RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (Full Version)

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respectmen -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 5:08:44 AM)

That's okay staleek, just keep denying the muslim rape epidemic while being all okay with the feminist rape culture theory on white males.

Edwird -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 7:18:43 AM)

Here it's time for a song, a lament, in fact; Straight White Men, by respectmen.

(Sung to the tune of Fools In Love, written by Joe Jackson, here in the lovely voice of Inara George.)

(Go to the link, first. Sing along with the record, folks!)

Straight White Men, are there any other kinds ... of victims?

Straight White Men, is there any other kind ... of pain?

Every thing you do, everywhere you go, now

Every time you scratch, every time you sneeze

Every thing you do, even when you burp, now

Every time you walk, you stumble on your baby toe ...

Your baby toe ...

Your baby toe ...

Your baby toe ...


Edwird -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 7:35:38 AM)


stef -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 9:54:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: HoneyBears

Are you similarly upset that you are not eligible to participate in the Special Olympics? [8|]

Are you sure he's not? He very well could be developmentally challenged based on the majority of what he posts here.

HoneyBears -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 10:09:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

"Are you similarly upset that you are not eligible to participate in the Special Olympics?"

That IS a low blow. Though I do not agree with this guy completely he makes a point sometimes. You pull this out ?

It depends upon interpretation of context.

OP identifies with straight white males who are not disabled; otherwise, his misleading "point" has no leg to stand on. Maybe you can catch my drift now. Maybe not. Do not really care either way.



There are four sections of the conference – for women, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people, ethnic minorities and those with disabilities.

Though there were also some ‘joint sessions’ last year, for break-out discussions reps must have the relevant ‘characteristic’.
It also means that straight cis women wouldn't be able to attend any of the other split-off sessions; lesbians wouldn't be able to attend gay men's sessions... etc, etc. But everybody, including straight white males, would be able to attend the main conference.

Please take note of the last sentence I bolded. Main conference participation is not affected by grouping categories.

OP is crying wolf like usual.

-- Cub

(Edited for typo)

HoneyBears -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 10:13:59 AM)



ORIGINAL: HoneyBears

Are you similarly upset that you are not eligible to participate in the Special Olympics? [8|]

Are you sure he's not? He very well could be developmentally challenged based on the majority of what he posts here.

In the event that any response I make could be misinterpreted by a nebulous offended party, I shall refrain from saying any more than I was giving OP the benefit of the doubt.

I will, however, stand by my earlier statement that OP has no leg to stand on. [:)]

-- Cub

Politesub53 -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 4:03:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: respectmen

Peon, here you and others were slagging off the daily mail in another thread. How ironic.

Anyway, the fact of the matter is that straight white men face issues too, but the same as any male regardless of skin colour or sexuality.

White men alone also face discrimination in areas like this prime example and affirmative action.

The left are hypocrites.

LMAO........ Peon is explaining to you, what you have failed to understand from your own fucking link.

Thats hardly defending the Daily Mail. Sheesh, your stupidity grows by the day.

Termyn8or -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 7:03:11 PM)

"Please take note of the last sentence I bolded. Main conference participation is not affected by grouping categories. "

They demanded that they could move into any neighborhood they want, go to any school they want and all this shit. They got it and you know what ? YOU TELL ME if we are all better off because of it.

History proves that meddling in the social system is bad because it fucks with the laws off nature.

Anyone who does not know this has no business being in a position of power.


Termyn8or -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 7:13:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: respectmen

That's okay staleek, just keep denying the muslim rape epidemic while being all okay with the feminist rape culture theory on white males.


And their daughters get raped after I am dead and a hell of alot happier than I am now.

Funny how that works out eh ?

Liberalism spreads like the fucking plague. Then eventually people get sick of it and support a government that will wage war. That is like a reset. Then the process begins again. Some regimes metastisize(sp) like Rome and stop the shit, but the rest do not.

It is a human trait and if you think you can change it you are not only an ultraliberal, but also a fucking idiot.

Liberals and ultraliberals take note right now : When you get the world you want, that will show you that you were wrong. I guarantee it.


ETA; RM, of course the part of tthat was not meant for you.

