Sexless Marriage (Full Version)

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subbyhubby8801 -> Sexless Marriage (1/29/2017 11:40:21 PM)

I'm at a loss for words at the moment. I've been married to my wife for going on a year, been together 3 years prior and have had 2 kids together and 1 from a previous relationship of hers. The lack of sexual attention is killing me, making me wonder if the grass is really greener on the other side. My intentions are always aimed at a hard best for my family, but throughout all my efforts and work there fails to be any reward.

When I've approached about the lifestyle to her, she has judged in an uncomfortably awkard way, one in which would create arguements and tensions as though I was the one doing something wrong. Any type of sexual advance is quickly brushed away. I've tried everything throughout this drought and I'm left wondering what's left. A key part of any relationship is intimacy, yet the moment I display any I'm forced to back petal. I don't know what to do. How do I talk to someone who already knows that the issue exists yet does nothing to resolve it? Help...??

Lucylastic -> RE: Sexless Marriage (1/30/2017 12:23:26 AM)

Send your post to your wife.
You have been together four years, with two born in that time, and bringing up another.
And you are complaining that you have no attention.
Im not going to assume that you are in the wrong, but I think you may have some serious misunderstanding about just how tiring having children is.
You obviously think cheating is your way out... It is.
It is the easiest way to end your marriage,
you can blame her all you like.
You need to take responsibility for taking the easy way out. and running away
Your kids need you, to be responsible for your actions, not run away after a bit of tail
How long is it since she had the last child?
How long is it without sex?
If the grass looks greener on the other side, you need to nurture your lawn. Hopping the fence is easy, but if you ignore that next lawn it too will yellow.
get some therapy, either as a couple or alone at first... because of the kink aspect.
Id love to hear your wifes perspective on it altho I know thats not likely
Intimacy is more than sex, its emotional feelings.
jus sayin

subbyhubby8801 -> RE: Sexless Marriage (1/30/2017 12:53:28 AM)

"You obviously think cheating is your way out... It is."

To addreas this aspect, the answer is no, I do not few cheating as my only way out. However like you I'm left questioning whether it is or it is.

I am by no means trying to run away from the issue, what I seek is actually probably exactly what you mentioned but just never gave it any thought -- theropy. My youngest is going on a year In the next month, and it's been about that length since we've had sex (a year). I'm all too familiar with the attention a baby/kid needs which naturally takes away from that of which could be focused on our relationship/marriage. However, here's the thing, i'm equally involved and. I do the cooking, bathing, household cleaning, taking the kids to school in the morning, all of course with her doing her share as a mom...and a good one. Where my concern lies is that I'm constantly balancing family, life and work while still trying to find intimacy where as she balances strictly family related things and yet there is no intimacy. This is the simplest way I can explain it in regards to lack of sexual attention and intimacy; she'll go who knows how long without shaving down south but the moment a doc. Appt. Is upcoming she's in that shower shaving away. There is no effort when it is just me and her, but throw an x, y, or z I to the equatio, and you've got a bald eagle. This btw I have mentioned to her in that exact context, and instead of a rational explanination and covilized discussion, it's an argument.

Diffident -> RE: Sexless Marriage (1/30/2017 5:38:40 AM)

Maybe you could try going back to doing all of the things that you did before you were married, when you were trying to woo her? I bet that you didn't complain about her personal grooming on your first night together. It's Valentine's Day soon. Have big, big plans to make her feel special.

montanasubboy -> RE: Sexless Marriage (1/30/2017 7:43:20 AM)

Sound like to me there is a problem here that she is a problems telling you about. Lets say that now she is in pain when attempting to have sex. If it is a physical problem she has is it the case she fears not being able to satisfy you? Lets say you could not get an erection at all, would that interrupt all sexual activity? The best thing to do in my book is take a walk with her and confront this problem head on.

LadyPact -> RE: Sexless Marriage (1/30/2017 9:14:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: subbyhubby8801
I'm at a loss for words at the moment. I've been married to my wife for going on a year, been together 3 years prior and have had 2 kids together and 1 from a previous relationship of hers. The lack of sexual attention is killing me, making me wonder if the grass is really greener on the other side. My intentions are always aimed at a hard best for my family, but throughout all my efforts and work there fails to be any reward.

When I've approached about the lifestyle to her, she has judged in an uncomfortably awkard way, one in which would create arguements and tensions as though I was the one doing something wrong. Any type of sexual advance is quickly brushed away. I've tried everything throughout this drought and I'm left wondering what's left. A key part of any relationship is intimacy, yet the moment I display any I'm forced to back petal. I don't know what to do. How do I talk to someone who already knows that the issue exists yet does nothing to resolve it? Help...??

