RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (Full Version)

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WickedsDesire -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (2/12/2017 11:56:49 AM)

There are no women on here looking, never has been, never will be...usually attention whore bags looking for a bit of enabling and those appreciating a fat monster of a fuking mess, or pathetic shitcunts trying to enable their own clique..or create a demand...bit like yourself eh

Were there ever any good sites at the beginning? Shrugs

Augments can be made for bcom and ic

ASlutman -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (2/12/2017 12:05:45 PM)

Some truth in what you say Wicked's desire. I am not trying to create anything though.

As for the shitcunts and messes, I disagree, Lady constanze is almost average.

WickedsDesire -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (2/12/2017 12:22:23 PM)

You asked without an identity and demanded the world.

This place: i have been here since the beginning of time and i can assure you there is no-one here for me, and lesser for you

Were there any good places in the past? bcom and ic perhaps, and no where else, but you are going back well over a decade

Nowadays try she tries

dont bother me again non entity

LadyPact -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (2/12/2017 12:42:32 PM)


Long Ago, in the days of Alt and Informed consent submission for men and women was a gift. Now it's something sold along with a few shekels by the desperate for the desperate. It has all become so crass, even on Fetlife, the last bastion of munches and reality.

I am here to break bread and multiply fishes.

I may be a bit rusty on my psalm and verse but I don't seem to recall Christ intentionally peddling bullshit. Alt was actually the first kink site that I was on (circa 2006) and that 'submission is a gift' tripe wasn't exactly prevalent. Sure, there might the occasional fantasist (yes, I used the 'f' word) who might extol about how they *thought* that's how it should go and there were always the guys who used the line in their never ending quest to get into submissive women's pants. (Aka tell them what they want to hear.)

At that time, Alt was a casual player's paradise. Especially for those of us who played in the surrounding areas that were a bit more than what the average person would consider local. All easily arranged if a person used Alt as a communication tool to set up your play for where you are going in advance. Very convenient.

One thing I will say about Alt. That subscription crap is and always was very gender biased. Alt makes it's money off of men. You're really paying for the ability to send and receive email. Want to know how women get that capability? Get ten profile views in a day. Not hard at all on a sausage fest like Fet. I could sneeze and it would take more effort.

ResidentSadist -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (2/12/2017 6:27:21 PM)



ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist
I was in the music industry and computers were standard equipment for the high end gear. So was joining the online artists/entertainment communities. So I got online very early in the game and soon discovered kink and BDSM were online too. I used Gopher browsers (text base before the world wide web) and remember it took hours to exchange files. If you wanted BDSM pics, story files or god forbid, a 2 minute video clip, you had to download overnight. Yup... way back when dinosaur poop was on everything. [:)]

Castle Realm is a pretty hefty flashback too. There is still an archive of Lord Colm & jade's posts on the net somewhere. I love blaming Castle Realm too... that guy had a mess of puppets. Some puppets were posing as his real life slave(s), others as forum users. They (he) ran around confirming each others romanticized D/s bullshit that "they" posted. But it was all actually just one guy making a bunch of shit up, posing as his own slave(s) and posing as users of the forum. Newcomers thought it was real and believed that was what BDSM was all about. He made Arpig look like an amateur.

I don't have some of your experiences with the online thing from 15-20 years ago. I never had so much as a screen name until 2006 or so. Too much of a computer twit, I suppose.

I don't really feel like I was around for the first internet revolution/explosion. I think that had already happened by the time I showed up. Same time frame. Just different methods. [:)]

Nothing better than real life experience. I am soooooo glad I was introduced to BDSM in real life, long before the world wide web was created. And even then, back in the text browser days, trying to explore, share or learn something was a bit awkward. You sorta had to be a die hard leather heart to tolerate it. I don't think it had any appeal to newcomers back then like online BDSM communities do now.

LadyPact -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (2/12/2017 10:02:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist
Nothing better than real life experience. I am soooooo glad I was introduced to BDSM in real life, long before the world wide web was created. And even then, back in the text browser days, trying to explore, share or learn something was a bit awkward. You sorta had to be a die hard leather heart to tolerate it. I don't think it had any appeal to newcomers back then like online BDSM communities do now.

There used to be another poster here that he and I talked about it extensively. We *might* have had certain research advantages had we come in from the net. We were both 'later in life' kink/leather folks, but even though reading about things had a certain appeal, doing stuff was pretty cool, too. [;)]

My best to you, and to your slave.

