RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (Full Version)

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SuddenlySatyr -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 3:04:25 AM)

damn, Elnard can see the future guys, they're standing on a psychic cars and what not.

Ok, you do realize the majority of our activity carries inherent risks right? Breath play, bondage, impact play can all kill you! FinDom is an informed consent fetish. These men actively seek these women. Your reasoning is that this is their only option, and that is BS. Aside from proDomination, there are escorts, there is sugar, the list goes on.

Are there scammers? Ofcourse. There are predators through out the human population and that is when the law gets involved. Are you under the delusion FinDoms are new? No they have been around for a long time and were around back when you would get locked up for having bondage porn in your shop. Being aroused is not an excuse to make compulsive choices that negatively impact your financial security. It's called financial momentum and these subs are expected to maintain it. If they can't, they don't get what they want.

Submissive men not only have the choice not to pay, many don't. It is a radical act of submission that gratifies the finsubs. It is also worth noting that FinDoms get busted all the time, mainly for blackmail and fraud depending on their activities. This has been a dangerous fetish for both sides and how are we not discussing the realities of this fetish but rather dealing with this egotistical debate that only serves to demonstrate how intellectually insecure the Oracle of Delphi is. Oh wait this is the internet and we are on a message board -_-'. It was inevitable and should not distract from the conversation.

Much of BDSM is dangerous, but vilifying participation and declaring how right we are lacks what we are seeking: substance.

Elnard -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 3:43:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: SuddenlySatyr

damn, Elnard can see the future guys, they're standing on a psychic cars and what not.

Ok, you do realize the majority of our activity carries inherent risks right? Breath play, bondage, impact play can all kill you! FinDom is an informed consent fetish. These men actively seek these women. Your reasoning is that this is their only option, and that is BS. Aside from proDomination, there are escorts, there is sugar, the list goes on.

Are there scammers? Ofcourse. There are predators through out the human population and that is when the law gets involved. Are you under the delusion FinDoms are new? No they have been around for a long time and were around back when you would get locked up for having bondage porn in your shop. Being aroused is not an excuse to make compulsive choices that negatively impact your financial security. It's called financial momentum and these subs are expected to maintain it. If they can't, they don't get what they want.

Submissive men not only have the choice not to pay, many don't. It is a radical act of submission that gratifies the finsubs. It is also worth noting that FinDoms get busted all the time, mainly for blackmail and fraud depending on their activities. This has been a dangerous fetish for both sides and how are we not discussing the realities of this fetish but rather dealing with this egotistical debate that only serves to demonstrate how intellectually insecure the Oracle of Delphi is. Oh wait this is the internet and we are on a message board -_-'. It was inevitable and should not distract from the conversation.

Much of BDSM is dangerous, but vilifying participation and declaring how right we are lacks what we are seeking: substance.

You are so great Kent Hovind! Very funny with the psychic cars part. Did you get your auditorium to have a good chuckle? This place is becoming an echo chamber, so I'm going to become more efficient with my replies in that I'm not going to address Kent Hovind style ponits anymore and only stuff that actually has merit.

Surprised you actually know what an Oracle of Delphi is, you fooled me. You aren't intelligent enough to understand seeing possible permutations of situations that can arise with confidence (like a good chess player) is not the same as prophesy. That's the last you're going to get out of me because we have an echo chamber in the house now. I'm just going to write you off as part of the Kent Hovind debate audience now and speak to the people worth helping to understand.

As for the post about FemDommes still not getting what they want that had like 4 rational steps to it, I like that post a lot and that's precisely the crux of my post. There is a correlation to the amount of scammers feeding off an instability that is boiling over, and the only ones with the power to change it are the FemDommes that are not getting what they want. It's a zugzwang in a nutshell, but the turn order falls into those FemDommes which is exactly the call to action my thesis is based on. The straight male subs don't have control of the board, while understanding on FemDommes in part can open communication and actually cause more connections to be made rather than girls learning to expect to see money up front, and nobody meeting anyone and everyone going home an ultimate game theory loser.

