Do male Doms ask for tribute? (Full Version)

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TylerDurdenJr -> Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/26/2015 2:08:49 PM)

Good afternoon Gents or Sirs. I was just simply wonder if Masters/Doms ask for or demand tributes and gifts?

It seems to me there is dichotomy between the how Masters and Mistresses operate.

I personally am seeking a Mistress. But am obviously having a hard time understanding why the monetary gifting is mandatory. I get that it would be no different than wining and dining a lady in the vanilla world. But usually before that I can at least try and spit some game before I get to that point.

I cant even approach a Domme on here without her asking for a tribute. I guess my problem with the whole thing is that I am not looking for cheap thrills on here. I am looking for a deeper meaningful experience that the vanilla world cannot provide. I am not particularly comfortable talking about my kinks and fetishes with those that are not into the lifestyle

TylerDurdenJr -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/26/2015 2:10:14 PM)

Sorry my tablet went crazy and posted before I was finished.....I will continue.

TylerDurdenJr -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/26/2015 2:21:26 PM)

Continued from above.

So to me. This is more than just playing and kinky fun. All that to be is bonus. I seek deeper rapport with someone who understands me and my kinks. Who also will be non-judgmental about it.

If I have that spark with someone than I will give until there is nothing left. Money, my soul, you name it. The problem is I am not going to tribute up front just to see if there is compatibility.

I am a true submissive and truly desire to serve a Mistress. If I were just here for kinky sex or erotic play I am sure I could go about getting it. From my point of view paying a ProDomme to do things to me cheapens the whole experience and destroys the beautiful aspects of this lifestyle.

So Masters and Gents do you demand tribute? Or is this something that is more or less a Mistress thing?

This whole idea has me so jaded on the lifestyle that I wish to lead.

Thank you.

Michael34786aa -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/26/2015 3:34:55 PM)

I don't, and I know other Master don't, but some do, maybe your looking in the wrong place. As for the Mistress I can't speak for them, you might want to post at "ask a Mistress". If I was you, check out fetlife, and post over there that your looking and also add "please no pros."
Tyler, you have a big heart, and I'm sure your going to make a Master or a Mistress very proud to own you. Good Luck

stef -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/26/2015 3:44:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: TylerDurdenJr

This whole idea has me so jaded on the lifestyle that I wish to lead.


The people who would require a tribute from you are not part of the "lifestyle" you wish to lead. If you run into someone who requires one, bid them a good day and move along.

Pro Tip: When you meet people in person, you'll find that 99% of the tribute hunters disappear. Get out from behind the computer and meet people in the real world. Good luck!

FindMeImLost -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/26/2015 5:35:29 PM)

Well thank you Sirs, I appreciate the advice.

Wayward5oul -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/26/2015 6:05:39 PM)

Ok, first, love the username! The whole idea behind that movie is a guilty pleasure/fascination for me.


ORIGINAL: TylerDurdenJr
Good afternoon Gents or Sirs.

I am not a gent or sir, but I am a woman that interacts with your intended audience every day, from your side of the slash, so if you are open to it, I am willing to offer some insight and advice based on my experiences. If not, feel free to scroll on.

[quoteI was just simply wonder if Masters/Doms ask for or demand tributes and gifts?

I have personally never come across a male dom that required tribute or gift. Not online. Not in person. Nor anywhere in between. Not from men who consider themselves lifestyle doms, nor ones who do it only in the bedroom. Nor anywhere in between.

[quoteI personally am seeking a Mistress. But am obviously having a hard time understanding why the monetary gifting is mandatory.

This is purely a personal observation, after having been among those in the world of bdsm for 3-4years now, so take it with a grain of salt. Five years from now I might answer this very differently. Hell, one year from now I might answer this differently.

