Lets play the blame game..... (Full Version)

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jlf1961 -> Lets play the blame game..... (2/24/2017 1:09:05 PM)

Okay, so, our President, has since taken office blamed a court of Appeals, a religion, 7 countries, and offended a few others, but now, when he should be making friends with the people who are going to be stuck enforcing his executive orders, he has decided to attack Federal Agencies.

Trump Denounces F.B.I. Over Leaks, Demanding Investigation

The best part of the whole article:


Mr. Trump’s remarks add to an already unusual moment in history for the F.B.I. The bureau, along with other American intelligence agencies, has concluded that Russia unleashed a hacking campaign to disrupt the 2016 presidential election, in part to help Mr. Trump. F.B.I. agents are also investigating some of Mr. Trump’s former campaign advisers and associates.

Mr. Trump has been disparaging the intelligence community for months, particularly in response to its conclusion that Russia sought to influence the election on his behalf.

In December, he suggested that United States intelligence agencies could not be trusted because they erroneously concluded that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. In January, he denounced leaks emanating from the intelligence community and argued that they were politically motivated. “Are we living in Nazi Germany?” he said.

So, after the FBI and Intelligence agencies has the proof that the Russians did work to disrupt the election, and because the FBI are investigating some of Mr. Trump’s former campaign advisers and associates, they cant be trusted or they are not doing their job correctly.

As for the Saddam Hussein business, the US Intelligence advisors that disagreed with the WMD issue, as in saying there were none, were promptly fired or silenced by the Bush Administration. The UN inspectors found no evidence prior to invading Iraq, nor did any other intel agencies working on the program to find WMD's.

Of course, weapons of mass distruction was one of the reasons for the invasion, there was "Saddam Hussein supported Al Qaeda," which was funny as hell considering that every Al Qaeda operative found in Iraq was executed prior to them getting a trial, and then there was the idea that Saddam was planning more military campaigns against his neighbors.

Edwird -> RE: Lets play the blame game..... (2/24/2017 3:25:35 PM)

That is excellent work. Sincere thanks to you for digging that out and passing it on.

I wish we Americans could do something other than gripe about our presidents, and I agree that as to the last one, some many of us had numerous gripes about, too.

But here we are just trudging along, regardless.

Our country is stronger than our presidents, something that escapes notice in the rest of the world sometimes, and even amoungst our own.

MrRodgers -> RE: Lets play the blame game..... (2/24/2017 3:45:39 PM)

Well to be objective but only superficially so, there is a book 'A Bomb in My Garden' about the centrifuge found in the yard of one of Saddam's 'scientists'...it doesn't fly. It had been buried for over 10 years, would need a virtual complete rebuild but still, like finding a firing pin and saying he had a gun in his garden.

Also: The police, army and bureaucracy still in tack, NO sectarian war, no al-Zarqawi, no 1000's more dead in the ensuing war that did come and...NO ISIS. No Kurd problem and they's probably have their own state by now...or close to it. No Iran defensiveness. NONE of the problems the CPA caused.

You tell me jlf, the US alone (CIA ok, include MI6 if needed for the hypothetical) could have taken down Saddam from the inside. Then maybe...maybe send in 5,000 marines. I say that only as a means if final pacification...IF necessary. The FBI and CIA were not allowed to show the real competence and knowledge and now we get the most thin-skinned would be autocrat in the white house in this county's history.

Then what ? Problem of Saddam and all of the other lies...gone. Saddam took out Al-Quada as they were a threat to him. Saddam had nothing whatever to do with 9/11 as Al-Quada didn't either.

So I blame in this game and it is a game to them...Bush, the very useful idiot and the neocons for setting up what is now 15 years of a chaotic, theocratic, terrorist onslaught that has resulted and even more 1000's dead and maybe 2 or 3 less govts. even intact with Egypt under theocracy, Yemen a doubt and 'in play' as it were and now even Turkey that was a secular Muslim, dominated democracy, turning away from the west.

Tunisia where the so-called Arab spring originated is the only success story and only because Arab secularists made sure after Ben Ali. Oh, and the west...stayed the fuck out.


There is also 'Imad Khadduri, Iraq’s Nuclear Mirage: Memoirs and Delusions Richmond Hill, Ontario: Springhead Publishers, 2003.

The right and far too much of the ignorant middle as I've said, is to be congratulated for not voting for who thought was corrupt Hillary, instead voted for a man they knew was corrupt...and didn't care. So we get now an internecine warfare from inside our own govt. Just great.

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