RE: Brexit Vote Results (Full Version)

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Staleek -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/16/2016 10:05:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Politesub53

Nice to see the leftie luvvies are still pissed at losing a democratic vote. Oh wait, I forgot the new meme that 48% is actually higher than 52%.

Even Corbyn says another referendum is a bad idea, but I am still waiting for economic armagedon and Camerons promised WW3 to break out.

Lefties Alan Sugar and Richard Branson?

I've been called right-wing, by Awareness of all people, for my views on these forums. I believe in a regulated but largely open free-market with a strong economy.

The schism about the EU isn't divided by left/right. It's divided by intelligent/dumb and successful/failure. Too many idiots swayed by the blatant lies of the Daily Mail and too many people blaming immigrants for their lack of success in life.

Staleek -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 12:49:51 AM)



There you go again with the negative waves, Staleek. You should be dancing down the streets, embracing your new 'freedom' and relishing the fact that you've 'taken back control'. I know that's what I'll be doing later (before I get arrested and banged up for the night in a padded cell again).

Negative waves? I have a feeling you might know all of this, but what's an economy?

Even some economists get this wrong. Let's take a big city. London. You can think about the millions of people living in it, think about their finances, pensions, jobs, and GDP, which is what some of our less competent politicians and economists do. Especially our previous chancellor, who didn't have a fucking clue, thought of interest rates and taxes, cuts and austerity. But the best way to think about the economy, politics, what has happened, and the potential consequences, is this;

Let's take another look at London. What actually happens there every day? How many cows die for London every day? How many farmers have to bring those cows in? How many butchers have to slice up those cows and bulls? How many liters of milk have to be processed, packaged, and sent into London every day? How many bales of wheat have to be harvested, processed, and turned into food whether bread or something else? How many boxes of fruit need to be collected from farms in Africa, India, or Brazil, put into crates, and shipped across the sea, just for London, every day? How many tins of beans, spagetti, soup, chopped tomatoes etc, need to be made and moved into the city? How many millions of gallons of water have to be cleaned and pumped into London via the water system, and how many liters of crap and piddle need to be extracted and treated from the city, every single day?

And that's just food and water. Every single day.

How many operations need to performed by doctors in the city on a daily basis? How many disposable surgical tools need to be processed, and how many replaced? How many drugs need to be processed and brought in, from asprin to evotaz, to vaccines? How many crutches need to be supplied, how many beds need to be available in any given day? How many dental operations need to be performed, how many dentists do you need in a city to cover that? How much paper needs to be brought in, from schools to government offices? So how many trees have had to be chopped and turned into paper? How much coal and gas is going be needed to power everything in the city?

How much does all of that cost? And how does London actually pay for it all?

The EU supplies a lot of the above to us, and we do the same back. This isn't something new. We traded a lot with Europe, over the decades we became closer, and eventually all the big players of Europe got together and made this process easier with various treaties. Along with these treaties came more political cooperation and eventually a union was formed. We've based our entire economy and legal framework on being in this union for the last 40 years.

An economy is almost indistinguishable from an ecosystem in how it operates. It adapts and changes to environmental changes, it grows in times of plenty, it shrinks when there is not much to feed it. Strong businesses survive, weak businesses perish. And just like the environment we depend on it for everything from food to energy. And also just like the environment it is extremely fragile, and polluting it with oil or garbage or crappy decisions can cause immense damage. Brexit isn't just a massive oil slick (like the 2008 recession), it is actually taking the entire ecosystem and completely trashing it without even a plan of what to do afterwards. We can't "take our country back" from being supplied with food, raw materials, and consumer goods via treaty unless we are adopting the North Korean model (which given some of the Brexiters mad ideas might actually happen). There is NOTHING good at Brexit. And anyone who thinks so either doesn't understand or is willfully stupid. There is no alternative.

This is why direct democracy doesn't work - few people actually think about society like this or even understand this, and so they vote based upon nebulous and ridiculous promises from career politicians who themselves are incompetent.