ExiledTyrant -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 5:23:51 AM)

Oh look, it's the muppet show.

[img][/img]via Imgflip Meme Maker

Elnard -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 6:16:56 AM)

Ah yes, here comes the half tangential post that's only relative thread to the discussion is an insult of people within the discussion.

Waiting for the progression to the "tension lowering" post a la Kevin Spacey at the dinnertable where people pretend to change the topic, or hand out cookies in an attempt to lower the tension (and fail miserably)

Otherwise this discussion really has run it's course, as the last post has already shown, it is at the the first that is entirely tangential from the topic except for the commonality of insulting a participant within the discussion. Only slowly know until we are purely tangential and aren't even in the discussion anymore.

But march on good sir, you're very cheeky with your cool little darth vader meme from 2002.

ExiledTyrant -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 6:52:09 AM)

Your grasp of the language is commendable, however your execution of the language in this medium, on this site, makes you quite transparent. Hubris has, and always will be, self defeating, and displaying hubris through your linguistic abilities belies the level of intellect you wish to project. You are clearly well educated, but fail, miserably, in social settings. I am sure that has been quite baffling to you, all that intellect and no interpersonal skills of measurable worth. It is illogical at best... but then again, where is the logic of this particular social site?

You're on a site where people hurt people and people want hurt. You're not the first to come along and erroneously inundate the masses with linguistic legerdemain, and like them, you will fail and fall flat, because the root of any relationship is the ability to "relate". You may be quite comfortable expressing yourself in the manner in which you articulate your thoughts within certain circles... however, you are in Rome, and you know what they say. If you are here to make connections, you have to be able to "relate" and be "related" to. I would encourage you to tone down your expansive vocabulary and present yourself in a more relatable light, but success will depend on a rinse and repeat of your profile (though I am confident this is still the muppet show).

Not only has the language you chose to utilize in your interactions here presented you as socially inept, your "rage" against a machine that is as superfluous as most topics down in P&R has revealed you to lack the necessary discipline, self control, and rationale to be a viable partner to anyone. You have, in your tirade, posited that all submissive males lack the intelligence to thwart a scam, lack the self control to resist the temptation of a findomme, and lack the ability to defend themselves from... anything. We do not respond well to broad sweeping generalizations, nor do we respond well to having "choices" removed from any endeavor. A findomme and paypig relationship is a choice and you can choose for yourself not to participate.

Elnard -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 7:12:50 AM)

Now thank you that is a much better post and I appreciate it.

However, I already took into account everything. I did calculate out before this discussion began the possible outcomes, and the resource expenditure as well as risk/reward. You aren't giving me anything I haven't encountered before. The when in Rome thing is spot on, but you are forgetting, every time an old belief system is demolished "when in Rome applies" and the person bringing forth (agitator to the old hypothesis) goes in with full knowledge of this. If a starting point in a game is so disadvantageous, as straight male subs are being treated right now, then it skews the risk/reward formula and makes the calculations easier.

So yes, when in Rome, I knew that coming in, and it's noted and I'm glad you've toned it down, I'll do the same. But at the same time if you look at it from my perspective, and those affected, knowing I took the risk calculation into account, you have to wonder exactly how abysmally skewed and un-understanding society is of gender roles for this level of play to be pre-calculated and still be worthwhile.

In other words, if we're being forced into playing russian roulette how badly does the starting position have to be before it's better cost/benefit to decide to not play at all? Six bullets? Five? One? Why not just fire at your captor if they start you with one bullet?

The point is, through all of this, there have been 1000 views and more understanding, and there's no worse position to be in when findomme scams are this rampant, so yes, the calculation was done and it is advantageous as awareness spreads.

dreamlady -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 7:17:58 AM)



It's not unreasonable to expect if someone signs up on a dating website, subculture or not, they are looking for someone. It's also not unreasonable to expect that because sub men, despite having societal characteristics of the submissive role that is often pursued in women, are not pursued by domme women. It is then not unreasonable to assume that on a dating website, if they get no messages and want to utilize the function of meeting people, and the only avenue is to pay for it, then they will do so. . . . The part that makes you believe they want this is they've learned its the only way they get responses.

