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Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 12:48:32 PM   

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Hello fellow Kinksters.

So, I don't usually post here. But grievous circumstances call for desperate measures.
I'm aware this is not the right section to post this but I can't find any other place to ask the question I have. I tried asking it on Perv to Perv section but it got totally ignored. Don't get me wrong, being humbled like that is nothing to me but I've lost my sense of humor due to the problem at hand and the helplessness I feel.

I'll spare you good people going through walls of text. Basically, a user has created a new ID using a picture of my Mistress and has been giving her death and rape threats and has written derogatory remarks about her on the profile.
I know it doesn't affect my Mistress but my blood has been boiling given how helpless I've been in this matter. Reports to the support are going unanswered, mail sent to the DMCA support are bouncing back with a message that the inbox is full. Multiple friends have reported the profile, since it states that a certain number of reports will automatically ban the ID. But it's still there, I don't know if I can manage a 1000 people reporting it to get it banned.

I come here asking a simple solution for it. If anyone can help me be useful to my Mistress I'll be forever in your debt. I don't want anyone spreading wrong things about such a lovely Goddess.

Thank you for being patient enough to read. Excuse my typos please.
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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 1:08:26 PM   

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If you're getting no response from anyone on staff, there's nothing anyone here can do for you.

However, if she's getting rape and death threads, call the police.


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(in reply to Geeksub31)
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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 1:12:11 PM   

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I was thinking regulars here would know of a better way to reach out to the staff.

(in reply to stef)
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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 1:28:23 PM   

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A fake profile you say
Filled with the preposterous you say

I would have everyone verify themselves and that would stamp that malarkey out

The report button is a mystery. But one of the regulars did say use the something something option (are you about?)

Alas I forget what it was. Freedomwarf1 is skulking about on here do you rememeber what L said on that other one?

I have been here since the beginning of time the staff situation still remains a mystery to me :(

You about O?

The report number I am not sure what that is. But understand with that concept you can have fakes reporting genuine.

The site does not allow blacklisting TOC - but if they have stolen anothers pictures then that is enough. death threats the same and derogatory comments and also save it and report it to your local law enforcement office.

< Message edited by WickedsDesire -- 10/20/2016 1:31:49 PM >

(in reply to Geeksub31)
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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 1:55:51 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Geeksub31

I was thinking regulars here would know of a better way to reach out to the staff.

Have you reached out to law enforcement yet? That is the more immediate concern.


Welcome to PoliticSpace! If you came here expecting meaningful BDSM discussions, boy are you in the wrong place.

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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 2:06:45 PM   

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They have been notified. But it's rather complicated as they say there's no hard evidence unless they do something. Which defeats the purpose really.

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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 2:09:42 PM   

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Staff? What staff??? Have you found any?
It is rumoured that some lost souls wander around the corridors.

For once, WD is correct and right on the button.

You can't do anything via the DMCA route because the photo is not of you - that would have to come directly from your mistress, not anyone else.

Also, the fact that they have allegedly written derogatory remarks about her on the profile is only your take on the matter and only your opinion.
The creator of said profile may be thinking they are whole-heartedly true and that she needs/deserves to be splashed across the site (not that it's allowed on here anyways).
And although you think nothing is happening, there may be wheels turning behind the scenes.
Us mere mortal members are not privvy to such sensitive info.

As for the threats?
They are a matter for the authorities.
And like many real-life situations, I would imagine a complaint-by-proxy would be equally ignored.
So I'm guessing that with all your good intentions, the complaint would need to come from your mistress.

I wish you good luck on the matter.
But to be honest, everything must come from your mistress, not you or anyone else.


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
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(in reply to Geeksub31)
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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 2:29:12 PM   

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I know it's my word against theirs. I'm not trying to advocate anything but slander is never ever right regardless of what the person thinks about it. I believe site rules were made keep exactly that in mind.
I wasn't instructed to do this but I just can't take it. I know I'm being emotional but it's just sad to see that someone can anonymously do whatever their devious mind desires and get away with potentially hurting someone's reputation. It would be an open and shut case in the real world but sadly, in this magical world of 0's ans 1's all is fair and legal.

I'll try to convince my Mistress to submit a DMCA complaint. Thanks for the advice.

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 2:46:24 PM   

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Slander, even in the real world, is terribly difficult (and expensive) to prove.

The problem is (from your PoV), is that it really boils down to your (somewhat highly biased and unobjective opinion) and the other person concerning a third party.

Both of you might be equally right in your own respective view of things.
It's one opinion against another's.
That, in and of itself, isn't slander.

Your blood may be boiling about it.
But to be honest, it isn't really your problem.
I think you are being overly sensitive about the whole issue.
What's worse, it's not your situation to be sensitive about.
And that's probably the stance that the site people and the authorities are taking.


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to Geeksub31)
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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 3:07:58 PM   

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Actually, no.
It is slander. Threats are even worse. Both highly punishable from where I come from, guess it's a simple place. My blood is not boiling, not yet at least.
The matter boils down to simple morality as well, would you not condemn cold blooded murder or would you weigh-in the rights and wrongs first?

If you call being protective about something/someone I know is not wrong biased then I'm biased to the T.

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 3:36:25 PM   

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Ok.... let's pick this apart -


ORIGINAL: Geeksub31
Actually, no.
It is slander.

It's not slander.
You think it's slander - but from a legal perspective, it isn't.
It's just a difference of opinion over a third party.
And considering you are the outside party (not from you or about you), you don't get a say in it.

Slander: n. oral defamation, in which someone tells one or more persons an untruth about another which untruth will harm the reputation of the person defamed.

Plus, there is the small matter of the right to "free speech" that this site complies with under US law.
In essence, they can say what the heck they like - they are free to do so whether you like what is said or not.
For it to be an offense, you have to prove that what was said was damaging in some material way.


