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RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 5:43:03 AM   

Posts: 3918
Joined: 9/8/2010
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Just sucking up the dollars

We need smaller government. Let the market decide. Why should we support these leeches?

Your thoughts?
Welfare queens are a fake piece of outrage which Republican politicians regularly trot out to distract the easily led complete FUCKWITS that their constituency is composed of.

You know who's really sucking up the tax dollars? Massive corporations who are either on government welfare or not paying their fucking taxes. The amount of money they suck out of the American taxpayer is millions - if not billions - of times more than these supposed "welfare queens" would ever manage to get.

Let's face it. You just want to feel morally superior to someone and this gives you a convenient excuse to do so. Republican voters are so often incredibly depressingly stupid.


Ever notice how fucking annoying most signatures are? - Yes, I do appreciate the irony.

(in reply to vincentML)
Profile   Post #: 61
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 5:48:26 AM   

Posts: 60698
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ORIGINAL: Awareness



Just sucking up the dollars

We need smaller government. Let the market decide. Why should we support these leeches?

Your thoughts?
Welfare queens are a fake piece of outrage which Republican politicians regularly trot out to distract the easily led complete FUCKWITS that their constituency is composed of.

You know who's really sucking up the tax dollars? Massive corporations who are either on government welfare or not paying their fucking taxes. The amount of money they suck out of the American taxpayer is millions - if not billions - of times more than these supposed "welfare queens" would ever manage to get.

Let's face it. You just want to feel morally superior to someone and this gives you a convenient excuse to do so. Republican voters are so often incredibly depressingly stupid.

one cavil, they may wear a designation republican, but they are not. Elsewise, I agree without let or hindrance.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Awareness)
Profile   Post #: 62
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 5:59:31 AM   

Posts: 6845
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ORIGINAL: thompsonx

ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man how to fish and he will spend the rest of his life in a rowboat with a sixpack.

Better than starving!!


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 63
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 6:44:36 AM   

Posts: 9980
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ORIGINAL: Awareness



Just sucking up the dollars

We need smaller government. Let the market decide. Why should we support these leeches?

Your thoughts?
Welfare queens are a fake piece of outrage which Republican politicians regularly trot out to distract the easily led complete FUCKWITS that their constituency is composed of.

You know who's really sucking up the tax dollars? Massive corporations who are either on government welfare or not paying their fucking taxes. The amount of money they suck out of the American taxpayer is millions - if not billions - of times more than these supposed "welfare queens" would ever manage to get.

Let's face it. You just want to feel morally superior to someone and this gives you a convenient excuse to do so. Republican voters are so often incredibly depressingly stupid.

Nope, not a Republican. Agree with your remarks about money sucking corporations. I simply think the very same should apply to Big Ag. What's the problem?

And btw, both major parties are in the bag for trickle down neo-liberalism economics. And the Federal Reserve's complicity? Please, don't get me started. Neo-liberalism refers to an update of classical economic (Adam Smith) guiding hand of the markets, not to social, humanitarian liberalism.

(in reply to Awareness)
Profile   Post #: 64
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 6:46:39 AM   

Posts: 40310
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ORIGINAL: Phydeaux


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

In each year from 2006 to 2012, at least two-thirds of all active corporations had no federal income tax liability. Larger corporations were more likely to owe tax. Among large corporations (generally those with at least $10 million in assets) less than half—42.3 percent—paid no federal income tax in 2012. Of those large corporations whose financial statements reported a profit, 19.5 percent paid no federal income tax that year. Reasons why even profitable corporations may have paid no federal tax in a given year include the use of tax deductions for losses carried forward from prior years and tax incentives, such as depreciation allowances that are more generous in the federal tax code than those allowed for financial accounting purposes. Corporations that did have a federal corporate income tax liability for tax year 2012 owed $267.5 billion.

much much more at

And you think this is news?
60% of small businesses go bankrupt in three years. Do you find it so surprising that a company on its way to bankruptcy has no profits to pay an income tax on?

You then go on to look at large corporations - 42.3 percent paid no income tax. You then go on to say - of the large corporations that made a profit 19.5 percent paid no income tax. Which means, first of all that 23.3% of large corporations paid no tax BECAUSE THEY MADE NO MONEY.

Crucify them. Pillory them. How dare they not pay tax!

It presumably has escaped your attention - but a great deal of companies - radio shack, sears, Macy's JC Pennies - are well on their way to going out of business - and in fact for the first time in 20 years more businesses are folding than are being created.