Termyn8or -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 7:17:49 PM)




ORIGINAL: HoneyBears

Are you similarly upset that you are not eligible to participate in the Special Olympics? [8|]

Are you sure he's not? He very well could be developmentally challenged based on the majority of what he posts here.

Well I do not see any stellar posts from thee.

In fact I cannot remember a post in which you did not put someone down, warranted or unwarranted.


stef -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 7:57:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

Well I do not see any stellar posts from thee.

In fact I cannot remember a post in which you did not put someone down, warranted or unwarranted.

The deficiencies in your memory or powers of observation are your cross to bear, not mine.

Termyn8or -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 8:32:29 PM)

Bullshit stef, every post from you is a putdown. Show me otherwise, IN THIS SECTION. Admittedly you might be useful in another forum, but apparently not here.

Show me a post of yours that contains an astute comment, reasoning on political matters.

My memory isn't perfect but it is good enough to know you have not made a good observation or astute comment is quite some time.

Provide evidence otherwise.

I haven't seen one goddamn thing you posted was worth a shit in the last year or whatever I been back. Here is your chance to prove me wrong. Right now.

As a moderator you were a piece of shit. Accused people of being off their meds or taking too much of them or perhaps being to high. You did it all the time. If you want to have any respect from me you have to earn it from the beginning. And you can't. People on this site respect me and I earned that WITHOUT a position of authority over them, able to ban them and shit. YOU CANNOT DO THAT.

And now all you do is about what Ron does, put people down. Not only do you not add useful content, you don't even really respond to posts, just call people names n shit. I would ban you both if I owned the place.


Termyn8or -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 8:34:14 PM)

And then you can go suck Ron's nuts.


stef -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/8/2016 9:05:24 PM)

You mistakenly assume that I have anything to prove to you, or care what you think. As for Ron's nuts, they're all yours you racist nutjob.

respectmen -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/10/2016 4:03:07 AM)


Bullshit stef, every post from you is a putdown. Show me otherwise, IN THIS SECTION. Admittedly you might be useful in another forum, but apparently not here.

I wait for that moment too.

As to the topic, discrimination is discrimination. The leftists can sugarcoat it all they want. They definitely wouldn't be sugarcoating it if it was against any other group.

Greta75 -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/10/2016 4:15:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: respectmen

Use discrimination to fight discrimination. [:D]

This is evidence of discrimination within it's self.

If they were completely banned from the conference. Then yea, I would raise an eyebrow.

But they are allowed at the conference.

Just not the sub group ones. Which makes sense, if it's sharing sessions, and they want to be group together with people of the same gender orientation and things like that.

It's like the female toilet! No males allowed! Unless you dress up like one!

You know, you could always approach the organiser and ask if it's okay for you to host one group for straight white males too, and ban all other types of gender orientation or sexuality from attending.

I think just that, no straight white male have volunteered to do a straight white male one.

respectmen -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/10/2016 4:17:30 AM)

Greta, you still don't see that as discrimination at all? Treating white men entirely different to the rest and giving them a lower bar?

Greta75 -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/10/2016 4:19:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: respectmen

Greta, you still don't see that as discrimination at all? Treating white men entirely different to the rest and giving them a lower bar?

They aren't given a lower bar. No straight white male volunteered to hold a group session to discuss straight white male equality treatment. That's all.

It needs volunteers and people to start such a group. And then you need to recruit straight white males who feel as discriminated as you do.

I suggest, you start it. But kink sites like this is not a good recruitment channel.

Greta75 -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/10/2016 4:25:02 AM)

I mean, I'm a woman, so if I care about any causes, it would be only women causes. As that's close to my heart as that's my gender.

So straight white male clubs, need to be started and run by straight white males! You need to do it! Someone has to start it. If all straight white males like yourself take ZERO action to form support groups for each other, then, it's never gonna exist. Don't expect other people to do anything for you.

Alot of women issues support groups are sphere-headed by women themselves. Not men.

respectmen -> RE: Straight White Men Banned From Equality Conference (6/10/2016 4:25:26 AM)

Greta, it doesn't matter if straight white male groups claimed to be in it or not. The fact of the matter is that it's discrimination to treat them lower and less important than any other group.

It's like saying just because no blacks or muslims or straight white women volunteered, that means that it's not discrimination to place the same standards on them

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