But my current impression is that female subs vastly outnumber male doms, and femdommes vastly outnumber male subs. Supply and demand. Male subs must be willing to go a step further in order to attract dommes. And must be willing to prove their seriousness in regards to interaction. With femdommes in such high demand, they have the prerogative of placing a more tangible value on their time than the average male dom. And because people in this world (on both sides of the slash and of both genders) tend to flake out very easily, its not uncommon for a dom/domme to invest time in a sub only to have them disappear into thin air. And I have the impression that that happens ridiculously often with F/m interactions. By requiring gifts/tribute, a male sub shows that they are approaching the interaction with some degree of seriousness.

Secondly, you cannot discount the kink factor-what makes a male feel submissive (as a general rule) probably varies from what makes a female feel submissive. Just as what attracts a dominant woman will vary in some way from what attracts a dominant man. So there is probably going to be some specific differences that can generally be attributed to male doms vs. femdommes.

Lastly-and I am not sure how to express this without also expressing a bias that I observe everywhere in the world of bdsm (and to an extent share)- since there is such a (perceived or otherwise) demand for femdommes, many women have found it lucrative to operate as a means of padding their wallet, rather than as an expression of bdsm. While there are ways to incorporate financial domination into a bdsm dynamic, there are also many women who take advantage of that to benefit themselves. My perception is that the latter far outweighs the former.

Don't misunderstand me-from what I have read on these boards, it is not uncommon for a D/s dynamic to include aspects of financial domination. I personally know people who have M/s relationships that includes a financial factor. In my own mind, I kind of think of the difference in terms of findommes and "finducks"-the latter being far more common and motivated by greed, not bdsm.

[quoteI cant even approach a Domme on here without her asking for a tribute. I guess my problem with the whole thing is that I am not looking for cheap thrills on here. I am looking for a deeper meaningful experience that the vanilla world cannot provide. I am not particularly comfortable talking about my kinks and fetishes with those that are not into the lifestyle

Go to munches, Join your local bdsm group and then join SIGs within your local bdsm group. I like collarspace, but if it were my only means of interaction with others involved in bdsm, I would be so freakin' disillusioned, bitter, and would have so many misunderstandings regarding bdsm that I might as well live in a parallel universe. I consider this site, and others, as another medium in which to interact with those I know in real life, and to also learn from others that I may never meet but who have perspectives which can enhance my own knowledge and experiences.

OK, I have edited this and previewed it a dozen times, and I can't get it to format correctly. I have seen this happen with some other posts, but I thought it was an error on the part of the poster. But the

just isn't doing its magic!
So I resorted to italics. Deal with it. [sm=domme.gif]

Wayward5oul -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/26/2015 6:07:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul
OK, I have edited this and previewed it a dozen times, and I can't get it to format correctly. I have seen this happen with some other posts, but I thought it was an error on the part of the poster. But the

just isn't doing its magic!
So I resorted to italics. Deal with it. [sm=domme.gif]

Are you freakin' kidding me? [:@]

Kana -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/26/2015 11:43:33 PM)


Good afternoon Gents or Sirs. I was just simply wonder if Masters/Doms ask for or demand tributes and gifts?

I've seen Male Doms do this on tumblr...though it was less a demand for cash but instead links were tribute could be offered.
Hey baby, this is America. What better way to show how much you care than cash?

stef -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/27/2015 1:13:40 AM)



Well thank you Sirs, I appreciate the advice.

Tyler, are you forgetting which account to post from?

dreamlady -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/27/2015 2:18:50 AM)



Tyler, are you forgetting which account to post from?

Good catch, and I call bullshit on the OP.

He is both 28 and 34, and posts a profile pic of a young Brad Pitt. [8|]
He calls himself a slave.
Reminds me of a journal entry I made recently. In in, I let any "slaves" contacting me know that they are reading the wrong profile, to move along and try to convince somebody else that that's what they are.

Tyler, whoever the flip you are, I have never asked for tribute, and the only man I've ever told what to get me was my husband.
(That's because I have very specific tastes in things and don't care to receive frivolous gifts.)
This isn't just me -- no lifestyle Domme I have known does either, and contrary to what some of you may have assumed, we don't get off on making demands (at least not the ones I know). Yes, we expect to be obeyed, within reasonable limits.