Its not JUST the myopic points of view exemplified here that somehow view the desire to make a profit by providing a service. Its not just a horrendous tax code. Its not just tens of thousand of new regulations a year. But together these corrosive policies are killing business left and right.

One area I agree with you on: we should remove all special interests, all allowances and set the corporate tax rate at a flat 15%. This is competitive with places like Ireland, and would end the stupid inversions running amok.

well it was only released to the public yesterday. yeah I would say its news.
None of them are my words, they are the exact words from the GAO.
you go argue with them, and they will give you the same snort of derision as I always do when you bullshit.


<) )╯SUCH
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to Phydeaux)
Profile   Post #: 65
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 7:14:24 AM   

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Another complication:

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, which keeps tabs on what's grown and eaten around the globe, estimates that one-third of food produced for human consumption worldwide is annually lost or wasted along the chain that stretches from farms to processing plants, marketplaces, retailers, food-service operations, and our collective kitchens.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 66
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 8:24:40 AM   

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Free markets are inherently corrupt and have a tendency to form a monopoly, sooner, not later. And actually drive prices up.

Our primary industry was decimated by a loon ( a bad loon can’t be doing with the bad loons myself) called Thatcher.

Whilst us Scots invented pretty much everything useful, in the modern epoch, we now have the capacity to make shag all. And come the next extinction event we are fooked. Sure we would be up the veritable creek (we call them burns and streams) without an actual paddle, or come to think of it a boat 'Boaty McBoatface' leads vote to name new polar ship

I just cannot source my tin foil hats locally nowadays. And when I make myself a batch of muffins the blueberry states made in Spain, or Chile ( i think that's a place in my fridge where I keep my cheap bedwetter Chardonnay)

markets are rigged, or subsidised- well some of them - which I think is a good idea, well for the core ones.
I could cite the scurge of privatisation, that was used to line the wealthy pockets and governments pathetic short term approach or cook the books: of the rail network, power utilities, communication utilities, postal services, muffin plantations and so on.

(in reply to vincentML)
Profile   Post #: 67
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 8:27:19 AM   

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US corporate giants such as Apple, Walmart and General Electric have stashed $1.4tn (£980bn) in tax havens, despite receiving trillions of dollars in taxpayer support, according to a report by anti-poverty charity Oxfam.

Tax havens don’t need to be reformed. They should be outlawed
Richard Brooks
The Panama Papers demonstrate that for all the fine words about transparency on tax, the world’s kleptocrats are still getting away with it

The sum, larger than the economic output of Russia, South Korea and Spain, is held in an “opaque and secretive network” of 1,608 subsidiaries based offshore, said Oxfam.

The charity’s analysis of the financial affairs of the 50 biggest US corporations comes amid intense scrutiny of tax havens following the leak of the Panama Papers.

And the charity said its report, entitled Broken at the Top was a further illustration of “massive systematic abuse” of the global tax system.

Technology giant Apple, the world’s second biggest company, topped Oxfam’s league table, with some $181bn held offshore in three subsidiaries.

Boston-based conglomerate General Electric, which Oxfam said has received $28bn in taxpayer backing, was second with $119bn stored in 118 tax haven subsidiaries.

Computing firm Microsoft was third with $108bn, in a top 10 that also included pharmaceuticals giant Pfizer, Google’s parent company Alphabet and Exxon Mobil, the largest oil company not owned by an oil-producing state.

Oxfam contrasted the $1.4tn held offshore with the $1tn paid in tax by the top 50 US firms between 2008 and 2014.

It pointed out that the companies had also enjoyed a combined $11.2tn in federal loans, bailouts and loan guarantees during the same period.

Overall, the use of tax havens allowed the US firms to reduce their effective tax rate on $4tn of profits from the US headline rate of 35% to an average of 26.5% between 2008 and 2014.

The charity said this had helped firms spend billions on an “army” of lobbyists calling for greater state support in the form of loans, bailouts and guarantees, funded by taxpayers.

The top 50 US firms spent $2.6bn between 2008 and 2014 on lobbying the US government, Oxfam said.

“For every $1 spent on lobbying, these 50 companies collectively received $130 in tax breaks and more than $4,000 in federal loans, loan guarantees and bailouts,” said Oxfam.

Robbie Silverman, senior tax adviser at Oxfam said: “Yet again we have evidence of a massive systematic abuse of the global tax system.

“We can’t go on with a situation where the rich and powerful are not paying their fair share of tax, leaving the rest of us to foot the bill.