LadyConstanze -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (2/13/2017 12:10:17 PM)

My stay on ALT was brief, seriously, I couldn't stomach the "offers" - sausage fest maybe, but I didn't want to be a sausage honing device

Diffident -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (2/13/2017 4:50:42 PM)

I joined ALT last year. I got quite a lot of emails from good looking women who lived far away, but quite often couldn't actually read the email or view their profile because I got an Upgrade Now message when I did. It's a pity as some of these women were obviously fetish models, as Tineye showed that their profile picture was featured on a Porn website. Sometimes, more than one.

I think that I might have been banned for adding a link to my Fetlife profile to my ALT profile, as I wasn't able to log in shortly after doing this. I was strangely unconcerned about this.

ResidentSadist -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (2/13/2017 7:35:32 PM)



ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist
Nothing better than real life experience. I am soooooo glad I was introduced to BDSM in real life, long before the world wide web was created. And even then, back in the text browser days, trying to explore, share or learn something was a bit awkward. You sorta had to be a die hard leather heart to tolerate it. I don't think it had any appeal to newcomers back then like online BDSM communities do now.

There used to be another poster here that he and I talked about it extensively. We *might* have had certain research advantages had we come in from the net. We were both 'later in life' kink/leather folks, but even though reading about things had a certain appeal, doing stuff was pretty cool, too. [;)]

My best to you, and to your slave.

Thank you for your good wishes and my best to you and yours.

Yes... the research aspect was kind of cool, but back then in the text browser days, it seemed like mostly experienced people had found their way online. So it wasn't like a noob could jump in or "come in" without knowing most all the lingo and protocol first. The BDSM gang online (by my experience) in the newsgroup/usenet days was just as dodgy and suspicious online as they were in real life. So the news groups weren't answering beginner type questions as I recall... more like a tricks of trade type of thing, where to buy the best gear, cheapest lube, torture techniques, fancy knots and stuff. Not the basics like what is a submissive or silly personal drama questions like "my Dom did this... is he bad?". It wasn't until AOL chat rooms like Southern Submissives, Le Chateau, and Sub Nation (early to mid 90s?) did the newcomer friendly online support group attitude get reinforced. But again, this was by my experience only... and mostly USA groups only.

ASlutman -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (2/23/2017 8:27:02 AM)

A non entity among non entities, I would enjoy kicking the shit out of you in real life and trust me it would be quick and painful for you shit cunt.

longwayhome -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (2/23/2017 11:54:49 AM)



Long Ago, in the days of Alt and Informed consent submission for men and women was a gift. Now it's something sold along with a few shekels by the desperate for the desperate. It has all become so crass, even on Fetlife, the last bastion of munches and reality.

I am here to break bread and multiply fishes.

As an informed consent refugee, I have to say the website had a totally different character with more of the sort of people I might have imagined spending time with.

But.....and it is a big but there were still arseholes, newbies with unrealistic expectations and old grumps taking newbies down just for being newbies. Between the sad "twue" guardians of BDSM, the openly abusive and the fantasists, there were genuine people. IC was also better moderated but sometimes to the extent that it felt like an exclusive clique.

I felt comfortable there but the things you complain of are not new. There certainly was not a bunch of Dom/mes clucking round subs deciding who to gift their precious submission to.

The great thing about the past is that you can remember it fondly, and forget all the shit that came with it.

longwayhome -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (2/23/2017 11:56:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist



ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist

So you're saying that there was time when people (of any gender) in a BDSM online community weren’t flooded with new comers that had ridiculous, unreal expectations and ideas?

There wasn't. There was ridiculous in 1995 and there's still ridiculous now.

I didn't think so. I mean, I see the flavor of the ridiculousness change by whatever BDSM media bait is dangling in the vanilla world to draw them in... but it's ALWAYS the same basics. Expectations of impossible jerkfest fantasies inspired by some book or movie and/or a shitload of preconceived notions that the real BDSM world is the same as in their movie or book. Whether it's one of de Sade's classic erotic novels, 1940's detective style prisoner/captive soft porn magazines, the Story of O (movie) in the 70s or equally silly shit like 50 Shades of Grey... they come rushing to the BDSM community looking for the same sexual fantasy that got them hot.

1 - They are gonna' meet the perfect match for their kinkcentric "do me" desires and will spend the rest of their life being serviced or giving service, caged, tortured or whatever it is... because access to them and their genitalia is a sacred rarity, beyond value
2 - Mr Domly romantic is gonna' snap them up on day one because somehow the "gift of submission" and their pussy is a sacred rarity, beyond value.
3 - They are gonna' met Miss Dommely, queen of evil discipline, is she gonna' snap them up on day one and have sessions and play with them 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, because somehow his service and little or big cock is a sacred rarity, beyond value.
4 - They are gonna' be welcomed into the real live secret underground society that sells, trains or buys slaves and they will be trained, sold or get to buy a slave.
5 - They are gonna' be welcomed into the secret underground party society that is gonna' gangbang them and/or their wife/cuck into orgasmic bliss because their fresh meat is a sacred rarity, beyond value.
6 - They are gonna' meet mister or misses sadist that will commit all those ultra extreme tortures they have been jerking off to but didn't realize that it would do permanent physically damage in real life and no sane person would do that... or be with an asshole that wanted that done.
7 - ......... I am sure I left many stereotypes out. But, the song remains the same throughout my lifetime.
(Spicy Detective 1939)

Too true.

