Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family lost but Father (Full Version)

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cloudboy -> Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family lost but Father (9/4/2015 1:28:12 PM)


cloudboy -> RE: Heartbreaking (9/4/2015 1:29:45 PM)

Photo won't upload for me, Kudos to anyone who can put it up. The picture will simply stop you in your tracks and make it difficult to breathe or not cry tears.

cloudboy -> RE: Heartbreaking (9/4/2015 1:37:15 PM)

Second Try: (I have not been able to embed images in posts using the feature here.)

Real0ne -> RE: Heartbreaking (9/4/2015 1:38:40 PM)

that sux but war will never cease because people are inherently greedy and devoid morals.

if not war then:

Americans Renouncing Citizenship Up 221%, All Aboard The FATCA Express

America is a great land and lures immigrants worldwide, yet record numbers of U.S. citizens and permanent residents are giving up their citizenship or residency.

That brings the total number to 2,999 for all of 2013. The previous record high for a year was 1,781 set in 2011. It’s a 221% increase over the 932 who left in 2012. You can call it a shaming or a public record, but the Treasury Department is required to publish a quarterly list of Americans who renounced their U.S. Citizenship or terminated their long-term U.S. residency. The public outing puts Americans on notice who relinquished their rights.

Since then, the tax and other consequences do not depend on why one leaves. Yet after Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin departed permanently for Singapore with his Facebook IPO riches, there was an angry backlash. Mr. Saverin’s post-Facebook fly-away prompted such outrage that Senators Chuck Schumer and Bob Casey introduced a bill to double the exit tax to 30% for anyone leaving the U.S. for tax reasons.


cloudboy -> RE: Heartbreaking (9/4/2015 1:42:38 PM)

As an immigration lawyer, I am beside myself with grief. The father had family in Canada, and he could have taken his family there, but the rules and the red tape (this is super common in the USA too) were too thick to make it happen. Now the father has lost his whole family, simply trying to find a safe place for them to live.

KenDckey -> RE: Heartbreaking (9/4/2015 1:45:31 PM)

Real. Isn't that more like the original tea party only the protest is done much more legally.

PeonForHer -> RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family lost but Father (9/4/2015 2:07:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: cloudboy


Those pictures are famous - or infamous - across Europe by now, CB. Frankly, I couldn't even look at that one, particularly, of him lying face-down without wanting to turn away. The 'drowned boy' has caused a sea-change here in the UK, at least, almost overnight. Suddenly, our PM has dropped the 'swarms of migrants' rhetoric, so carefully cooked up and for so long in order to channel the electorate's hatred, in favour of Churchillian 'we will do our duty, us Brits are fine upstanding types who'll always help those poor souls from less-happy nations' stuff.

I suppose I should ditch some of my own cynicism. That lad's death is terrible. It's so, so sad. But I really do think that it's had quite a startling impact. A certain level of cold, stone-like racism seems to have unfrozen and been swept away by it. People here are asking, 'Hey, I have a spare room, can I take in somebody?'. It's pretty heartwarming, actually.

PeonForHer -> RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family lost but Father (9/4/2015 2:10:34 PM)



Kirata -> RE: Heartbreaking (9/4/2015 2:11:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: cloudboy

As an immigration lawyer, I am beside myself with grief. The father had family in Canada, and he could have taken his family there, but the rules and the red tape (this is super common in the USA too) were too thick to make it happen. Now the father has lost his whole family, simply trying to find a safe place for them to live.

Egyptian billionaire offers to buy an island for Syrian refugees...



PeonForHer -> RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family lost but Father (9/4/2015 2:15:10 PM)

Bugger. I can't upload those pictures either.

PeonForHer -> RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family lost but Father (9/4/2015 2:19:34 PM)

... Damnit


PeonForHer -> RE: Heartbreaking (9/4/2015 2:23:18 PM)




ORIGINAL: cloudboy

As an immigration lawyer, I am beside myself with grief. The father had family in Canada, and he could have taken his family there, but the rules and the red tape (this is super common in the USA too) were too thick to make it happen. Now the father has lost his whole family, simply trying to find a safe place for them to live.