You've really got multiple things going on here.

First, you've got three children, two of which are very young. (Roughly one and three.) That immediately tells me that the woman is tired all of the time and gets very little time to just be herself, rather than Mom, caregiver, etc. Does she have much time to focus on herself or be out socializing with friends rather than the constant demands of home and children? For some, lacking those things is a sex drive killer right there.

Next, just as my own opinion, a period where there is a lack of sex is not the best time to want to introduce kinky sex into the equation if your partner has not shown an interest in kink before. So, now you've got a woman who probably already feels pressure about a lack of sex, (and believe me, she probably does interpret this subject as pressure depending on how long the dry spell has been and how often the subject comes up) but now you want to introduce elements that are weird to her or turn offs. (And for what it's worth, if she's not kinky, she absolutely can be judgemental about this. She's her own sexual being.) This is not helping your cause in reestablishing a healthy sexual relationship.

You used a word that often comes up when people are having difficulties in their sex life and that word is intimacy. A lot of people think that intimacy is sex or an automatic precursor where sex will be the eventual outcome. If either of you have this mindset, it's another obstacle. If you show your wife that intimacy isn't being used as a tool to get sex, it takes some of the pressure off of her and you just enjoy the intimacy together. During those times, don't bring up the issue of sex. Let your romantic (not sexual) bond be the focus. As time goes on, and she's been shown that intimacy does not necessarily lead to sex, she's going to be more receptive to getting some sex back in your bedroom.

OsideGirl -> RE: Sexless Marriage (1/30/2017 10:25:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: subbyhubby8801

This btw I have mentioned to her in that exact context

Yeah, I'm sure that helped.

There's a whole bunch going on here, partly your issues and partly her issues. I would honestly suggest seeing a counselor, because you clearly don't know how to communicate and it sounds like she isn't telling you what is wrong.

If you somehow think that lying to the most important person in your life is the answer, then you should just get out now.

DesFIP -> RE: Sexless Marriage (1/30/2017 12:18:40 PM)

Is she still breast feeding? Because I had zero libido till that finished.

In addition, I was all touched out. Small children grabbing you all day out easily brings you to a point where you want to say "if you loved me, you would show that by not touching me."

Then there's birth control. That can cause loss of libido. And has she had a full physical? Exhaustion can be from just having small kids, but it can also be a sign of under active thyroid which also will cause loss of libido.

Instead of bitching that she isn't putting out enough, focus on you being worried about her. Plus do a weekly date night. Get a teen to come in for two or three hours a week. Then you folks go out as adults, hold hands. Hell going grocery shopping alone is magical when you're usually focused on getting through checkout without the kids having a tantrum for candy. When you add in going to the diner and chatting over a hot open sandwich, it's awesome.

Don't demand sex in return because that makes it into something you don't really want to do. And if she doesn't want to make out, then she sure as hell won't want to add kink.

Focus on her health and rebuilding intimacy.

If none of these help, then counseling.

montanasubboy -> RE: Sexless Marriage (1/31/2017 5:42:30 AM)

LadyPack...Great post and it always helps me when I ask my partner for help to understand a problem when one comes up between us. It at least for me it is a way to start a level of communication with her. There has never been a time when the two of us see the same problem the same way. If I do not ask then I have no clue what she is thinking. One point about most of the posts here is communication on your own, or with help. One thing is for sure no matter how you go about it with out talking this problem will not go away.

Greta75 -> RE: Sexless Marriage (1/31/2017 8:55:27 PM)

I got a few questions about your story.

You are married for only one year. She does not accept your lifestyle. BDSM I assume she is not comfortable with.

Why weren't these things talked about before marriage? If she doesn't like BDSM, she will never like it, that is for sure. And if she is uncomfortable about BDSM and only knew AFTER marriage that you are into it. That could make her uncomfortable. Just that vanilla people are just not comfortable with BDSM. Just the way it is. And if she doesn't understand why you like those stuffs, that could make her feel distance to you. I do agree serious counseling needed to help both of you communicate.

The marriage is just one year.

And you got a 1 year old baby?

So when did the sex stop? Before or after marriage? And how was the sex life before marriage?

Gosh, there is seriously alot of communication problems here already which should have been discussed before marriage. Your expectations of a sex life and hers.

Also, it seems like the marriage occur just because of the child or something?

1 year marriage. 1 year old child?

Why did you marry her?

DarkSteven -> RE: Sexless Marriage (2/1/2017 12:43:10 AM)

You're not cooperative. The two of you are not supporting each other.

