Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (Full Version)

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orgasmdenial12 -> Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 4:17:37 AM)

I'm just really curious if anyone here does this, believes this, role plays it or wants a relationship based on it?

How exactly do you perceive male supremacy? Why do you like it? How are your relationships structured to accommodate this? What reactions have you had from people regarding this?

Obviously, it's not just for the Masters, I can probably see some female subs being into this as well and would love to hear from them too.

I *totally get* that it is not the usual M/f kink and that some (many) people are going to find it teeth-grindingly offensive. If I saw a post like this, I'd be rushing to explain why I wasn't into male supremacy, but I'd just like to hear their views and see how they may reconcile them in a world that hammers home the virtues of equality between the sexes.

Thank you :-)

GoddessManko -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 6:36:02 AM)

I try to think of it in terms of Female Supremacy. I believe in a way, women govern many things, their bodies, sexual encounters, being seen as the weaker and less capable sex, sexual objectification etc than many men do not have to deal with on a day to day basis, including systematic gender inequality. However alternatively there are expectations of Dominant men society has placed on them as well like being the HoH, provider, emotionally sound/controlled, stability and security, shouldering everything that may affect relationships, personal life or any of those things aforementioned.
I think it is fair for a male sub to approach a lady for her strength, beauty and grace and see her as Supreme the same way it is very beautiful for a female sub to see Dominant Masculinity for his strength, sturdiness and capabilities.
However, I believe harboring such very personal perceptions and beliefs should not lead to sexism, gender bashing etc. and there has to be some measure of sensitivity for those who are gender benders. It should be something personal which ties into your relationship in some way and I feel there is nothing wrong with declaring either gender as supreme from personal viewpoints and for that to be the catalyst into your love for F/m or M/f. Then the roles are better defined. There SHOULD BE anyway based on that premise, less of a fight or argument for personal roles within the D/s dynamic.
However to ask a woman you have done ZERO, ZIP, NADA, ZILCH for if she knows her place, to who? You? Who the hell are you but a stranger on the internet? Spare me! You're not entitled to every woman on this planet to drop down and worship at your feet. I saw that on AlabamaPrincess's thread about that other male Dom. I would have thought he was joking and I think I would be frozen in shock for someone else to demand that from MY property.
However, I hate pandering and some men declare their belief in Female Supremacy just for that. To pander. If a man declared such belief and had any requirements/ill will towards women (especially Dominant women) I would right away be dismissive of his claims. I am also dismissive of men who enjoy blowing smoke up my ass and presume their words haven't been spoken to me before and should right away start clapping like a baby seal.

shiftyw -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 6:40:55 AM)

I think supremacy vs a male led relationship are different.

Supremacy to means you think everyone would be better under the rule of whatever sex you think is superior. Having a male or female led relationship preference is, to me, fine. But wanting to change others opinions and options is selfish and short sighted.

ETs- I see where this is coming from now.

Sorry! I couldn't help myself the sound of my teeth gritting drowned out logical thought. I'm going to leave my first response up though in case anyone is confused.

GoddessManko -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 7:01:21 AM)

So in a nutshell, Supremacy is very individually defined as well.

shiftyw -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 7:19:01 AM)

No. Choosing a male or female led relationship is different than supremacy:

Supremacy is defined as: the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status.

All others is the major issue I have with it.

GoddessManko -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 7:24:14 AM)

It's not your job to tell me what is and isn't in a dynamic. Stick to what you know honey. I could call my sub a fucking houseplant and that's my prerogative.

shiftyw -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 7:49:19 AM)

Manko, that's kinda my point. Supremacy is ALL OTHERS not a personal dynamic.

It's fine if your man likes female led relationships for himself.
If he believes men are scum and women should lord over all men, that's a belief in supremacy.

You don't need to be condescending. I Took a definition from the dictionary as to what supremacy is.

Choosing a male or female led relatioship style for yourself personally I don't have any bones about. saying I should be the lead in my relationship because I'm a female and we are better, is just stupid and defining my relationship based on your own standards.

Supremacy is different then having a preference- supremacy is a belief that all women or men are better than the other sex

GoddessManko -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 7:56:00 AM)

He believes whatever I wish for him to believe. Including that all women are supreme if that is what I desire. I am not trying to be condescending, apologies. I know what an FLR is firstly and that can exist without the belief that women are Supreme. I'm just saying, any sub's belief in "Female Supremacy" is fine. I saw a young black girl with the n word scribbled all over her by her alleged owners and I didn't flinch. I have also seen people who believe the "Black race is Supreme" alternatively. Some people find lumber sexy, it is not my job to tell them their kinks are wrong though they should be tactful in regards to perceptions by general public and know their views will not be popular or widely accepted. It's the same way you have slept with over 20 guys but pretty sure I know someone who does the same in one weekend somewhere in my past. It's all about perspective is what I'm saying. Having these beliefs do not necessarily mean you automatically believe in oppression of an entire race or gender, that is a fallacy.
Oh, and I'm all about consensual and "realistic" play in any dynamic. ETA, I also linked this thread to my sub so he can share his thoughts on the matter.

