How many truly (Full Version)

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MissFem -> How many truly (12/5/2004 2:50:48 AM)

good friends do you have?....I mean the kind that you tell every thing to.....the kind that do not judge you?[8|]

MistressDREAD -> RE: How many truly (12/5/2004 4:49:41 AM)

Over My Lifetime I have had 8 welll 8 and a half.
All but one of the 8 have passed now and the half
is a relationship I have had ongoing for a few years
that is still building so I would say that it is not yet
100% complete but working. I do not make freinds
easily and in My Old age its even harder for Me.

conflicted -> RE: How many truly (12/5/2004 5:54:51 AM)

Hi MissFem,
i have 2 really close friends, (well 3 if i include Him) that know me better than i know myself at times. They have never judged me or my actions, though they have always cautioned me to take care, when they see i havent really thought things through. Over the years they have shown me the love and support that i have needed when times have been tough. They are brutally honest which is a trait i respect highly. They are irreplacable gems to me whose love and care is not only appreciated, but reciprocated.


proudsub -> RE: How many truly (12/5/2004 9:04:49 AM)

I have 3 real life friends that know about my lifestyle and i feel very close to, and several online that I completely confide in. Before I got into this lifestyle I had 3 other friends, my regular tennis doubles group, that I was very close with, but after giving up tennis and our club membership several years ago we have drifted apart and only meet for lunch a few times a year.

velvetvixen -> RE: How many truly (12/5/2004 9:37:54 AM)


siamsa24 -> RE: How many truly (12/5/2004 10:06:43 AM)

Because of some very not-good-things that have happened over the last few weeks I have one very good friend (not counting my relationship) and she is moving away in two weeks. Don't know what I will do then [:(]

MistressDREAD -> RE: How many truly (12/5/2004 12:26:24 PM)

you will go on and thrive
siamsa keeping everything
a close freind would know
and slowly find new freinds
to develop into lifetime
relationships and tell them
the things that you held just
for them to know. JMO

blushes4u -> RE: How many truly (12/5/2004 1:14:54 PM)

Two truly good friends.

Suleiman -> RE: How many truly (12/8/2004 6:08:50 AM)

About the only person I tell EVERYTHING to is my wife. However, there are people with whom I will share deeply personal information, that I consider to be close personal friends. I suppose (quickly counting on my fingers) I have about 4 such people in my life right now, and I've had perhaps a grand total of about ten to twelve such people throughout the span of my life, mostly folks I've known during and after high school.

However, I can't really say that any of these people do not judge me. Then again, I judge them, too. I simply accept them, in spite of (or perhaps because of) my judgement about their character. Often, the reason I tell them about the things in my life is because I am seeking the benefit of their judgement. Once again, the major exception is my wife, who probably judges me any way, but my reason for telling her things is simply to tell her, without any desire for feedback or acceptance.

smilezz -> RE: How many truly (12/12/2004 6:48:29 AM)

I used to have Three of them, then i made a Life changing decision and it sure is funny to see just how "good" Friends that you can tell anything to judge.
I now have One great Friend.... He is Master, and the only Person i Trust without question. I now have acquaintences (sp?) that i can talk with, other than that i will never let another living being into my life/thoughts again..and i am ok with that.

Happy Sunday y'all!!


cynnacent1 -> RE: How many truly (12/12/2004 7:44:12 AM)

The only friend i have 100% trust in and feel free to share absolutely everything with is my Master, INSIDEYOURMIND. i've had 5 very close friends that i shared MOST with prior to Him. None of my friends would be less of friends, or judge me in any way shape or form

One, a friend from high school moved, and we grew apart (about 10 years ago). Plus, she tripped out over nothing last time we spoke. She said some very unacceptable things that crossed the lines of what remained of our friendship. Sometimes the passing of time, along with life's experiences changes people. i decided we are no longer very compatible as friends.

The second, a cousin who was more like my sister, died eleven years ago.

The third is a friend of eighteen years, she married, and soon after had a terminally ill parent to care for and little time to stay in touch. Large spans of time between our being able to get together are common to us. We are still close friends regardless of how much time has passed since we last spoke. She has no clue regarding BDSM. i just haven't seen a reason, or opportunity to discuss it with her as of yet. i'm certain she'll be nonjudgemental.

The fourth, was a next door neighbor of mine from my teen years, much older than i, served as a great role model to me. She is more like family than just a good friend. Our work schedules have clashed alot in the past year. We speak on the phone here and there. i've observed the dynamics of her relationship with her husband. He is a very domineering type, while she is quite submissive to him. i wouldn't be surprised to learn that they are involved with BDSM. i just haven't had an opportunity to discuss it with her as of yet.

The fifth, the only one of the five i could have told ALMOST anything to, including all topics regarding BDSM, died suddenly of a massive coronary last June, two weeks prior to my having met my Master. i learned of her involvement with BDSM after her death. She is the one friend who knew more about me than anyone else. i loved her like a sister. Many times i stop dead in my tracks at the realization of something i wish to tell her about and share with her, or of something for which i'd like her opinion and/or advice on, only to remember that she is no longer here.

i'm greatful to have found such a trustful friend in knowing my Master. Having Him to confide in and share everything with is a gift of tremendous value.

¸,ø¤º°cynnacent°º¤ø,¸ (proudly owned by, and devoted to INSIDEYOURMIND)

DRoseThorns -> RE: How many truly (12/12/2004 11:05:46 AM)

Five wonderful creative Sisters......

dally -> RE: How many truly (12/15/2004 4:47:23 PM)

I have two really close friends, one of them knows me better than i know myself, we've been friends since we were 5 yrs old and that's the type of friend that if i were to commit murder she'd help me hide the body and still would not judge me! my other good friend is the type i can always count on no matter what, so i feel fortunate in the friendship department.

Alana -> RE: How many truly (12/16/2004 5:03:09 AM)

My sister is my best friend i can tell her anything....[:)]


sweetpleaser -> RE: How many truly (12/16/2004 6:18:03 AM)

Ah, thanks sis, I feel the same way about you.

Destinysskeins -> RE: How many truly (12/16/2004 10:51:42 AM)


Throughout my life i've had at the most 2 close friends at any one point in time. i'm a very outgoing, friendly person however, i am very reluctant to extend close ties with others for the most part. Unfortunately, i have a strong tendency to distance myself from my close friendships when undergoing times of stress which generally ends those relationships at that time. Not entirely sure if this is due to an introverted personality or even something nearing a schizoid temperament but i'm trying to branch out and prevent myself from repeating this pattern throughout the rest of my life.

Well wishes

esclava -> RE: How many truly (12/16/2004 12:27:43 PM)

I have two good friends. Its funny how the best friendships spring forth from the most unusual circumstances.

IndySubPrincess -> RE: How many truly (12/16/2004 1:00:14 PM)

Three... I have three friends... That's it... They are all women... My neighbor, my best friend from high school, and my best friend from college. :) That's it.


IndySubPrincess -> RE: How many truly (12/16/2004 1:02:51 PM)

Hehehe, Destiny... BTW, Love the pic... :)

You know, I have to agree about the keeping close friends at a minimum... I on the other hand do so because I know that having lots of friends, especially those prone to DRAMA tend to get me in trouble. And I find it hard enough to manage my own life without managing their's as well... :)


DiamondDiva -> RE: How many truly (12/16/2004 2:01:55 PM)

Two...That's all folks!

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