Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (Full Version)

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outlier -> Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/17/2016 8:40:57 AM)

Not just New York taxes, federal taxes.

Grumbling About Socialism, the Yankees Profit From It

This is interesting because The Yankees are not alone. Go Team!

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/17/2016 8:42:40 AM)

That is NOT socialism, that is state capitalism.

WickedsDesire -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/17/2016 9:17:28 AM)

Ponzi schemer the article mentions. Are there any financial experts in here. So dear financial experts is ponzi schemer code for financial expert or utter crooked bastard and are the terms, 3, all interchangeable.

The words used in the article were twisted vitriol I was fair disappointed and I guess it mirrors exactly how I see/perceive most Americans on all forums got at it bereft of facts, all sides of all arguments, as vitriol is more than enough rationale

I do not pretend to understand nor care for the article, but a strange occurrence occurred over here in the land south of the wall West Ham Olympic Stadium deal: Analysis of the Hammers contract yes of course Englanders i want leicester to win your league

Now I feel these are both similar and please note the words/reporting acumen in format of enantiomer - basically means a mirror image but completely opposite

However, there are many ways to look at both articles, numero uno being a scandalous waste of cash which could be better served giving the rich tax breaks for the super rick do not need it thanks to bailouts and quantitative easing (which basically means they fill the cash void with new invented money conjured up by magic, void was the rich pilfering and feasting at the trough, or a pyramid scheme, where none of it makes it way down to joe public, or plebs

joether -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/18/2016 1:21:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: outlier

Not just New York taxes, federal taxes.

Grumbling About Socialism, the Yankees Profit From It

This is interesting because The Yankees are not alone. Go Team!

Are the Yankees complaining about something again?

...goes and plays the violin....

Seriously, the NFL does the same thing. It takes operating profit from good teams and gives it to poor/less scoring teams. That way the NFL operates in all areas of the nation.

If Randy Levine wants the capitalistic form for baseball; let him play ball. After his organization destroys every other team by sheer force of dollars; he'll have less teams to play against. Those teams will get sick of the 'billionaire team' and decide not to play them in the future. So they construct their own baseball league that doesn't include the New York Yankees. They even invite the Red Soxs!

With no one to play, the Yankees start diminishing in games; who wants to play against a pack of asshole players and team owners? They'll either ask to join this new league or wither away into nothingness. In joining this new league, they have to abide by the rules like everyone else.

Frankly I have no love for baseball. When I was out of work and struggling to find.....anything....for a job; these ball players whom earned millions were bitching about not getting enough pay. Happened twice. Both times while I was unemployed with piles of bills. A bunch of mutli-millionaires complaining they were not getting enough money. After the second time, I swore them off. An when it rains? These players race to shelter.....

....when was the last time you saw the New England Patriots hide from the rain, sleet, and snow?

MrRodgers -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/18/2016 2:02:58 PM)

News here is on the specifics of what has been a long history, most of which is just more socialism for the rich while some, the Orwellian modification of what is really profit sharing...into revenue sharing.

The Madoff drama being of no import and just a side issue of derision. (I want to talk to Bobby Bonilla's agent)

Yes, we have the truly ridiculous contradiction of the super rich being forced to re-distribute wealth to the pedestrian rich. Still, you will pay an average of over $1.500 for a season ticket to see the Mets. Operators are standing by.

Nnanji -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/18/2016 2:21:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: joether


ORIGINAL: outlier

Not just New York taxes, federal taxes.

Grumbling About Socialism, the Yankees Profit From It

This is interesting because The Yankees are not alone. Go Team!

Are the Yankees complaining about something again?

...goes and plays the violin....

Seriously, the NFL does the same thing. It takes operating profit from good teams and gives it to poor/less scoring teams. That way the NFL operates in all areas of the nation.

