Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (Full Version)

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Greta75 -> Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/19/2016 9:31:56 PM)

In such cases, it's always "He says", "She says".

Initially, I am not sure who to believe. I mean the dude literally threatened her job IF she doesn't sleep with him! And went ahead and fired her.

Could he have gotten away for doing such things to multiple women for sooo many years for so long? How is this coming out only now? Only one brave woman willing to expose him? And the sad bit is, she tolerated it, because she didn't want to lose her job. She only came out AFTER she got fired.

You have another Female Fox News anchor defend his integrity, although admittedly, she is not as good looking, so maybe she genuinely never faced any harassment.

Secondly, it is extremely disturbing, don't know if it's true or not, that now Megyn Kelly also claim Roger Alies has sexually harassed her.

And that disturbs me even more! Because Megyn Kelly to me always seem to be a very strong woman with a good head on her shoulders.

And she's definitely one of the more successful people at Fox News. It would be sad, if she had caved in throughout her tenure to some of his sexual harassment in order to keep her career.

It's just bullshit when women at work gets stupid men coming to ask for sexual favours in return to keep their career.

SunDominant -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/19/2016 9:42:36 PM)

This type of thing still goes on. I see it less and less as time passes. One of my first challenges after I took over as company commander of an MP unit was to investigate a case of sexual harassment between an officer and enlisted soldier. They were both male.

bounty44 -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/20/2016 4:02:47 AM)

greta, it would be extremely helpful if you posted the source from which your post is inspired.

Greta75 -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/20/2016 4:12:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44

greta, it would be extremely helpful if you posted the source from which your post is inspired.

I was willing to suspect Gretchen who was never really a charismatic anchor to be kinda just doing this vengefully. As I do personally think Gretchen isn't really that great in her job, and I believe she doesn't get ratings, like she doesn't capture your attention. Even Greta Van Susteran, despite not being a traditional good looker holds my attention better and seem to be a better anchor.

But now IF Megyn Kelly stands by Gretchen and refuses to defend Roger Ailes. Megyn Kelly who is gonna turn on Roger Ailes, despite being his number 2 top rated anchor. I would believe Megyn Kelly, because I don't see how this benefits her. Roger even defended her against Trump situation.

Now I think this is horrifying for all those women who's job was threatened because they refuse to heel to his sexual demands. And also sexual demands to service his friends. Horrible.

Lucylastic -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/20/2016 4:14:42 AM)

There is a link to the actual complaint at NPR

This is a direct link fron Drudge

Greta75 -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/20/2016 4:52:41 AM)

I wonder if any woman in this forum have ever never experienced sexual harassment at work in her life. I feel like it's rampant, but men knows how to pick their target too, they tend to pick the more timid mousy women, who will just resign quietly.

The thing is, I have seen it happen both ways in my previous job.

The boss I used to work for is a bad tempered dude who used to love firing people on the smallest mistake. But the interesting thing is, he was also the best boss in the world to me, and never once has he raised his voice at me or scolded me, even when I make mistakes or fuck up, he comforts me instead. I can only explain it through, our horoscope matches perfectly, every single man of his horoscope were ferocious men that I have met in my life but became gentle kittens when dealing with me. My grandfather was one and well, I had reoccuring patterns. Infact when I left his employment to pursue my other interests in life, I was telling my replacement how wonderful he is, and she got fired within 2 weeks and told me, that he was the most horrible person she ever met, he kept screaming and shouting at her for every little mistake. And it's like..., okay...., I swear...., I never experienced that from him ever.

But because of the way he screams and go crazy and just fires people, female employees have retaliated by accusing him of sexually harassing them, and when they refused, that's why they got fired.

Because of after a few incidents, my boss ALWAYS insisted that I will always be in the room, there will never be a one on one close door meeting ever, whenever his meeting with a female staff. I've worked with him for more than 10 years, and his crazy about his own wife, total family man and only care about his wife and kids. I mean, the dude has a portrait of wife on his office table, in his wallet, on his phone screen. And he always tells me how much he loves and appreciate his wife. They celebrate everything and love doing the renewing of marriage vows thingy to reaffirm their love for each other. That man has no eyes for any other woman. I've worked for him for more than 10 years, and I cannot believe that it is even possible, any of those female staff allegations.

