RE: True or False (Full Version)

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FieryOpal -> RE: True or False (10/25/2014 8:39:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: MysticFireTopaz

T or F? I detest raw onions and will not eat anything containing them

Ugh, please don't be true. Raw onions (and garlic) are so good for your health in their most natural form! I'll say true, that you'll eat them only when cooked.
My best girlfriend for over 12 years hated onions, and her son (my son's playmate) whom I had often watched for her wouldn't eat them either. Plus all the other stuff I love to put in my cooking (garlic, bell peppers, mushrooms), so whenever I made a dish to bring over, I had to cook up separate batches and leave out these ingredients. Yep, they just wanted spaghetti sauce with meat and tomato chunks. [sm=ugh.gif]

True or False? I've been to at least one country on each continent except Antarctica, including changing planes within the airport only.

MysticFireTopaz -> RE: True or False (10/26/2014 11:07:01 AM)


"T or F? I detest raw onions and will not eat anything containing them". True. Interestingly, I don't mind cooked onions at all and even like fried onion rings.

T or F: When I was 13, I was on a health food kick and would drink a concoction of dessicated liver mixed in tomato juice. I had to hold my nose to drink it.

MysticFireTopaz -> RE: True or False (10/26/2014 11:22:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: xgender


ORIGINAL: MysticFireTopaz


"T of F: I have been hypnotized on many occasions." Correct, true, though never in a BDSM context. I have, however, hypnotized several subs.

T or F? I detest raw onions and will not eat anything containing them

I have never worked on the space shuttle so it is FALSE (I did go to school to work on the shuttle, but only because a part of my job required that type of skill...)

I like subbing (I'm happy as long as someone is and am curious about hypnosis - why hypnotize?

True or False - I had my lower jaw broken and reset at 18 yo to alleviate a condition known as "anterior open bite".


Why hypnotize? I love exploring the frontiers of the mind, and directing someone's hypnotic journey.

FieryOpal -> RE: True or False (10/29/2014 4:20:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: MysticFireTopaz

T or F: When I was 13, I was on a health food kick and would drink a concoction of dessicated liver mixed in tomato juice. I had to hold my nose to drink it.

False, just 3 continents. I wish I were able to say that I had, though.

False? I can't imagine a teenager drinking liver of her own volition. That sounds like punishment to me! If you did, were you trying to boost your iron intake?

T or F? I was taught Kundalini yoga by a Sikh lady mystic.

[Edited out oversight]

MysticFireTopaz -> RE: True or False (10/29/2014 8:31:19 PM)


"T or F: When I was 13, I was on a health food kick and would drink a concoction of dessicated liver mixed in tomato juice. I had to hold my nose to drink it." This is true. I was trying to build myself into a Superwoman through a health regime by the nutritionist Adele Davis. I also drank brewer's yeast in warm water and blackstrap molasses in milk. Needless to say, I did not stick with this regime for long.

T or F: I make my bed every day.

FieryOpal -> RE: True or False (10/30/2014 1:57:14 AM)

True, and she was also my boss, the executive director of the holistic health institute where I worked.

About that brewer's yeast. It was recommended to my husband (by his nutritionist?), but the supplements gave him gas so he stopped taking it! I insisted he continue, but he didn't want to be embarrassed at work in front of his plant crew where he was General Manager. (So much for the D/s part of that...)

I think you're the type of person who would make her bed daily, but I'll say false just for the heck of it. [8D]

True or False? My son the author recently received his first 2 royalty checks from Amazon.

MrRodgers -> RE: True or False (10/30/2014 3:02:23 PM)

I was supposed to go to Julliard. T or F ?

MysticFireTopaz -> RE: True or False (10/30/2014 10:10:02 PM)



I was supposed to go to Julliard. T or F ?


MysticFireTopaz -> RE: True or False (10/30/2014 10:15:15 PM)



True, and she was also my boss, the executive director of the holistic health institute where I worked.

About that brewer's yeast. It was recommended to my husband (by his nutritionist?), but the supplements gave him gas so he stopped taking it! I insisted he continue, but he didn't want to be embarrassed at work in front of his plant crew where he was General Manager. (So much for the D/s part of that...)

I think you're the type of person who would make her bed daily, but I'll say false just for the heck of it. [8D]

True or False? My son the author recently received his first 2 royalty checks from Amazon.


Yes, it is false that I make my bed every day. It gets made twice a week when the housekeeper comes, LOL. And I make it myself if I am expecting company.