ResidentSadist -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (4/3/2017 1:42:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: DocStrange




ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist
I was in the music industry and computers were standard equipment for the high end gear. So was joining the online artists/entertainment communities. So I got online very early in the game and soon discovered kink and BDSM were online too. I used Gopher browsers (text base before the world wide web) and remember it took hours to exchange files. If you wanted BDSM pics, story files or god forbid, a 2 minute video clip, you had to download overnight. Yup... way back when dinosaur poop was on everything. [:)]

Castle Realm is a pretty hefty flashback too. There is still an archive of Lord Colm & jade's posts on the net somewhere. I love blaming Castle Realm too... that guy had a mess of puppets. Some puppets were posing as his real life slave(s), others as forum users. They (he) ran around confirming each others romanticized D/s bullshit that "they" posted. But it was all actually just one guy making a bunch of shit up, posing as his own slave(s) and posing as users of the forum. Newcomers thought it was real and believed that was what BDSM was all about. He made Arpig look like an amateur.

I don't have some of your experiences with the online thing from 15-20 years ago. I never had so much as a screen name until 2006 or so. Too much of a computer twit, I suppose.

I don't really feel like I was around for the first internet revolution/explosion. I think that had already happened by the time I showed up. Same time frame. Just different methods. [:)]

Prior to the Internet and IRC (circa early 80s), there were BBS's (electronic bulletin boards) you could use your 8088 computer (cheaper versus of the 8086, 8 bit buss) with a modem to dial into. No color monitor at this time(green characters on a black background). Think of the display from the 1983 movie War Games (do you want to play a game?)

I was lucky enough that there was an Adult BBS in Dayton Ohio about an hour from me. The BBS had forums not that dissimilar from CS. Not as many topics, but good discussion forums none the less. They also had a chat room where members could chat all together. No IM's but you could create a private chat room it you wanted to talk more in private with another. The striking thing I remember about this BBS was no fakes. It may have been due to them charging a nominal fee. I think it was like $60 for a year to cover the cost of phone lines required to host a BBS. There were about 150 users. Due to long distance phone charges at the time, only local people would call in. Most neighboring city's had reduced long distance phone rates versus calling across the country. I lived in Cincinnati at the time but could afford a few hours of long distance phone calls to the BBS in Dayton only an hour away. But all the people who called in where fairly close by.

I think one of the reasons this BBS was very successful is that there was a monthly lunch and a monthly night party held at a local lounge (Goose Lounge) that had a private party room. The monthly party went from 8pm to 2am on the first Friday of every month. Usually about 75 people would show up. There was a small cover charge but it was only to cover the cost of the DJ or band playing and the private party room. You got to meet most everyone on the board. You knew they were real. And you spent nearly as much time talking to them in person as you did on the BBS. I sort of miss those days!

Then the internet came a long and ruined everything. LOL, not really but it sure did change the dynamic.

You know, that is part of the appeal CollarMe/CoallarChat had for me until a few years ago. It felt like a genuine BBS and the sincere people out numbered the flakes. Even the lay out of CollarChat is classic. It really had it's charm at one time. Like you, I met people from CollarMe in real life. Went to events, parties and GreedyTop's wedding. I met dozens of people that became real life friends and had some intimate relationships come from it.

You were in Ohio I see. Did you ever visit the Michigan based website 'Le Chateau' in the early 90s?

respectmen -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (4/3/2017 2:20:47 PM)



I was a member here before and this forum was full of women with unreal expectations and ideas.

OP says this, nearly everyone has a negative response against him. A woman says most or all men in this site are bad, it gets given a free pass. [sm=happy-smiley58.gif]

MsLadySue -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (4/3/2017 2:24:41 PM)

A free pass only because the OP is an ass-hat and people are pretty much ignoring his ass-hattedness

LisaSadistic -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (4/3/2017 2:29:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven



I was a member here before and this forum was full of women with unreal expectations and ideas.

You mean they expected sub men to have pictures and actual self descriptions that contained more than the statement that they wanted to serve?

I know, it's asking for so much. Be a human being. Such high standards.