And the fact that, after being burnt a few times, he decided never to allow himself to be alone with any female staff ever again, except if it was me, because, well, we gel from first interview. Just perfect working chemistry. I understand him, he understands me. And at that time, I only had eyes for my x-husband too, that everyone can see, I was goo goo over my own husband back then too. So I was the only female he'd allow himself to be alone with.

So my first inclination was, to give Roger Ailes the benefit of the doubt first, as many others spoke greatly of him.

But also within my career, my boss has a business partner, who I felt, was sexual harassment asshole big time. And has been known to cheat on his wife with staff members, which everybody knew about because his wife is a psycho too, and will make their fights very public, coming to the work place and confront him about it, and his always making remarks about how women should dress sexier, show more legs, show more boobs. His hiring process is very bias towards more sexily dressed females too. He didn't bother me too much as I was the right hand of his partner. Like these two men cannot be more opposite from each other. Infact, there was once he criticized me for not wearing a skirt to work, and I went to complain to my boss, threatening to quit if I was forced to wear a skirt, and that was the end of the matter. My boss took care of it and he never bothered me again.

The problem is that, both of them are yin and yang in the business and cannot do without each other. So my boss doesn't interfere with however his partner crosses the line, as long as nobody complains. But the problem is, because his like that, he employs managers who are like that too, and when female employees complain to him, he tells them not to be over sensitive and brush them aside. Most of the time, these females end up just resigning instead of making a police report. On my end, I know what was happening, but I was working for the best boss in the world that I was very happy with and it was also my dream job, and this dude has no jurisdiction over me, and I know telling my boss is no use, because he knows what's going on but he needs his partner. So it's fucked up, and sucks for those women.

So, hard to tell who is telling the truth, but Gretchen should have recorded Roger Ailes and get some damn solid evidence to prove this shit. In this technology age! It gotta be harder for men to get away with this!
And if she is truly the victim, I applaud her for her bravery that many women wouldn't do in fear to be in the spotlight or how that may jeopardize her from finding another job for being a trouble maker.

Greta75 -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/20/2016 7:19:25 AM)
Wow, all the main people in Fox news including Hannity and O'reilly will quit IF Murdoch supports Megyn Kelly's Claim of Roger Ailes Sexual harassment.

This is awful.

This is why women keep quiet and quit. It's hard to prove and everyone starts assuming you are guilty.

But what benefit could Megyn Kelly possibly get from accusing Roger, except because she couldn't in her conscience tell people that Roger is innocent when she has been a victim herself.

This is super duper fucked up!

Also super fucked up that they attacked her for her picture in GQ as a reason she is not credible. So are they saying she deserved the sexual harassment? Serious fucked up!

Lucylastic -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/20/2016 7:29:16 AM)

being misogynist pigs themselves, Im not surprised.

bounty44 -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/20/2016 10:11:58 AM)

more of the story:

"Fox News Address Roger Ailes Rumors"


Rumors were swirling on Monday that Fox News CEO Roger Ailes was ready to resign as Fox News CEO amidst a series of sexual assault accusations. In particular, a report from New York Magazine suggested Ailes had sexually assualted Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.

Fox News' Howard Kurtz interrupted the network's coverage of the RNC convention on Tuesday night to clear the air.

"The company has launched an internal review of the matter" regarding the sexual assault claims and found nothing to confirm the allegations, adding that the New York Magazine piece cited unnamed sources in its reporting. Kelly has not addressed the report and Ailes and his lawyer Susan Estrich have vehemently denied it.

Because there is no evidence to give credence to these rumors, 21st Century Fox, the parent company of Fox News, released a statement noting Ailes was "still on the job" as Fox News CEO.

"That is where things stand for now," Kurtz said.