T or F? A former sub and I wrote a book together, but it never got published because we broke up right after it was completed. We had no desire to continue collaborating, and neither one wanted to pursue the project independently.

FieryOpal -> RE: True or False (10/30/2014 10:38:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: MysticFireTopaz


Yes, it is false that I make my bed every day. It gets made twice a week when the housekeeper comes, LOL. And I make it myself if I am expecting company.

T or F? A former sub and I wrote a book together, but it never got published because we broke up right after it was completed. We had no desire to continue collaborating, and neither one wanted to pursue the project independently.

True! One was for softcover sales of his action-adventure/suspense novel, and the other was for Kindle and computer downloads.

True, and if true, no writing goes to waste. Let the inspiration from your old project be the springboard for embarking on a fresh, new project. [:)]

True or False? I am an ENFJ Meyers-Briggs personality type.


MrRodgers -> RE: True or False (10/31/2014 12:53:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: MysticFireTopaz



I was supposed to go to Julliard. T or F ?


Yep, teacher had 5 students graduate Julliard. (all are in the 1st sect. of the St,Louis symphony now) Was a graduate himself and could have put me in a 2 year scholarship at a small local univ. (he was on the musical scholarship comm.) to drill in my prep. Once you's a 'beauty' contest against just the other applicants.

T or F ?

I was an amateur radio operator at the the age of 12 after passing an FCC radio theory test of some 125 questions out of 250 possible, and successfully copied Morse code at 8 words a minute. Then came in 1st for Michigan in the ARRL CQ 6 meter contest.

(then thanx to dad, was on all 5 possible modes of amateur broadcast, Phone/voice, CW/continuous wave, i.e., Morse code, RTTY/radio teletype, SSB/single side band and finally... amateur television)

FieryOpal -> RE: True or False (10/31/2014 6:46:18 AM)



Yep, teacher had 5 students graduate Julliard. (all are in the 1st sect. of the St,Louis symphony now) Was a graduate himself and could have put me in a 2 year scholarship at a small local univ. (he was on the musical scholarship comm.) to drill in my prep. Once you's a 'beauty' contest against just the other applicants.

T or F ?

I was an amateur radio operator at the the age of 12 after passing an FCC radio theory test of some 125 questions out of 250 possible, and successfully copied Morse code at 8 words a minute. Then came in 1st for Michigan in the ARRL CQ 6 meter contest.

(then thanx to dad, was on all 5 possible modes of amateur broadcast, Phone/voice, CW/continuous wave, i.e., Morse code, RTTY/radio teletype, SSB/single side band and finally... amateur television)

Wondering whether you would make up detailed info...I'll say true, due to your specificity.

I had a future daughter-in-law who studied ballet and was admitted into Juilliard's School of Dance (Performing Arts). But, as fate would have it, becoming my DIL wasn't meant to be. [:(]

I'll pose this again: True or False? I am an ENFJ Meyers-Briggs personality type, ENFJ=Extrovert Intuition Feeling Judgment.

MysticFireTopaz -> RE: True or False (10/31/2014 8:26:52 PM)


Correct, it is true that a former sub and I wrote a book together, but it never got published because we broke up right after it was completed. That was about ten years ago. I haven't had the writing bug since.

T or F? My Myers-Brigg type is INTJ. (Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judgment)

MysticFireTopaz -> RE: True or False (10/31/2014 8:30:32 PM)


MysticFireTopaz -> RE: True or False (10/31/2014 8:33:41 PM)

deleted...double posted by accident

FieryOpal -> RE: True or False (10/31/2014 9:15:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: MysticFireTopaz


Correct, it is true that a former sub and I wrote a book together, but it never got published because we broke up right after it was completed. That was about ten years ago. I haven't had the writing bug since.

T or F? My Myers-Brigg type is INTJ. (Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judgment)

You should brush that sucker off and update it or do a revision. Just saying.

False, I come out as ENFP, but I feel more like an Introvert.

True that you are an INTJ. Coincidentally, most of my male buddies are INTJs, as was my last sub. One is an ENTJ, another an INFP, those oddballs. :@

[Edited for brain malfunction. Can't think of a Q right now to pose.]

MrRodgers -> RE: True or False (10/31/2014 9:21:38 PM)





Yep, teacher had 5 students graduate Julliard. (all are in the 1st sect. of the St,Louis symphony now) Was a graduate himself and could have put me in a 2 year scholarship at a small local univ. (he was on the musical scholarship comm.) to drill in my prep. Once you's a 'beauty' contest against just the other applicants.