If Randy Levine wants the capitalistic form for baseball; let him play ball. After his organization destroys every other team by sheer force of dollars; he'll have less teams to play against. Those teams will get sick of the 'billionaire team' and decide not to play them in the future. So they construct their own baseball league that doesn't include the New York Yankees. They even invite the Red Soxs!

With no one to play, the Yankees start diminishing in games; who wants to play against a pack of asshole players and team owners? They'll either ask to join this new league or wither away into nothingness. In joining this new league, they have to abide by the rules like everyone else.

Frankly I have no love for baseball. When I was out of work and struggling to find.....anything....for a job; these ball players whom earned millions were bitching about not getting enough pay. Happened twice. Both times while I was unemployed with piles of bills. A bunch of mutli-millionaires complaining they were not getting enough money. After the second time, I swore them off. An when it rains? These players race to shelter.....

....when was the last time you saw the New England Patriots hide from the rain, sleet, and snow?

Let me get this straight. You became a socialist because other people had stuff and you didn't so you needed a method to take it from them? Is that correct?

Phydeaux -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/18/2016 3:25:04 PM)

Yeah? As if this is new.

More big government, statist cronyism - the kind I'd love to get rid of.

Of course the NFL is a charity. yeah, really.

MrRodgers -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/18/2016 3:42:12 PM)




ORIGINAL: joether


ORIGINAL: outlier

Not just New York taxes, federal taxes.

Grumbling About Socialism, the Yankees Profit From It

This is interesting because The Yankees are not alone. Go Team!

Are the Yankees complaining about something again?

...goes and plays the violin....

Seriously, the NFL does the same thing. It takes operating profit from good teams and gives it to poor/less scoring teams. That way the NFL operates in all areas of the nation.

If Randy Levine wants the capitalistic form for baseball; let him play ball. After his organization destroys every other team by sheer force of dollars; he'll have less teams to play against. Those teams will get sick of the 'billionaire team' and decide not to play them in the future. So they construct their own baseball league that doesn't include the New York Yankees. They even invite the Red Soxs!

With no one to play, the Yankees start diminishing in games; who wants to play against a pack of asshole players and team owners? They'll either ask to join this new league or wither away into nothingness. In joining this new league, they have to abide by the rules like everyone else.

Frankly I have no love for baseball. When I was out of work and struggling to find.....anything....for a job; these ball players whom earned millions were bitching about not getting enough pay. Happened twice. Both times while I was unemployed with piles of bills. A bunch of mutli-millionaires complaining they were not getting enough money. After the second time, I swore them off. An when it rains? These players race to shelter.....

....when was the last time you saw the New England Patriots hide from the rain, sleet, and snow?

Let me get this straight. You became a socialist because other people had stuff and you didn't so you needed a method to take it from them? Is that correct?

I am not a socialist and I know this is not directed at me but let's just say economy should serve the American society at large much more than it is now. Now I mean as a matter of course, which unfortunately requires govt. but not in the liberal sense that passes programs on a patchwork, feel-good basis to make up for an economy...that serves the investor class much more than society at large.

The main reason liberal programs are such as they are, is that they only try to make up govt's. failure in truly managing the economy in a truly conservative ideology. I.e., rather then enjoy a bipartisan approach and set the larger big picture as in what most of our founding fathers believed in how govt. should treat economy and also, most of the early free market philosophers.

They (the economic left) too are willingly corrupt (along with far too much of the right) in selling out to a more soft handed approach that results in our heavy industries, many of our middle and low skilled jobs being shipped off. a 70,000 page tax code full of riddles, tax credits, plus govt. restrictions on imports on many consumer products or none at all on many others and a flat out immoral differentiation of income based most cynically on the investing class needing even greater incentives while the working class. does not. (you've got to explain that one to me)

What we see is not the traditional conservative regime that the US started out with and even 100 years later...saw grow even worse with the robber barons and monopoly. To want real reform that would take us back to what I call the real conservatism and away from a sort of oligarchic corporatism we have not socialism.

