Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (Full Version)

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stef -> Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/21/2016 4:21:23 PM)

Look at all the good little Nazi wanna-bes. But don't you DARE call the deplorables! Even if that's exactly what they are.

bounty44 -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/21/2016 4:43:38 PM)

you somehow seem to think that when Hillary was referring to trump's supporters, or the people who planned to vote for him, as a "basket of deplorables" that this was the half [of his supporters] she was referring to? otherwise, why mention the phrase with the admonition to not call them as such?

or is the better explanation that these are just a couple hundred people whom many hundreds of thousands and into the millions of people who voted for trump would not agree with? that being actually the case, one wonders the purpose of the post.

Awareness -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/21/2016 5:00:38 PM)

There are a lot of people calling themselves "alt-right" and the white supremacists are the smallest bunch. The majority are cultural mischief makers who want to poke at the Left's hypersensitivity, victim-hood and safe space culture.

itsSIRtou -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/21/2016 6:29:41 PM)

you two cracker Me up! "cultural mischief makers"???? LOL!!

I'll check your phrase-ology on that when the next lynching in rumps name is discovered. Or marches by the klan claiming rump as their new idol.

I'll be seeing u with ur lips stuck to their assholes then too Im sure.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/21/2016 6:37:59 PM)

And let the spinning begin!

stef -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/21/2016 7:04:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

And let the spinning begin!

Whitesplaining is the new mansplaining.

Awareness -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 9:19:53 AM)




ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

And let the spinning begin!

Whitesplaining is the new mansplaining.

Enough with your fucking transplaining, you cis-hater.

Awareness -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 9:20:54 AM)



you two cracker Me up! "cultural mischief makers"???? LOL!!

I'll check your phrase-ology on that when the next lynching in rumps name is discovered. Or marches by the klan claiming rump as their new idol.

I'll be seeing u with ur lips stuck to their assholes then too Im sure.
So when they catch a Democrat fisting a sheep for Clinton, will that be her fault too?

I'm asking just so we can establish the ground rules here - and because you people are intolerably fucking stupid.

stef -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 9:58:26 AM)

I'm sure he posted something charming and eloquent as usual, but this is all I have to say to LackOfAwareness:


Awareness -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 10:50:21 AM)

Stop Leftsplaining, you rationality-hating feeltard.

Edwird -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 11:33:49 AM)

Enough with your trans-tardic cis-obbessed maggot-brained verbal animal-products waste. You know rational less than a rabid hyena.

stef -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 11:40:48 AM)

I feel sorry for LackOfAwareness' cockholster. Imagine having to put up with him every day?


WhoreMods -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 11:44:16 AM)



Where's that one from? It isn't the legendary Kirby cover from the '40s...

stef -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 11:53:02 AM)

SURPRISE! The think tank that coined the term "Alt-Right" is run by a bunch of white supremacists. Who knew?!?!

stef -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 11:54:48 AM)



Where's that one from? It isn't the legendary Kirby cover from the '40s...

Sal Buscema.

WhoreMods -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 12:05:46 PM)

Cool. That'll be from the '70s then.

Lucylastic -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 12:13:45 PM)


President-elect Donald Trump told New York Times reporters on Tuesday that he disavows the fringe political movement that many say helped power his candidacy.

But he also rejected the idea that he bears responsibility for the growing prominence of groups espousing white nationalist viewpoints.

"I don’t think so, Dean," Trump said in response to a question from Times executive editor Dean Baquet about if he has energized the "alt-right."

The alt-right is a nationalist movement that embraces populism and white identity politics. At times, as was the case at a conference this weekend in Washington, adherents have used outright racist and anti-Semitic attacks to further their views.

Richard Spencer, a neo-Nazi leader who coined the term "alt-right," opened a speech at the conference with the greeting: “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!”

“I don’t want to energize the group, and I disavow the group," Trump told Baquet. "It’s not a group I want to energize, and if they are energized, I want to look into it and find out why.”

Asked point-blank about the conference featuring Spencer, Trump again disavowed any support.

"I disavow and condemn them," Trump told Times reporters. He did chide them for continuing to ask about the topic though, telling one questioner: "Boy, you are really into [this issue]."

As a candidate, Trump brought in Breitbart News' executive chairman Steve Bannon to help run his campaign, and he recently tapped him to be his chief strategist in the White House.

Bannon has been accused of making the site a platform for the alt-right, though he has disavowed its members' espousal of racist and anti-Semitic views.

and then this...

Nazi salutes and white supremacism: Who is Richard Spencer, the 'racist academic' behind the 'Alt right' movement
video has emerged showing Richard Spencer, a leader of the so-called "alt right movement", leading a white nationalist crowd in salutes of "Hail Trump!"

Many of the more than 200 attendees at the conference appeared to give the Nazi arm salute as they echoed Mr Spencer's declaration.

Here's what we know about him so far...
Who is Richard Spencer?

As president of a think tank called the National Policy Institute, Richard Spencer has been credited with coining the term "alternative-right", or "alt-right" for short.

His non-profit group, which promotes the white nationalist movement, is "dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States".

Mr Spencer, who has called for “peaceful ethnic cleansing”, says he dreams of a "new society, an ethno-state that would be a gathering point for all Europeans".

Before heading up NPI, he founded the now defunct website Alternative Right, which was "dedicated to heretical perspectives on society and culture - popular, high, and otherwise - particularly those informed by radical, traditionalist, and nationalist outlooks".

The nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Centre, which tracks hate groups, has described Mr Spencer as an "academic racist" who backs creation of an Aryan homeland.

Mr Spencer is banned from the UK and 26 other European countries, after he was deported from Hungary for organising a conference for white nationalists.

Politesub53 -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 12:22:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44

you somehow seem to think that when Hillary was referring to trump's supporters, or the people who planned to vote for him, as a "basket of deplorables" that this was the half [of his supporters] she was referring to? otherwise, why mention the phrase with the admonition to not call them as such?

or is the better explanation that these are just a couple hundred people whom many hundreds of thousands and into the millions of people who voted for trump would not agree with? that being actually the case, one wonders the purpose of the post.

Couple of hundred ? Sheesh even you cant be that thick.

Lets not forget the Alt-Rights link to Steve Bannon, or doesnt that count in your blinkered world ? << Thats a Rhetorical question as I know you will come out with some more bullshit claims.

stef -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 12:28:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: Politesub53

Couple of hundred ? Sheesh even you cant be that thick.

To be fair, I think he was referring to the number of folks at that white nationalist conference, not the number of Alt-White people overall.

Politesub53 -> RE: Alt-Right? More like Alt-White. (11/22/2016 12:49:05 PM)

Maybe Stef, but lets not forget that although this group at the meeting was tiny, the overall number with similar views is indeed massive.

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