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Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs

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Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—... - 5/14/2016 1:21:04 AM   

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Feminists shout the most about equality but seem to understand less compared to others of what it actually is.

To feminists, "equality" means female privilege.

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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 1:25:31 AM   

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To feminists, "equality" means female privilege.

Then they're not frigging feminists, are they?


(in reply to respectmen)
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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 1:27:53 AM   

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lol, what feminism does, what feminism is.

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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 1:31:33 AM   

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ORIGINAL: respectmen

lol, what feminism does, what feminism is.

*Sigh*. Just keep on saying it, RM. That's the way something becomes true. We all know it.


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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 1:37:21 AM   

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*Sigh*. Just keep on saying it, RM. That's the way something becomes true. We all know it.

Keep telling us the dictionary meaning, which totally contradicts the actions of feminists.

(in reply to PeonForHer)
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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 1:39:48 AM   

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Face it, feminists are crooked hypocrites.

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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 1:43:13 AM   

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Face it - you're a nutcase.


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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 3:59:36 AM   

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He's a nutcase for saying it isn't right ?

Well let me tell you this, they won't let Men into alot of places but Women are starting to want into the places everywhere. You know about the CBC ? Congressional Black Caucus. And what about Miss Black America. You White you ain't getting in, it is totally OK for those groups to discriminate.

The only ones pressured to let in any goddam N__, K___, B___ or what the fuck ever is White Men. We are not allowed to have our own groups. I am Polish, am I allowed to join La Raza ?

But the fact is we still got them. Like in my garage, though I don't discriminate it seems to be the White Man hangout de jure. We got some youngins, one calls me his surrogate Father. Let me tell you, I can see the spirit, and I can say that we will probably take the power back. We White Men gave you all the power and now since you decided to abuse it maybe we should take it back. We are White Men with guns, you are what ?

OK, there's a possible analogy there. The hoplophobes (gun haters) say that if us gun "nuts" do not back off of wanting every crazoid druggie and skitzo to have a gun (which we don't) we are going to lose more in the way of gun rights. Well I guess that is probably true and none of us want the delusional out there armed. Better they don't even drive cars.

In the same way, the feminazis, the racists of other races, eventually they will go too far. You think we can't take those rights away ? Just watch. Keep it up. White Men started every major war on this planet, and with the help of Jews produced the most destructive weapons ever, held slavery in high regard, imprison more people by percentage than anyone else, who do you think you're fucking with ?

And feminists, I got news for you. We put chemicals in your perfumes and soaps that change your attitude. Skin is the largest organ of the human body. It doesn't just sweat, it also absorbs. That's why a nitroglycerin patch works, or the nicotine patch. That's why you feel so good after swimming in the ocean. you have absorbed a shitload of mineral nutrients. (that's why people take salt baths)

Bottom line is the OP sees an erosion of White Man's power. He is right. And actually is it probably time to give up the throne soon. We really have run the place into the ground. But for the moment, we still do the calling.


(in reply to PeonForHer)
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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 4:22:49 AM   

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From: Sydney Australia
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ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

He's a nutcase for saying it isn't right ?

There's a multitude of reasons to justify believing RM to be a nutcase. A quick flick through his posts ought to be sufficient to cause most people to agree he does have some mental health issues that need urgent professional attention.


Bottom line is the OP sees an erosion of White Man's power. He is right. And actually is it probably time to give up the throne soon. We really have run the place into the ground. But for the moment, we still do the calling.


I'm glad that I waded through your post to find this declaration at the end. It justified enduring the rest of the post, which was, not to put too fine a point on it, rather scattered (even if one ignores the racism, sexism etc ...)

Be that as it may, you are correct on this point. 'White Men's' power is eroding. And it can't erode fast enough for me, not being a White Man and all that. Yes, you guys have really run the place into the ground and if left unchecked will probably ruin the entire planet for everyone. The only question is: 'How will the transition to a more equitable regime be handled?'

History tells us that those in power rarely surrender it without a fierce struggle. But honestly, if RM and his tedious whining is the best resistance you guys can offer, best to surrender quietly and gracefully now before he turns all of you into complete laughing stocks.


(in reply to Termyn8or)
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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 4:34:58 AM   

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Well personally I think the policy is dumb, but yeah if it is going to apply to one it ought to apply for the other.
Also this...

“What do we want? Female spaces!” they chanted. “When do we want them? Now!”

God no, I want gender neutral spaces. Spaces where people of all genders can come together to learn from one another, not a whole bunch of little ghettos.


Not your average bimbo.

(in reply to tweakabelle)
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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 5:11:05 AM   

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There's a multitude of reasons to justify believing RM to be a nutcase. A quick flick through his posts ought to be sufficient to cause most people to agree he does have some mental health issues that need urgent professional attention.

Oh, why is that? Because my views aren't the same views as yours? They are on the right and not left?

Please explain, I am eager to see the explanation.

How about attacking my points instead of making strawman attacks against my character? That may help.

(in reply to ThatDizzyChick)
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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 5:12:53 AM   

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This might be of interest to the whining, histrionic men who feel that Harvard is victimising their bros.