Nnanji -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/18/2016 5:02:20 PM)






ORIGINAL: joether


ORIGINAL: outlier

Not just New York taxes, federal taxes.

Grumbling About Socialism, the Yankees Profit From It

This is interesting because The Yankees are not alone. Go Team!

Are the Yankees complaining about something again?

...goes and plays the violin....

Seriously, the NFL does the same thing. It takes operating profit from good teams and gives it to poor/less scoring teams. That way the NFL operates in all areas of the nation.

If Randy Levine wants the capitalistic form for baseball; let him play ball. After his organization destroys every other team by sheer force of dollars; he'll have less teams to play against. Those teams will get sick of the 'billionaire team' and decide not to play them in the future. So they construct their own baseball league that doesn't include the New York Yankees. They even invite the Red Soxs!

With no one to play, the Yankees start diminishing in games; who wants to play against a pack of asshole players and team owners? They'll either ask to join this new league or wither away into nothingness. In joining this new league, they have to abide by the rules like everyone else.

Frankly I have no love for baseball. When I was out of work and struggling to find.....anything....for a job; these ball players whom earned millions were bitching about not getting enough pay. Happened twice. Both times while I was unemployed with piles of bills. A bunch of mutli-millionaires complaining they were not getting enough money. After the second time, I swore them off. An when it rains? These players race to shelter.....

....when was the last time you saw the New England Patriots hide from the rain, sleet, and snow?

Let me get this straight. You became a socialist because other people had stuff and you didn't so you needed a method to take it from them? Is that correct?

I am not a socialist and I know this is not directed at me but let's just say economy should serve the American society at large much more than it is now. Now I mean as a matter of course, which unfortunately requires govt. but not in the liberal sense that passes programs on a patchwork, feel-good basis to make up for an economy...that serves the investor class much more than society at large.

The main reason liberal programs are such as they are, is that they only try to make up govt's. failure in truly managing the economy in a truly conservative ideology. I.e., rather then enjoy a bipartisan approach and set the larger big picture as in what most of our founding fathers believed in how govt. should treat economy and also, most of the early free market philosophers.

They (the economic left) too are willingly corrupt (along with far too much of the right) in selling out to a more soft handed approach that results in our heavy industries, many of our middle and low skilled jobs being shipped off. a 70,000 page tax code full of riddles, tax credits, plus govt. restrictions on imports on many consumer products or none at all on many others and a flat out immoral differentiation of income based most cynically on the investing class needing even greater incentives while the working class. does not. (you've got to explain that one to me)

What we see is not the traditional conservative regime that the US started out with and even 100 years later...saw grow even worse with the robber barons and monopoly. To want real reform that would take us back to what I call the real conservatism and away from a sort of oligarchic corporatism we have not socialism.

Okay I can go with most of what you said except they shipped off jobs from here. Supply and demand shipped off jobs. When the unions representing auto workers and steel workers got to greedy the companies figured out there were cheaper ways. Frankly, I believe every person has the right to maximize their pay any way they can. If it through unions it doesn't matter to me. But the idea that a guy screwing three bolts on a car is worth a six figure salary is ludicrous. There are plenty of people who'll do it for less and the jobs went to those people...or robots.

MrRodgers -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/18/2016 7:23:24 PM)








ORIGINAL: joether


ORIGINAL: outlier

Not just New York taxes, federal taxes.

Grumbling About Socialism, the Yankees Profit From It

This is interesting because The Yankees are not alone. Go Team!

Are the Yankees complaining about something again?

...goes and plays the violin....

Seriously, the NFL does the same thing. It takes operating profit from good teams and gives it to poor/less scoring teams. That way the NFL operates in all areas of the nation.

If Randy Levine wants the capitalistic form for baseball; let him play ball. After his organization destroys every other team by sheer force of dollars; he'll have less teams to play against. Those teams will get sick of the 'billionaire team' and decide not to play them in the future. So they construct their own baseball league that doesn't include the New York Yankees. They even invite the Red Soxs!