MariaB -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 3:01:43 AM)



Does anyone look at/or read this brexit news site?. Brexit News
They seem to be rather credible.
I need reliable sources for my UK news.

Your best bet is The Economist

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 3:08:11 AM)



There you go again with the negative waves, Staleek. You should be dancing down the streets, embracing your new 'freedom' and relishing the fact that you've 'taken back control'. I know that's what I'll be doing later (before I get arrested and banged up for the night in a padded cell again).

Negative waves?

The EU supplies a lot of the above to us, and we do the same back. This isn't something new. We traded a lot with Europe, over the decades we became closer, and eventually all the big players of Europe got together and made this process easier with various treaties. Along with these treaties came more political cooperation and eventually a union was formed. We've based our entire economy and legal framework on being in this union for the last 40 years.

We traded with Europe (and many others) before we went into the common market.
We'll still be trading with them after we leave - that won't change.
As for 'political cooperation', it translates to politcal takeover by stealth - and we don't want that.

The advantage of NOT being part of the EU is that the EU stopped us trading with our commonwealth and other countries - it all had to go through the EU negotiations for trade. When we come out, we can start trading with others again and we will get better deals with our commonwealth cousins than we have with the EU agreements.
It also means we can trade with others without waiting for the EU's other 27 countries to collaborate before any agreement can be made.

Last I heard, there are quite a large number of countries queueing up to make new trading agreements with us.


...We can't "take our country back" from being supplied with food, raw materials, and consumer goods via treaty unless we are adopting the North Korean model (which given some of the Brexiters mad ideas might actually happen). There is NOTHING good at Brexit. And anyone who thinks so either doesn't understand or is willfully stupid. There is no alternative.

There is... going back to the status quo from before we joined the EU.
We did well when we first joined the EU when trade tarrifs were stupidly high and it was worth paying the cost of being in it for the savings we made.
Since globalisation, world trade tarrifs have plummeted to almost nothing these days.
The costs of being in this exclusive EU club for saving on tarrifs doesn't stack up against modern-day very low global tarrifs.
Effectively, the subscription costs for this EU club is more than we save on tarrifs; ergo, it is no longer economically cost effective.


This is why direct democracy doesn't work - few people actually think about society like this or even understand this, and so they vote based upon nebulous and ridiculous promises from career politicians who themselves are incompetent.

And those career politicians also include those on the Remain side too!

And FWIW, you aren't even old enough to know what it was like before we joined the EU so you have no other perspective other than being in it; you have no method of comparison other than what you are being told by spin merchants.

WhoreMods -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 4:33:15 AM)





Does anyone look at/or read this brexit news site?. Brexit News
They seem to be rather credible.
I need reliable sources for my UK news.

Your best bet is The Economist

The Financial Times don't seem keen on the idea, so obviously they're part of the leftist media conspiracy...

MariaB -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 6:54:24 AM)







Does anyone look at/or read this brexit news site?. Brexit News
They seem to be rather credible.
I need reliable sources for my UK news.

Your best bet is The Economist

The Financial Times don't seem keen on the idea, so obviously they're part of the leftist media conspiracy...

You have to subscribe to read the FT online.

WhoreMods -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 7:00:55 AM)

True. I was forgetting that.

WickedsDesire -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 7:57:47 AM)

I myself are completely illiterate and have only recently escaped from the asylum.

it makes no difference as to whether UK(whatever that is - not what it quite once was- and soo t be even less) is in the EU or economic zone. The only beneficiaries here are the money markets

I voted in for many a being the richer must help the poorer. Only gluttonous animals say other wise and their minds are dammed, woebegone, lost. forever.

Marini -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 12:01:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: WickedsDesire

I myself are completely illiterate and have only recently escaped from the asylum.

I knew it!

NorthernGent1 -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 1:20:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: WickedsDesire

I myself are completely illiterate and have only recently escaped from the asylum.

it makes no difference as to whether UK(whatever that is - not what it quite once was- and soo t be even less) is in the EU or economic zone. The only beneficiaries here are the money markets

I voted in for many a being the richer must help the poorer. Only gluttonous animals say other wise and their minds are dammed, woebegone, lost. forever.