“Governments across the globe must come together now to end the era of tax havens.”

Oxfam estimates that tax avoidance by US corporations costs the world’s largest economy some $111bn a year, but said it was also fuelling the global wealth divide by draining $100bn from the poorest countries.

“Tax dodging practised by corporations and enabled by federal policymakers contributes to dangerous inequality that is undermining our social fabric and hindering economic growth,” the report said.

Oxfam also singled out British overseas territories such as Bermuda for their popularity with US firms seeking to slash their tax bill by “profit-shifting”.

In 2012, said Oxfam, US firms reported $80bn of profit in Bermuda, more than their combined reported profits in Japan, China, Germany and France, four of the world’s five largest economies.

The charity called on the US government to pass the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, including a requirement for firms to report their tax contribution on a country-by-country basis.

Country-by-country reporting has been recommended by a host of non-governmental organisations and charities to prevent companies from artificially shifting their income out of the poorest countries.


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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to WickedsDesire)
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RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 8:55:25 AM   

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The rich and conglomerates and multi national bampots and elective government goons not paying their share as they drive us all into poverty and subjugation I wonder why it is just making the scandal mags and news website of late fot the sheople - I fear their pea brains will simply regress to its pea like pithy state before they start mouthing of about everthing being the fualt of scroungers and dirty immigrants. I am not sure what makes the news outside off the UK and the back waters of the land if everyone paid there fair share of tax the tax burden would go down for 99% of us plebs. And yes of course there is enough food to go around the world - but us enlightened huwmans choose apathy over a few billion darkies starving and drinking from puddles and sewer runoff - well they are savages and can do no better, Dont get me started on water utitlities (interestingly its just a basic flat charge in Scotland) not England as they are morons and aspire to be another America.

Never the less I would enslave the lot of them and set them to work on my muffin plantations, the lookers I would dress finest corset which I would not pay for being rich that would clearly be beneath me and have then serve me bountiful muffins from my plantation of toil on their knees with a golden tray which I will then use to beat them to their knees so I may feel better about stuff for I am incorrect of the head. Others I would fire out of a cannon into the sun for my amusement and others still I will put on muffin bay and sell them to the zoo and so on the trick is knowing when to stop Wicked but the eve is slow here and the three cats dothslumber

< Message edited by WickedsDesire -- 4/14/2016 9:15:02 AM >

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 69
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 9:01:24 AM   

Posts: 4552
Joined: 3/29/2016
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ORIGINAL: Awareness



Just sucking up the dollars

We need smaller government. Let the market decide. Why should we support these leeches?

Your thoughts?
Welfare queens are a fake piece of outrage which Republican politicians regularly trot out to distract the easily led complete FUCKWITS that their constituency is composed of.

You know who's really sucking up the tax dollars? Massive corporations who are either on government welfare or not paying their fucking taxes. The amount of money they suck out of the American taxpayer is millions - if not billions - of times more than these supposed "welfare queens" would ever manage to get.

Let's face it. You just want to feel morally superior to someone and this gives you a convenient excuse to do so. Republican voters are so often incredibly depressingly stupid.

Corporations never pay taxes. They just pass that cost of doing business along to consumers. It's a hidden tax that the political class uses to bait the populous. So when leftists compete, as in this election cycle, to show how much they'll screw the corporations with new tax, and the leftist public stands up and cheers, it's just koolaid to the masses.

(in reply to Awareness)
Profile   Post #: 70
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 9:13:27 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Awareness



Just sucking up the dollars

We need smaller government. Let the market decide. Why should we support these leeches?

Your thoughts?
Welfare queens are a fake piece of outrage which Republican politicians regularly trot out to distract the easily led complete FUCKWITS that their constituency is composed of.

You know who's really sucking up the tax dollars? Massive corporations who are either on government welfare or not paying their fucking taxes. The amount of money they suck out of the American taxpayer is millions - if not billions - of times more than these supposed "welfare queens" would ever manage to get.

Let's face it. You just want to feel morally superior to someone and this gives you a convenient excuse to do so. Republican voters are so often incredibly depressingly stupid.

Corporations never pay taxes. They just pass that cost of doing business along to consumers. It's a hidden tax that the political class uses to bait the populous. So when leftists compete, as in this election cycle, to show how much they'll screw the corporations with new tax, and the leftist public stands up and cheers, it's just koolaid to the masses.