DocStrange -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (4/3/2017 2:44:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist


ORIGINAL: DocStrange




ORIGINAL: ResidentSadist
I was in the music industry and computers were standard equipment for the high end gear. So was joining the online artists/entertainment communities. So I got online very early in the game and soon discovered kink and BDSM were online too. I used Gopher browsers (text base before the world wide web) and remember it took hours to exchange files. If you wanted BDSM pics, story files or god forbid, a 2 minute video clip, you had to download overnight. Yup... way back when dinosaur poop was on everything. [:)]

Castle Realm is a pretty hefty flashback too. There is still an archive of Lord Colm & jade's posts on the net somewhere. I love blaming Castle Realm too... that guy had a mess of puppets. Some puppets were posing as his real life slave(s), others as forum users. They (he) ran around confirming each others romanticized D/s bullshit that "they" posted. But it was all actually just one guy making a bunch of shit up, posing as his own slave(s) and posing as users of the forum. Newcomers thought it was real and believed that was what BDSM was all about. He made Arpig look like an amateur.

I don't have some of your experiences with the online thing from 15-20 years ago. I never had so much as a screen name until 2006 or so. Too much of a computer twit, I suppose.

I don't really feel like I was around for the first internet revolution/explosion. I think that had already happened by the time I showed up. Same time frame. Just different methods. [:)]

Prior to the Internet and IRC (circa early 80s), there were BBS's (electronic bulletin boards) you could use your 8088 computer (cheaper versus of the 8086, 8 bit buss) with a modem to dial into. No color monitor at this time(green characters on a black background). Think of the display from the 1983 movie War Games (do you want to play a game?)

I was lucky enough that there was an Adult BBS in Dayton Ohio about an hour from me. The BBS had forums not that dissimilar from CS. Not as many topics, but good discussion forums none the less. They also had a chat room where members could chat all together. No IM's but you could create a private chat room it you wanted to talk more in private with another. The striking thing I remember about this BBS was no fakes. It may have been due to them charging a nominal fee. I think it was like $60 for a year to cover the cost of phone lines required to host a BBS. There were about 150 users. Due to long distance phone charges at the time, only local people would call in. Most neighboring city's had reduced long distance phone rates versus calling across the country. I lived in Cincinnati at the time but could afford a few hours of long distance phone calls to the BBS in Dayton only an hour away. But all the people who called in where fairly close by.

I think one of the reasons this BBS was very successful is that there was a monthly lunch and a monthly night party held at a local lounge (Goose Lounge) that had a private party room. The monthly party went from 8pm to 2am on the first Friday of every month. Usually about 75 people would show up. There was a small cover charge but it was only to cover the cost of the DJ or band playing and the private party room. You got to meet most everyone on the board. You knew they were real. And you spent nearly as much time talking to them in person as you did on the BBS. I sort of miss those days!

Then the internet came a long and ruined everything. LOL, not really but it sure did change the dynamic.

You know, that is part of the appeal CollarMe/CoallarChat had for me until a few years ago. It felt like a genuine BBS and the sincere people out numbered the flakes. Even the lay out of CollarChat is classic. It really had it's charm at one time. Like you, I met people from CollarMe in real life. Went to events, parties and GreedyTop's wedding. I met dozens of people that became real life friends and had some intimate relationships come from it.

You were in Ohio I see. Did you ever visit the Michigan based website 'Le Chateau' in the early 90s?

You are right CM did have the feel and vibe of a great BBS. I never got to meet GT but did meet a lot of others (Lady Hibiscus, 0ld hen, ChatteParfaitt, hausboy, Lord0din, CalamidySandra and many more, sadly I have forgotten a lot of their online names). One of the people used to throw a Thanksgiving party each year. I swear we had half the CM staff there one year. How I do miss those days!

I vaguely remember the 'Le Chateau' website. I was poor soul back in the early 90's. I did not really consider Michigan within my reach. Indianapolis IN, Columbus OH and Dayton OH were my BDSM travel destinations. Those were all less then 2 hours away. My focus at that time was to find venues I could make it to. I did not venture into Michigan until around 2007. My work expanded into the robotics industry about that time and I did begin to spend a lot of time near Detroit.

NoirMetal -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (4/3/2017 2:59:54 PM)


ThatDizzyChick -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (4/3/2017 4:27:31 PM)

My submission isn't a gift, his domination is.

respectmen -> RE: It's nice to see the balance in BDSM returning Submission is a gift (4/3/2017 8:11:26 PM)



A free pass only because the OP is an ass-hat and people are pretty much ignoring his ass-hattedness

An asshat becauae he criticsed women? Something that seems totally taboo while the grumpy old hags here criticse men on a daily basis but they are never asshats of course.

He does have a point. Too many women on here and in any web site are expecting an knight in shining armour that they see in a romance novel who is simply offering more than most men. While most women who have these expectations aren't offering equivalent.

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