With no one to play, the Yankees start diminishing in games; who wants to play against a pack of asshole players and team owners? They'll either ask to join this new league or wither away into nothingness. In joining this new league, they have to abide by the rules like everyone else.

Frankly I have no love for baseball. When I was out of work and struggling to find.....anything....for a job; these ball players whom earned millions were bitching about not getting enough pay. Happened twice. Both times while I was unemployed with piles of bills. A bunch of mutli-millionaires complaining they were not getting enough money. After the second time, I swore them off. An when it rains? These players race to shelter.....

....when was the last time you saw the New England Patriots hide from the rain, sleet, and snow?

Let me get this straight. You became a socialist because other people had stuff and you didn't so you needed a method to take it from them? Is that correct?

I am not a socialist and I know this is not directed at me but let's just say economy should serve the American society at large much more than it is now. Now I mean as a matter of course, which unfortunately requires govt. but not in the liberal sense that passes programs on a patchwork, feel-good basis to make up for an economy...that serves the investor class much more than society at large.

The main reason liberal programs are such as they are, is that they only try to make up govt's. failure in truly managing the economy in a truly conservative ideology. I.e., rather then enjoy a bipartisan approach and set the larger big picture as in what most of our founding fathers believed in how govt. should treat economy and also, most of the early free market philosophers.

They (the economic left) too are willingly corrupt (along with far too much of the right) in selling out to a more soft handed approach that results in our heavy industries, many of our middle and low skilled jobs being shipped off. a 70,000 page tax code full of riddles, tax credits, plus govt. restrictions on imports on many consumer products or none at all on many others and a flat out immoral differentiation of income based most cynically on the investing class needing even greater incentives while the working class. does not. (you've got to explain that one to me)

What we see is not the traditional conservative regime that the US started out with and even 100 years later...saw grow even worse with the robber barons and monopoly. To want real reform that would take us back to what I call the real conservatism and away from a sort of oligarchic corporatism we have not socialism.

Okay I can go with most of what you said except they shipped off jobs from here. Supply and demand shipped off jobs. When the unions representing auto workers and steel workers got to greedy the companies figured out there were cheaper ways. Frankly, I believe every person has the right to maximize their pay any way they can. If it through unions it doesn't matter to me. But the idea that a guy screwing three bolts on a car is worth a six figure salary is ludicrous. There are plenty of people who'll do it for less and the jobs went to those people...or robots.

China doesn't get all of those jobs until the US grants them most favored nation trade status. Soon as that happens, union wages had absolutely nothing to do with US job losses. Look at Carrier who just moved 1400 jobs to Mex. They didn't do it because of union greed. Frigidaire threatens to move out of Ohio, gets a $1/hr pay cut and then later sells out and it's moved anyway. Seems $5/hr for skilled or semi-skilled labor was just way too much to pay anybody in the 1970's so I don't know where you're getting hat 6 figure income for tightening 3 bolts.

Growth in the U.S. goods trade deficit with China between 2001 and 2013 eliminated or displaced 3.2 million U.S. jobs, 2.4 million (three-fourths) of which were in manufacturing. These lost manufacturing jobs account for about two-thirds of all U.S. manufacturing jobs lost or displaced between December, 2001 and December 2013. That's just those 12 years while unions have been bargaining to keep what they had since Reagan started his war to break all union power. The growing trade deficit with China has cost jobs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. HERE

The American corporation is not in the business of creating any jobs, only maximized profits as they are constantly trying to kill US jobs.

DesideriScuri -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/19/2016 12:17:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: Phydeaux
Yeah? As if this is new.
More big government, statist cronyism - the kind I'd love to get rid of.
Of course the NFL is a charity. yeah, really.

