YOUR President .. (Full Version)

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bondageerone -> YOUR President .. (3/10/2017 7:25:11 AM)

has suddenly gone quiet, is he ill ?
no idiot laws, pronoucements, running someone else down.

WhoreMods -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/10/2017 7:26:13 AM)

Maybe Bannon's taken his phone off him.

BoscoX -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/10/2017 7:35:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: bondageerone

has suddenly gone quiet, is he ill ?
no idiot laws, pronoucements, running someone else down.

If you and whore boy weren't so stupid you might know that he has not gone quiet at all

Always the fighter, President Trump. Enjoy

MrRodgers -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/10/2017 10:07:15 AM)

Yep, he's [my] president but I don't have to like it.

Hillwilliam -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/10/2017 5:21:42 PM)

I am hoping that he has begun to act like a president and not like a blowhard punk.

WhoreMods -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/11/2017 3:53:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam

I am hoping that he has begun to act like a president and not like a blowhard punk.

Don't hold your breath.

Edwird -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/11/2017 5:44:11 AM)



Yep, he's [my] president but I don't have to like it.

I think you missed the point of the OP, which is that you can be any stupid bitch motherfucker vindictive natural asshole you were born to be, but still feel feigned and vicarious moral superiority by way of the US president being worse than your PM or chancellor. Like feeling vicarious superiority when your football club wins.

If there were any other point, then an actual issue might have been brought to discussion.

susie -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/11/2017 5:51:24 AM)



Yep, he's [my] president but I don't have to like it.

Just been watching re-runs of the West Wing, perhaps Jed Bartlet would have been a better choice!

Edwird -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/11/2017 5:51:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: bondageerone

has suddenly gone quiet, is he ill ?
no idiot laws, pronoucements, running someone else down.

Don't make me slap you; Trump not tweeting for a day does not mean he's 'gone quiet.'

"[not] running someone else down."

Take a break yourself there, sweetie.

MrRodgers -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/11/2017 6:29:45 AM)





Yep, he's [my] president but I don't have to like it.

I think you missed the point of the OP, which is that you can be any stupid bitch motherfucker vindictive natural asshole you were born to be, but still feel feigned and vicarious moral superiority by way of the US president being worse than your PM or chancellor. Like feeling vicarious superiority when your football club wins.

If there were any other point, then an actual issue might have been brought to discussion.

Yea, one can feel that way but that would be a sign of insecurity. Personally, I don't need to feel any superiority based on any political reality. Plus one needs to reach a little to get all of that out of 'YOUR President.'

It's a little like patriotism being derived from the idea that I love my country and it's superior all because...I was born in it.

BoscoX -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/11/2017 7:06:20 AM)







Yep, he's [my] president but I don't have to like it.

I think you missed the point of the OP, which is that you can be any stupid bitch motherfucker vindictive natural asshole you were born to be, but still feel feigned and vicarious moral superiority by way of the US president being worse than your PM or chancellor. Like feeling vicarious superiority when your football club wins.

If there were any other point, then an actual issue might have been brought to discussion.

Yea, one can feel that way but that would be a sign of insecurity. Personally, I don't need to feel any superiority based on any political reality. Plus one needs to reach a little to get all of that out of 'YOUR President.'

It's a little like patriotism being derived from the idea that I love my country and it's superior all because...I was born in it.

As far as the USA goes, a lot of people work to come here and become extremely patriotic when honored with earning citizenship. Your communist shit holes that you are fighting to make the USA emulate, not so much

Edwird -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/11/2017 7:26:32 AM)

But what about all your earlier posts about immigrants to European countries?

The Germanic countries have half a clue, sometimes a bit more than that, about the relationship of education to society, and both economic and social benefit obtained thereby.

The US has ~ .0005% clue on the same issue, which is one of several reasons that Germany's per capita exports beat the crap out of the US' and everybody else's.

We're too busy mouth breathing about entrepreneurship and trinket capitalism and investment banking and financial innovation and social media company IPOs and car detailing and pay day loans to care much about making anything actually useful to anyone.

tamaka -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/11/2017 7:37:00 AM)



But what about all your earlier posts about immigrants to European countries?

