pregnant love slave (Full Version)

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knight2641 -> pregnant love slave (12/3/2016 11:22:57 AM)

My love slave is pregnant and she is concerned that she will not be able to keep up with her chores after she has my baby especially making me cum at least once a day. If she is not up to being fucked, then she will give me a loving blow me and swallow every drop, or if she is really tired she will put lube on her big tits and let me tittie fuck her until I give her a pearl necklace. We know her pussy will be recovering for 6 weeks and her tits will be busy with the baby. She is concerned that she will be too tired to suck me off every night. Does any other slave have experience with this? What are some suggestions or compromises? She loves being a good little slut for me and I know she loves that feeling of being used that way. So how much should I push her and when should I back off?

DesFIP -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/3/2016 11:37:28 AM)

Her health and the baby's needs come first, always.

It's not uncommon to be exhausted and uninterested in sex until the baby sleeps through the night, which can easily be a year.

Lucylastic -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/3/2016 11:41:02 AM)

Why are you asking a bunch of strangers about your "slaves" health? Shouldnt you be talking about it to her? or what her docs suggest after the birth?
Ive had three children and was eager to return to intimacy as soon as possible (apart from the bleeding swollen hurty vaj feelings) but reality of childbirth, emotiuons, hormones, complications, its an unknown, until it happens.
You may be taking your life into your own hands.
I wish your slave luck in the birth of your child and recovery afterwards.
If you cannot discuss with your slave how SHE is feeling then maybe you should question your motives for bringing it up here.

knight2641 -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/3/2016 11:56:45 AM)

Oh, that is what we are afraid of.

knight2641 -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/3/2016 11:59:04 AM)

It was HER concern. It is a new thing and I was wondering is anyone else had a experience with this. Your comments are unnecessary.

kiwisub22 -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/3/2016 12:09:21 PM)

Cripes- after I had my kids, I could have cared less if his dick had fallen off. I was working full time, taking care of the kids, and the house, and trying to keep up with the whiney crybaby who called himself my husband.
Actually, if he had even looked like he was trying to help with the housework, I would have been a whole lot more receptive to the idea of sex, but as it was it was just one more chore in a whole list of things to do.

I would declare a ceasefire on all the sexual demands after the baby is born for the first six weeks to give mum and baby a chance to get into a routine, then bring the subject up again. Babies tend to make everything more difficult/different, so you need to be able to be flexible. After the time is up, you could have a house meeting and discuss your D/s relationship, and its implementation. It would give you both a chance to bring up issues, talk about what is working and generally have a state-of-the-union talk.

And good luck. Kids change relationships - not necessarily better or worse, just .... different.

knight2641 -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/3/2016 12:22:15 PM)

Thank you for the advice kiwisub. Not what I was hoping for but it is the truth.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/3/2016 12:27:41 PM)

Typical self-centred useless male.

When it gets near her time (don't wait until she's had it), or when she just doesn't feel like it, back off. Seriously. Let her deal with things without any pressure from you.

Start doing some housework.
Start cooking meals.
Start looking after her instead of the usual arrangement.
Because if you don't, you could very easily turn her off - permanently.

When my OH was pregnant both times, I took over most of the housework, cooking, cleaning and even making the feeds up for the night.
If she couldn't express enough, we used formula.
And it was me that got up in the night to see to the crying baby and let her sleep when she could.

Dude, don't be a selfish prick.
Put your demands aside for a bit, treat her like she needs to be, not like a slave.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/3/2016 12:45:33 PM)

Yes actually I do have experience with just this issue, having given birth to my daughter last January.

My suggestions? Back the fuck off. Drop the stupid rules, it isn't just her that is going to be tired, but you as well. When the kid cries at 3 AM it is going to wake you up as well as her, so just drop all the various rules and chores and shit for a few months and concentrate on both of you making it through a very difficult period of adjustment. Having a kid will change everything about your life, and indeed your whole slavery dynamic may not be compatible with it, but, being parents is far more important than being master and slave. The rules imposed by parenthood trump any of your M/s rules.

So, drop the entire M/s thing for a while, and then work it back in slowly and bit by bit to see how much of it can be re-instituted.

Lucylastic -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/3/2016 12:49:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: knight2641

It was HER concern. It is a new thing and I was wondering is anyone else had a experience with this. Your comments are unnecessary.