Not any more....

joether -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/19/2016 9:37:11 AM)




ORIGINAL: joether


ORIGINAL: outlier

Not just New York taxes, federal taxes.

Grumbling About Socialism, the Yankees Profit From It

This is interesting because The Yankees are not alone. Go Team!

Are the Yankees complaining about something again?

...goes and plays the violin....

Seriously, the NFL does the same thing. It takes operating profit from good teams and gives it to poor/less scoring teams. That way the NFL operates in all areas of the nation.

If Randy Levine wants the capitalistic form for baseball; let him play ball. After his organization destroys every other team by sheer force of dollars; he'll have less teams to play against. Those teams will get sick of the 'billionaire team' and decide not to play them in the future. So they construct their own baseball league that doesn't include the New York Yankees. They even invite the Red Soxs!

With no one to play, the Yankees start diminishing in games; who wants to play against a pack of asshole players and team owners? They'll either ask to join this new league or wither away into nothingness. In joining this new league, they have to abide by the rules like everyone else.

Frankly I have no love for baseball. When I was out of work and struggling to find.....anything....for a job; these ball players whom earned millions were bitching about not getting enough pay. Happened twice. Both times while I was unemployed with piles of bills. A bunch of mutli-millionaires complaining they were not getting enough money. After the second time, I swore them off. An when it rains? These players race to shelter.....

....when was the last time you saw the New England Patriots hide from the rain, sleet, and snow?

Let me get this straight. You became a socialist because other people had stuff and you didn't so you needed a method to take it from them? Is that correct?

I didn't say I became a socialist. I simply stated how capitalism is a bad idea as it concerns sports teams. I even gave the logical chain of events should such a league base its formula for success and long term existence upon capitalism.

Maybe you should try figuring out what Socialism and Capitalism are as academic concepts before moving on to matters macro economics....

joether -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/19/2016 9:50:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: Phydeaux

Yeah? As if this is new.

More big government, statist cronyism - the kind I'd love to get rid of.

Of course the NFL is a charity. yeah, really.

Yes 'big government'. Big government is a better thing than small government. After just one horrible earthquake, Haiti, a 'small government' nation was completely overwhelmed by the destruction. The United States of America could whether a massive earthquake in LA while handling the damage of a level 5 hurricane rushing up the East Coast. How do I know that? It's called US History. Maybe you should sit down and learn, eh?

I like big government, because it is much harder than small government to be corrupted and controlled. There is enough people in our government whom will not allow it to turn totally liberal nor totally conservative. For a long time (measured in decades) the government has been mostly conservative with some liberal elements. Now it is becoming more liberal with conservative elements.

Big government brings a big military. And I fucking LOVE the US Military! Do you not like the US Military?

That big government allows those states that do not handle economies well by keeping them stable. Since a limited government would have dumped most of the red states by now as being 'unable to sustain failing systems of government' (or some other political bullshit). It allows for large projects that generate jobs which in turn generates MORE jobs (i.e. downstream jobs).

The Limited Government types can never really define 'limited government'. It sounds funny to say that, but it is completely true. In fact, if you quiz them long enough (ask enough questions), their answers will start supporting big government. Since they do hold onto things they feel can not be sacrificed under any circumstance. The problem is, they believe they are the only ones living in the nation. The other 290+ million people simply do not exist nor have a say in government. Those people hold views on how our government should and shouldn't operate. Fortunately, the grand majority are not in favor of a limited government. Perhaps those people of 'limited government' want-ing should try living in a nation with limited government. After a short time, not one of them will complain about big government ever again!

joether -> RE: Your Tax Money Goes to NY Yankees. (4/19/2016 10:42:49 AM)


I am not a socialist and I know this is not directed at me but let's just say economy should serve the American society at large much more than it is now. Now I mean as a matter of course, which unfortunately requires govt. but not in the liberal sense that passes programs on a patchwork, feel-good basis to make up for an economy...that serves the investor class much more than society at large.