No one is going to contact them because they aren't gay male subs contacted by gay masters. They've learned the only way they will get any sort of response is to put money up front, . . .

Now, explain to me how on a kinky "dating website" that sub men are sitting around with their fingers up their. . . noses, not motivated to get a woman interested in them enough to consider dating them. What are these so-called "societal characteristics" which you are stereotyping as being passive and reactionary, and what makes you think that Dominant women need to be pursuing anybody? Would that be the armchair submissive of whom you speak? The one who is wishing upon a star for his fairy godmother to drop Xena the Warrior Princess-Mistress into his lap?

You don't have the foggiest idea how ignorant this makes you sound, when you speak of submissives as though they are a disenfranchised group of aimless, underachieving, socially handicapped (inept) incompetents who are utterly powerless without a Dominant shepherd to come along and lead them away from inevitably falling off the cliff of loneliness and despair. Omg, how shall we rescue them all from their brainless stupor in the nick of time! [:o]

But then, you must be speaking for yourself. Tell me, is this how those with lesbian slave profiles do things down in Texas? Or would that be Down Under instead? [sm=alarm.gif] (Inside joke for party of one, not a homophobic slur.)

It is not unreasonable to expect whoever is doing the active seeking, to take the initiative to make contact. This is what I see happening. If not mass-mailed form letters, then there's the peek-a-boo profile viewing. I guess if you want to save a profile to get back to later, or want to stalk somebody's on-line time stamps, you save them as a favorite and thus become their admirer.
Anyhow, dudes view us. We see whether there is any remote possibility they might fit our preferred criteria, or out of curiosity, we view them back. We/they lose track of who viewed who first, and it turns into a mini-circle jerk. Oh wait, dude then shoots off a short note thanking us for viewing his profile. It isn't just submissive males who do this, by the way, plenty of Doms go this roundabout route with me.

FYI, none of the Dommes I know on this site ever require tribute or gifts to correspond with or to meet with them. We do get asked out on plenty of dinner or lunch dates prematurely which get turned down because pushy guys come across as too creepy to risk meeting up with, or too desperate-acting to consider.

Elnard, maybe you should stop trawling 20-something pay princess profiles looking for provocative pictures and getting your free humiliation fix.


ORIGINAL: NookieNotes

Your very first sentence is entirely the issue. You are a straight female switch.

And yet, you were railing about there not being enough "actual lifestyle females who are not lesbians."

Like dreamlady. Like me.

Thanks Nookie, I knew I left something out. Funny, though, how a "lesbian" would want there to be more non-lesbians to potentially show no interest in "her."


ARIES83 -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 7:23:18 AM)


Elnard -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 7:26:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: dreamlady



It's not unreasonable to expect if someone signs up on a dating website, subculture or not, they are looking for someone. It's also not unreasonable to expect that because sub men, despite having societal characteristics of the submissive role that is often pursued in women, are not pursued by domme women. It is then not unreasonable to assume that on a dating website, if they get no messages and want to utilize the function of meeting people, and the only avenue is to pay for it, then they will do so. . . . The part that makes you believe they want this is they've learned its the only way they get responses.

No one is going to contact them because they aren't gay male subs contacted by gay masters. They've learned the only way they will get any sort of response is to put money up front, . . .

Now, explain to me how on a kinky "dating website" that sub men are sitting around with their fingers up their. . . noses, not motivated to get a woman interested in them enough to consider dating them. What are these so-called "societal characteristics" which you are stereotyping as being passive and reactionary, and what makes you think that Dominant women need to be pursuing anybody? Would that be the armchair submissive of whom you speak? The one who is wishing upon a star for his fairy godmother to drop Xena the Warrior Princess-Mistress into his lap?