Change that. Tonight, buy flowers on your way home from work. No occasion, just to say that you love her. And for God's sake, don't expect sex in return.

Make time for her. Do goofy things like sneak a little note in her clothes that says "I love you".

You are focusing on the sexlessness and seeing it as a problem. It isn't; it's a symptom. The lack of caring and loving is the problem. Once you get her to trusting and loving you again, things will get a lot better.

Focus selflessly on making her happy and feeling loved and secure as your wife. Once she feels that you love her, she'll be a lot happier and more loving.

subbyhubby8801 -> RE: Sexless Marriage (2/1/2017 5:56:13 AM)

The marriage is just one year.

And you got a 1 year old baby?

So when did the sex stop? Before or after marriage? And how was the sex life before marriage?

It was a year and a half engagement prior to the marriage and baby. Sex pretty much stopped from the time out middle child was born. She had always known about me having kinky desires, just never know the exacts and enough about anything to jump in or not.

I'd like to say that all replies have been very helpful and though counsling might not be my first resort, communication and discussing to her the problem possible in a different manner then prior is definitely a step in the right direction.

The idea of doing selfless acts, flowers, notes, ect...I used to do all the time, but somehow that has fallen of the wayside. I think a common theme in all the replies was that I was/am expecting of sex but that is not the case. I'm often comforting her, massaging, complimenting her and more all while never expecting anything but good company from my wife.

There is obviously tons that cannot be expressed and there is know way for mule to illustrate every outlining issue, but I do appreciate the critically positive replies to this thread.

OsideGirl -> RE: Sexless Marriage (2/1/2017 10:14:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: subbyhubby8801

I'd like to say that all replies have been very helpful and though counsling might not be my first resort, communication and discussing to her the problem possible in a different manner then prior is definitely a step in the right direction.

That part of the sentence right there shows that you think she's the one with the problem. As it was said above, lack of sex isn't the problem, it's the symptom. There's a reason she doesn't feel sexual...and complaining about sex just makes it worth.

I highly recommend counseling. I think the two of you need a neutral party that can help the two of you learn how to communicate with each other.

Greta75 -> RE: Sexless Marriage (2/1/2017 7:06:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: subbyhubby8801
It was a year and a half engagement prior to the marriage and baby. Sex pretty much stopped from the time out middle child was born. She had always known about me having kinky desires, just never know the exacts and enough about anything to jump in or not.

As Des said, some women loses sex drive when still breast feeding. Maybe it's as simple as that.

Since sex disappeared after birth of child then it gotta related to that.

It could also she is not feeling sexy about her body after birth and self-conscious. Or is she juggling with too much and often too tired? 3 kids is tough!

Well, yea, I think end of the day, need to find out what's her problem before can diagnose the solution. We don't know what's going on her end.

DesFIP -> RE: Sexless Marriage (2/5/2017 8:33:12 PM)

Underactive thyroid is frequently caused by pregnancy and/or nursing. Even once she stops, she'll still have it, forever. It does not resolve by itself.

I would bet serious money that her numbers are over five, instead of below one.

heavyblinker -> RE: Sexless Marriage (2/6/2017 7:54:36 AM)

As someone who has been through something similar, there really isn't much you can do about it unless she's also willing to do something about it, and it doesn't sound like she is. I don't know her or anything but it doesn't sound to me like you're distant or closed, so communication issues at this point would to me suggest that she's intentionally avoiding a discussion that could be hurtful or bring up painful truths. Maybe she HAS tried to bring it up with you but you just brushed it off or didn't realize how important it was, so now she's like this. I'm not completely sure that she isn't sending you a message in a roundabout way... because it all sounds really familiar to me.

Sure, it could be exhaustion and kids, but it could also be that she has reached that point where she is just so comfortable with you that the spark has died because there is nothing exciting or mysterious or new about you anymore... and it's more like living with a friend or brother or something. She doesn't seem interested in appearing attractive for you, which wouldn't be as bad if she wasn't interested in appearing attractive to others... that sucks. Believe me, I understand... and I don't blame you for bringing up 'the other side'.

Without that little detail I would have probably thought maybe exhaustion or lack of sex drive, but now I'm not sure. If it's really about her losing her attraction to you, then romantic gestures definitely won't work... I don't know of too many women who would be turned on if their brother took them out for a romantic evening or something. Plus, that sort of thing doesn't really address the problem either... it's superficial at best.

Relationships can always hit the point where everything becomes routine. You can try new things, but the problem is that you both have to agree that the new things are what you want for yourselves-- it's not easy and there's a lot of potential for disagreement. Plus, they have to fit into the schedules you've developed for your kids and lives and budgets and such.

