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the results showed pre cancerous cells:(

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the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 9/26/2014 9:23:04 AM   

Posts: 1427
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I have to go in october to get them scraped out.


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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 9/27/2014 5:40:28 AM   

Posts: 4547
Joined: 12/9/2013
From: Exiled
Status: offline
That sux. I'm sorry this landed on you :(


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(in reply to LittleGirlHeart)
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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 9/27/2014 7:03:25 AM   

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ORIGINAL: LittleGirlHeart

I have to go in october to get them scraped out.

Have they told you what stage ? You should get a result of CIN 1, 2 or 3 (Cervical Intra-epithelial Neoplasia). CIN 1 indicates mild cell change. CIN 2 indicates moderate changes and CIN 3 indicates more severe changes but its still not cancer. Its likely they picked up CIN 1 on your smear test and that's why you had the colposcopy. That gives much more accurate results. I showed up CIN 1 on a smear and CIN 3 on the colposcopy before having laser treatment under local anaesthetic. The treatment isn't at all painful and you should be allowed home the same day.

Its good that they were thorough and they found it nice and early. Too many women don't have regular smears. Sounds like you do... well done and don't worry. You are in good hands.


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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 9/27/2014 4:17:09 PM   

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Maria, No. At first after the pap it was just abnormal cells, so we want a colposcopy, then it was ok, well they're not alarming yet, we want to check in about a years time. So papsmear again, and again abnormal cells, so again a.colposcopy and this time it came back pre cancerous. So they're doing a leep procedure. It's way less invasive than a cone biopsyshe said.

A few of my friends have said they have had pc cells show up and after a scraping th ey were completely ok for years . That's heartening.



ORIGINAL: LittleGirlHeart

I have to go in october to get them scraped out.

Have they told you what stage ? You should get a result of CIN 1, 2 or 3 (Cervical Intra-epithelial Neoplasia). CIN 1 indicates mild cell change. CIN 2 indicates moderate changes and CIN 3 indicates more severe changes but its still not cancer. Its likely they picked up CIN 1 on your smear test and that's why you had the colposcopy. That gives much more accurate results. I showed up CIN 1 on a smear and CIN 3 on the colposcopy before having laser treatment under local anaesthetic. The treatment isn't at all painful and you should be allowed home the same day.

Its good that they were thorough and they found it nice and early. Too many women don't have regular smears. Sounds like you do... well done and don't worry. You are in good hands.

< Message edited by LittleGirlHeart -- 9/27/2014 4:18:12 PM >


We'll fight, not out of spite
For someone must stand up for what's right
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(in reply to MariaB)
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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 9/27/2014 4:19:31 PM   

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Thank you, but on the bright side , there's a very good chance after one scraping, i may never have a problem again.

ORIGINAL: ExiledTyrant

That sux. I'm sorry this landed on you :(


We'll fight, not out of spite
For someone must stand up for what's right
'Cause where there's a man who has no voice
There ours shall go singing

(in reply to ExiledTyrant)
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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 9/28/2014 11:29:41 AM   

Posts: 2969
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ORIGINAL: LittleGirlHeart

Maria, No. At first after the pap it was just abnormal cells, so we want a colposcopy, then it was ok, well they're not alarming yet, we want to check in about a years time. So papsmear again, and again abnormal cells, so again a.colposcopy and this time it came back pre cancerous. So they're doing a leep procedure. It's way less invasive than a cone biopsyshe said.

A few of my friends have said they have had pc cells show up and after a scraping th ey were completely ok for years . That's heartening.



ORIGINAL: LittleGirlHeart

I have to go in october to get them scraped out.

Have they told you what stage ? You should get a result of CIN 1, 2 or 3 (Cervical Intra-epithelial Neoplasia). CIN 1 indicates mild cell change. CIN 2 indicates moderate changes and CIN 3 indicates more severe changes but its still not cancer. Its likely they picked up CIN 1 on your smear test and that's why you had the colposcopy. That gives much more accurate results. I showed up CIN 1 on a smear and CIN 3 on the colposcopy before having laser treatment under local anaesthetic. The treatment isn't at all painful and you should be allowed home the same day.