T or F ?

I was an amateur radio operator at the the age of 12 after passing an FCC radio theory test of some 125 questions out of 250 possible, and successfully copied Morse code at 8 words a minute. Then came in 1st for Michigan in the ARRL CQ 6 meter contest.

(then thanx to dad, was on all 5 possible modes of amateur broadcast, Phone/voice, CW/continuous wave, i.e., Morse code, RTTY/radio teletype, SSB/single side band and finally... amateur television)

Wondering whether you would make up detailed info...I'll say true, due to your specificity.

I had a future daughter-in-law who studied ballet and was admitted into Juilliard's School of Dance (Performing Arts). But, as fate would have it, becoming my DIL wasn't meant to be. [:(]

I'll pose this again: True or False? I am an ENFJ Meyers-Briggs personality type, ENFJ=Extrovert Intuition Feeling Judgment.

I'll say true about your personality type and ask if you kept in touch...did she make a career out of ballet ? (my folks moved when I had just turned there went any hope of Julliard)

FieryOpal -> RE: True or False (10/31/2014 9:31:54 PM)



...if you kept in touch...did she make a career out of ballet ?

No, she was killed in an auto accident at 19, which devastated my son when he heard the news.

She kinda had a stage mother, so I don't believe she would have gone pro, but thanks for asking.

ETA: Too bad things didn't work out for you with that. You must have been destined for other things. [sm=cool.gif]

MysticFireTopaz -> RE: True or False (11/1/2014 3:37:17 PM)




ORIGINAL: MysticFireTopaz


Correct, it is true that a former sub and I wrote a book together, but it never got published because we broke up right after it was completed. That was about ten years ago. I haven't had the writing bug since.

T or F? My Myers-Brigg type is INTJ. (Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judgment)

You should brush that sucker off and update it or do a revision. Just saying.

False, I come out as ENFP, but I feel more like an Introvert.

True that you are an INTJ. Coincidentally, most of my male buddies are INTJs, as was my last sub. One is an ENTJ, another an INFP, those oddballs. :@

[Edited for brain malfunction. Can't think of a Q right now to pose.]

True, I am an INTJ, though many are surprised that I am "introverted." While we're supposed to be around 2% of the population, there seem to be a lot of us in the scene.

I have a strong feeling that I will write another book, though it's not in my short-term plans. The one I wrote with ex-sub will never see the light of day. The manuscript was lost in a hard-drive crash two computers ago, and the backup materials seem to have been thrown out during the remoding that took place when I was in the hospital. However, a few years after we wrote that book, another one came out that was uncannily similar (though the author put her own slant on things). The world received the knowledge I was planning to impart anyway, and the marketplace really doesn't need a book that similar to one that's already available.

T or F: The author of that book turned out to be a good friend of a friend. I met and had lunch with her when she visited Dallas, and she spoke at my Femdom group.

FieryOpal -> RE: True or False (11/2/2014 3:23:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: MysticFireTopaz

True, I am an INTJ, though many are surprised that I am "introverted." While we're supposed to be around 2% of the population, there seem to be a lot of us in the scene.

I have a strong feeling that I will write another book, though it's not in my short-term plans. The one I wrote with ex-sub will never see the light of day. The manuscript was lost in a hard-drive crash two computers ago, and the backup materials seem to have been thrown out during the remoding that took place when I was in the hospital. However, a few years after we wrote that book, another one came out that was uncannily similar (though the author put her own slant on things). The world received the knowledge I was planning to impart anyway, and the marketplace really doesn't need a book that similar to one that's already available.

T or F: The author of that book turned out to be a good friend of a friend. I met and had lunch with her when she visited Dallas, and she spoke at my Femdom group.

You're probably borderline I/E like I am, and also between P/J with me. I see it as the ability to toggle back and forth fluidly. Btw, besides being rare, most INTJs are male; being a female INTJ is ultra-rare.
The same with me, that people assume I am an extrovert, that it's okay to call me at all hours of the day or late at night, that they can drop in unannounced and that I would welcome having some "company." [8|]
These are high crimes in an introvert's world.
(Even my older son gets read the riot act when he calls at 11pm to chitchat on a school night when I have a hard enough time getting his brother to go to bed before midnight.)

I so want to say true, about your author friend of a good friend. I'm thinking that you met the author in Dallas and may have had lunch with her. A part of me wants to say false, though.

True or False? I collaborated on a screenplay with a man I ended up falling in love with, and it won Bronze (3rd) Prize in the Albuquerque, NM film festival.

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