Going thru childbirth IS the thing.
I have had experience with childbirth. That you think my comments are not neccessary, then you shouldnt ask strangers what is best for your "slaves" mental physical well being.
Be a man not a "master" oh and if you are the father, BE ONE.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/3/2016 12:57:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
Be a man not a "master" oh and if you are the father, BE ONE.

Oi vey! Lucy!!
That's a bit strong isn't it??

But I heartily agree 200% and more.
Well said. [8D]

Lucylastic -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/3/2016 1:13:54 PM)

not strong enough perhaps.... but im being kind today[;)]

DarkSteven -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/4/2016 9:55:09 AM)

The baby needs her in order to live. You need her to get your rocks off.


This is a major change in your relationship. Just like disability, loss of a job, etc. You deal with it like them. Try some things, see how they work, pick one, tweak it, etc.

The thing that bothers me is that you focus only on her role in pleasing you. Obviously, that will change. But

You're going to be a father!
Your child will change your lives permanently. Sometime for the better, sometimes not.
As a Dom, you should enjoy controlling. Now you will have a child to instruct, guide, and care for.

Best of luck going forward.

OsideGirl -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/4/2016 10:54:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: knight2641

It was HER concern. It is a new thing and I was wondering is anyone else had a experience with this. Your comments are unnecessary.

No, they're completely necessary because you seem to not get it.

This is something both of you should be discussing with her and her doctors, not a bunch of strangers on the internet.

Seriously, you have no idea how childbirth is going to affect her, so I'm with the others. Back off and let her adjust to motherhood without worrying about your penis.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/4/2016 11:25:41 AM)

So here's the deal...

You used to have a relationship in which you, and your desires, came first, and your slave's job (by mutual agreement and desire, presumable) was to cater to you.

Then you both decided to have a kid, so now your relationship changed.

You no longer come first. The baby comes first.

In any choice you'll be making for the next few years, your FIRST thought should be: "What's best for the baby?" The baby comes first, not you.

And considering that what's best for a newborn baby it to have its mother as well-rested, relaxed, and happy as she can possible be, it's automatically a case that your needs and desires don't even come second, because the baby's first need is its mother, and so the mother's needs and desires come second.

Baby first... baby needs mother... mother second.

So you, you now come third in all this, at least until the foreseeable future. Your job now is to take care of who comes first in your relationship, your baby, and in order to do that, you've going to have to take care of mom as well.
After both of them are taken care of, THEN and only then, you can start worrying about what you want and need.

So I'm sure you're sitting there with only one question on your mind: "What does this mean for my cock?".

Well, it's simple really... if it would relax mom, and make her happy and fulfilled, to get you off, because she views herself as a 'good little slut' and not doing it would stress her out and make her sad, then you'll have to continue your current little routine. Even if she's not looking all that sexy, smelling of freshly puked up milk, and it means that you'll have to take a full night shift by yourself, getting up to feed and change the baby, so that mom can actually rest up enough so that she's able to enjoy getting you off. If it makes her happy and relaxed to be your 'good little slut' you will have to do whatever it takes to make sure that she can actually do that... including making dinner for her, so she can go have a relaxing bath and feel like a grown up again for a while, or letting her sleep, or doing the laundry, or whatever she needs to be able to enjoy her adult time with you.

If it DOESN'T relax mom to have to worry about getting you off, and it's just one more thing on her 'to do' list that's stressing her out, or preventing her from getting enough sleep, or annoy her, you need to back the fuck off, and rediscover the wonders of porn and masturbation for a few months.

Bottom line is that your cock now comes secondary to the baby, as well as to her. Whether it gets to have fun play time with mom, all depends on what the baby, and mom need, in order to get through their first year together, in as good a shape as possible. Your and your cock's job in all of this is to be supportive in whatever it is they need. What mom's need is will depend on how mom feels after giving birth, and how her outlook on life changes after becoming a young mom.

You're not her primary master anymore. Baby is.
If you want to do a good job as her secondary master, make sure she takes good care of it.