Its good that they were thorough and they found it nice and early. Too many women don't have regular smears. Sounds like you do... well done and don't worry. You are in good hands.

It is a frightening thing when you hear the word "cancer" even "pre cancerous" but this is the whole point of regular smear tests.

Just so you know, I never had any further problems. They zapped the bad bits 20 years ago and I've never had an inconclusive or suspect smear test since.


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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 9/28/2014 1:46:26 PM   

Posts: 1427
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Maria when i told my parents, i unexpectedly started crying. It's very shell shocking. But we all agree it was very good to know this now, and not later when it was something entirely worse.

I am happy for you, that it's been good for so long.



ORIGINAL: LittleGirlHeartIt is a frightening thing when you hear the word "cancer" even "pre cancerous" but this is the whole point of regular smear tests.

Just so you know, I never had any further problems. They zapped the bad bits 20 years ago and I've never had an inconclusive or suspect smear test since.


We'll fight, not out of spite
For someone must stand up for what's right
'Cause where there's a man who has no voice
There ours shall go singing

(in reply to MariaB)
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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/18/2014 12:25:58 AM   

Posts: 26
Joined: 3/11/2014
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My gyno told me that when a woman gets cervical cancer its usually because she didn't have an exam for several years and it went untreated for a looong time. ITs not something that develops fast.

I think everything will turn out ok for you.

(in reply to LittleGirlHeart)
Profile   Post #: 8
RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/18/2014 1:14:49 AM   

Posts: 10542
Joined: 7/30/2005
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Everyone should be taking 100 MG of Amygdalin a day now. EVERYBODY. Cancer patients should be taking 1000 to 1500 MG per day.

Please do not recite the usual NIH and FDA bullshit. (Laetrile is another name for the chemical amygdalin, which is found in the pits of many fruits and in numerous plants. Cyanide is thought to be the main anticancer component of laetrile. [IT is ONLY one]

Laetrile was first used as a cancer treatment in Russia in 1845, and in the United States in the 1920s. Laetrile has shown little anticancer activity in animal studies and no anticancer activity in human clinical trials. [bullshit] Laetrile is not approved for use in the United States. Inappropriate advertisement of laetrile as a cancer treatment has resulted in a U.S. Food and Drug Administration investigation that culminated in charges and conviction of one distributor.

The FDA has never done a full blown, objective untainted cancer study on Amygdalin.

The above is unmitigated bullshit resulting in far too many cancer patients resorting to Chemo. Fine...chemo kills cancer cells...then kills the patient. Some...few survive the chemo...most don't. Why ?

Because chemo releases a protein from healthy red blood cells that actually begins to feed the cancer. That's why early chemo therapy shows progress and even shows remission. But soon thereafter, the cancer returns with a vengeance and almost always the patient succumbs.

Chemo has been described as a $200 billion scam and I believe it. Why is Amygdalin successfully used in Mexico and Europe ?

Not being a bacteria or a virus, an anemia. The AARP and medical research has shown a diet of certain foods to all to present a significant lowering of the incidence of cancer. Why ? Strange how they all have Amygdalin in them.

Medical science said the same thing about citric fruits curing scurvy and liver (iron) curing rickets. (pernicious anemia) It was all quackery and medical science was sure those two, were infectious diseases.

Just like we take ascorbic acid, folic acid, niacin and the rest of the B complex...start taking B17 (Amygdalin) NOW !!

< Message edited by MrRodgers -- 10/18/2014 1:17:36 AM >

(in reply to SinfulBashful)
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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/18/2014 2:02:35 AM   

Posts: 6845
Joined: 10/23/2012
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Everyone should be taking 100 MG of Amygdalin a day now. EVERYBODY. Cancer patients should be taking 1000 to 1500 MG per day.

