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is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a coposcopy?

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is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a coposcopy? - 9/15/2014 6:54:12 PM   

Posts: 1427
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I think it's my vagina, becacuse it hurts when i sit or put pressure on that region and it hurts when i pee oh n it hurts if i bear down or flex, but i dunno for sure. I never had pain like this the last one, but i did feel violated and emotionally icky for the day. I think I'd rather have that than this pain.

< Message edited by LittleGirlHeart -- 9/15/2014 8:23:27 PM >


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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/15/2014 7:16:03 PM   

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What is a coposcopy? Do you mean colonoscopy? I googled "coposcopy" and nothing came up.

< Message edited by searching4mysir -- 9/15/2014 7:17:05 PM >


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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/15/2014 7:19:51 PM   

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ORIGINAL: searching4mysir

What is a coposcopy? Do you mean colonoscopy? I googled "coposcopy" and nothing came up.

It's a colposcopy she is referring to.


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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/15/2014 8:25:08 PM   

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Yes, that's where they open the cervix and take tissue samples from th uterus and cervix


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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/16/2014 9:10:37 AM   

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Apart from a little cramping after, it shouldn't continue to hurt. Get yourself to the doctor.


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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/16/2014 9:59:28 AM   

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It had only been the day of, several hours later , it's better today.


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(in reply to MariaB)
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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/16/2014 1:28:30 PM   

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I had an endometrial biopsy (uterine biopsy) if that's the same thing you're talking about. I had mild cramping for an hour or two afterwards but that was it. If you continue having pain, let your doc know.


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(in reply to LittleGirlHeart)
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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/17/2014 10:58:47 AM   

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It's probably a general soreness, inflammation of the whole area.


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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/19/2014 4:13:10 PM   

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Ok, pains gon, bu i am itchy like crazy, so they're giving me diflucan.


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(in reply to windchymes)
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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/21/2014 3:16:10 PM   

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(in reply to LittleGirlHeart)
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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/22/2014 4:42:19 AM   

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I was wondering about the finishing school as well.


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(in reply to Lynnxz)
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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/22/2014 2:04:53 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ExiledTyrant




I was wondering about the finishing school as well.

They need to offer remedial classes in TMI at said school.


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(in reply to ExiledTyrant)
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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/23/2014 12:14:54 PM   

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If you guys dont like it dont look


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(in reply to Spiritedsub2)
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RE: is it your vagina or uterus that hurts after a copo... - 9/23/2014 2:33:49 PM   

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In fairness to the OP, this is a question posed in the Health and Safety section of the boards...

Please be nice.

Thank you

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