You're not illiterate. Referring to yourself as: "I myself are", renders you semi-literate. Don't be so hard on yourself and do pat yourself on the back for at least 33% accuracy.

Can't win 'em all mate!

vincentML -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 3:52:38 PM)


I voted in for many a being the richer must help the poorer. Only gluttonous animals say other wise and their minds are dammed, woebegone, lost. forever.

Really? You need to return quickly for your evening pills.

PeonForHer -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 4:41:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Politesub53

Nice to see the leftie luvvies are still pissed at losing a democratic vote. Oh wait, I forgot the new meme that 48% is actually higher than 52%.

Even Corbyn says another referendum is a bad idea, but I am still waiting for economic armagedon and Camerons promised WW3 to break out.

You crack me up. [;)]

PS, we've already done this one. A majority vote is just a majority vote - it's a way towards democracy - it isn't democracy itself. I'm *sure* you know this. But forget the theory ... look at the result. We are still in the EU. Article 50 hasn't been invoked yet.

And, to be honest, it ain't the 48% who is all pissy, right now - it's the 52%. I mean - you can see that all over the net. They've expressed their preference - and are now getting all irritable and arsy because they strongly suspect that whatever they wanted from their vote, they will not, in the end, get. And I'm quite sure that their suspicions are well-founded, too. For some astonishing reason, they assumed that if they got 4% more support than their opponents, their opponents would then say 'Oh, right so, fair enough. I shall go silent henceforth'.

Why would they think that? It's never happened in an election before. It flabbergasts me.

*Everybody*, but *everybody* in control of our governance will say that they will 'honour the majority vote'. Of course they will. Now, I know you're not stupid, PS. So you will know that, at some point in the future, our 'means of exit' will be put before the country, for our approval or disapproval. We *will* have a second referendum, whatever they choose to call it.

And if we don't ... well, again, that goes back to what 'democracy' means - which is 'rule by the people'. If nearly half of the people really, really don't want a thing ... then they will kick up a fuss such that thing will be a miserable, nasty experience for those who belong to the 'just over a half' group. (Or did belong to it, till a few days after, when they left that group, with mounting horror at having voted the wrong way.)

I said before, PS ... you don't get to be smug about this, and make chortling noises about having got 52% against our 48%. You need to convince us 48% -ers - or you won't, in the end, get what you want, no matter how sparky you feel about that 4% difference right now. That's just how democracy works, I'm afraid - in reality, that is.

And, PS, PS please ... enough of the 'lefty' digs. With your vote, you've turned from centrist Tory to radical right wing. For the first time that I've ever seen you do that. In voting 'remain' - *I* came from more of a standardly conservative place than you did. It's actually quite a thing, to absorb that irony, I can tell you.

PeonForHer -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 4:58:44 PM)


The Financial Times don't seem keen on the idea, so obviously they're part of the leftist media conspiracy...

The FT still writes about the Brexit vote in terms of abject horror. Not surprisingly, really, since the vast majority of big bread heads in Britain were against it....

Oh for god's sake. What we have with the Brexit vote is that a bunch of right wingers threw caution to the wind and suddenly became radical and idealistic - against all the best, most considered, and expert advice. Most of the rest of the world thinks that Britain went loopy with this vote. Hell, even most *Americans* think we went loopy (No offence, my American friends! [:)]) - and they have somebody like Trump standing for President!

July 2016. The month in which GB went put down their cups of tea and went *batshit crazy*. Lefties suddenly became conservative and voted to remain (unless they were far-lefties of the Bennite mould, in which case they joined the righties). Cautious, prudent, careful types of 'moderates', meanwhile, suddenly decided to vote for far more radical political and economic change than they'd ever have *dreamt* of voting for in any general election. I mean - stop to think of it: because of this Brexit vote, the Scots may well demand their independence, in which case 'Great Britain' wont exist. How much more radical can you get?

Really - 'far out', I keep thinking. Doesn't anybody else think this? Things here in Britain are *so* nutty, right now.