You don't have the foggiest idea how ignorant this makes you sound, when you speak of submissives as though they are a disenfranchised group of aimless, underachieving, socially handicapped (inept) incompetents who are utterly powerless without a Dominant shepherd to come along and lead them away from inevitably falling off the cliff of loneliness and despair. Omg, how shall we rescue them all from their brainless stupor in the nick of time! [:o]

But then, you must be speaking for yourself. Tell me, is this how those with lesbian slave profiles do things down in Texas? Or would that be Down Under instead? [sm=alarm.gif] (Inside joke for party of one, not a homophobic slur.)

It is not unreasonable to expect whoever is doing the active seeking, to take the initiative to make contact. This is what I see happening. If not mass-mailed form letters, then there's the peek-a-boo profile viewing. I guess if you want to save a profile to get back to later, or want to stalk somebody's on-line time stamps, you save them as a favorite and thus become their admirer.
Anyhow, dudes view us. We see whether there is any remote possibility they might fit our preferred criteria, or out of curiosity, we view them back. We/they lose track of who viewed who first, and it turns into a mini-circle jerk. Oh wait, dude then shoots off a short note thanking us for viewing his profile. It isn't just submissive males who do this, by the way, plenty of Doms go this roundabout route with me.

FYI, none of the Dommes I know on this site ever require tribute or gifts to correspond with or to meet with them. We do get asked out on plenty of dinner or lunch dates prematurely which get turned down because pushy guys come across as too creepy to risk meeting up with, or too desperate-acting to consider.

Elnard, maybe you should stop trawling 20-something pay princess profiles looking for provocative pictures and getting your free humiliation fix.


ORIGINAL: NookieNotes

Your very first sentence is entirely the issue. You are a straight female switch.

And yet, you were railing about there not being enough "actual lifestyle females who are not lesbians."

Like dreamlady. Like me.

Thanks Nookie, I knew I left something out. Funny, though, how a "lesbian" would want there to be more non-lesbians to potentially show no interest in "her."


Last I checked, Xena Warrior Princess didn't have a submissive male love interest. THAT wasn't even socially acceptable and you've just brought up the problem by trying to sarcastically come up with an answer. That's not a male's role, we need to save blonde girl because a homosexual female relationships (as fringe as it was when this show came out or whatever) is a hundred fold more acceptable than a male every taking the submissive role. I don't know, I didn't watch the show, I'm coming up with strange terms it looked like it sucked. But I can promise you two things without ever having seen it: either the blonde girl was the love interest, or the love interest was a kevin sorbo style hercules type man. There is no spot in again, hate to be a broken record, but there is no spot for a straight male to take that yellow haired girl role. "Edgy" as I'm sure the show tried to be.

I'm 99.9% positive you have never thought about that before. Just think about that. Mull it over and come tell me there's not a problem with society understanding men who crave that type of connection but aren't gay being ostracized. There's no need to even go any further what I've said has more emotional power and reason to it than going to refute whatever else you've decided to post.

ExiledTyrant -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 7:30:43 AM)



Now thank you that is a much better post and I appreciate it.

However, I already took into account everything. I did calculate out before this discussion began the possible outcomes, and the resource expenditure as well as risk/reward. You aren't giving me anything I haven't encountered before. The when in Rome thing is spot on, but you are forgetting, every time an old belief system is demolished "when in Rome applies" and the person bringing forth (agitator to the old hypothesis) goes in with full knowledge of this. If a starting point in a game is so disadvantageous, as straight male subs are being treated right now, then it skews the risk/reward formula and makes the calculations easier.

So yes, when in Rome, I knew that coming in, and it's noted and I'm glad you've toned it down, I'll do the same. But at the same time if you look at it from my perspective, and those affected, knowing I took the risk calculation into account, you have to wonder exactly how abysmally skewed and un-understanding society is of gender roles for this level of play to be pre-calculated and still be worthwhile.

In other words, if we're being forced into playing russian roulette how badly does the starting position have to be before it's better cost/benefit to decide to not play at all? Six bullets? Five? One? Why not just fire at your captor if they start you with one bullet?

The point is, through all of this, there have been 1000 views and more understanding, and there's no worse position to be in when findomme scams are this rampant, so yes, the calculation was done and it is advantageous as awareness spreads.