It is amusing how people take the words 'liberal' and 'conservative'; passing them around without ever stopping and learning their definitions.

Thanks to those "...liberal sense that passes programs on a patchwork...." the last recession was not as hard on the poor and middle class as previous recessions. It staved off the possibility of an economic depression (shored up with the ARR of 2009). Crime usually rises in recessions; yet in this last one it went down. Why is that? You wish to slam liberal viewpoints and programs; yet, how well would the nation have survived under a conservative stance? To programs, political will, and freedoms of every-day-citizens? We would still be in a economic depression (at worst) or a recession (at best). Yes, thanks to President Obama and the Democrats, our nation survived the events of 2006-2008; coming out of the recession before Mr. Obama's first term was up. All the leading and trailing indicators of a healthy economy are currently showing up in today's Wall Street Journal.


The main reason liberal programs are such as they are, is that they only try to make up govt's. failure in truly managing the economy in a truly conservative ideology. I.e., rather then enjoy a bipartisan approach and set the larger big picture as in what most of our founding fathers believed in how govt. should treat economy and also, most of the early free market philosophers.

The main reason liberal programs are such as they are; is because liberals tend to be good people. They happen to give a shit about other people. Jesus, was a liberal and a socialist. Those programs came into being after people studied the problems encountered and asked 'how do we keep people from falling through the cracks'. How does one enjoy liberty if they are a slave to oppression? Be it political, economic, religious, or all three?

This nation has not really see 'bipartisan' support since the early days of the Clinton Administration. Back when the Republican and Democrat parties held a rather 'equal' sum of liberals and conservatives. As that first term processed, liberals started joining the Democrats, and conservatives the Republican party. When the economy was shit, Republicans were in control. When the economy was rising or healthy, Democrats were in control. Democrats want the nation to push forward. Using better technology, economic ideas, and helping our fellow Americans out of problems. The Republican party wants the exact opposite. Don't believe me; look at both party's stance on handling student loan defaults. Democrats would like to simply forgive; since many of those in default are not likely to pay soon, later, or within their life time. Republicans are completely draconian; those borrowers should pay up.....or else!


They (the economic left) too are willingly corrupt (along with far too much of the right) in selling out to a more soft handed approach that results in our heavy industries, many of our middle and low skilled jobs being shipped off. a 70,000 page tax code full of riddles, tax credits, plus govt. restrictions on imports on many consumer products or none at all on many others and a flat out immoral differentiation of income based most cynically on the investing class needing even greater incentives while the working class. does not. (you've got to explain that one to me)

This one has to be broken up:

A ) Corruption

To say that only liberals are corrupted is to be completely ignorant of conservatives. Yeah, there is some corruption from the liberal side. But that is like comparing my writing skills to that of Shakespeare. The conservatives have piles, depths, and massive degrees of corruption. They tried to engineer the nation's economy to fail to make Mr. Obama a one term president. They tried to bring anything and everything against Mr. Obama in an attempt to stain him. Should I bring up Benghazi here? Or the 65+ failed attempts to remove funding from the ACA? How about staking the US Supreme Court with conservative judges whom vote the party line.....NOT....the Constitutional line (i.e. Heller vs. DC)?

Here is the sad part about conservative corruption: conservatives can not hold the people they vote into power to any level of real accountability nor responsibility. Need an example? Let's look at how many useful things the Republican controlled Congress has accomplished in the last two years? Not a single big bill. Compared to when the Democrats had control of the Congress for two years: The Affordable Care Act was past. We are currently around day 1760+ since the moment Republicans stated they would deliver a job's bill to Congress.

Where is the outrage by conservatives? So silent one could drop a pin in that room and be blown over by the shock wave!