You're either going to step up to the plate (pun not intended) and be a giving sort of individual or you aren't. Your time, your effort, your energy, your availability, your willingness to go that extra mile. Stinginess with expressing appreciation in the form of withholding sincere compliments and praise, in making thoughtful little gestures, and showing your devotion - not simply performing routine services - is not an option.

The problem with many submissive males is that THEY expect to be told what to do. Every freaking minute of the day, as if not being able to think for yourselves is somehow a sign of submission? Hell no.
You (in general) couldn't make it past a job interview with me if I even remotely sensed that you were lacking in initiative and couldn't handle matters on your own without having Mommie Dearest holding your hand every step of the way.

To answer your question from what I've observed. There are male Doms who do require that a (gullible) submissive subsidize or augment their lifestyle. Some don't bother to make an effort to offer much of anything in return, and this makes them a type of Top-for-hire at best, a user and exploiter at worst.
There are cyber Doms who require a webcam to be installed and don't offer any provision in return for the outlay in expense.
A Dom may want his fetish needs to be fulfilled and not pay for or reimburse a sub for her fetish outfits, shoes, stockings, etc.
There's a Master who "made" his sub buy her own collar, and when he let her go, he kept it and refused to return it to her.
There are gay Doms who demand tribute from their subs, and from what I hear, this isn't uncommon. That, and/or financial domination.

There's pretty much anything under the sun that goes on with BDSM in the name of D/s, not all that different than what you'll find out there in any other microcosm of the world.


Edit - Inserted word

DerangedUnit -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/27/2015 4:01:36 AM)

Ive come across plenty of doms and vanilla guys who ask for tribute, they just dont call it that... they call it "get a job and pay my bills while I sit on the couch and watch tv" I know a good number of poly houses where the guy just collects enough girls, all working minimum wage jobs, to pay his expenses doesnt even sleep with them, barely interacts with them but they live there when not working full time to pay his bills. Most boys nowadays follow some form of that even to the lesser degree of going halvsies on the bills. My mother ended up separating her bank account from her husband's after he kept stealing money she made to play golf and buy new clothes. Personally if anyone says you have to do anything financially for them to be with them im gone. I dont care if we live seperately and they never buy me dinner but im not paying for someone who is supposed to have their shit more together than me.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/27/2015 5:05:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: DerangedUnit

Ive come across plenty of doms and vanilla guys who ask for tribute, they just dont call it that... they call it "get a job and pay my bills while I sit on the couch and watch tv" I know a good number of poly houses where the guy just collects enough girls, all working minimum wage jobs, to pay his expenses doesnt even sleep with them, barely interacts with them but they live there when not working full time to pay his bills. Most boys nowadays follow some form of that even to the lesser degree of going halvsies on the bills. My mother ended up separating her bank account from her husband's after he kept stealing money she made to play golf and buy new clothes. Personally if anyone says you have to do anything financially for them to be with them im gone. I dont care if we live seperately and they never buy me dinner but im not paying for someone who is supposed to have their shit more together than me.

I saw this and I can tell you, from personal experience, that you have this a little twisted.

When I was younger and raising a family, I was asking a lady in my life to be home and instill our shared values in our children. I asked that she keep the home for all of us and cook and clean, etc. While I worked my balls off (sometimes three jobs) to provide those things.

I might have been asking her to put her own career on hold (though I wasn't because I specifically sought out a lady who saw "wife, mother, and home-maker" as the dream career).

I don't (and didn't) begrudge any of that. I did it all, gleefully.

I worked hard. I coached my boys' sports teams. I saved and invested wisely. I did everything I was supposed to do.

About 5 years ago or so, I started to think that "Michael the White Knight" who pays all the bills (and frequently got taken advantage of) was a romantic anachronism. I've become a fairly modernized guy. men are supposed to be more sensitive, less demanding, more supportive of ladies that wish to have careers outside the home. Again, I am fine with all of that, but is it my place to be supportive of her career so she can maximize her financial station and not expect her to contribute?