Again, there are no victims, there are volunteers. Every time you send or receive a letter on this site it says "Do not send money"... for a lot of the rants over FinDomme, it is buyers remorse... my personal rant is I bought a large container of ice cream that I do not much care for... since I ate some, I cannot take it back... I'll just have to live with the Breyers remorse of it all.

Elnard -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 7:40:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: ExiledTyrant



Now thank you that is a much better post and I appreciate it.

However, I already took into account everything. I did calculate out before this discussion began the possible outcomes, and the resource expenditure as well as risk/reward. You aren't giving me anything I haven't encountered before. The when in Rome thing is spot on, but you are forgetting, every time an old belief system is demolished "when in Rome applies" and the person bringing forth (agitator to the old hypothesis) goes in with full knowledge of this. If a starting point in a game is so disadvantageous, as straight male subs are being treated right now, then it skews the risk/reward formula and makes the calculations easier.

So yes, when in Rome, I knew that coming in, and it's noted and I'm glad you've toned it down, I'll do the same. But at the same time if you look at it from my perspective, and those affected, knowing I took the risk calculation into account, you have to wonder exactly how abysmally skewed and un-understanding society is of gender roles for this level of play to be pre-calculated and still be worthwhile.

In other words, if we're being forced into playing russian roulette how badly does the starting position have to be before it's better cost/benefit to decide to not play at all? Six bullets? Five? One? Why not just fire at your captor if they start you with one bullet?

The point is, through all of this, there have been 1000 views and more understanding, and there's no worse position to be in when findomme scams are this rampant, so yes, the calculation was done and it is advantageous as awareness spreads.

Again, there are no victims, there are volunteers. Every time you send or receive a letter on this site it says "Do not send money"... for a lot of the rants over FinDomme, it is buyers remorse... my personal rant is I bought a large container of ice cream that I do not much care for... since I ate some, I cannot take it back... I'll just have to live with the Breyers remorse of it all.

These are the types of questions that are purely constructive that I like to see. You see volunteers, but you need to then ask another question:

Are they actually volunteers?

Say a man is trapped inside a tiny cave, and there's a tunnel. I'm trapped with another person in this tunnel, and the person tells me there's a world beyond that tunnel that has food, harbor, life and love, but in order to pass the cave there's a tunnel where a monster lives.

The man's choice is either to live the rest of his life in this cave, no food, no harbor, no sunlight, probably a very short and tragic one, or to walk past the monster to reach a world where the rest of everyone lives.

Is the man volunteering to be eaten by the monster? Does he really have a choice? When the desire becomes so bad to live like an actual human being, he will be compelled to make a move, which to someone who isn't inside the cave and hasn't seen the monster seems like he is volunteering himself to be eaten. But it's not voluntary, it's the only move. It's play into the scams, get scraps of attention for a paycheck, or don't play at all in the world of symbiotic human love. The world beyond the monster contains M > M, M = M, M > F, F > F, F = F

Can you count those permutations and tell me who is left in the cave? If you answered F > M then you are right. The problem here is the monster is very easy to get rid of, but because of the nature of the elements in the set, the turn order, and responsibility to get rid of the monster is on the F end of the F > M, which is the call to understanding.

ExiledTyrant -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 7:56:22 AM)

Again, you have a choice. Marriage is and always will be the first FinDomme institution... as you can see, you have options.

dreamlady -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 7:58:21 AM)



That's not a male's role, we need to save blonde girl because a homosexual female relationships (as fringe as it was when this show came out or whatever) is a hundred fold more acceptable than a male every taking the submissive role. I don't know, I didn't watch the show, I'm coming up with strange terms it looked like it sucked. But I can promise you two things without ever having seen it: either the blonde girl was the love interest, or the love interest was a kevin sorbo style hercules type man. There is no spot in again, hate to be a broken record, but there is no spot for a straight male to take that yellow haired girl role.

Who's to say that Kevin Sorbo character wasn't a submissive male? Therein lies your fallacy. You have equated your own cowardliness and lack of masculine animal magnetism with submissiveness.