B ) tax code full of riddles, tax creedits, plus govt restrictions

The typical conservative can not understand the tax code. Then again, the typical conservative could not read the Iran Treaty or understand the 2nd amendment correctly. The typical conservative is the most brainwash individual whom listens to propaganda rather than facts. What do they say is their defense to this? "Everyone else is corrupted". Yet the problem with this line of thinking (other than being childish) is that their political party has become the opposite of free. They are the 'Ministry of Truth' and the "Ministry of Peace'; for anyone that gets those references....bonus points!

The tax code is fairly easy to navigate if one remains patient, asks questions to individuals that study tax code, and have a good meal before and afterward. No, they become angry and frustrated. What happens when people become angry and frustrated? They stop thinking rationally and clearly. Violence soon follows. Again, the code is easy, if one simply reads through it. The more money you make, the more likely you can hire an H&R Block rep to help navigate the process. If you are REALLY rolling in the dough; you hire a CPA.

C ) immoral differences

Immoral differences? And WHOM determines what is immoral? The pseudo christians that are supporting Mr. Trump (whom tries for high scores on the game: Seven Deadly Sins)? They 'fiscal conservatives' whom overlooked the nation debt that rose sharply under GWB's administration and then bullshit the Obama administration placed more debt? Yeah, conservatives really are not known for their honesty and integrity when it comes to money. Then they mix in religion to justify immoral actions and viewpoints.

Tell me, what is more immoral: Helping 100,000 refugees fleeing a warzone. Sheltering, feeding, clothing, giving medicine, helping them to get back on their feet in a free nation? Or pushing them away?

It was amusing to watch pseudo christians that are conservative push to keep Syrian refugees from our nation's borders. Saying we had no room, not enough resources, and one of two could be terrorists. If we have no room, why the fuck is Idaho, Montana, the Dakotas, or Texas in our nation? If we do not have the resources; maybe we should just tax the rich and mega corporations that do not pay taxes more? Are we as Americans afraid of terrorists? For conservatives? Fuck Yeah! For liberals: Not really.


What we see is not the traditional conservative regime that the US started out with and even 100 years later...saw grow even worse with the robber barons and monopoly. To want real reform that would take us back to what I call the real conservatism and away from a sort of oligarchic corporatism we have not socialism.

The United States of America started out with a very liberal view on both government and politics. Most conservatives of today would have been Tories of the day. Conservatives have tried many times (and failing each time) to wrap the American flag around themselves to justify evil, criminal, immoral, and unconstitutional actions. This nation saw tyranny many times; often while conservatives were ignorant of the reality. Need proof?

Define 'Liberal Nanny State'? Give examples of actual 'liberal nanny states'.

Define 'Conservative Nanny State'? Give examples of actual 'conservative nanny states'.

To many conservatives, they can rattle off the liberal nanny state definition, but are very short on examples.

The grand majority of conservatives (and some liberals) could not rattle off what a 'conservative nanny state' would look like, nor give examples. Even though there are hundreds of examples. I could utter a one word hint that would help people define the conservative nanny state....

...but where would the fun be in that?

To have real reform, MrRodgers, would be electing Mr. Sander's as President, placing Democrats in control of Congress for eight years, and placing two liberals on the US Supreme Court bench. The removal of several conservative supreme court rulings, better election reform rules, being adults when it comes to the national budget and debt; and acknowledging we are in 2016 and not 1950's America would go a long way to improvements to this nation. We have tried the whole 'conservative Republican improvements and reform' and sucks!

Your political party is about pushing fear onto the masses. Its about keeping the poor and middle class controlled and obedient. Its about scores of lies that do not hold up to economic or scientific examination. Your party is corrupt to the core! An you can not hold them to any level of real accountability nor responsibility with power. Nor hold them to twice those standards you say Democrats and liberals should live up to. If you did, you would NEVER want Trump, Cruz, or any of the clown care candidates to be a US President. You would remove McConnell and his band of hateful asshats. An agree to Mr. Obama's US Supreme Court nomination. But you cant. Your afraid. The GOP owns you like cattle.....STILL....

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