'Go figure', as our friends across the Atlantic say. Excellent expression, I've always thought. Very succinct.

Marini -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 8:55:31 PM)

What is left and right these days?
The left often sides and stands up for and appears to love the government, status quo and powers that be.
The right often wants less government and more personal choice, and more freedom from big brother.

Up is down and down is up.

I'm team moderate/independent, I have issues with both sides.
Whenever/however Brexit sorts itself out, we all hope and want the best, for those of you that call the UK your home.
Please keep us posted.


dcnovice -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/17/2016 9:38:53 PM)


On a lighter note . . . [:)]

MariaB -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/18/2016 12:01:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: dcnovice


On a lighter note . . . [:)]

"David get out of the way" [:D]

Awareness -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/18/2016 8:24:31 AM)


Let's take another look at London. What actually happens there every day? How many cows die for London every day? How many farmers have to bring those cows in? How many butchers have to slice up those cows and bulls? How many liters of milk have to be processed, packaged, and sent into London every day? How many bales of wheat have to be harvested, processed, and turned into food whether bread or something else? How many boxes of fruit need to be collected from farms in Africa, India, or Brazil, put into crates, and shipped across the sea, just for London, every day? How many tins of beans, spagetti, soup, chopped tomatoes etc, need to be made and moved into the city? How many millions of gallons of water have to be cleaned and pumped into London via the water system, and how many liters of crap and piddle need to be extracted and treated from the city, every single day?
Christ you're a fucking moron. Really. It's like watching children paint with their fingers.

Commerce, you infant, does not stop because Britain exits the EU. Commerce merely proceeds under a different rule-set. Does commerce stop when the government changes? When the privy council makes a ruling? When the EU issues another of its idiotic proclamations? No.

Honestly, the explanations you Bremain fear-tards keep postulating are so weak and so clearly fucking spoon-fed to you, it's a wonder you manage to remember them. I mean, it's FUCKING clear you haven't even thought about them - not for a fucking moment. Because they're all utter fucking bullshit and fall apart in a moment whenever someone with a brain actually examines them.

Christ, and you wonder why you lost.


This is why direct democracy doesn't work - few people actually think about society like this or even understand this, and so they vote based upon nebulous and ridiculous promises from career politicians who themselves are incompetent.
Given the degree to which you've just demonstrated your own incompetence and inability to think clearly, that's FUCKING ironic coming from you.

Awareness -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/18/2016 8:27:19 AM)


The Financial Times don't seem keen on the idea, so obviously they're part of the leftist media conspiracy...
Well given it's the news organ of choice for the corporations profiting from the EU's outrageously lax corporate regime, that's hardly fucking surprising.

NorthernGent1 -> RE: Brexit Vote Results (7/18/2016 10:58:43 AM)



PS, we've already done this one. A majority vote is just a majority vote - it's a way towards democracy - it isn't democracy itself. I'm *sure* you know this.

This is horse shite.



And, to be honest, it ain't the 48% who is all pissy, right now - it's the 52%. I mean - you can see that all over the net. They've expressed their preference - and are now getting all irritable and arsy because they strongly suspect that whatever they wanted from their vote, they will not, in the end, get. And I'm quite sure that their suspicions are well-founded, too. For some astonishing reason, they assumed that if they got 4% more support than their opponents, their opponents would then say 'Oh, right so, fair enough. I shall go silent henceforth'.

And this is the most laughable statement I have read for many a year.

The tree-dwellers and save-the-worldists are still protesting about it in London, man!

They come up with shite like: "well, only 30 odd percent of the people voted for it".

Completely ignoring the fact that those who chose not to vote exercised their democratic right to disenfranchise themselves, and then all that matters are the people who voted.

You have stated on this thread that you refuse to accept this result, and there are loads like you; and so to claim those who voted to leave "are now getting all irritable" is bordering on the ridiculous.

Those who wanted to leave don't give a shit. The vote's over. It's you lot who won't let it go.

Have you now accepted the result and given up on a second referendum?

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