Please do not recite the usual NIH and FDA bullshit. (Laetrile is another name for the chemical amygdalin, which is found in the pits of many fruits and in numerous plants. Cyanide is thought to be the main anticancer component of laetrile. [IT is ONLY one]

Laetrile was first used as a cancer treatment in Russia in 1845, and in the United States in the 1920s. Laetrile has shown little anticancer activity in animal studies and no anticancer activity in human clinical trials. [bullshit] Laetrile is not approved for use in the United States. Inappropriate advertisement of laetrile as a cancer treatment has resulted in a U.S. Food and Drug Administration investigation that culminated in charges and conviction of one distributor.

The FDA has never done a full blown, objective untainted cancer study on Amygdalin.

The above is unmitigated bullshit resulting in far too many cancer patients resorting to Chemo. Fine...chemo kills cancer cells...then kills the patient. Some...few survive the chemo...most don't. Why ?

Because chemo releases a protein from healthy red blood cells that actually begins to feed the cancer. That's why early chemo therapy shows progress and even shows remission. But soon thereafter, the cancer returns with a vengeance and almost always the patient succumbs.

Chemo has been described as a $200 billion scam and I believe it. Why is Amygdalin successfully used in Mexico and Europe ?

Not being a bacteria or a virus, an anemia. The AARP and medical research has shown a diet of certain foods to all to present a significant lowering of the incidence of cancer. Why ? Strange how they all have Amygdalin in them.

Medical science said the same thing about citric fruits curing scurvy and liver (iron) curing rickets. (pernicious anemia) It was all quackery and medical science was sure those two, were infectious diseases.

Just like we take ascorbic acid, folic acid, niacin and the rest of the B complex...start taking B17 (Amygdalin) NOW !!


The if it is sooo good, why is it not paraded as an obligatory intake?

Some people call laetrile vitamin B17, although it isn’t a vitamin.

There is no scientific evidence to support claims that laetrile or amygdalin can treat cancer or any other illness.
We recommend that you don't replace your conventional cancer treatment with any type of alternative cancer therapy, such as laetrile. Laetrile can cause serious side effects in some people so we don't recommend that you use laetrile alongside your cancer treatment.

Some people want to use laetrile if they are told that their cancer can't be cured with conventional cancer treatments. They hope that laetrile will be able to control or cure their cancer. There is no scientific evidence to support any of these reasons for using laetrile.

Most of the websites or magazines promoting laetrile base their claims on unsupported opinions and anecdotal evidence. There isn’t any evidence that laetrile is an effective treatment for cancer or any other illness.


So... explain to me why I should be taking it other than your unscientific and unsupported opinion on it??


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to MrRodgers)
Profile   Post #: 10
RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/18/2014 11:53:02 AM   

Posts: 80
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If you don't mind Dr. Bombay, could you please explain on what medical authority you are stating that I should be taking cyanide?

As a post cancer patient (I kicked cancer's ass in May 2013) I take certain things, and I avoid other things that could cause a return of uglies. Depending on other's particulars, they may need to take things, I avoid. Why? Because ALL cancers are different! What impedes one can help another grow and grow. So please dial back on the blanket prescriptions.

< Message edited by DommeinRochester -- 10/18/2014 11:57:58 AM >

(in reply to MrRodgers)
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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/18/2014 7:18:37 PM   

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ORIGINAL: DommeinRochester

If you don't mind Dr. Bombay, could you please explain on what medical authority you are stating that I should be taking cyanide?

As a post cancer patient (I kicked cancer's ass in May 2013) I take certain things, and I avoid other things that could cause a return of uglies. Depending on other's particulars, they may need to take things, I avoid. Why? Because ALL cancers are different! What impedes one can help another grow and grow. So please dial back on the blanket prescriptions.

These all contain cyanide:
millet sprouts
lima beans
bamboo shoots

Additionally cyanide is found in most any fruits that have a pit, or core, like cherries, apricots, and apples.

From your own link: "Studies on the effects of amygdalin in clinical trials are sorely lacking."

These studies are sorely lacking because they work, just like Ozone therapy. Ozone therapy is also banned in the US. Gee, I wonder why.

Amygdalin is not a 'prescription' it is a dietary supplement the same as other dietary supplements.

