DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (Full Version)

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AAkasha -> DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/19/2016 6:36:16 PM)

I have not seen it yet. But I was told by a kinky friend of mine that there's a strapon moment.

Oh my.

Safe to say, this might open the floodgates a little and help acceptance of this wonderfully kinky act.

Any thoughts from those that saw it?


stef -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/19/2016 8:07:35 PM)

It was a wonderfully twisted movie. I'll be seeing it again and certainly buying it when it comes out on Blu-Ray.

Tkman117 -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/19/2016 8:17:10 PM)

It was awesome! Never read the comics, but from I understand they apparently nailed the way deadpool behaves. I felt the first half was better than the second half though, but overall it was still a very fun movie :)

Greta75 -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/19/2016 9:54:44 PM)

Yup, he got strapped on fucked by his girlfriend!

Funny thing is, the whole movie made me emotional and I cried throughout the movie rather than laugh.

I thought the love story is so sweet! And Deadpool is a sweetheart! It's offically one of my favourite love stories of all time now!

yourserventMaam -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/20/2016 6:17:26 AM)

It's available to watch or download on Putlocker, but bear in mind it's not best quality.

yourserventMaam -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/20/2016 6:18:34 AM)

It's available to watch or download on Putlocker, but bear in mind it's not best quality.

irishayes -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/20/2016 9:02:00 AM)

lol yes, you're correct.

It's part of montage of sexy time scenes (many holiday themed) but they're celebrating "International Women's Day" as I recall, and they cut to a view of her behind him with a harness on.

It's a great movie that I'd definitely recommend.

WickedsDesire -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/20/2016 11:03:25 AM)

All men have or should at least try it once or twice. The clip is very short. Funny movie and they break the forth wall a few times.

Van Wilder "Dog Pastry"

WickedsDesire -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/20/2016 4:24:34 PM)

the only regular on here who can verify themselves as who they say is exactly me and everyone else declares themselves the scene *cell* m and its kindred an are sprayomng mayhem existance

mousekabob -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/20/2016 6:40:33 PM)

The movie was awesome. The scene you speak of is they are fucking on "International Women's Day" and she takes a strap-on to him as he's saying "no no no" and whining the entire time. I found it funny but didn't think of it as kinky in any way...just another one of the funny scenes throughout the movie.

Quiette -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/20/2016 7:08:41 PM)

I read the comics and almost cried when they said they were FINALLY making a movie. They did not disappoint. Will see it again AND buy it. Good movie making really needs more support.

Cell -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/20/2016 8:58:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: WickedsDesire

the only regular on here who can verify themselves as who they say is exactly me and everyone else declares themselves the scene *cell* m and its kindred an are sprayomng mayhem existance

I'm not a part of any 'scene' fucking weirdo. There's nothing to varify because I'm not claiming to be anything other than what I say I am in my profile... which is practically borderline vanilla anyway... 'Verify' yourself, then maybe people might have a clue what you are even talking about. As it is you just look like a nut job. -_-

Cell -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/20/2016 9:03:16 PM)

Annnny way O.o
I saw Deadpool last night. I thought it was interesting. Definitely a change from the usual comic book type movies you see them making these days.

ReMakeYou -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/21/2016 4:06:15 AM)

While Deadpool was a pretty sweet movie, that one scene wasn't anything to get too excited about. Kink/role reversal as a joke doesn't significantly change public perception.

Personally speaking, there's a much better line later in the movie if you want romance in all the right filthy ways.

PonyGroom -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/21/2016 5:49:21 AM)

Saw it second in a double feature after Zoolander 2 at a drive in last night. I lost IQ points watching Zoolander 2 and gained them back watching Deadpool.

Wayward5oul -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/21/2016 6:48:10 AM)


I lost IQ points watching Zoolander 2

And rightly so.[:D]

and gained them back watching Deadpool.

My little human keeps begging me to take him to see it. I think I may make him wait now.

WickedsDesire -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/21/2016 7:08:39 AM)

Cell You are on as a goats head, "Please only post pictures you took yourself not commercial photos or artwork" Now, I understand that rule and the reasons for it being a rule. And I will tie it in with thread no doubt that person is everything they claim on that profile

Cell, a bastion of the higher moral ground, goes on to say 'Verify' yourself, Already have, some time ago. ( I could add more words but they really do not belong on this forum)

But to keep it all on topic the film is different. They break the fourth wall numerous times and he also refers to Charles Xavier by stating both actors’ last names. The strap on scene is just a flash and probably last less than half a second and nothing Like girl with the dragon tattoo
And the spate of superhero movies, reboots or reboots etc, the last several years have been at best bordering on mediocre – atrocious. At the moment I rate most Arrow and Flash episodes better than every superhero film I have saw the last few years.

Yet to see zoolander 2 - though the first bordered on a masterpiece - and I am the fan off over acting/scene stealing

Cell -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/21/2016 7:34:14 AM)


Cell, a bastion of the higher moral ground, goes on to say 'Verify' yourself, Already have, some time ago. ( I could add more words but they really do not belong on this forum)

Prove it. You're fake as fuck and verily haft no substance and no one on here is real I'm going to go bake some muffins....
See how batshit crazy that^ reads? It's like the diary of a mad man. No one has to verify anything on here. No one's here to prove anything to you or anyone. It's a gaddam message board. What's there even to prove. People who are interested in kink come here to chat. I mean, what even would someone verify... You're mental! Stop referring to me in your nonsense posts. @_@!

WickedsDesire -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/21/2016 11:42:37 AM)

You offer arse spraying mayhem on a good day cell and spurious claims you invent and abject tongue drooling slander in a flapping manner..perhaps we could hammer this out in a court of law. A symptom of a deranged proclaimed existence – whilst you scoff at those who ask you for one or judge you for offering none, whilst you bestow your existence via the medium of stolen work and breaking sites rules. All no entities do, tis there way and your numbers outnumber me by 30-100:1...a sad state of affaris exist because of you and all your kind. Now if all people are like me – then all are genuine – if all are like you then >99% are not. Incidentally i am declaring the last 30 women users online in Glasgow as not..and i am sad at that.
I am in read in the manner known as delight and apparent and I steal not another’s person’s work
Your mad monkey brain rambles, and loins of the nature of puny cry for help, and you ask why I am real.
I fuking am, believe me in the way I do not believe your mad incoherence, and i have no need to posture a few words and slanderous chaos and mayhem

You are no better than the last 30 (local) profiles from Glasgow i have looked through - no doubt all 30 of them are genuine souls and yet i declare them a perfect 0% - your kind, nae kindred. Embodiment of that is bad of these places

i am real because of my words and many pictures - to reinforce that and distance myself from your kinds pathetic non existence

But your kind are the 99% on here and that other place

dear reader i give you me or dangerous fukwitts like that

MissKatya -> RE: DEADPOOL (warning: spoilers) (2/21/2016 12:31:21 PM)



I have not seen it yet. But I was told by a kinky friend of mine that there's a strapon moment.

Oh my.

Safe to say, this might open the floodgates a little and help acceptance of this wonderfully kinky act.

Any thoughts from those that saw it?


"so, how did you get into strapon?"
"well, when I was a kid, I went to go see the movie Deadpool..."


I can't say that it's going to open the floodgates because it was such a short scene but who knows, it may stick inside of someone's head to try it.

But it was amusing to watch kid's (and mom's) reaction to that scene.

Some women brought her kids to see it. I don't think she was expecting that to happen. Lol

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