it's all Israel's fault and the us for standing behind them. Never mind that the Palestinians strap bombs to their kids or let terrorists hide out near schools and other places kids might be as if they are hoping one of them will be killed in a strike so they can wail about it and use it for an excuse for even more violence.

@@@ thishereboi
Beyond ridiculous. Gaza has the most dense population of nearly any area in the world. The population is packed in. How do you expect Hamas to separate themselves from the population while Israel is blasting their cities with bombs and rockets?

So tell me how are the Israelis supposed to fight back and prevent civilian casualties?

Fight back??? When the three boys were kidnapped one made a 911 call. His parents verified his voice the following day. There came the sound of an Arab accented Hebrew voice yelling at the boys to keep their heads down. Then the sound of three muffled gun shots. By the following day the Israeli govt knew these boys (who had been hitch-hiking in Palestinian territory) were probably dead. Nevertheless the IDF wantonly invaded Palestinian homes in the WB and arrested Hamas members. The orthodox community preached shrilly for payback. So, what was originally a crime scene became a war. What a fiasco! Bebe lied and hundreds died. [:'(]

tweakabelle -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 11:01:15 AM)






That's right tweaky, it's all Israel's fault and the us for standing behind them. Never mind that the Palestinians strap bombs to their kids or let terrorists hide out near schools and other places kids might be as if they are hoping one of them will be killed in a strike so they can wail about it and use it for an excuse for even more violence.

@@@ thishereboi
Beyond ridiculous. Gaza has the most dense population of nearly any area in the world. The population is packed in. How do you expect Hamas to separate themselves from the population while Israel is blasting their cities with bombs and rockets?

So tell me how are the Israelis supposed to fight back and prevent civilian casualties?

The Israelis are the biggest cause of cause of civilian casualties. S if they want to stop civilian casualties the answer is simple - stop causing them.

subrob1967 -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 11:04:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri




That's right tweaky, it's all Israel's fault and the us for standing behind them. Never mind that the Palestinians strap bombs to their kids or let terrorists hide out near schools and other places kids might be as if they are hoping one of them will be killed in a strike so they can wail about it and use it for an excuse for even more violence.

@@@ thishereboi
Beyond ridiculous. Gaza has the most dense population of nearly any area in the world. The population is packed in. How do you expect Hamas to separate themselves from the population while Israel is blasting their cities with bombs and rockets?

So tell me how are the Israelis supposed to fight back and prevent civilian casualties?

Yell "STOP IT!" or use marshmallows.

No, the kids might choke on a marshmallow.

Maybe shake their fists menacingly at Hamas while shouting "Stop it?"

Israel should just draw a red line in the sand... It worked in Syria[:-]

DesideriScuri -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 11:37:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: subrob1967
Israel should just draw a red line in the sand... It worked in Syria[:-]



ORIGINAL: tweakabelle



That's right tweaky, it's all Israel's fault and the us for standing behind them. Never mind that the Palestinians strap bombs to their kids or let terrorists hide out near schools and other places kids might be as if they are hoping one of them will be killed in a strike so they can wail about it and use it for an excuse for even more violence.

@@@ thishereboi
Beyond ridiculous. Gaza has the most dense population of nearly any area in the world. The population is packed in. How do you expect Hamas to separate themselves from the population while Israel is blasting their cities with bombs and rockets?

So tell me how are the Israelis supposed to fight back and prevent civilian casualties?

The Israelis are the biggest cause of cause of civilian casualties. S if they want to stop civilian casualties the answer is simple - stop causing them.

I wonder why no one had thought of that. [8|]

In your opinion, does Israel have the right to protect it's borders and citizens within those borders? Would Israel have invaded Gaza this time if not for the rocket attacks and the kidnapping of those kids? Does Israel have any right to fire back at Hamas?

If Israel stops the attack and ignores the next round of rockets from Hamas, is Hamas going to stop?

If Hamas stops firing rockets into Israel, would Israel invade?

DomKen -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 11:41:18 AM)








That's right tweaky, it's all Israel's fault and the us for standing behind them. Never mind that the Palestinians strap bombs to their kids or let terrorists hide out near schools and other places kids might be as if they are hoping one of them will be killed in a strike so they can wail about it and use it for an excuse for even more violence.

@@@ thishereboi
Beyond ridiculous. Gaza has the most dense population of nearly any area in the world. The population is packed in. How do you expect Hamas to separate themselves from the population while Israel is blasting their cities with bombs and rockets?

So tell me how are the Israelis supposed to fight back and prevent civilian casualties?

Fight back??? When the three boys were kidnapped one made a 911 call. His parents verified his voice the following day. There came the sound of an Arab accented Hebrew voice yelling at the boys to keep their heads down. Then the sound of three muffled gun shots. By the following day the Israeli govt knew these boys (who had been hitch-hiking in Palestinian territory) were probably dead. Nevertheless the IDF wantonly invaded Palestinian homes in the WB and arrested Hamas members. The orthodox community preached shrilly for payback. So, what was originally a crime scene became a war. What a fiasco! Bebe lied and hundreds died. [:'(]

So after the next time Hamas kidnaps and murders 3 teenagers? What then? Or the next time? Or the next? Precisely how many murders have to be tolerated before Israelis are allowed to respond?

DesideriScuri -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 1:32:22 PM)


So after the next time Hamas kidnaps and murdersĀ 3 teenagers? What then? Or the next time? Or the next? Precisely how many murders have to be tolerated before Israelis are allowed to respond?

For some, that would be answered by the answer to the question: How many Israelis are there? And, that is just sad.

PeonForHer -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 1:56:22 PM)


Whew. Now that we've worked out who's wrong and who's right, the fighting will stop and will never start again. Sorted! [:)]

mnottertail -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/22/2014 1:59:21 PM)

Well, on to Agincourt, then.

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