There is nothing sexier than having a man with a powerfully masculine presence turn out to be sexually submissive to the ONE woman he desires to be utterly devoted to. It's sexy and intoxicating.

I've known more submissive men than you will ever buddy up with once you dare to venture out from your mom's basement. But I've also come into contact with plenty of your particular brand of wank fetishist, and those who are drawn to FemDom because they have the mental-emotional maturity of a man-child who runs to hide behind a woman's skirts. [:'(] Not sexy whatsoever.


Elnard -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 8:00:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: ExiledTyrant

Again, you have a choice. Marriage is and always will be the first FinDomme institution... as you can see, you have options.

I am interested in hearing more about this. Specifically now I have some questions because I am curious and want to understand.

When you refer to a choice, what do you mean? An election for a straight submissive male with feminine tendencies between solidarity, going gay (impossible for someone who isn't gay by definition), or altering one's natural brain chemistry to be something they are not (machismo)?

Those are examples, but I am curious as to what you believe the choices are.

ExiledTyrant -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 8:04:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: dreamlady



That's not a male's role, we need to save blonde girl because a homosexual female relationships (as fringe as it was when this show came out or whatever) is a hundred fold more acceptable than a male every taking the submissive role. I don't know, I didn't watch the show, I'm coming up with strange terms it looked like it sucked. But I can promise you two things without ever having seen it: either the blonde girl was the love interest, or the love interest was a kevin sorbo style hercules type man. There is no spot in again, hate to be a broken record, but there is no spot for a straight male to take that yellow haired girl role.

Who's to say that Kevin Sorbo character wasn't a submissive male? Therein lies your fallacy. You have equated your own cowardliness and lack of masculine animal magnetism with submissiveness.

There is nothing sexier than having a man with a powerfully masculine presence turn out to be sexually submissive to the ONE woman he desires to be utterly devoted to. It's sexy and intoxicating.

I've known more submissive men than you will ever buddy up with once you dare to venture out from your mom's basement. But I've also come into contact with plenty of your particular brand of wank fetishist, and those who are drawn to FemDom because they have the mental-emotional maturity of a man-child who runs to hide behind a woman's skirts. [:'(] Not sexy whatsoever.


Hmmm... intriguing tangent, and derail... I think the sexiest F/m relationship was Akasha and Lestat.

Elnard -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 8:08:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: dreamlady



That's not a male's role, we need to save blonde girl because a homosexual female relationships (as fringe as it was when this show came out or whatever) is a hundred fold more acceptable than a male every taking the submissive role. I don't know, I didn't watch the show, I'm coming up with strange terms it looked like it sucked. But I can promise you two things without ever having seen it: either the blonde girl was the love interest, or the love interest was a kevin sorbo style hercules type man. There is no spot in again, hate to be a broken record, but there is no spot for a straight male to take that yellow haired girl role.

Who's to say that Kevin Sorbo character wasn't a submissive male? Therein lies your fallacy. You have equated your own cowardliness and lack of masculine animal magnetism with submissiveness.

There is nothing sexier than having a man with a powerfully masculine presence turn out to be sexually submissive to the ONE woman he desires to be utterly devoted to. It's sexy and intoxicating.

I've known more submissive men than you will ever buddy up with once you dare to venture out from your mom's basement. But I've also come into contact with plenty of your particular brand of wank fetishist, and those who are drawn to FemDom because they have the mental-emotional maturity of a man-child who runs to hide behind a woman's skirts. [:'(] Not sexy whatsoever.


Your problem here is that you are ignoring math and personal aesthetic tastes. Yes, particularly, you may exclusively be attracted to Herc, but we are calculating the problem on a societal scale, specifically at intersections in which there is misunderstanding and misrepresenation. It may have something to do with you being a straight female, I don't know how the brain works, but what I can tell you is that based on mathematical principles there are, given a large enough and equal set of men to women in the world, also a large enough and equal subset of women who would compensate the larger formula and create a haven or unit in to which the particular style (feminine presence/psychology/style) has value and is pleasing in a man.

