RE: My Dom Hates Me (Full Version)

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MAINEiacMISTRESS -> RE: My Dom Hates Me (10/1/2016 10:03:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: FezzigSubmissive

Everyday I get worse and worse and so does he. He hates me, he treats me like I'm nothing and I get angry about it and I can't submit. I want to because I love him so very much but he hates me. I don't know what I can do to change his mind and he obviously doesn't want to train me. I'm scared because I hate failing, and he said just because I do good doesn't mean I was right but he won't ever tell me? How am I supposed to know ? How can I learn. Fuck I'm so angry and sad I can hardly breathe.

Just leave. The dynamic is broken and it probably was a bad match to begin with. Male "Dominants" are a dime a dozen. Why waste your time on that situation?

Gauge -> RE: My Dom Hates Me (10/1/2016 10:10:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: FezzigSubmissive

I am not in capable of meeting orders, if he tells me to do them, usually I will. Sometimes I don't which I've been punished for.
But this mental game playing isn't fun, I am so over it. But it's been a month. Everyday I say something about learning, everyday it's the same old answer cool beans. No praise, not even blackened hate, he ignores me.
What can I do to stop the mental torture. I don't want it, why hurt me if I am willing to submit? Why carry out with it?
I just don't understand, he is using the one thing he knows will break me

OK, a few questions to you:

Is this a face to face relationship or is this an online thing?

Are you doing things that he has asked you not to do?


He told me to stop stop stop, stop needing attention because it wasn't becoming on me. That's all I asked. So then I asked why are you ignoring me? I sent last night and he said his phone was off and he was at the bar, and went home and didn't want me to ruin it for him.

Why did he tell you this? Are you messaging him incessantly? Are you being too needy? To me, it sounds like you are too needy.

He told you to stop being so needy, and you then message him and ask him why he is ignoring you? Seems to me like you should be able to figure that out all by yourself.

Has he tried to communicate with you in the past about what he expects from you? Are you doing it?


And yesterday I said I try to be good, I want to be better and he said, doesn't matter that you do good, it needs to be done right.

Why did he say this to you? Your trying to be good may not be you doing as he asked of you.

It sounds to me like he is trying to get you to behave, and yet you aren't. If he has told you what he expects from you, then it is up to you to do it, and not ignore his wishes. Whatever is going on, it appears like this is not working. Let's eliminate the BDSM element for a moment and look at it in a relationship point of view. Something has gone wrong with communication between both of you. When that happens, all that is left are your own thoughts and guesses as to his motivation, all of which are now assumptions because he is not talking to you.

Regardless of whether or not his treatment of you is justified or not, it boils down to that it is not working the way either of you want it to. This, for me, would be a deal breaker. Talk to him not as a submissive, but as a partner and ask him to talk about your unhappiness with the relationship. You know, be an adult and deal with it rationally. Whatever the result of that conversation is, you will get an answer, albeit it may not be the answer you wanted to hear, so prepare yourself for that.

I wish you luck.

OsideGirl -> RE: My Dom Hates Me (10/1/2016 11:15:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: FezzigSubmissive

i won't drop him. I want to know what I.can do to fix it or learn.

You can't fix it. It takes two people to fix it and he's not willing.

If it's not working and you're unhappy - get out.

DesFIP -> RE: My Dom Hates Me (10/1/2016 12:10:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: Greatlilbabygirl



Leave. And next time don't submit till both of you are in love.

Meeeehhhhh.....what's love got ta do got ta do with it?

I'd say avoid love, use your head.

Because the op was clear that she's in love and wants that in return. Would you have married your husband if it was a loveless relationship?

The fact that she needs her dominant to be her primary who meets her emotional needs has nothing to do with you having your primary meet your needs, and your secondary partner meet non emotional needs.

Greatlilbabygirl -> RE: My Dom Hates Me (10/1/2016 12:13:01 PM)




ORIGINAL: Greatlilbabygirl



Leave. And next time don't submit till both of you are in love.

Meeeehhhhh.....what's love got ta do got ta do with it?

I'd say avoid love, use your head.

Because the op was clear that she's in love and wants that in return. Would you have married your husband if it was a loveless relationship?

The fact that she needs her dominant to be her primary who meets her emotional needs has nothing to do with you having your primary meet your needs, and your secondary partner meet non emotional needs.

Exactly. What's love got to do with it if he is clearly not making her feel loved and she obviously needs that? She needs to think with her head, not her heart, and get out. Find someone that reciprocates those feelings.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: My Dom Hates Me (10/1/2016 8:57:41 PM)

Why the fuck are you with somebody who hates you?

DarkSteven -> RE: My Dom Hates Me (10/1/2016 10:07:44 PM)

Quit pounding your head against a brick wall.

Do not change that relationship. You're not ready to. Just leave it as it is. But get out and make other friends. You cannot depend on your relationship with him to fulfill you.

There are WYCOPE groups in southern Wyoming/Northern Colorado. Go to some of them, meet other kinksters, see how other kink relationships work.

littleone35 -> RE: My Dom Hates Me (10/2/2016 5:34:13 AM)

OP ou say you love him and i believe you. He does not love you enough ti train you. If you are expsrcting him to change you ate wasting your time. I agree with the others to leave yes it will be hard but you have to leave to find a real Dom from what you describe he id not. You need to find a Dom who will oommunitante with you so you can learn. He does not appricate you.

You say you are always sad and angry why do you want to live that way? Find someone who will make you happy and inspre you to serve,

Matt's littleone

Greta75 -> RE: My Dom Hates Me (10/3/2016 7:15:24 AM)

To OP,

You will need time to wean off him.

I feel you are at breaking point.

I think you know in your heart this is not the right guy for you.

You deserve better. Someone who cares for you.

When you are ready to be brave and leave, you will feel much better!

You know this is unhealthy. And he is never going to change.

This is the way he is.

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