Egyptian billionaire offers to buy an island for Syrian refugees...



I caught that item only this evening. Amazing. I wonder if it's workable? I mean, sure, in the short term ... but is this billionaire envisaging an island whose inhabitants could support themselves in the long term? Well, whatever, it's sure an inspiring proposal.

Real0ne -> RE: Heartbreaking (9/4/2015 2:27:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: cloudboy

As an immigration lawyer, I am beside myself with grief. The father had family in Canada, and he could have taken his family there, but the rules and the red tape (this is super common in the USA too) were too thick to make it happen. Now the father has lost his whole family, simply trying to find a safe place for them to live.

Even worse imo is americans general acceptance of the US invasion of the territories as a matter of corporate greed and power, read the grand chessboard etc which lays it all out with complete disregard for the serious catalyst resulting in the destablization of the whole freakin region.

These giant corporations start the wars and these people pay the price for it, 911 comes to mind, and all too many americans are none the wiser while waving their patriotic flags that they are (generally) an accessory before the fact though due to brainwashing would be impossible to charge as such.

These people are caught in the middle and who is really to blame is so buried under the political dung heap most never close enough to the source to glimpse it, which is not to say they didnt have their problems prior but they are now amplified several fold.

PeonForHer -> RE: Heartbreaking (9/4/2015 2:35:47 PM)




ORIGINAL: cloudboy

As an immigration lawyer, I am beside myself with grief. The father had family in Canada, and he could have taken his family there, but the rules and the red tape (this is super common in the USA too) were too thick to make it happen. Now the father has lost his whole family, simply trying to find a safe place for them to live.

Even worse imo is the US invasion of the territories as a matter of corporate greed and power, read the grand chessboard etc which lays it all out as serious catalyst in the destablization of the whole freakin region.

These giant corporations start the wars and these people pay the price for it, 911 comes to mind, and all too many americans are none the wiser while waving their patriotic flags that they are (generally) an accessory before the fact though due to brainwashing would be impossible to charge as such.

Yes, but none of that matters a) because the shit doesn't majorly hit the fan till after the next election b) because people can always be persuaded that any given piece foreign policy in the past bears no relation to whichever dire tragedy we see now and, most fundamentally c) because most people, most of the time, are chronically ignorant about anything that happens abroad and prefer to think simply in terms of 'gutsy leaders' who'll 'kick the bad guys' asses'.

cloudboy -> RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family lost but Father (9/4/2015 7:41:00 PM)

Artists have chipped in to capture what happened.


kdsub -> RE: Heartbreaking (9/4/2015 7:54:02 PM)

Where did this happen cloudboy? I could see perhaps some of the European countries ...not being at fault...but unprepared... How did the US directly cause this boys death? If he had relatives in Canada...would they not be more at fault than the US in not helping them?

Thegunnysez -> RE: Heartbreaking (9/4/2015 8:42:27 PM)


Egyptian billionaire offers to buy an island for Syrian refugees...



What an interesting turn of events

cloudboy -> RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family lost but Father (9/4/2015 9:47:34 PM)

I give up.

Real0ne -> RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family lost but Father (9/4/2015 10:07:40 PM)

is this what you guys are trying to post?

the father
woah that one was a little big

here is a youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaGXfhmdIF0

tweakabelle -> RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family lost but Father (9/5/2015 2:47:11 AM)

The reaction of Europe's people (as opposed to Europe's politicians) to the tsunami of refugees flooding the continent has been heart warming.

While the politicians dithered and argued, the people of Europe have opened their hearts, their homes and homelands to welcome those fleeing war and disaster. It is inspirational to see the humanity of ordinary people asserting itself over the venal pompous and calculated posturing of politicians, rejecting racism and xenophobia instead acting generously and compassionately.

I dearly wish that I could say the same about Australians' response to refugees but our Govt here has implemented an inhumane regimen that demonises refugees and cynically punishes them for the 'crime' of arriving at our shores seeking refuge from wars that Australia has played a significant part in fomenting, all for short term political advantage. Our shame. Refugees seeking asylum have been used to bring out the worst in the Australian character.

The reaction in Europe has brought out one of the best aspects of the human character. Well done Europe.

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