"If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (Full Version)

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Musicmystery -> "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/30/2014 9:54:22 AM)

"If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero"
By Carl Gibson, Reader Supported News ~ 26 December 14

The racism case here is gratuitous -- the only "evidence" is the difference between how the Republican Congress treated Clinton vs. Obama, which I think drastically ignores that this is a very different Congress than the Gingrich one (which would still work across the aisle at times).

But the other observations about partisanship are telling. Reminds me of Gingrich bitching that Clinton was "stealing our issues," making clear that accomplishing objectives wasn't the point -- power was.


Hillwilliam -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/30/2014 4:40:08 PM)

The only prob Gingrich had was that no Dems had the Chutzpa to serve their wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital undergoing cancer treatments while cheating on her as he ran on a "Family Values" ticket.[8|]

BamaD -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/30/2014 4:43:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam

The only prob Gingrich had was that no Dems had the Chutzpa to serve their wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital undergoing cancer treatments while cheating on her as he ran on a "Family Values" ticket.[8|]

And the day his affair later on came to light he resigned as speaker of the house.

Hillwilliam -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/30/2014 4:46:53 PM)




ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam

The only prob Gingrich had was that no Dems had the Chutzpa to serve their wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital undergoing cancer treatments while cheating on her as he ran on a "Family Values" ticket.[8|]

And the day his affair later on came to light he resigned as speaker of the house.

My point is this.

He was the voice of his party and he was a hypocrite.
The tone of your post is that his only crime was being caught.

BamaD -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/30/2014 5:29:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam




ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam

The only prob Gingrich had was that no Dems had the Chutzpa to serve their wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital undergoing cancer treatments while cheating on her as he ran on a "Family Values" ticket.[8|]

And the day his affair later on came to light he resigned as speaker of the house.

My point is this.

He was the voice of his party and he was a hypocrite.
The tone of your post is that his only crime was being caught.

Hardly, for that I would have to believe that the only real crime is getting caught. I was making comparison to people pretending that bills they signed into law were a violation of their rights when they violated them, and sent their wife out to declare a vast right wing conspiracy fabricated the whole thing. Neither is a hero, but one is even worse than the other.

Musicmystery -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/30/2014 7:34:30 PM)

And you're the one bitching others hijacked your thread...


cloudboy -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/30/2014 8:17:24 PM)

A lot to think about there, thanks for posting it. Its mind boggling some posters here regard him a socialist. The article makes no mention of the ACA, which remains his biggest piece of legislation.

The article also reflects the mood people here have about the stock market.

MrRodgers -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/30/2014 8:32:31 PM)




ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam




ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam

The only prob Gingrich had was that no Dems had the Chutzpa to serve their wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital undergoing cancer treatments while cheating on her as he ran on a "Family Values" ticket.[8|]

And the day his affair later on came to light he resigned as speaker of the house.

My point is this.

He was the voice of his party and he was a hypocrite.
The tone of your post is that his only crime was being caught.

Hardly, for that I would have to believe that the only real crime is getting caught. I was making comparison to people pretending that bills they signed into law were a violation of their rights when they violated them, and sent their wife out to declare a vast right wing conspiracy fabricated the whole thing. Neither is a hero, but one is even worse than the other.

But there was a vast right wing conspiracy out to get them hence the financing of a civil suit and actually giving traction to a spec. pros going after and intimidating an Intern not to mention $60 million on Whitewater that went no where in addition to actual impeachment articles voted out of the house.

I mean if such lies are impeachable, how did W survive his 1st term ?

DesideriScuri -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/31/2014 5:06:34 AM)


I mean if such lies are impeachable, how did W survive his 1st term ?

What lies are you talking about?

bounty44 -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/31/2014 5:32:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam

The only prob Gingrich had was that no Dems had the Chutzpa to serve their wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital undergoing cancer treatments while cheating on her as he ran on a "Family Values" ticket.[8|]

here is the truth about the situation you, at the least, slightly misrepresented.


Musicmystery -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/31/2014 6:18:52 AM)

....and thus the Obama thread is successfully diverted to Gingrich, so that the OP doesn't have to be addressed.

Typical MO.

Lucylastic -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/31/2014 6:28:03 AM)

is anyone going to actually discuss the thread on topic?

Us furrigners have been saying for years, Obama is no more a socialist marxist emperor than he is a muslim.

subrob1967 -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/31/2014 8:31:23 AM)

The stupid is strong in Mr Gibson

CreativeDominant -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/31/2014 10:09:48 AM)

Gee...imagine...an article by someone from the farrr left seeing Obama as conservative.

Just goes to show it all depends which side of the spectrum you are on and how far along that side of the spectrum.

Lucylastic -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/31/2014 11:38:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

....and thus the Obama thread is successfully diverted to Gingrich, so that the OP doesn't have to be addressed.

