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RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 2:10:40 PM   

Posts: 17896
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ORIGINAL: slvemike4u




ORIGINAL: slvemike4u



The thread isnt about everyone here, so just "deal" with the actual topic, rather than your shoddy straw man construct of the topic

(Except for the part where desperate, small minded little trolls feel they have to make the thread about me, of course )

Okay putz,lets deal with what the thread is purportedly about,the supposed "revenge" assassination of two of new yorks finest.
The first thing that jumps out,irregardless of this loons stated justification, is that there was no revenge involved.No member of Eric Gardners family went out and hunted down the officers involved in their loved ones death.No one in Michael Browns family hunted down Officer Wilson.
This wasn't "revenge" is was cold blooded murder by an obviously deranged psychopath....and to put any other veneer on it is an indulgence of fantasy driven by ideology.
Now I know that meets your criteria....but for the majority of us we can recognise the actions of one man as what they were.
Murder plain and simple,committed by an asshole who than took his own life.....not a movement ,not an orchestrated war on cops....just a lone gunmen with an all too accessible handgun.

Except the part where the killer tweeted he was killing the two cops in revenge for the deaths of Brown and Garner.

Why that does not count for you. . . I just do not understand.

Because the man was obviously deranged,if I decide to hunt down a random Muslim having tweeted that it is revenge for 9/11 does that make my tweet legitimate ?
Perhaps in my mind ,but not to any rational person.I'm just an asshole committing murder.

by that logic no one ever commits a violent act out of revenge, they are ALL just deranged individuals...

why should the FACT that someone says THIS IS WHY I AM DOING THIS mean anything ever by that logic?

is that what you are saying, there are NO REVENGE KILLINGS? cause I can use that EXACT SAME ARGUMENT to explain any killing you define as revenge.

Context is everything Yakin...and this isn't and never has been anything but an isolated act done by a deranged criminal.There was no larger conspiracy,there is no organized war on cops....
You want to get all hung up on what this idiot had to say on facebook you go right ahead....but remember he made those posts on his girlfriends account....after shooting her and robbing her phone.
He thought he killed his girlfriend and than decided what the hell I'm going to kill cops.
He didn't go kill his girlfriend in furtherance of a fanciful plan to kill cops
If you cant see the distinction there I can't help you
Look at it this way...he was a criminal not an ideological soldier trying to further a cause.


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to BitYakin)
Profile   Post #: 281
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 2:14:15 PM   

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ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Sanity has tried,as have others( but sanity is the head cheerleader,just ask him,he'll tell ya ) to paint this as just the first step in an Al Sharpton led war on cops....this was nothing more than the actions of one obviously deranged gunman in possession of one of the many easily obtained handguns in this country.
This is simple many citizens,a certain percentage of them with mental issues,mix in so many easily obtained handguns....shake,stir.....allow to simmer and somebody somewhere is going to get shot
This is nothing more than the price we pay for absolute fealty to the Second Amendment .....gun violence.
Luckily it's not quite yet the revolution Sanity seems to see coming.

I have not called it a war on anything. I have only maintained that the killings WERE "revenge killings" as per the man that committed them.

As far as fealty to the second amendment goes, just how MANY gun laws did the man commit before killing the two cops?

Thats the problem Aylee no matter how many laws he broke,gun or otherwise,obtaining another one was childs play for him....guns are just that readily available.
And if that fact doesn't bother you than ,quite frankly you are an asshole.
Any idiot in America that wants a gun can get a gun,if not legally no worries there are enough floating around the street to feed that need.


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to Aylee)
Profile   Post #: 282
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 2:34:44 PM   

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ORIGINAL: slvemike4u




ORIGINAL: slvemike4u




ORIGINAL: slvemike4u



The thread isnt about everyone here, so just "deal" with the actual topic, rather than your shoddy straw man construct of the topic

(Except for the part where desperate, small minded little trolls feel they have to make the thread about me, of course )

Okay putz,lets deal with what the thread is purportedly about,the supposed "revenge" assassination of two of new yorks finest.
The first thing that jumps out,irregardless of this loons stated justification, is that there was no revenge involved.No member of Eric Gardners family went out and hunted down the officers involved in their loved ones death.No one in Michael Browns family hunted down Officer Wilson.
This wasn't "revenge" is was cold blooded murder by an obviously deranged psychopath....and to put any other veneer on it is an indulgence of fantasy driven by ideology.
Now I know that meets your criteria....but for the majority of us we can recognise the actions of one man as what they were.
Murder plain and simple,committed by an asshole who than took his own life.....not a movement ,not an orchestrated war on cops....just a lone gunmen with an all too accessible handgun.

