Posts: 3289
Status: offline
This is a section where you can let other forum users know that you're looking for a partner. It's provided as a convenience for our forum users as an adjunct to the dating features provided on the main Collarspace website. We wish for all users posting in this section to feel safe and able to mention what they're looking for in a partner without fear of criticism or critique. For this reason, we ask that you limit what you post in this section to descriptions of yourself and what you're looking for in a partner and/or encouragement of the other posters in the section. We have several “feisty” sections for those users wishing to engage in spirited discussions. This form is not this appropriate venue for any manner of debate, critique, or criticism. All responses in this section containing commentary about the postings will be removed. Postings inappropriately raising topics for discussion will be moved to another section of the forum. As with all sections of the forum, please keep your postings civil and do not insult the kinks, preferences, or lifestyle of others users. Please make any connections privately. Posting of your email addresse (as long as it does in fact belong to you) and a link to your personal homepage is permitted.
< Message edited by Admin -- 7/28/2016 10:56:49 AM >