The ban is being applied to both genders equally, so what the fuck are these mantrums about?

Harvard University boldly went against its own history last week by putting sanctions for the first time on single-sex social clubs—most noticeably the famous, secretive, male-only final clubs that’ve been around for centuries.
Beginning in 2017, anyone who joins a single-gender social organization will be barred from getting any campus leadership positions, athletic captaincies, or university endorsement for prominent fellowships like the Rhodes scholarship. Without banning final clubs outright, the new policy is a clever way of indirectly curtailing their power and allure.
But the well-intentioned changes don’t just affect Harvard’s eight male-only final clubs, which the university itself accuses of perpetrating a culture of exclusion and sexual assault. They also apply to its six female-only final clubs and four sororities.

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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 5:15:02 AM   

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Whoremods, so why then are feminists only wanting male only clubs ditched but not women's? You seem to miss that point.

(in reply to WhoreMods)
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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 5:15:30 AM   

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ORIGINAL: respectmen


There's a multitude of reasons to justify believing RM to be a nutcase. A quick flick through his posts ought to be sufficient to cause most people to agree he does have some mental health issues that need urgent professional attention.

Oh, why is that? Because my views aren't the same views as yours? They are on the right and not left?

Please explain, I am eager to see the explanation.

How about attacking my points instead of making strawman attacks against my character? That may help.

You haven't yet *made* any points, RM. You've just posted a video along with a couple of your usual opinions.


(in reply to respectmen)
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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 5:19:39 AM   

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ORIGINAL: respectmen

Whoremods, so why then are feminists only wanting male only clubs ditched but not women's? You seem to miss that point.

You want all "feminists" rounded up and disposed of so that they can't corrupt proper women. That isn't going to happen either.

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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 5:28:52 AM   

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instead of making strawman attacks against my character

Sorry, but those are ad hominem fallacies, not strawman fallacies.


Not your average bimbo.

(in reply to respectmen)
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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 5:35:27 AM   

Posts: 7522
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From: Sydney Australia
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ORIGINAL: respectmen


There's a multitude of reasons to justify believing RM to be a nutcase. A quick flick through his posts ought to be sufficient to cause most people to agree he does have some mental health issues that need urgent professional attention.

Oh, why is that? [...]

Please explain, I am eager to see the explanation.

It seem to have escaped your attention but there are two sentences in my post, the second sentence pointing out where evidence to support the claims in the first sentence can be found.

Just in case you still are unable to get it: "A quick flick through his posts ......" tells the reader where the evidence to support the claim ( ie. an "explanation" of why) you are a nutcase can be found. The evidence consists of your own words and your own words alone. I add nothing and I take nothing away.


< Message edited by tweakabelle -- 5/14/2016 5:38:33 AM >


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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 5:40:13 AM   

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It seem to have escaped your attention but there are two sentences in my post, the second sentence pointing out where evidence to support the claims in the first sentence can be found

I still can't see this so called evidence.

It seems that you have terrible difficulty in supporting your claim. Is there something wrong on your end?

(in reply to tweakabelle)
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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 5:42:14 AM   

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You haven't yet *made* any points, RM. You've just posted a video along with a couple of your usual opinions.

A video?


(in reply to respectmen)
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RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punishe... - 5/14/2016 5:51:44 AM   

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To feminists, "equality" means female privilege.

Then they're not frigging feminists, are they?

In this case, I have to agree with Peon. I read three different articles in addition to the one in the OP and I didn't see any reference to a feminist organization taking issue with making changes to both male and female finals groups. I see where the articles label these women feminists, but that doesn't mean they are.

Those women are not necessarily feminists. I get that. But those women are being labeled feminists in mainstream media, which is an extremely powerful force of public opinion. If the actual feminist organizations, with the wealth and manpower and public relations muscle, don't come out to publicly condemn this type of behavior, then they are allowing these misconceptions to strengthen and spread. Like it or not, that's the landscape of today's media. Staying silent is, indeed, tacit approval because they're not doing anything to correct the misconception. And if they're not trying to correct a misconception, then it makes me wonder if there really is no misconception at all.

This is the struggle that is out there for people like...okay, me. The only thing I know of feminism is mainstream media, and even that is very little as I don't have cable and don't listen to radio. But, I'm smart enough (I like to think) to recognize that the bits that I do pick up through the news may not actually reflect reality. However, when I research further, I either have my fears confirmed (as in the earlier thread regarding the Florida bill for child support and alimony) or I see nothing to combat what I have just read. So, if I were less invested in it, I would walk away from these types of articles thinking "Feminists don't want equality at all!" And honestly, the only reason I'm invested in it this morning is that I'm procrastinating doing my final paper. :)

So if someone could find me a position of an organization such as NOW coming out to condemn these actions, then I would happily concede. I understand that the leaders of a movement can't be held responsible for the actions of each and every person who dons the label of that movement. But staying silent only allows the misconception to grow. And when this misconception reaches the average person who does not hold a higher degree in this topic and who is unable to dig out the truth from mounds of media and misdirection - and indeed, has neither the drive nor the resources to - it really irritates Peon. :) But really…the average person is not to blame for this.

(in reply to PeonForHer)
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