You presented me with a personal anecdote, which if inserted into this engine gives me one case. Specifically I'm not speaking of your preferences, but how the math stinks in the entire formula, and when perfected and refined, (not being complacent and seeking understanding) both frustrated FemDommes who never knew men were psychologically the same animal as women, and the submissive men who want them, will have a larger margin of error, more confidence, more happiness.

By virtue of the function being rotten because of how we are socialized to not accept straight feminine boys growing up. Treat it like calculus instead of using your one case to create an aesthetic theory that all women must adhere to in submissive men and assume such a subset I described exists, but it sits somewhere in the mind that society never calls us to access due to complacency and fear of breaking certain roles at the expense of everyone playing being miserable.

NookieNotes -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 8:17:23 AM)




ORIGINAL: ExiledTyrant

Again, you have a choice. Marriage is and always will be the first FinDomme institution... as you can see, you have options.

I am interested in hearing more about this. Specifically now I have some questions because I am curious and want to understand.

When you refer to a choice, what do you mean? An election for a straight submissive male with feminine tendencies between solidarity, going gay (impossible for someone who isn't gay by definition), or altering one's natural brain chemistry to be something they are not (machismo)?

Those are examples, but I am curious as to what you believe the choices are.

Your choice is to be someone who others enjoy being around, BECAUSE of who they are, rather than despite it.

I love submissive males. I own one of my very own. He is neither super-macho nor a sissy. He is a quietly confident man of medium-build, boy-next-door good looks, and a charm that makes nearly everyone love him.

And he is mine.

He pounds guys ten years his junior on mountain bike rides for 60+ miles. He does his work competently, and put himself through Architecture school. He dresses in an attractive manner that is all him.

And he begs to be humiliated by me, the woman who loves him.

And then there are men as you are presenting yourself as on these boards.

Whiny. Bitter. Full of themselves. Needy to the point of creepy. Sure that the problem lies not within themselves or their own personalities, but with those big meany-pants dommes who just won't give him a chance.

NookieNotes -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 8:26:16 AM)


Your problem here is that you are ignoring math and personal aesthetic tastes. Yes, particularly, you may exclusively be attracted to Herc, but we are calculating the problem on a societal scale, specifically at intersections in which there is misunderstanding and misrepresenation. It may have something to do with you being a straight female, I don't know how the brain works, but what I can tell you is that based on mathematical principles there are, given a large enough and equal set of men to women in the world, also a large enough and equal subset of women who would compensate the larger formula and create a haven or unit in to which the particular style (feminine presence/psychology/style) has value and is pleasing in a man.

This is spot on. Is this you?


FemDommes who never knew men were psychologically the same animal as women

Men and women are different, both physically and psychologically. You do know this, right?

Sure, humans have basic core needs that are the same in most. However, however those needs are expressed are different between the sexes, often.


By virtue of the function being rotten because of how we are socialized to not accept straight feminine boys growing up. Treat it like calculus instead of using your one case to create an aesthetic theory that all women must adhere to in submissive men and assume such a subset I described exists, but it sits somewhere in the mind that society never calls us to access due to complacency and fear of breaking certain roles at the expense of everyone playing being miserable.

Ah. Here are your issues, stated clearly.

1. You are not taking responsibility for your own desires, and instead blaming society.

2. You think because you are special and have special "out-of-the-box" differences from others, that your personal experiences trump everyone else's (her's a clue, dominant women are as out-of-the-box as submissive men, boy-o).

3. You're afraid.

Elnard -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 8:29:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: NookieNotes




ORIGINAL: ExiledTyrant

Again, you have a choice. Marriage is and always will be the first FinDomme institution... as you can see, you have options.

I am interested in hearing more about this. Specifically now I have some questions because I am curious and want to understand.

When you refer to a choice, what do you mean? An election for a straight submissive male with feminine tendencies between solidarity, going gay (impossible for someone who isn't gay by definition), or altering one's natural brain chemistry to be something they are not (machismo)?

Those are examples, but I am curious as to what you believe the choices are.

Your choice is to be someone who others enjoy being around, BECAUSE of who they are, rather than despite it.