Typical MO.

crap I missed your response, sorry

Aylee -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/31/2014 1:18:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant

Gee...imagine...an article by someone from the farrr left seeing Obama as conservative.

Just goes to show it all depends which side of the spectrum you are on and how far along that side of the spectrum.

And if we do not like his policies we are RACIIIIIIIIIIIST!

MrRodgers -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/31/2014 2:23:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam

The only prob Gingrich had was that no Dems had the Chutzpa to serve their wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital undergoing cancer treatments while cheating on her as he ran on a "Family Values" ticket.[8|]

here is the truth about the situation you, at the least, slightly misrepresented.


The facts are, he was in divorce proceedings and didn't need to be so in a hurry as to go to the hospital in further pursuit of anything related. Also, Gingrich cheated on his wife will pillorying Clinton for blow job and hardly the same behavior.

So we can put the 'deathbed' myth to bed the same as Benghazi and Al Gore invented the Internet ? (two repub myths)

CreativeDominant -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (12/31/2014 3:34:11 PM)

That's right, he never invented the internet. He only laid claim to creating it. Of course, that's now all laid to "clumsy wording".

joether -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (1/1/2015 1:15:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery
"If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero"
By Carl Gibson, Reader Supported News ~ 26 December 14

The racism case here is gratuitous -- the only "evidence" is the difference between how the Republican Congress treated Clinton vs. Obama, which I think drastically ignores that this is a very different Congress than the Gingrich one (which would still work across the aisle at times).

But the other observations about partisanship are telling. Reminds me of Gingrich bitching that Clinton was "stealing our issues," making clear that accomplishing objectives wasn't the point -- power was.


If you can find one conservative (on this forum or in the nation) that can admit reality that their party is full of racists (and are happy to support racism); I'll show a liberal whom doesn't like the ACA. That being racist is a virtue to conservatives. Just as being stupid, ignorant, irresponsible, unaccountable, without compassion, hateful, mean, and like to play petty games with metaphorical WMDs, is a virtue. Ironically they have all the so called 'Christians' whom hate that people aren't forced to obey their religious lunacy too (and hate the President because he is more Christian then they are combined)!

Yes, Mr. Obama was judged much more unfairly for problems and never given any 'at-a-boys' when he did well by conservatives on this forum and in the nation. That they cant admit his accomplishments (which are many more than Mr. Reagan now). Nor acknowledge that the guy really does give a shit about the nation and the people it makes up.

All due to his skin color. How many conservatives on this forum have their J.D.'s? And are a constitutional scholar? NONE! But that doesnt stop them from coming up with completely FUBAR positions to oppose the President. That they feel that if someone is any color but white, they cant be accomplished, skilled, and/or educated. The President could school any of those Republican Representatives and Senators, not to mention the justices any day of the week.

Of course, its not just because he's black, but he's also a Democrat. Since conservatives hold Democrats and the President to an extremely high (if not impossible) standard. All the while giving the people they vote into office (and wield power poorly and foolishly) not an ounce of accountability or responsibility with power. An how many conservatives on here have challenged me on it? NOT A SINGLE ONE. Because if they held their people they support and vote to the same level of accountability and responsibility with power as the President and Democrats, this nation would have better government....virtually....overnight!

joether -> RE: "If Obama Were a White Republican, He'd Be a Conservative Hero" (1/1/2015 1:34:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri

I mean if such lies are impeachable, how did W survive his 1st term ?

What lies are you talking about?

Lets discussion who should have gotten impeached:

Candidate A: Lies to Congress and the nation about having sexual relationships with an intern (i.e. an affair) that doesnt effect their job duties as 'President of the United States'.

Candidate B: Lies to Congress and the nation about another nation having, and I quote, "Massive Stockpiles" of 'Weapons of Mass Destruction". That the nation's military is used to invade and control that country. By the time the lie is discovered, 3,500+ are dead US Soldiers, 32,500+ are long term injured US Soldiers, and 100,000-600,000 civilians are dead (depending on which report is believed). Not to mention spending $4 trillion of borrowed money to finance the whole thing.

And that both Candidates had Republican controlled Congresses at the time. So please tell us DS,....WHICH...of those two candidates should have been impeached for LYING?

How about those 'Enhanced Interrogation Techniques' the Bush White House stated were 'perfectly lawful'? Ever heard of the 8th amendment? Do you know what it is?

An then there are those brown outages that kept hitting the nation mysteriously. That the Bush Administration brought in all the heads of the various electricity companies to the white house one day, behind closed doors and off the record to discuss 'how to fix the problem'. Soon after that, those problems....magically...disappeared. And that those companies got mysterious tax breaks soon afterward. Must be a coincidence.....right? Because the Bush Administration was.....FULLY....honest with everything, right?

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