Not really, its getting more for their money rather than let the corporations put it overseas.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Nnanji)
Profile   Post #: 71
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 9:18:01 AM   

Posts: 40310
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oh fucking waaaaah Im sorry, of course they should be allowed to get away with economic vampirism, corruption, and utter disregard for the planet and its inhabitants. Only them and theirsgod forbid we should be angry at the right people. For Once.


<) )╯SUCH
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 72
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 9:28:16 AM   

Posts: 4828
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ORIGINAL: Awareness



Just sucking up the dollars

We need smaller government. Let the market decide. Why should we support these leeches?

Your thoughts?
Welfare queens are a fake piece of outrage which Republican politicians regularly trot out to distract the easily led complete FUCKWITS that their constituency is composed of.

You know who's really sucking up the tax dollars? Massive corporations who are either on government welfare or not paying their fucking taxes. The amount of money they suck out of the American taxpayer is millions - if not billions - of times more than these supposed "welfare queens" would ever manage to get.

Let's face it. You just want to feel morally superior to someone and this gives you a convenient excuse to do so. Republican voters are so often incredibly depressingly stupid.

You are flat out wrong, on virtually everything in your post.

Corporate welfare costs the US government roughly 267 billion. And in fact, the top 5 companies get $77 billion dollars in tax breaks.

And while that crap is BS - it pales in comparison to the 2.4 trillion dollars in entitlement spending.

(in reply to Awareness)
Profile   Post #: 73
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 9:31:42 AM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail




ORIGINAL: Awareness



Just sucking up the dollars

We need smaller government. Let the market decide. Why should we support these leeches?

Your thoughts?
Welfare queens are a fake piece of outrage which Republican politicians regularly trot out to distract the easily led complete FUCKWITS that their constituency is composed of.

You know who's really sucking up the tax dollars? Massive corporations who are either on government welfare or not paying their fucking taxes. The amount of money they suck out of the American taxpayer is millions - if not billions - of times more than these supposed "welfare queens" would ever manage to get.

Let's face it. You just want to feel morally superior to someone and this gives you a convenient excuse to do so. Republican voters are so often incredibly depressingly stupid.

Corporations never pay taxes. They just pass that cost of doing business along to consumers. It's a hidden tax that the political class uses to bait the populous. So when leftists compete, as in this election cycle, to show how much they'll screw the corporations with new tax, and the leftist public stands up and cheers, it's just koolaid to the masses.

Not really, its getting more for their money rather than let the corporations put it overseas.

Yes really. Putting it overseas is fine. My retirement pension doesn't distinguish whether the stock I own has money in the U.S. Or in the Bahamas. Good for them not paying 35% of my money to a wasteful government. You say that like its a bad thing.

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 74
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 9:41:36 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

oh fucking waaaaah Im sorry, of course they should be allowed to get away with economic vampirism, corruption, and utter disregard for the planet and its inhabitants. Only them and theirsgod forbid we should be angry at the right people. For Once.

Companies make money overseas. Only the United States insist on double taxing corporations - they pay taxes on moneys they make overseas, and they pay us taxes when they repatriate it to the US.

Repatriating that money costs them a nominal 35%. No business in its sane mind will repatriate that money. Instead, they will do what they are doing, which use the money overseas.

Apple, Google, Microsoft are not 'republican' companies - they routinely donate more than 3:1 to democrats. If you can't get a democrat leaning company to repatriate its funds during a democrat administration - you have to conceed that the tax policy is REALLY screwed up.

The average company in the US is earning around 9.6% EBIDA. Rounding up, that means it invests $10 dollars to make $1. The goverment wants them to pay one third of that money. In other words, you invest $10 to make 65 cents.

So at the end of the day, you shrill company bashing leftists can try, like socialists always do, to confiscate other peoples money. But at some point people say - I'm not willing to work to create money for *you*.

In other words, they refuse to repatriate money.

They perform corporate inversions.

You want them to bring the money into the US - make it worthwhile for them to do so.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 75
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 10:41:53 AM   

Posts: 60698
Joined: 11/3/2004
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ORIGINAL: Phydeaux


ORIGINAL: Awareness



Just sucking up the dollars

We need smaller government. Let the market decide. Why should we support these leeches?

Your thoughts?
Welfare queens are a fake piece of outrage which Republican politicians regularly trot out to distract the easily led complete FUCKWITS that their constituency is composed of.

You know who's really sucking up the tax dollars? Massive corporations who are either on government welfare or not paying their fucking taxes. The amount of money they suck out of the American taxpayer is millions - if not billions - of times more than these supposed "welfare queens" would ever manage to get.