Except the part where the killer tweeted he was killing the two cops in revenge for the deaths of Brown and Garner.

Why that does not count for you. . . I just do not understand.

Because the man was obviously deranged,if I decide to hunt down a random Muslim having tweeted that it is revenge for 9/11 does that make my tweet legitimate ?
Perhaps in my mind ,but not to any rational person.I'm just an asshole committing murder.

by that logic no one ever commits a violent act out of revenge, they are ALL just deranged individuals...

why should the FACT that someone says THIS IS WHY I AM DOING THIS mean anything ever by that logic?

is that what you are saying, there are NO REVENGE KILLINGS? cause I can use that EXACT SAME ARGUMENT to explain any killing you define as revenge.

Context is everything Yakin...and this isn't and never has been anything but an isolated act done by a deranged criminal.There was no larger conspiracy,there is no organized war on cops....
You want to get all hung up on what this idiot had to say on facebook you go right ahead....but remember he made those posts on his girlfriends account....after shooting her and robbing her phone.
He thought he killed his girlfriend and than decided what the hell I'm going to kill cops.
He didn't go kill his girlfriend in furtherance of a fanciful plan to kill cops
If you cant see the distinction there I can't help you
Look at it this way...he was a criminal not an ideological soldier trying to further a cause.

yes yes context is everything...

lets start with, while some may have claimed it to be some conspiracy, or part of a organized action, I have NOT.
as for it being an ISOLATED ACT, ABSOLUTELY NOT, its the most recent event in a CHAIN of events, just do a walking tour of Ferguson to see factual evidence of this chain of events, all done by INDIVDUALS in an act of REVENGE...

do I think there is some centralized org that's co-ordinating these events? NOO, are they done in REVENGE, ABSOLUTELY!!!

and to DENY that is just plain silly...

IF it were actually an ISOLATED EVENT without the CHAIN OF EVENTS leading up to it, you'd have a point!

according to your narrative, this guy would have shot two cops that day regardless of the preceding events. that the preceding events played NO PART in pushing this guy over the edge...

you can say it, think it, BELEIVE IT all you want, but it DEFIES LOGIC.

< Message edited by BitYakin -- 12/27/2014 2:38:03 PM >


"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

(in reply to slvemike4u)
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RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 2:38:05 PM   

Posts: 20687
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well said


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to BitYakin)
Profile   Post #: 284
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 2:46:15 PM   

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ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Aylee I'm not arguing what was in this loons head,I'm saying it's not legitimate,it's just his rationalization for committing cold blooded murder.
How much weight or stock would you choose to invest in the utterances of a madman ?

DUDE, rationalization for committing murder is practicly the DEFINITION of revenge, you killed my mother/father/brother/sister so I am going to kill you


"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

(in reply to slvemike4u)
Profile   Post #: 285
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 3:10:56 PM   

Posts: 22039
Joined: 6/14/2006
From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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"Peaceful Protester" charged with arson


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

(in reply to BitYakin)
Profile   Post #: 286
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 3:23:24 PM   

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ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Aylee I'm not arguing what was in this loons head,I'm saying it's not legitimate,it's just his rationalization for committing cold blooded murder.
How much weight or stock would you choose to invest in the utterances of a madman ?

DUDE, rationalization for committing murder is practicly the DEFINITION of revenge, you killed my mother/father/brother/sister so I am going to kill you

Apparently they are confused as to the difference between "cause and effect" and "command and control"
Madmen are quite likely to tell the truth about their motives, they assume everyone else will see that they are justified.

< Message edited by BamaD -- 12/27/2014 3:25:38 PM >


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to BitYakin)
Profile   Post #: 287
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 3:43:17 PM   

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THE DRUDGE DRONE strikes again.

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 288
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 4:13:14 PM   

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ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant

If the white man was not making a racial slur...then the off duty black cop had even less reason for shooting the unarmed white man who attacked the off-duty black cop verbally, not physically.

Odd how you lefties love to compare apples to oranges.

I am probably left of you but that doesnt make me a leftie. Thats the meme you arsoles have though, anyone who doesnt agree with you good old boys, and girls come to that, MUST be a left wing.

Indeed he wasnt making a racial slur, it was an outright verbal assault, full of racist slurs, in front of the cops child. The dead guy was also making threats to kill the cop.

Hardly apples and oranges or the other bollocks about apples and gravel spewed by Bama.

