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blushes4u -> Unfair (12/5/2004 2:32:07 AM)

Life is unfair so they say
Some do not know the time or day
But what if you knew that your time was almost through
the time and day was set, now what will you do?

Seems it is unfair, to take her life away
I'm selfish, i want more than just today
What reason to be around after she is gone has plagued me
I see no reason to be

Live today as though it were your last day
It is

FangsNfeet -> RE: Unfair (12/5/2004 12:47:47 PM)

I like it.

It's cute [&:]

Keep it up.

theroebabe -> RE: Unfair (12/5/2004 6:48:28 PM)

Thank you Kate. i know of someone who lost her master last weekend who feels the same.

Thanls for sharing.

Kuraria -> RE: Unfair (12/6/2004 5:32:40 PM)

Title: "In Loving Memory"

Someday I will be gone
To have left this earthly ground
What was it that I left behind?
What's the legacy everyone will remember?
Will it be the poet? The writer? Or maybe the friend?
What lasting mark did I leave?
I've left behind words with meaning
I lived a full life and left good intentions in my wake
I may have not always been right but someday they will see
See that I at least tried to make the difference
To change the world in some small ways to lead other
Hopefully I will be remembered for who I was and not what
I left my mark of friendship and kindness on all people I met
Sure racism and ignorance played a role in me losing so many friends
For this all I can do is apologize and accept responsibility
Of all the gifts I gave only one has meaning to me
Those are my works they are who I am
If you read my words you read my soul, my essence
Read on and met me the real person not the shell I live in
If anything win or lose I played the hand I was dealt to the end
How many can see their faults and strengths in one look?
Not me it took years to see who I am as a person
Years of trying to be other people to fit in
In the end I am a mix of all people I meet
Which I think we all are at sometime in our lives
So on this day of sadness and joy
Remember me and who I was
Live your life well and die knowing you lived
That will be the best memory of all

theroebabe -> RE: Unfair (12/6/2004 6:04:44 PM)

Thanks for sharing it was beautiful.

Kuraria -> RE: Unfair (12/6/2004 6:17:55 PM)

I wanted to post it in addition to the already lovely poem by her

blushes4u -> RE: Unfair (12/7/2004 2:48:22 AM)

It was very touching and had me in tears, thank you Kuraria.

Kuraria -> RE: Unfair (12/7/2004 12:38:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: blushes4u

It was very touching and had me in tears, thank you Kuraria.

I don't mind tears if there tears of joy and tears of pleasure. *smiles to all*

blushes4u -> RE: Unfair (12/13/2004 3:57:30 PM)

Tears of joy, tears of sadness
tears of pain, tears of madness
tears go on , tears that grow
tears never ending, tears contiually flow.

Kuraria -> RE: Unfair (12/13/2004 4:34:30 PM)

Title: "Select Few"

Few are the ones that make it into this place
They are the ones that give their all
To make it to this place
To make it to this sanctuary
A place where memories never die
The place where people cannot lie
I've waited for you here for sometime
For you to arrive and to never leave
There is only a small price to come here
Money means nothing here
Nor does anything material
For you to come here you must love
You must love where you are and who you are with
You can love me and not be with me
Many have and many will continue to, long after I have gone
I love everyone and that's why I offer you this place
An exclusive place many seek but few receive
A place in my heart where you may live forever and always be loved

theroebabe -> RE: Unfair (12/13/2004 5:36:03 PM)

I wonder if love can conquer all some days, alas i seem never to know that answer. Thanks for sharing.

blushes4u -> RE: Unfair (12/16/2004 4:40:15 AM)

It was like a light glowing so brightly
then suddenly it was turned off, and no matter how many times you flick the switch on and off, it still won't shine anymore.
Change the light? Nothing can replace that light, it is gone forever. Its as though it just up and walked out the door...slammed out the door!

Replace the light? Yes perhaps it is time to light a new glow within, but never replacing the one that burned out...faded....died.
Will the new light allow the old light to continue to stay in her soul, her heart, her mind? Good question that needs answering. Forgetting will never happen, girl knows, girl tried.

*Sighs* Understanding was always hard and now it just gets harder each day. What is more important. now that the most important person in her life is gone?
Time will answer this question but, is there enough time? Will she lose out if she takes too much time? Will the opportunity still be there, when the grieving is done?

this is just me ranting and getting in touch with my own feelings and by all means is not meant to sadden anyone other than myself. Thank you

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