ORIGINAL: Geeksub31
Threats are even worse.

And that is for your mistress to take to the authorities.
And, as you've been told, if there is no action, no offense has taken place (yet).

Internet threats are very difficult to get a conviction even when you have written proof of it happening.
Even so, you don't have a dog in this fight.


ORIGINAL: Geeksub31
Both highly punishable from where I come from, guess it's a simple place.

Slander: you (actually, your mistress) needs to prove beyond doubt first, in a court of law.


ORIGINAL: Geeksub31
My blood is not boiling, not yet at least.

But enough to rant on the forums.


ORIGINAL: Geeksub31
The matter boils down to simple morality as well, would you not condemn cold blooded murder or would you weigh-in the rights and wrongs first?

Morality doesn't come into it.
What you are bristling with here, is legal responsibilities.


ORIGINAL: Geeksub31
If you call being protective about something/someone I know is not wrong biased then I'm biased to the T.

You can protect someone all you like.
However, unless they are a minor under your legal protection, there's not a whole lot you can do about it.
Essentially, it's not your problem to deal with - it's theirs.

As I said earlier, I think you are overly concerned with something that isn't yours to be concerned about.
Most people would call it interfering where it's not warranted.

ETA: I'm not questioning your motives; knight in shining armour and all that, very noble.
Been there, done that, almost got a sentence for it, so I know where you're coming from.
But to quote what the judge said to me: don't be in such a hurry to help someone when you are committing an offense in doing so.

In your case, you are being just as slanderous by accusing another of slander.
Wrong dog barking up the wrong tree.
Sorry, but that's how it is.... legally.

< Message edited by freedomdwarf1 -- 10/20/2016 3:57:23 PM >


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 4:12:11 PM   

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There's a difference between a verb and a noun. Let me quote the definition of slander according to the law "slander
the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
"he is suing the TV company for slander"" (Directly copied word to word from google's first hit ; apologies if it's not comprehensible but my previous posts didn't seem to posts didn't seem to affect you. So I doubt it matters at this point)

I don't have to explain the word crime to you.

Regarding your other comments, as I've said before, authorities have been notified it's a matter of sitting back and finding out how true the threats are with them now. Which is comically tragic and unacceptable.

She has already reported the profile too, nothing was done so I thought I might try my best. My point was to solve the a much simpler matter of deletion of a profile solely created to criticize another user. Which last time I checked, was against site rules. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with it.
This, what we are doing right now is exercising the right. That, is slander.

I just came here seeking advice. We clearly have a difference in opinion about things. Let's just agree to disagree and be make peace on that like gentlemen.

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 4:21:48 PM   

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The law is quite specific on slander and that's why it's so difficult to prove.

You quoted the same thing I did: the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.

It's the 'damaging' part that is difficult to prove.
And until proven, no crime has been committed.

As for the site taking down a profile?
Unless they are breaking a US law, they rarely do.
Many profiles are reported for site breaches but they invariably remain on the site.
This is because there are very few staff and they are all volunteers.

< Message edited by freedomdwarf1 -- 10/20/2016 4:22:11 PM >


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 4:31:30 PM   

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Yes, until proven no crime has been committed. That's why I talked about morality which quite astonishingly IS consider in the court supported with evidences of course. I have both.

We won't agree on things, I've made peace with that. I guess I'll just wait it out and see if anyone else has any input on this.

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 4:34:22 PM   

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OP, your protective instincts and chivalric efforts are commendable, but it is only your Mistress who can make a Support Request, if she has an account on this site. See Support button right above Logout.

The stolen picture must be reported by your Mistress personally since she is the injured party. There is a process she has to follow so that Admin can determine whether her likeness is being used without her permission (which is NOT uploading the same exact stolen photo).

With written media, it is libel you are referring to. Is this user impersonating your Mistress by using her screen name (from other sites), her lifestyle name, or other personally identifiable info? Is this harming her professionally in any way? With either slanderous spoken words or libelous written words, damages have to be substantiated in order to be proven in a court of law. If not, then it boils down to getting the stolen Internet picture removed, and by violating Terms of Service, that account should end up getting deleted. This will not prevent a spiteful individual from setting up a different account, unfortunately, under another e-mail address or from another ISP.

-- Lisa & Cub

P.S. If you do not mind saying, how is your Mistress getting threatened, by which means of contact? Are these threats originating from this user account, and how are they reaching her? Perhaps law enforcement is not taking your complaints seriously if your Mistress is not the one reporting them.

< Message edited by HoneyBears -- 10/20/2016 4:43:56 PM >


"The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart."-- J.G. Holland

(in reply to Geeksub31)
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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/20/2016 4:42:48 PM   

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Thank you very much for your reply HoneyBears . Much appreciated.

I believe she has sent a complaint personally to the support but without a reply or action. I will surely suggest the other option you mentioned. I'm not sure she would want to take it to the court but the impostor's account being deleted would be a relief.
I know it won't be too hard to create another account and do the same again but it has to start somewhere. Guess, I'll do this all over again if that happens.

(in reply to HoneyBears)
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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/22/2016 1:19:16 PM   

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Nobody enjoys having an internet stalker. But has anyone really been harmed? No.

The easiest solution is for both of you to delete these profiles. Wait a couple of weeks and make new ones. Change your details slightly, age, location, etc. it's doubtful he will identify her and start back up.

But if he does, then it's possible the culprit is someone she tells what her new profile name is.


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RE: Best way to reach out? - 10/22/2016 3:55:32 PM   

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Thought I'd update you fellas. The impostor account has been deleted. Don't know if by the culprit himself or support.
Thank you for your suggestions.

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