Add to the list along with scurvy and rickets is cycle-cell anemia which presents when one with the genetic predisposition is taken away from their natural diet...they produce symptoms and in this case, is even anemia. An anemia is a quantitative deficiency of the hemoglobin, i.e.m blood which can often be fixed with the proper diet or supplements.

(in reply to DommeinRochester)
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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/19/2014 12:03:00 AM   

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The Hunza tribe is often cited as proof of the affects of amygdalin, however there are insufficient records to establish that proof. Present day research however does suggest a much lower incidence of cancer with a predominantly apricot and apricot pit diet. (750 to 1000 MG per week)

When one looks at where there are records one finds a better results with the Hopi Native Americans, Navajo Native Americans, and Eskimos however. If you add in other international research...a picture emerges.

* The incidence of cancer among the Hopi Native Americans is 1 in 1000 as compared to 1 in 4 for the USA as a whole
* Prostate cancer varies widely between different countries, even more than breast cancer
* White South Africans have seventeen times more large bowel cancer than black South Africans.
* North America, Europe, Australia have very high rates of colorectal cancer compared to Africa, Asia, and Central and South America.
* The Czech Republic has a death rate of 34.19 per 100,000 male, while Bangladesh has a rate of 0.63 per 100,000 males as pertains to colorectal cancer.

So yes, there are varying rates, types of and deaths from cancer but what emerges is something different than what the western medical cancer industrial complex will tell you and what NCI (NIH) and the FDA will tell you who with the pharmaceuticals have an extremely profitable status quo in the 'treatment' of cancer.

Vitamin D is also found to have an effect on cancer rates and the whole point of discussion begs the question why ?

Why has there not been a complete FDA untainted, unbiased and un-corrupted study into the effects of these supplements on the incidence of cancer ? Why without this research therapies and supplements are banned...even outlawed including ozone research and therapy.

Because they just might find that if people were to use these therapies and concentrate there diets in the proper foods and supplements...cancer would vanish or come close to it and there goes literally billion$ in profits.

(in reply to MrRodgers)
Profile   Post #: 13
RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/19/2014 12:36:37 AM   

Posts: 724
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The Hunza tribe is often cited as proof of the affects of amygdalin, however there are insufficient records to establish that proof. Present day research however does suggest a much lower incidence of cancer with a predominantly apricot and apricot pit diet. (750 to 1000 MG per week)

When one looks at where there are records one finds a better results with the Hopi Native Americans, Navajo Native Americans, and Eskimos however. If you add in other international research...a picture emerges.

* The incidence of cancer among the Hopi Native Americans is 1 in 1000 as compared to 1 in 4 for the USA as a whole
* Prostate cancer varies widely between different countries, even more than breast cancer
* White South Africans have seventeen times more large bowel cancer than black South Africans.
* North America, Europe, Australia have very high rates of colorectal cancer compared to Africa, Asia, and Central and South America.
* The Czech Republic has a death rate of 34.19 per 100,000 male, while Bangladesh has a rate of 0.63 per 100,000 males as pertains to colorectal cancer.

So yes, there are varying rates, types of and deaths from cancer but what emerges is something different than what the western medical cancer industrial complex will tell you and what NCI (NIH) and the FDA will tell you who with the pharmaceuticals have an extremely profitable status quo in the 'treatment' of cancer.

Vitamin D is also found to have an effect on cancer rates and the whole point of discussion begs the question why ?

Why has there not been a complete FDA untainted, unbiased and un-corrupted study into the effects of these supplements on the incidence of cancer ? Why without this research therapies and supplements are banned...even outlawed including ozone research and therapy.

Because they just might find that if people were to use these therapies and concentrate there diets in the proper foods and supplements...cancer would vanish or come close to it and there goes literally billion$ in profits.

This is all very interesting. You're absolutely right about Vitamin D, of course. In fact, RDAs are way too low. Most people can take 50K IUs/day for a month or longer with no ill effects.