Kittenluv954 -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 8:10:29 AM)

this is my understanding of supremacy as well. that's why I say, no way is it even plausible. too much evidence of shared shortcomings, nobody is supreme to anyone by their dick or vagina alone. IMO

GoddessManko -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 8:13:18 AM)

I always say "I believe" so the premise of personal belief is there vs telling everyone wtf to think. I think that really puts things into perspective.

Kittenluv954 -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 8:15:41 AM)

yes, I think my "it's my understanding" gives a similar preface. it's MY understanding, and my understanding has been wrong in the past, undoubtedly will be in the future as well. it leaves room for growth, and error

GoddessManko -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 8:16:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: Kittenluv954

not the first time I have used it, most likely won't be the last. I know some are ultrasensitive to the use of the term, but I don't police myself to a standard political correctness in forums like this. or any other really.

Then you understand, what one person defines one way, someone else can define completely differently. And I agree some people are very sensitive to some things. A white person may have been offended by the black girl with those words on her while I was not. I understood the CONTEXT. I don't have to protest over it, LOL.

caelestis -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 8:43:50 AM)

Fast Reply:

We do touch on it sometimes when we're playing, but I'm not sure it'd exactly fit what you're talking about since we only do it in a lighthearted manner. I'll say or do something silly and he'll sometimes remark on what a silly, brainless girl I am, and I'll giggle and get to have fun playing that role for a little bit. He enjoys what he calls "enthusiastic inferiority" but we both know (and he's quick to reassure me if I need it) that I am a very smart young lady with my own strengths and weaknesses.

DesFIP -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 9:06:49 AM)

Saying that all of one gender or race or religion is automatically superior to others is offensive to me. Whether it was segregation 60 years ago or Nazi Germany or ISIS.

But there are very few people in this world who I think are superior human beings, meaning smarter, kinder, more capable of love and devotion. Most people don't measure up imo.

GoddessManko -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 9:48:47 AM)

Hmm, kind of loving the difference of opinion on this topic so far, I find it interesting.

UnholyBear -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 10:58:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: shiftyw

Manko, that's kinda my point. Supremacy is ALL OTHERS not a personal dynamic.

It's fine if your man likes female led relationships for himself.
If he believes men are scum and women should lord over all men, that's a belief in supremacy.

You don't need to be condescending. I Took a definition from the dictionary as to what supremacy is.

Choosing a male or female led relatioship style for yourself personally I don't have any bones about. saying I should be the lead in my relationship because I'm a female and we are better, is just stupid and defining my relationship based on your own standards.

Supremacy is different then having a preference- supremacy is a belief that all women or men are better than the other sex

Well said swifty.

DesFIP -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 11:04:45 AM)

So Manko, since you're fine with some random dude telling you that all men are superior to all women, are you going to bow down and give him that bj? And would you be fine with it if he told you that he's superior to you because he's white and you're black and therefore you need to spread your legs for any white who told you to?

Because I sure as hell wouldn't be. I don't do bigotry and when you claim all of one group is superior based on shit like sex or skin color, that's bigotry.

orgasmdenial12 -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 11:08:13 AM)

Please note that my question is about CONSENSUAL male supremacy.

This means that *amongst those who have consented* there is an agreement to see men as the supreme sex.

Thinking whatever you prefer to think about your relationship is nobody else's business, however supremacist it is.

Attempting to enforce your 'supremacy' with those who don't consent to be part of your belief system is not consensual, and is outside of the remit of this question.

Once again, I am only asking about *consensual* male supremacy.

Many thanks.

UnholyBear -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 11:17:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: orgasmdenial12

Please note that my question is about CONSENSUAL male supremacy.

This means that *amongst those who have consented* there is an agreement to see men as the supreme sex.

This is one area which I avoid and have no desire to explore. I find there would too much internal conflict between the logic and the concept of male supremacy, when my logical side screams that no one gender is superior to another even if it is consensual.

DesFIP -> RE: Bit Controversial - Consensual Male Supremacy? (3/8/2015 11:18:34 AM)

And again, once someone believes that all people of one kind are superior, then consent has long since been thrown out the window. Because if some dude who thinks all women are superior and should walk on him comes up to me at a play party and lies down kissing my feet without me being asked and agreeing to it, then it's wrong. Doing it inside your agreed upon relationship is fine. Demanding people do not ever enforce their boundaries when dealing with someone of the 'superior' whatever is harmful. So someone who is told to submit to all men is at risk of stds and worse when she has to flash her tits for whatever guy tells her to or demands a bj.

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