Lucylastic -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/4/2016 12:17:44 PM)

Just posting to salute you fine ladies n gents:) and having read your responses, I thought of a few other things that have been covered so well:)
So, a few more *just sayin*

ORIGINAL: knight2641

My love slave is pregnant and she is concerned that she will not be able to keep up with her chores after she has my baby especially making me cum at least once a day.
Its her body, if she is up to it...fine..if she isnt...she isnt. every pregnancy is different, how it affects a woman, physically and mentally is out of YOUR control.
PS while you title it "My baby" Its YOURS. and the baby rules both.

If she is not up to being fucked, then she will give me a loving blow me and swallow every drop.
I wonder how that will work out in reality. If it is a self imposed duty by your slave, be prepared for a change of mind at least once.

or if she is really tired she will put lube on her big tits and let me tittie fuck her until I give her a pearl necklace. We know her pussy will be recovering for 6 weeks and her tits will be busy with the baby.
If she has mastitis or cracked nipples, or any problem with milk flow, believe me, you titty fucking her is liable to cause some complaint, and possible excruciating pain and not just for her.
While it sounds like fun to some masos:) for the majority of women it can get really nasty day after day until everything heals.

She is concerned that she will be too tired to suck me off every night. Does any other slave have experience with this?
Its a concern for many woman who wants sex to go back to normal asap, for any sex act. wether its oral, anal, vaginal, how much her breasts can take.
Also a concern is further injury, not just pain and exhaustion

What are some suggestions or compromises? She loves being a good little slut for me and I know she loves that feeling of being used that way. So how much should I push her and when should I back off?
The more you take care of her, and the baby, the sooner she will be back to her slutty self...
That is from personal experience as a very sexual woman, not "just" a domme with an attitude about Uberdom/mes and reality.

But OP, whatever my personal thoughts are re your attitude, I wish her and your baby a healthy and happy pregnancy, and birth. It is an experience you will never forget. You wont enjoy every moment, but its an amazing journey. Good luck.

OsideGirl -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/5/2016 9:14:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Just posting to salute you fine ladies n gents:) and having read your responses, I thought of a few other things that have been covered so well:)
So, a few more *just sayin*

ORIGINAL: knight2641

My love slave is pregnant and she is concerned that she will not be able to keep up with her chores after she has my baby especially making me cum at least once a day.
Its her body, if she is up to it...fine..if she isnt...she isnt. every pregnancy is different, how it affects a woman, physically and mentally is out of YOUR control.
PS while you title it "My baby" Its YOURS. and the baby rules both.

If she is not up to being fucked, then she will give me a loving blow me and swallow every drop.
I wonder how that will work out in reality. If it is a self imposed duty by your slave, be prepared for a change of mind at least once.

or if she is really tired she will put lube on her big tits and let me tittie fuck her until I give her a pearl necklace. We know her pussy will be recovering for 6 weeks and her tits will be busy with the baby.
If she has mastitis or cracked nipples, or any problem with milk flow, believe me, you titty fucking her is liable to cause some complaint, and possible excruciating pain and not just for her.
While it sounds like fun to some masos:) for the majority of women it can get really nasty day after day until everything heals.

She is concerned that she will be too tired to suck me off every night. Does any other slave have experience with this?
Its a concern for many woman who wants sex to go back to normal asap, for any sex act. wether its oral, anal, vaginal, how much her breasts can take.
Also a concern is further injury, not just pain and exhaustion

What are some suggestions or compromises? She loves being a good little slut for me and I know she loves that feeling of being used that way. So how much should I push her and when should I back off?
The more you take care of her, and the baby, the sooner she will be back to her slutty self...
That is from personal experience as a very sexual woman, not "just" a domme with an attitude about Uberdom/mes and reality.

But OP, whatever my personal thoughts are re your attitude, I wish her and your baby a healthy and happy pregnancy, and birth. It is an experience you will never forget. You wont enjoy every moment, but its an amazing journey. Good luck.

His profile brags about how she makes him three home cooked meals a day, keeps the house clean and gets him off every day. (which is fantastic if it works for them) But, the reality is that what they have as a relationship is going to change. That baby and motherhood come first.

I hope they do well.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/5/2016 11:11:05 AM)



His profile brags about how she makes him three home cooked meals a day, keeps the house clean and gets him off every day. (which is fantastic if it works for them) But, the reality is that what they have as a relationship is going to change. That baby and motherhood come first.

I hope they do well.