Your post shows you either didnt read, failed to comprehend, or willfully ignored what was written in the link I gave you.

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
Profile   Post #: 289
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 5:42:51 PM   

Posts: 22039
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From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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ORIGINAL: cloudboy

THE DRUDGE DRONE strikes again.

A little wannabe goose stepper like you would have LOVED the old USSR

Anyone who dared to repeat a news story that was inconvenient to the party line there was often shot, or even worse, forced into torturous labor camps in Siberia

It must really suck for you knowing that people are free here, doesnt it


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

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Profile   Post #: 290
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 5:44:14 PM   

Posts: 17896
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So when he shot his on and off again girlfriend,that was just step one in his "revenge" plot ?


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 291
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 8:03:26 PM   

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I am so glad they caught that dumb ass punk... 5 years at least.



Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 292
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 8:14:18 PM   

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From: Nampa, Idaho USA
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I am so glad they caught that dumb ass punk... 5 years at least.


Where did he get the idea that arson is good


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 293
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 8:20:53 PM   

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ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

So when he shot his on and off again girlfriend,that was just step one in his "revenge" plot ?

Ya know, I have not read much about his relationship, but it could have been. If it was on again/off again because he was abusive and she had left him again he may have shot her out of revenge. Leaving an abuser is actually very dangerous for a woman. It is one of the reasons that shelters and such hide their locations and there is so much secrecy about who is in at any time.

IIRC domestic violence murders are the most likely way for a woman to be murdered.


Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

I don’t always wgah’nagl fhtagn. But when I do, I ph’nglui mglw’nafh R’lyeh.

(in reply to slvemike4u)
Profile   Post #: 294
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 8:53:10 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Politesub53


ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant

If the white man was not making a racial slur...then the off duty black cop had even less reason for shooting the unarmed white man who attacked the off-duty black cop verbally, not physically.

Odd how you lefties love to compare apples to oranges.

I am probably left of you but that doesnt make me a leftie. Thats the meme you arsoles have though, anyone who doesnt agree with you good old boys, and girls come to that, MUST be a left wing.

Indeed he wasnt making a racial slur, it was an outright verbal assault, full of racist slurs, in front of the cops child. The dead guy was also making threats to kill the cop.

Hardly apples and oranges or the other bollocks about apples and gravel spewed by Bama.

Your post shows you either didnt read, failed to comprehend, or willfully ignored what was written in the l gave you.

Not apples and oranges?

Darren Wilson was on duty...Robert Arnold was not.

Darren Wilson was in uniform and easily identified...Robert Arnold was not.

According to witnesses, Wilson identified himself as police. According to SOME, Arnold did AND according to some, he did not.

Wilson was PHYSICALLY assaulted...Arnold was verbally assaulted.

According to autopsy reports, Brown was shot while coming at the officer. According to autopsy reports, Whitehead was shot while sitting down.

According to witnesses, uniformed police were on their way in Texas. In Missouri, a uniformed policeman was already there.

Whitehead was a war hero being treated with drugs for PTSD but not being monitored. Brown was a thug with a rap sheet not being treated for anything.

Arnold was the highest ranking black officer in the Orange police department with many more years experience than Wilson, the white cop in Missouri.

Now then, much of that came out of your report. You don't see any differences there? Yes, you are to the left of me. As for me being a "good ole boy", well yes, if you mean I can stand up and say a white cop's killing of a black man can't be justified as in the case of Eric Garner. Can you do the same about a black cop killing a white man when there is no justification other than those given out by others?

(in reply to Politesub53)
Profile   Post #: 295
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/27/2014 9:20:58 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Politesub53


ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant


ORIGINAL: Politesub53


ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant

Gotta watch your mouth...

So in your opinion, a black cop, cleared by a Grand Jury, is still guilty ? Gotta watch your source.

Actually, my point is that you can't have it both ways...grand juries clear cops most of the time. If you're going to rise up in protest over a white cop shooting a black man while trying to arrest him, then don't you think you should rise up in protest over an OFF duty black cop killing a while man for making a racial slur?

He was hardly making a racial slur, which you would have fucking seen if you had bothered to read my link.

Odd how you righties switch sides when it suits you. 6`3" 230lbs guy attacks cop and gets shot..... Sound familiar to you does it ?