The Germanic countries have half a clue, sometimes a bit more than that, about the relationship of education to society, and both economic and social benefit obtained thereby.

The US has ~ .0005% clue on the same issue, which is one of several reasons that Germany's per capita exports beat the crap out of the US' and everybody else's.

We're too busy mouth breathing about entrepreneurship and trinket capitalism and investment banking and financial innovation and social media company IPOs and car detailing and pay day loans to care much about making anything actually useful to anyone.

Massachusetts is doing well.

bondageerone -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/12/2017 4:31:38 AM)

Susie . I just love # madam secretary, she tells the boys what to do. xx

BoscoX -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/12/2017 6:16:34 AM)



But what about all your earlier posts about immigrants to European countries?

The Germanic countries have half a clue, sometimes a bit more than that, about the relationship of education to society, and both economic and social benefit obtained thereby.

The US has ~ .0005% clue on the same issue, which is one of several reasons that Germany's per capita exports beat the crap out of the US' and everybody else's.

We're too busy mouth breathing about entrepreneurship and trinket capitalism and investment banking and financial innovation and social media company IPOs and car detailing and pay day loans to care much about making anything actually useful to anyone.

What do Germany and Japan have in common

WhoreMods -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/12/2017 6:21:25 AM)





But what about all your earlier posts about immigrants to European countries?

The Germanic countries have half a clue, sometimes a bit more than that, about the relationship of education to society, and both economic and social benefit obtained thereby.

The US has ~ .0005% clue on the same issue, which is one of several reasons that Germany's per capita exports beat the crap out of the US' and everybody else's.

We're too busy mouth breathing about entrepreneurship and trinket capitalism and investment banking and financial innovation and social media company IPOs and car detailing and pay day loans to care much about making anything actually useful to anyone.

What do Germany and Japan have in common

Economies based on manufacturing industry rather than bullshit service sector nonsense, excellent single payer medical systems, the bulk of the population under retirement age educated to a university level and a lot of highly specialised pornography?

BoscoX -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/12/2017 6:34:45 AM)







But what about all your earlier posts about immigrants to European countries?

The Germanic countries have half a clue, sometimes a bit more than that, about the relationship of education to society, and both economic and social benefit obtained thereby.

The US has ~ .0005% clue on the same issue, which is one of several reasons that Germany's per capita exports beat the crap out of the US' and everybody else's.

We're too busy mouth breathing about entrepreneurship and trinket capitalism and investment banking and financial innovation and social media company IPOs and car detailing and pay day loans to care much about making anything actually useful to anyone.

What do Germany and Japan have in common

Economies based on manufacturing industry rather than bullshit service sector nonsense, excellent single payer medical systems, the bulk of the population under retirement age educated to a university level and a lot of highly specialised pornography?

We wrote their constitution, and we have paid for their defense for generations.

In Germany's case we defeated the Union of Soviet Socialist slave masters for them, and allowed them to reunify as capitalists

What do they not have in common

A Muslim problem

German police shut shopping mall over fears of attack

Japan smartly refuses to bring in Religion Of Peace cultists

WhoreMods -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/12/2017 6:41:49 AM)

You're unaware that there's been a big influx of Turks into Japan since the '80s, and they've had a lot of Eurasian moslems in the country ever since their borders were opened by Commodore Perry then?
Shouldn't come as a surprise, I suppose.

Lucylastic -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/12/2017 6:57:14 AM)

He should ask Mike Flynn about Turkey.

WickedsDesire -> RE: YOUR President .. (3/12/2017 7:44:04 AM)

Like a slumbering volcano of apocalyptic havoc, or wickeds pantaloon region, the longer they are silent the more violent will be the eruption.

The mad fuk cannot change his ways. I think he was working on the banning the savage darkie from uncivilised realms numbering 7 6.

WM I remember the UK used to have primary industries before mad maggie saw to that and embraced the Americanshire jackals model.

Incidentally we wrote your constitution Boscox didn't take long for it to become essentially meaningless

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