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Pandora Blake wins right to reinstate fetish website

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Pandora Blake wins right to reinstate fetish website - 6/7/2016 4:40:16 AM   

Posts: 40310
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Feminist porn director Pandora Blake wins right to reinstate fetish website in landmark ruling
She was among UK pornographers forced to closed down her website due to anti-porn laws

A feminist pornographer has won the right to re-launch her fetish website, in what she has described as a landmark victory over repressive anti-pornography laws.

Actress and director Pandora Blake, who runs, was among UK pornographers forced to close their websites after a 2014 law brought porn made in the UK in line with rules binding DVDs sold sex shops.

The Audio Visual Media Services regulations (AVMS) banned sex acts that were deemed morally damaging or life-threatening, including strangulation, face-sitting and fisting. Spanking beyond what was deemed to be a gentle level, humiliation, full bondage and restraint (which involves a gag and all four limbs), female ejaculation, and depictions of non-consensual sex were also forbidden under the laws enforced by the Authority for Television on Demand (Atvod), which has since been overtaken by Ofcom.

Ms Blake is believed to be the first pornographer to be granted the right to re-open her website in the wake of the law, and is one of only two UK producers who can legally publish videos of face-sitting, female ejaculation and spanking which leaves a mark.

She told The Independent that she took a “huge risk” in launching an appeal against the regulator, but feels “totally vindicated” after winning the appeal which she launched in August 2015.

“A year ago, knowing that I would likely lose my site, I felt powerless. Now, I feel hopeful, and inspired to keep on challenging bad laws and fighting for our civil liberties and sexual freedoms.”
More at the link


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Duchess Of Dissent
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RE: Pandora Blake wins right to reinstate fetish website - 6/7/2016 6:21:02 AM   

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I'm a spanko, and this law has considerably hobbled many British spanking sites. Weirdly enough, it's fine to sell spanking videos in the UK as long as they're made by non-domestic companies.

It's not a coherent piece of legislation.


"You women....

The small-breasted ones want larger breasts. The large-breasted ones want smaller ones. The straight-haired ones curl their hair, and the curly-haired ones straighten theirs...

Quit fretting. We men love you."

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: Pandora Blake wins right to reinstate fetish website - 6/8/2016 10:07:26 AM   

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No It wasnt, it was a bloody mess, Hopefully it wont be the last revival


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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

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RE: Pandora Blake wins right to reinstate fetish website - 6/8/2016 12:30:43 PM   

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ANother article about the law
UK pornography laws in ‘disarray’ after website ban lifted

Myles Jackman
Myles Jackman
Pornography laws in Britain are in total disarray, according to a lawyer campaigning for urgent reform following a regulator’s landmark decision to lift the ban on a fetish website.

The government regulator for broadcasting and telecommunications in the UK, Ofcom, has overturned a ban imposed of, which was forced to shut down as a result of a legislation change. The Audio Visual Media Services regulations, which came into force in 2014, affected pornography made in the UK, making it fall in line with laws that applied to DVDs and sex shops.

The rules were enforced by the Authority for Television on Demand, a now defunct body whose responsibilities have been taken over by Ofcom.

Pandora Blake, the site owner and prominent protester against the rule change said that UK pornography laws were “inconsistent and hypocritical” and added that “Ofcom’s U-turn was a common sense decision”.

Myles Jackman, a London-based obscenity lawyer, called for legislation to be brought in.

“We need a more unified approach to clarify the law regarding consensual adult content online.

“This ruling from Ofcom signals that the government should conduct a root and branch review of pornography laws that cover adult consensual behaviour.”

He further questioned why the current law meant that certain sexual activities, that are legal when conducted between consenting adults in private, become illegal when filmed – regardless of whether it is broadcast or not.

He added: “There is a particular irony of female pleasure sites being regulated by male regulators.”


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Duchess Of Dissent
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RE: Pandora Blake wins right to reinstate fetish website - 6/11/2016 7:51:25 PM   

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it shows that there is hope for the sites that are not in the good old boys club it is a small step and much more needs to be done but every journey starts with a single step


currently owned by LadyAthena15805
i will always come to the call of those i love

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RE: Pandora Blake wins right to reinstate fetish website - 12/5/2016 6:42:47 AM   

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and now a sneeky little thing is going through that wanted to make this extend to THE WHOLE INTERNET -_-

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RE: Pandora Blake wins right to reinstate fetish website - 12/6/2016 12:17:03 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
Actress and director Pandora Blake, who runs, was among UK pornographers forced to close their websites after a 2014 law brought porn made in the UK in line with rules binding DVDs sold sex shops.

Amazon is a sex shop?
Have I been wasting my time buying stuff from Marquis and Westward Bound?


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: Pandora Blake wins right to reinstate fetish website - 12/6/2016 12:37:29 PM   

Posts: 40310
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pretty much, altho, latex is best found elsewhere,I do like wesstward bound...
artisan toys, elsewhere, sex toys, yeah...One of the reasons why I gave up the toy shop was because amazon could sell it for cheaper than I could buy it, and that dildos an lingerie were the big sellers, I sold a long of bondage gear but it wasnt enough to keep afloat.
I keep meaning to restore it, I have some good suppliers, but im swamped right now.


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Duchess Of Dissent
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RE: Pandora Blake wins right to reinstate fetish website - 12/6/2016 12:58:46 PM   

Posts: 10691
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*Resists urge to make a dirty joke about "swamping"*


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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