Let's face it. You just want to feel morally superior to someone and this gives you a convenient excuse to do so. Republican voters are so often incredibly depressingly stupid.

You are flat out wrong, on virtually everything in your post.

Corporate welfare costs the US government roughly 267 billion. And in fact, the top 5 companies get $77 billion dollars in tax breaks.

And while that crap is BS - it pales in comparison to the 2.4 trillion dollars in entitlement spending.

As usual, full of shit as a christmas goose. Entitlement spending, such things as social security, and medicare is paid for by taxes. It ain't free. You can remove about 3/4 of that number right there.

Uh corporate welfare is far more than 267 billion. Just stand alone, without considering externalities. Welfare spending is around that number, which is way less than spent on corporate welfare.

Heres some more corporate welfare, that I have not mentioned earlier.
(oh, no, communist nutsuckers, a nutsucker slobber blog)

just a few. just a few.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Phydeaux)
Profile   Post #: 76
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 10:43:39 AM   

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So at the end of the day, you shrill company bashing leftists can try, like socialists always do, to confiscate other peoples money. But at some point people say - I'm not willing to work to create money for *you*.

It is a legalistic fiction that corporations are people. Corporations don't have genitalia. They have people who receive salaries and bosses who get rich through hyping the price of their stocks to benefit their options. Apple, Google, and Microsoft do not even pay dividends to their shareholders. The executives garner the wealth and become the new elite class. So, boo hoo, the corp makes only 1%. These three have carved out their own monopolistic niche.

There is a massive contradiction between unregulated, market forces capitalism and the need to build a decent society in which we can live. Capital has commoditized labor and the environment. Well, it has been dumping its waste in our rivers and polluting our air since the dawn of the industrial revolution and it has always sought to employ labor at slave wages. Globalization has made the latter a capitalist's wet dream.

Even family farms have become sharecroppers to industrialized Agriculture.

(in reply to Phydeaux)
Profile   Post #: 77
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 10:47:45 AM   

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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri
What, then, is the solution? Do we stop giving aid and stop harming local ag production? Or, do we do the opposite and give more food aid and harm local ag production?
Isn't that sorta like biting the hand that feeds you?

Nope. Quite the opposite.
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime
It is more worthwhile to teach someone to do something than to do it for them.
So the solution is simple: Teach them how to be more productive and provide the means to do so, don't just throw food at them sporadically.
Don't just dig a well and walk away, teach them how to dig one and give them the tools to do the job.
This is where donor countries fall flat on their faces.

They're bitching that it's not enough and that it's sometimes late, and, yet, that it's hurting local ag. You can't have it both ways.

How many people will suffer and/or die while local ag production incorporates the methods of improving productivity?

I'm all for US Aid (not going to speak towards aid given from other countries) being tied to works rather than just "stuff." It's far less likely to be siphoned off by a corrupt leadership that way.


What I support:

  • A Conservative interpretation of the US Constitution
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Help for the truly needy
  • Limited Government
  • Consumption Tax (non-profit charities and food exempt)

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 78
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 10:54:47 AM   

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Companies make money overseas. Only the United States insist on double taxing corporations - they pay taxes on moneys they make overseas, and they pay us taxes when they repatriate it to the US.

You are absolutely wrong on this. They get a tax credit from the IRS for the foreign tax and pay only the difference between that and 35%. . . less of course equipment depreciation and any other loop holes their lawyers can find.

(in reply to Phydeaux)
Profile   Post #: 79
RE: Damn Welfare Queens! - 4/14/2016 11:08:10 AM   

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Companies make money overseas. Only the United States insist on double taxing corporations - they pay taxes on moneys they make overseas, and they pay us taxes when they repatriate it to the US.

You are absolutely wrong on this. They get a tax credit from the IRS for the foreign tax and pay only the difference between that and 35%. . . less of course equipment depreciation and any other loop holes their lawyers can find.

Yes, thats why I said a nominal 35%. They do get to deduct a portion of overseas taxes paid. However the ridiculousness of the tax law is such its impossible to say what the actual tax rates are until you spend hundreds of hours for each company.

But it doesn't change the insanity of our current tax law. Companies are never going to voluntarily give away 35% of their profits. To expect them to do so - is lunacy.

Right now, expecting companies to pay 35% - highest in the world - and shrilly demagoging on it is ridiculous. Lefties should take a lessen and set it at a flat 15%, no deductions.

(in reply to vincentML)
Profile   Post #: 80
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