This incident was discussed in another thread a few months ago. I haven't thoroughly read both links that were just posted, but from what I remember, Whitehead was shot while sitting in his truck. He wasn't grappling with the officer. He wasn't charging at him. The two men had a verbal altercation, there was posturing but no punches were thrown, and the situation seems to have been deescalated when Whitehead walked away and got into his vehicle. He was sitting down when the officer shot him through the open door/window. Granted, Whitehead does appear to have been being a racist, loud-mouthed ass, but to the best of my knowledge, that's not illegal, much less warrants the death penalty. At worst, being a loud-mouth generally gets you a ticket. That being said, he was cleared by the Grand Jury, so I'll concede that they likely have more information then I do.

Funny how you find it odd when "righties" switch sides, but not when it's done by "lefties"? We have a poster here who is rabidly anti-gun, who rants endlessly that a good many police shootings are essentially executions, and who insists that if a Grand Jury doesn't indict it's a conspiracy. And yet this same poster called this incident a good shooting, and even argued that the officer should have been given his job back.

And even you (whatever you consider your political leaning) rarely have anything good to say about an officer involved shooting, or any shooting for that matter, so why is this the one that you're defending?

(in reply to Politesub53)
Profile   Post #: 296
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/28/2014 2:46:54 AM   

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ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

So when he shot his on and off again girlfriend,that was just step one in his "revenge" plot ?

to be honest I don't know, maybe you have a link to something that sheds some light on that portion if the event

maybe she found out what he was planning an tried to stop him?

maybe he wanted to kill her all along and figured what they hell two or three I'm getting life IF I survive...

maybe its like you, I think it was you, supposed it all started with killing her and he then figured, I screwed up now, might as well make a statement while I'm at it...

but if you have any INFO please share with the group!

she lived right, there SHOULD be some quotes from her out there...


"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

(in reply to slvemike4u)
Profile   Post #: 297
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/28/2014 3:46:47 AM   

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ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant

Not apples and oranges?

Darren Wilson was on duty...Robert Arnold was not.

Darren Wilson was in uniform and easily identified...Robert Arnold was not.

According to witnesses, Wilson identified himself as police. According to SOME, Arnold did AND according to some, he did not.

Wilson was PHYSICALLY assaulted...Arnold was verbally assaulted.

According to autopsy reports, Brown was shot while coming at the officer. According to autopsy reports, Whitehead was shot while sitting down.

According to witnesses, uniformed police were on their way in Texas. In Missouri, a uniformed policeman was already there.

Whitehead was a war hero being treated with drugs for PTSD but not being monitored. Brown was a thug with a rap sheet not being treated for anything.

Arnold was the highest ranking black officer in the Orange police department with many more years experience than Wilson, the white cop in Missouri.

Now then, much of that came out of your report. You don't see any differences there? Yes, you are to the left of me. As for me being a "good ole boy", well yes, if you mean I can stand up and say a white cop's killing of a black man can't be justified as in the case of Eric Garner. Can you do the same about a black cop killing a white man when there is no justification other than those given out by others?

Did you even read the link. Somehow I doubt it.


“Nigga, I’ll bust you in the fucking face,” Whitehead said, stepping closer with his hands balled into fists at his side. According to some witness statements, Arnold identified himself as a police officer, but Whitehead’s temper was unchanged. “What are you gonna do, fucking arrest me or something?” he yelled. “Get away from me, nigger.”

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
Profile   Post #: 298
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/28/2014 3:50:36 AM   

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ThirdWheelWanted : And even you (whatever you consider your political leaning) rarely have anything good to say about an officer involved shooting, or any shooting for that matter, so why is this the one that you're defending?

Yes, I agree I have no time for mindless killings by any means. Whats your point ?

(in reply to Politesub53)
Profile   Post #: 299
RE: "Revenge" Assassination Of Two NYPD Officers - 12/28/2014 5:05:44 AM   

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ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

So when he shot his on and off again girlfriend,that was just step one in his "revenge" plot ?

Ya know, I have not read much about his relationship, but it could have been. If it was on again/off again because he was abusive and she had left him again he may have shot her out of revenge. Leaving an abuser is actually very dangerous for a woman. It is one of the reasons that shelters and such hide their locations and there is so much secrecy about who is in at any time.

IIRC domestic violence murders are the most likely way for a woman to be murdered.

What I'm asking is if the shooting of the girlfriend was step one in his "revenge" plot or if,in what is far more likely scenario,he shot the girlfriend in anger(didn't he apologise to the lady's mother) and than having done that figured what the hell it's over for me anyway let me go kill some cops
He figured she was dead and he was done.....and only than did it occur to him that he had nothing to lose so why not put wings on cops


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to Aylee)
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