There are so many confounding factors. For example:

-- Do white South Africans eat too rich a diet compared to black ones?
-- America and Europe have longer lifespans. If colorectal cancer tends to occur when you are older, you may already be dead in Africa. So it has to be matched against age and the ravages of other diseases. Malaria and other diseases can kill you before CR cancer. There are also big differences in diets. The Japanese for example have much higher rates of some cancers and much lower rates of others. Yet, bring them to America, and if they have an American diet, the cancer rates normalize (mostly).
-- Bangladesh is probably significant in terms of diet. Czechs likely eat tons of processed meat and cheeses. Probably very little in terms of vegetables and spices and the like.
-- Regarding apricots, there are so many compounds in there that there could be a number of different reasons, including of course the amygdalin. Also what do those who eat a ton of apricots NOT eat? What they don't eat can be more significant than what they do.

So a lot more research is needed to tease out the variables here. This isn't even a simple multiple regression.


The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.

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(in reply to MrRodgers)
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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/19/2014 5:39:07 AM   

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ORIGINAL: DommeinRochester

If you don't mind Dr. Bombay, could you please explain on what medical authority you are stating that I should be taking cyanide?

As a post cancer patient (I kicked cancer's ass in May 2013) I take certain things, and I avoid other things that could cause a return of uglies. Depending on other's particulars, they may need to take things, I avoid. Why? Because ALL cancers are different! What impedes one can help another grow and grow. So please dial back on the blanket prescriptions.

These all contain cyanide:
millet sprouts
lima beans
bamboo shoots

Additionally cyanide is found in most any fruits that have a pit, or core, like cherries, apricots, and apples.

From your own link: "Studies on the effects of amygdalin in clinical trials are sorely lacking."

These studies are sorely lacking because they work, just like Ozone therapy. Ozone therapy is also banned in the US. Gee, I wonder why.

Amygdalin is not a 'prescription' it is a dietary supplement the same as other dietary supplements.

Add to the list along with scurvy and rickets is cycle-cell anemia which presents when one with the genetic predisposition is taken away from their natural diet...they produce symptoms and in this case, is even anemia. An anemia is a quantitative deficiency of the hemoglobin, i.e.m blood which can often be fixed with the proper diet or supplements.

While you certainly seem to think you know what you are talking about but I am going to have a hard time trusting your medical knowledge if you keep talking about things like cycle-cell anemia.


"Sweetie, you're wasting your gum" .. Albert

This here is the boi formerly known as orfunboi

(in reply to MrRodgers)
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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/19/2014 6:06:33 AM   

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The Hunza tribe is often cited as proof of the affects of amygdalin, however there are insufficient records to establish that proof.

It is all anecdotal, opinion, and guesswork; but ultimately, unproven.

A point to note: "The incidence of cyanide poisoning is much higher when laetrile is taken orally because intestinal bacteria and some commonly eaten plants contain enzymes (beta-glucosidases) that activate the release of cyanide after laetrile has been ingested."
So.... a cyanide death instead of death by cancer??
Sheesh! What a fucking choice!!

You must be a PR dream come true.
Too busy jumping on the proverbial feel-good bandwagon because it sounds 'right'.

For most people, including those working with cancer and cancer cures, they need proper proof.
Data with consistent and repeatable results that can be independently verified.
Without that, it's just opinion and unproven theory.

It is no wonder that the FDA banned it in the US and that cancer researchers world wide have consistently said that there is no evidence to support the opinion/theory that it is 1) Safe; and 2) Actually works.


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to MrRodgers)
Profile   Post #: 16
RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/19/2014 9:49:55 AM   

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I cited my sources, why can't you cite yours?

"These all contain cyanide:
millet sprouts
lima beans
bamboo shoots

Additionally cyanide is found in most any fruits that have a pit, or core, like cherries, apricots, and apples. Yes, it's found in the pits and seeds, and most people don't eat the pits or seeds

From your own link: "Studies on the effects of amygdalin in clinical trials are sorely lacking." Why invest time and resources in something that really has no effect? If there is any documented study on amydalin, I would love to read it.