There are no children to raise. I cook. I clean. I go to school (because I want to; NOT to start a new career). I take care of the fish (fresh water tropicals) and the Puppy.

A lady brings no more (financially/materially) to the relationship than I do. Why is the onus still on me? Simple: It isn't. It's not "tribute". It's asking that a human being be a responsible adult (something she also asks of me). Goose; meet Gander.


DannyIsNotWelcom -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/27/2015 5:13:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul

Ok, first, love the username! The whole idea behind that movie is a guilty pleasure/fascination for me.

Guilty pleasure indeed. That's why we have phantasies - you don't really want to be where people get knocked around until at least someone ends up in hospital. Always the problem with those Fincher films, very enticing at first, and then they just don't add up anymore.


also expressing a bias that I observe everywhere in the world of bdsm (and to an extent share)- since there is such a (perceived or otherwise) demand for femdommes, many women have found it lucrative to operate as a means of padding their wallet, rather than as an expression of bdsm.

Maybe that is because I as a 41 years old male, submissive or not, could easily do what they do? I don't really pity the poor sods who fall for that kind of thing but I do resent the assumption that what my master and I have is anywhere near of what you can get by whipping out a credit card.

MAINEiacMISTRESS -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/27/2015 8:10:20 AM)

Actually come to think of it I spoke to a MALE finDomme on here a while ago, so yes apparently some men DO ask for Tribute. Personally I like the idea of mixing gender roles up a little...make Your girl pay for an expensive dinner and buy You a nice watch, a set of gold cuff links, keep the car clean and well maintained. This could be either playfully or as Punishment. Of course, many men just want sex and supper (over-simplifying things, I know), but there is nothing wrong with twisting "typical" roles to suit Y/your individual relationship.

DannyIsNotWelcom -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/27/2015 10:35:27 AM)



Personally I like the idea of mixing gender roles up a little...make Your girl pay for an expensive dinner and buy You a nice watch, a set of gold cuff links, keep the car clean and well maintained. This could be either playfully or as Punishment.

Oh I want to have $100,000,000 I don't care whether it's for fun or punishment either! You don't really like me? Add another zero.
You see I have no problem with FinDommes (I was so stupid I thought it had something to do with sharks!) What entitles you to tell me to not state my opinion that financial transactions are the end of human contact?

MariaB -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/27/2015 11:59:25 AM)

Interesting question!
I have never met a male fin Dom, in fact I've never heard of a male fin Dom. I'm out and about on the scene and hear lots of women talking about their side line in fin Domming but never heard men talking about it. Could it be that only females dominants have this fetish?

I do know a couple of male pro Doms and I do know that 99% of their clients are men.

MAINEiacMISTRESS -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/27/2015 12:49:56 PM)

Wow, male finDoms are EXXXXXPENSIVE!!! LOL

I love the sharks analogy...blood in the water, tearing off chunks...*shivers* I'm glad I'm not a fin sub, I'd be eaten like a Twinkie


ORIGINAL: DannyIsNotWelcom



Personally I like the idea of mixing gender roles up a little...make Your girl pay for an expensive dinner and buy You a nice watch, a set of gold cuff links, keep the car clean and well maintained. This could be either playfully or as Punishment.

Oh I want to have $100,000,000 I don't care whether it's for fun or punishment either! You don't really like me? Add another zero.
You see I have no problem with FinDommes (I was so stupid I thought it had something to do with sharks!) What entitles you to tell me to not state my opinion that financial transactions are the end of human contact?

Thegunnysez -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/27/2015 1:35:15 PM)


I'd be eaten like a Twinkie

Interesting concept.

DesFIP -> RE: Do male Doms ask for tribute? (8/27/2015 1:39:03 PM)

The only male doms I know that ask for tribute service the gay community.

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