WhoreMods -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/20/2016 10:52:19 AM)

Because of course, if Fox had found any evidence to support the allegations, they'd have fired his arse immediately and handed the evidence over to the Police, wouldn't they? They have a long history of doing that.
A denial from Fox, though: that proves this is nonsense and anybody who says a word against the guy is just a stupid liberal h8ter.

bounty44 -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/20/2016 10:53:54 AM)


Fox News has never been a network to take allegations lying down. This week, the network was sued by former employee Gretchen Carlson, who alleges that during her time at Fox News she dealt with a sexual harassment from several employees, namely stating that Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes was the problem. This morning, Fox News fired back with a statement from Roger Ailes rebutting all claims and otherwise explaining exactly why the network decided to fire Gretchen Carlson. He claims Carlson's allegations are not only false, but offensive, as well. Here's the full statement.


Gretchen Carlson's allegations are false. This is a retaliatory suit for the network's decision not to renew her contract, which was due to the fact that her disappointingly low ratings were dragging down the afternoon lineup. When Fox News did not commence any negotiations to renew her contract, Ms. Carlson became aware that her career with the network was likely over and conveniently began to pursue a lawsuit. Ironically, FOX News provided her with more on-air opportunities over her 11 year tenure than any other employer in the industry, for which she thanked me in her recent book. This defamatory lawsuit is not only offensive, it is wholly without merit and will be defended vigorously.

So, in Roger Ailes' eyes, Gretchen Carlson was fired for poor performance and only then did she decide to sue the network for behind-the-scenes shenanigans she alleges occurred. On the other side of the suit, Carlson has claimed that the CEO actually made sexual advances toward her. She also says that comments were made of a sexualized nature that made her uncomfortable. When she asserted herself to Roger Ailes and stated she did not want to date him, that's when he allegedly took action and fired her.

Of course, Roger Ailes' and Fox News are claiming that the firing occurred as the due course after Gretchen Carlson's contributions became increasingly unsatisfactory. Reports indicate that The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson was underperforming in the 3 p.m. slot in the 25-54 demographic. Carlson has alleged she was moved from the coveted Fox & Friends position to an afternoon hour with less pay after she told Roger Ailes she was not interested in a relationship and that underperformance had nothing to do with it. It's sort of like comparing apples to oranges; afternoons can be harder for TV shows, although they are competing against an entirely different TV demographic than morning shows like Fox & Friends. So, at the root of this is the question of why Carlson was moved to the new hour in the first place.

Gretchen Carlson also made her own statement:


I have strived to empower women and girls throughout my entire career. Although this was a difficult step to take, I had to stand up for myself and speak out for all women and the next generation of women in the workplace.

These sort of he-said, she-said issues can get really ugly. Words and ideas get twisted and sometimes ugly stuff comes out in the courts. We'll have to wait and see if the lawsuit gets that far, but considering that both Gretchen Carlson and Roger Ailes came out swinging, this doesn't look to be the sort of lawsuit that will be going away soon. We'll keep you updated, regardless of what ends up happening.

Greta75 -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/20/2016 11:26:53 AM)

Now that Roger Ailes voluntarily resigned with a happy 40mil pay out. I wonder if all the other 50 fox anchors including Oreilly and hannity will walk with him and form their own network together.

Wow! Volatile times for Fox News.

But I believe Megyn Kelly, and can't wait to hear her make official statement, as she seriously has the most to lose by doing this. And Gretchen has been with Fox and Friends for 11 years and people liked her there, and out of no where, she was pulled out and placed on some lousy afternoon time slot and then fired for bad ratings, WTF? She was even pulled out of O'reilly's program.

I was reading alot of comments that Kelly has no integrity, should have reported him 10 years ago when it happened, blah blah blah, but IF she had done it 10 years ago, she was a nobody and nobody would take her seriously. And her career will be jeopardize. And THIS is the problem!

WhoreMods -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/20/2016 11:29:20 AM)


I was reading alot of comments that Kelly has no integrity, should have reported him 10 years ago when it happened, blah blah blah, but IF she had done it 10 years ago, she was a nobody and nobody would take her seriously. And her career will be jeopardize. And THIS is the problem!

And that's why sexual harassment works, a lot of the time.

Lucylastic -> RE: Fox News Roger Ailes sexual harrassment case (7/24/2016 4:59:41 AM)

I hope this becomes criminal and each woman gets a large piece each of his leaving gift.
And some wonder why women are fed up and speaking out.

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