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are their any creams or powders with Antimicrobial Silver Complex

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are their any creams or powders with Antimicrobial Silv... - 10/13/2014 9:55:02 AM   

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There's interdry, which is a cloth but it's expensive, and once you wash itthe medical propertiesare gone.

Interdry is used for keeping fat folds dry and from rubbing together and if you have an interigo out break it clears it up lickity split.


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RE: are their any creams or powders with Antimicrobial ... - 10/18/2014 12:01:46 AM   

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Colloidal silver? Wow, thats from way back. I've seen colliodal silver bar soap at some pharmacies. IT used to be popular to prepare collidoal silver solution at home and drink it as a health supplement... but if you drink to much your skin turns grey. aaaand its permanent. I used to play around with it when i was into making body products. I want to say I saw one product at walmart, in the parmacy section, that used silver. I think it was for wound care.

don't buy any coloidal silver products from just anybody. some of them mishandle the solution and it turns to ionic silver.

If you want to buy a generator.. i think they are around 200 dollars, but one wire of silver will last a year or more... the cost to make it yourself, not factoring in the cost of the generator, is pennies per quart. don't put it in the refrigerator.... i think that makes it turn to ionic.

If you use the search term "colloidal silver" you will find more products. that silver complex term sounds just like some fancy marketing term one producer came up with... might just be mixing the colloid silver with regular topical antibiotics like in neosporine. Silver itself is antimicrobial.

baby powder will keep fat folds dry. corn starch powders will feed a yeast infection so keep away from that if the folds are prone to infections.

< Message edited by SinfulBashful -- 10/18/2014 12:10:03 AM >

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RE: are their any creams or powders with Antimicrobial ... - 10/18/2014 1:23:52 AM   

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I've used this, if this is what I think you are asking.


I've used the stuff on my skin for everything...even stopped a rash dead.

Couldn't find interigo.

< Message edited by MrRodgers -- 10/18/2014 1:26:36 AM >

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RE: are their any creams or powders with Antimicrobial ... - 10/18/2014 1:53:09 AM   

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We have a cream here like MrRodgers mentions. It's brand name is 'Flamazine' and it is the updated version of a cream called 'Silvazine' that is mainly used for burns but as was mentioned, it is excellent for almost any kind of skin irritation. It's not cheap but it's useful to have a tube of the stuff in the fridge just in case.

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RE: are their any creams or powders with Antimicrobial ... - 10/23/2014 4:58:54 PM   

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Couldn't find Interigo, as in the medical condition and what it is or?

The term "intertrigo" commonly refers to a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection that has developed at the site of broken skin due to such inflammation. A frequent manifestation is Candidal intertrigo


I've used this, if this is what I think you are asking.


I've used the stuff on my skin for everything...even stopped a rash dead.

Couldn't find interigo.


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RE: are their any creams or powders with Antimicrobial ... - 10/23/2014 5:02:48 PM   

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The dr says that as long as the skin is broke open, raw and weeping and inflamed i need to use powders because creams will keep the skin moist, and then once the skins ok again a cream preventative is ok.

ORIGINAL: Dvr22999874

We have a cream here like MrRodgers mentions. It's brand name is 'Flamazine' and it is the updated version of a cream called 'Silvazine' that is mainly used for burns but as was mentioned, it is excellent for almost any kind of skin irritation. It's not cheap but it's useful to have a tube of the stuff in the fridge just in case.


We'll fight, not out of spite
For someone must stand up for what's right
'Cause where there's a man who has no voice
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RE: are their any creams or powders with Antimicrobial ... - 10/25/2014 9:38:13 PM   

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They're drying up, but damned, their starting to itch!


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RE: are their any creams or powders with Antimicrobial ... - 10/29/2014 3:22:48 PM   

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Skin problems such as interigo can be either bacterial or fungal. And the treatment is different for each. Many get fungal infections from over use of anti-bacterial soaps or when on oral antibiotics for an infection elsewhere. Miconazole works well on fungal infections... same treatment as athlete's foot or a yeast infection. For a bacterial infections, a topical antibiotic such as silvadene, betadine, or even neosporin.

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RE: are their any creams or powders with Antimicrobial ... - 11/1/2014 7:44:27 PM   

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And then in my case cadida sets in and you get yeast problems on top. It's a common side infection.


Skin problems such as interigo can be either bacterial or fungal. And the treatment is different for each. Many get fungal infections from over use of anti-bacterial soaps or when on oral antibiotics for an infection elsewhere. Miconazole works well on fungal infections... same treatment as athlete's foot or a yeast infection. For a bacterial infections, a topical antibiotic such as silvadene, betadine, or even neosporin.


We'll fight, not out of spite
For someone must stand up for what's right
'Cause where there's a man who has no voice
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