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Joined: 4/18/2005 Status: offline
ORIGINAL: stef Don't assume anything, just call them back. Exactly. There are many reasons they could have called. Office policies could have changed in a year's time and they just call everybody now. One reason for that (among many) are so people can't think, "They called so it must be bad news" and make assumptions. Another reason is that doctors and hospitals must compete for business these days, and ramping up good customer service is one of the ways many places are competing. They may be going for the "personal touch" by calling no matter what the result is. Something else new in the medical realm now is that Medicare is now (or plans to in the near future) paying or not paying your claims based on the evaluations you give them in those surveys they give you or send you after the fact. And if you get anything but top marks, they are not going to pay. Personnel are now taught to be extra nice and caring towards the patients, making sure their needs and wants are met....which is what they should have been doing all along. But no, apparently many people need to be taught how to be nice, respectful and caring towards patients, so many places are giving "AIDET" training to all staff. Google it.
You know it's going to be a GOOD blow job when she puts a Breathe Right strip on first. Pick-up artists and garbage men should trade names.