I love submissive males. I own one of my very own. He is neither super-macho nor a sissy. He is a quietly confident man of medium-build, boy-next-door good looks, and a charm that makes nearly everyone love him.

And he is mine.

He pounds guys ten years his junior on mountain bike rides for 60+ miles. He does his work competently, and put himself through Architecture school. He dresses in an attractive manner that is all him.

And he begs to be humiliated by me, the woman who loves him.

And then there are men as you are presenting yourself as on these boards.

Whiny. Bitter. Full of themselves. Needy to the point of creepy. Sure that the problem lies not within themselves or their own personalities, but with those big meany-pants dommes who just won't give him a chance.

Well your anecdote again doesn't hold much weight because a few pages back you admitted to being one of THOSE. I mention "those" as people with a faulty belief that men and women are different. So essentially your arrangement sounds like a damn nightmare, because we already established you have different expectations in a partner for men and women.

Assuming you weren't a horror to be around though, and that any man wired like a woman would actually want you, that's 2 cases, assuming 7 billion people and a few billion pairings on the earth. Your misandry was spewing like diarrhea a few pages back that I elected to ignore, so honestly you are a write off in that you are in the stone age as one of THOSE.

Assuming I actually cared, your case makes 2, and again we are not talking solving an algebra problem on the board, we are talking calculating pairings that are demanded at large by society, but unnoticed. Whether that block fits 5%, 10%, 15% I don't know who fits in, though I know it isn't you. That's still a serviceable number of people that can be happy with more knowledge.

My question to you is, why are you actively trying to bring everyone else down into the dark ages and PREVENT this type of understanding? Why do you have to be such a nasty little waste of life and encourage people that it's OK to eliminate options, encourage people that it's OK to eliminate men because they are different, because you already have your take (who sounds like a real winner might I add if he got you)

And please don't tell me you are defending findommes. It goes back to the budgeting issue in that findommes are going the opposite way on the same axis as straight male subs. You can defend one but not both. I really know what a waste of a human being you are if you're going the findomme route, but then again, you are one of THOSE.

Elnard -> RE: -=Money Pigs/FinDomery - real fetish or fake? (soapbox)=- (4/14/2015 8:34:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: NookieNotes


Your problem here is that you are ignoring math and personal aesthetic tastes. Yes, particularly, you may exclusively be attracted to Herc, but we are calculating the problem on a societal scale, specifically at intersections in which there is misunderstanding and misrepresenation. It may have something to do with you being a straight female, I don't know how the brain works, but what I can tell you is that based on mathematical principles there are, given a large enough and equal set of men to women in the world, also a large enough and equal subset of women who would compensate the larger formula and create a haven or unit in to which the particular style (feminine presence/psychology/style) has value and is pleasing in a man.

This is spot on. Is this you?


FemDommes who never knew men were psychologically the same animal as women

Men and women are different, both physically and psychologically. You do know this, right?

Sure, humans have basic core needs that are the same in most. However, however those needs are expressed are different between the sexes, often.


By virtue of the function being rotten because of how we are socialized to not accept straight feminine boys growing up. Treat it like calculus instead of using your one case to create an aesthetic theory that all women must adhere to in submissive men and assume such a subset I described exists, but it sits somewhere in the mind that society never calls us to access due to complacency and fear of breaking certain roles at the expense of everyone playing being miserable.

Ah. Here are your issues, stated clearly.

1. You are not taking responsibility for your own desires, and instead blaming society.

2. You think because you are special and have special "out-of-the-box" differences from others, that your personal experiences trump everyone else's (her's a clue, dominant women are as out-of-the-box as submissive men, boy-o).

3. You're afraid.

Durrrr, one has a penis? You don't say?
Also, I want to see your proof that men and women are psychologically different. That's an asinine and outrageous claim, and a dangerous one, but fuck it right, doesn't affect you to generalize about all men. Also nice use of the word often. How many outliers are you willing to sacrifice for no fucking reason when they don't hit the often part of that clause and for what gainful purpose? Oh I already know why, because you are what's wrong with human beings.

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