Anyways, she married you, so either there was something there in the beginning that isn't there now, or she thought you were someone you aren't and made a mistake. I don't think it's about your kinks, though if she ignored them because she wanted to believe you were someone else, then it could be that she is just realizing that this is what she has done. Some women aren't really turned on by submissive types... and letting her know about these sorts of desires could be a real turnoff, especially if you approached the relationship differently in the beginning. Maybe she thought you would get over it, or thought that she could spend the rest of her life with you anyways but now she's changed her mind. Bear in mind that subs can be a lot of work, and if she's also taking care of 3 kids, then the thought of ordering a 4th person around could be really unappealing... especially if she isn't so into it to begin with.

Your resentment is building because it's emasculating to be trapped in a marriage with this person who no longer sees you as a man, and you need to be seen that way so you're considering finding someone who will consider you one... it's not immature or selfish, it's human. It's hell to be stuck with someone who goes out of their way to let you know they don't want you, even if they do still think you're 'sweet' or 'a good person'. Sure some people will tell you that you need to be open and honest, but believe me that isn't always a solution... especially if the other person isn't ready to hear it, or if it's part of the problem. There is such a thing as too much openness and too much togetherness I think... it really ruins the mystery and can even be smothering.

I guess you can see that I am still a little bitter about my own version of what you're going through... and of course I'm not an expert and our solution was to break up, which didn't even work well because we were still so dependent on each other emotionally (it was bad because there was so much comfort and trust and all of those modern-day relationship things, but no sex)-- so we had to go all the way to hooking up with other people, which killed it pretty effectively, especially when she expected me to be there when he treated her like shit. There were a lot of problems that we just sort of pushed down or ignored in order to keep the peace, and it helped us achieve a level of comfort and stability-- but the truth is we probably shouldn't have been together.

Cheating isn't the solution... honesty is. A new relationship can fill in a lot of the missing gaps, but it's more like a palette cleanser for washing away the remnants than a fix of any kind.

If it were me, I would probably ask her why she married you, why she wants to appear attractive to others and not you, what she would do if she were in your place, and what she thinks you can do to make things better. Confront this thing head-on. If she isn't ready to deal with it now, then give her time and space. Go out and do things by yourself/with the kids while she isn't around. Take them off of her hands so she can have time to get her shit sorted out, and then if she still cares about the marriage she will do the right thing. If she doesn't, then I don't know... I guess therapy if she's open to it.

I'm not a therapist or anything so you don't have to follow my advice.

AtUrCervix -> RE: Sexless Marriage (2/10/2017 3:51:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: subbyhubby8801

I'm at a loss for words at the moment. I've been married to my wife for going on a year, been together 3 years prior and have had 2 kids together and 1 from a previous relationship of hers. The lack of sexual attention is killing me, making me wonder if the grass is really greener on the other side. My intentions are always aimed at a hard best for my family, but throughout all my efforts and work there fails to be any reward.

When I've approached about the lifestyle to her, she has judged in an uncomfortably awkward way, one in which would create arguments and tensions as though I was the one doing something wrong. Any type of sexual advance is quickly brushed away. I've tried everything throughout this drought and I'm left wondering what's left. A key part of any relationship is intimacy, yet the moment I display any I'm forced to back petal. I don't know what to do. How do I talk to someone who already knows that the issue exists yet does nothing to resolve it? Help...??

It sucks dude...(not that she it WOULD appear that you have had sex at LEAST twice. (Ain't enough).

Don't know what others will say but MY COMMENTS!!! :

Get the fuck OUT!!!


(Been there...done that....gave my it is in 3 FUCKING "D" babe; Get the fuck out...NOW. It doesn't get better!

Lifestyle don't mean shit.....get the FUCK....OUT!!!


I LIVED this..(it doesn't pay off).



Boomer76 -> RE: Sexless Marriage (2/16/2017 11:30:27 AM)

Im in one of those marriages lucky to get it twice a month been married seven years together for 10 I can't take it anymore im ready to leave she is begging for me to stay. Im the sucker that stays with her and i have no kids at all. Someone with advice on this would help

Spiritedsub2 -> RE: Sexless Marriage (2/16/2017 12:28:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Boomer76

Im in one of those marriages lucky to get it twice a month been married seven years together for 10 I can't take it anymore im ready to leave she is begging for me to stay. Im the sucker that stays with her and i have no kids at all. Someone with advice on this would help

Don't be so worthless in bed and maybe she'll regain some interest. Sniveling isn't particularly attractive btw.

Boomer76 -> RE: Sexless Marriage (2/16/2017 12:43:04 PM)

Thats not the problem i always satisfy she has a very low sex drive

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