His profile also says that a good wife should wake up, get her husband off, shower and do her make up and hair, make breakfast, make her husband lunch, do housework, work out for an hour, reapply make up and do hair, go to the office, get back home before her husband, focus on making him relaxed when he comes home, make dinner, clean the kitchen and the house, reapply make up, be a sex kitten in bed, and then go to sleep and do it all over again the next day.

I don't think he thought that through, because there ain't enough hours in a day for a woman to do that.

Lets assume:

5:30 - 6:00 alarm goes off and wife gets husband off in bed
6:00 - 6:30 wife showers, get dressed, applies hair and make up
6:30 - 7:00 breakfast (pray tell me how you can cook breakfast for 4 AND get a kid to eat it in the morning in less time than that... I think I'm being rather generous allotting it only 30 min)
7:00 - 7:30 kids are getting ready for school... wife is supposed to do housework at the same time, assuming kids don't need help getting ready for school? how much housework do you realistically get done in half an hour while getting kids ready for school? oh and somehow she also has to make her husband's lunch during this period and send him off to work with a kiss
7:30 - kids and husband off to school
7:30 - 9:00 wife works out (1 hour) but needs to change out of her 'sexy' clothes she put on for him first, and then has to re-shower, and put on her sexy clothes again after her work-out
9:00 - 9:30 wife commutes to work (she has an office job, which lets her start at 9:30, good for her)
9:30 - 3:30 wife works (6 hour work day, good thing her boss thinks that that qualifies as a 'full day')
3:30 - 4:00 wife commutes home from work
4:00 kids come home from school
4:00 - 5:30 presumably spend on helping the kids with homework, driving them to their hobbies (which magically work out to fall in this time slot), help them shower, etc... oh, she also need to find time to refresh her make up and hair, and relax herself from her own day at work, so she'll be all ready and chipper when hubby comes home to relax him, and not bother him with her own day's issues... while helping the kids...oh and... dinner should also already somehow get started during this time
5:30 husband comes home from work
5:30 - 6:00 wife helps husband relax after work, fixes him a drink, and finished making dinner (kids are magically not in need of attention at all during this time)
6:00 - 6:30 dinner
6:30 - 8:30 wife cleans up kitchen, does housework, puts kids to bed, freshens herself up, puts on sexy lingerie, husband relaxes
8:30 - 9:30 sexy adult time including nightly spanking
9:30 bed time

Now this assumes older kids (youngest 8+ minimum) for it to even have a chance at working. Kids younger than that are going to need much more of the mother's time, and supervision... but even IF we assume older kids... it sounds like a pretty sweet schedule, right?
Those of you who actually have kids... raise your hand if you've EVER had a single night which worked out that well... anybody?

How about with a baby?

How about if the mother actually works full time instead of only 6 hours?

Ya know, I look at that schedule, and I immediately think: this woman would be better off as a single mother, because then, at least, she wouldn't be wasting several hours a day on useless crap her husband adds to her workload, and she might actually have a chance to get the rest off the stuff she's got on her plate done...

Wayward5oul -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/5/2016 11:20:29 AM)


6:00 - 6:30 wife showers, get dressed, applies hair and make up

She better have thin hair, or wear a wig.


6:30 - 7:00 breakfast (pray tell me how you can cook breakfast for 4 AND get a kid to eat it in the morning in less time than that... I think I'm being rather generous allotting it only 30 min)

She can't.


7:00 - 7:30 kids are getting ready for school... wife is supposed to do housework at the same time, assuming kids don't need help getting ready for school? how much housework do you realistically get done in half an hour while getting kids ready for school? oh and somehow she also has to make her husband's lunch during this period and send him off to work with a kiss

They better live in a Tiny Home


4:00 - 5:30 presumably spend on helping the kids with homework, driving them to their hobbies (which magically work out to fall in this time slot)

Yeah, I snorted aloud at that one


Ya know, I look at that schedule, and I immediately think: this woman would be better off as a single mother, because then, at least, she wouldn't be wasting several hours a day on useless crap her husband adds to her workload, and she might actually have a chance to get the rest off the stuff she's got on her plate done...

As a single mother, I wholeheartedly agree.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: pregnant love slave (12/5/2016 12:04:40 PM)


His profile brags about how she makes him three home cooked meals a day

If you nuke Hot Pockets at home it counts as "home cooked" right?

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