These studies are sorely lacking because they work, just like Ozone therapy. Ozone therapy is also banned in the US

Just out of curiosity - exactly how much Amygdalin do you take each day?

Amygdalin is not a 'prescription' it is a dietary supplement the same as other dietary supplements. Um, supplements can be prescribed too. My doctor has prescribed calcium, vitamin D and aspirin.

Finally, while I am posting the link to the entire article, I'm pasting a few key paragraphs, the ones where it tells you easy it is for bad consequences of cyanide.

Acute poisoning
Cyanide poisoning is a form of histotoxic hypoxia because the cells of an organism are unable to use oxygen, primarily through the inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase. Acute hydrogen cyanide poisoning can result from inhalation of fumes from burning polymer products that use Nitrile in their production, such as wool, silk, polyurethane, or vinyl.[1] If cyanide is inhaled it causes a coma with seizures, apnea, and cardiac arrest, with death following in a matter of seconds. At lower doses, loss of consciousness may be preceded by general weakness, giddiness, headaches, vertigo, confusion, and perceived difficulty in breathing. At the first stages of unconsciousness, breathing is often sufficient or even rapid, although the state of the victim progresses towards a deep coma, sometimes accompanied by pulmonary edema, and finally cardiac arrest. A cherry red skin color changes to dark may be present as the result of increased venous hemoglobin oxygen saturation. Cyanide does not directly cause cyanosis. A fatal dose for humans can be as low as 1.5 mg/kg body weight.[2]

Chronic exposure
In addition to its uses as a pesticide and insecticide, cyanide is contained in tobacco smoke and smoke from building fires, and is present in some foods such as almonds, apricot kernel, apple seeds, orange seeds, cassava (also known as yuca or manioc), and bamboo shoots. Vitamin B12, in the form of hydroxycobalamin, or hydroxocobalamin, may reduce the negative effects of chronic exposure, and a deficiency can lead to negative health effects following exposure.[3]
Exposure to lower levels of cyanide over a long period (e.g., after use of cassava roots as a primary food source in tropical Africa) results in increased blood cyanide levels, which can result in weakness and a variety of symptoms, including permanent paralysis, nervous lesions,[4][5][6] hypothyroidism,[5] and miscarriages.[7][8] Other effects include mild liver and kidney damage.[9][10]

(in reply to MrRodgers)
Profile   Post #: 17
RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/20/2014 6:00:27 AM   

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ORIGINAL: SinfulBashful

My gyno told me that when a woman gets cervical cancer its usually because she didn't have an exam for several years and it went untreated for a looong time. ITs not something that develops fast.

I think everything will turn out ok for you.

Your gynaecologist didn't tell you about women who have rapidly changing pre-cancerous cells then.

A cell has to go through several mutations before it will change into a cancer cell. Most mutations are slow but not always. Rapid mutation will quickly cause the cell to continue to grow and divide out of control. When this happens, cancer of the cervix will come about much more quickly.


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RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/21/2014 6:45:06 PM   

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If anybody wishes to pay for insurance that pays the profits of the cancer industry and if anybody wishes to succumb to the for-profit FDA, ACS and AMA and their advice...I can't help you.

What I do suggest though, is to do ALL of your own research and decide which is better...following the corruption of the for-profit industry's advice or the advice of those that for over 100 years have espouse dietary and natural cures.

"Had not the Roman government permitted free enquiry, Christianity could never have been introduced. Had not free enquiry been indulged, at the era of the reformation, the corruptions of Christianity could not have been purged away. If it be restrained now, the present corruptions will be protected, and new ones encouraged. Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now. Thus in France the emetic was once forbidden as a medicine, and the potatoe as an article of food."

Thomas Jefferson 1780 in 'Notes on the State of Virginia.

(in reply to LittleGirlHeart)
Profile   Post #: 19
RE: the results showed pre cancerous cells:( - 10/22/2014 7:11:13 PM   

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Could you all make your own thread for this, you have totally hijacked mine.


We'll fight, not out of spite
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There ours shall go singing

(in reply to MrRodgers)
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