RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (Full Version)

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tamaka -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 12:42:05 PM)

Question: Do Prostitutes Enjoy Sex with Clients?

This really depends on the individual (the sex worker). Some women can get aroused by certain clients, and other women are absolutely repulsed by clients trying to give them pleasure. One escort I met told me she was molested as a child, and resultantly she hates sex with clients. She told me her services are very ‘restricted.’ She said she could never kiss a client, or allow a client to kiss her body, because the idea sickened her. Clients will argue that women who don’t enjoy sex should NOT be a prostitute, but that’s too simple to say. This woman shouldn’t be selling herself, but again many of these women do not have a choice. They were placed in a position of desperation, with limited options. Or perhaps they might have been facing some sort of addiction, and selling themselves is the only method that works for them. I feel deeply sorry for these women, because they despise selling themselves, and yet society has made no alternatives for them.

Personally, I have ‘enjoyed’ some men as clients, but it is not enjoying it the same way I enjoy my lovers (then again, all my lovers originated as clients). I say ‘enjoyed’ because sex with a client cannot compare to having sex with someone I love. I can even orgasm with clients who push the right buttons, but there is still a difference. I connect with some of my clients and feel desire with some of them. What I enjoy is a client who is easy going and not demanding. Essentially, a client is enjoyable when I feel totally relaxed. In any event I cannot show a client my displeasure; I, a prostitute, must act as if pleasure was in my nature.

My desire for certain clients depends on my personal life. When I am working and not in a relationship (single) I enjoy sex with clients more. They are my only source for sex when I am single, because I avoid casual sex. But when I am in love with someone, the idea of a client devouring my body is sometimes harder for me to digest (not always, but sometimes love can affect seeing other clients). It’s really confusing: I can still have an orgasm with a client, yet I can also have no desire afterwards for him. For me, I am just making the best of the moment with that client. For instance, I had a client not too long ago who was an absolute gentleman. He was generous, extremely respectful, and he actually made me orgasm twice. Did I enjoy it? Well, at the moment, yes and no. He had amazing sexual skills and was warm and intellectual, but of course I am not in love with him at all. He wasn’t my type either, so although he made me cum I was not really attracted. I cannot genuinely enjoy a mans touch unless I love him or feel truly attracted.

Now, if a sex worker started to develop feelings for her client, then of course she will enjoy his touch. After all, my ex-fiance was my client. Instantly we had chemistry upon meeting, so I did enjoy his touch.


respectmen -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 1:00:09 PM)

A quicky

To the people who keep saying "oh but its different".

This is what they are missing. If a male is looking for a fetish delivery system where he only see's a woman as an object, will only talk about kinks and anything to do with her is all about kinks.

So he finds women who partake in this. As he has women who consent to this, does it take away the fact that he's treating the said women less than human?

So in comparison to that, as pro dommes have willing subs to partake, does it take away the fact tjat these male subs are being treated less than human as they are being treated as a financial delivery system?

So my point is, why is one acceptable while the other isn't? If either find others who will partake or not, its still treating others less than human.

There are still women willing to be used as a fetish delivery system as there are men willing to be u used as a fincial delivery system.

Women get away with this behaviour simply because they are women.

LisaSadistic -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 1:08:41 PM)

Because a woman who hasn't advertised herself as a pro Domme shouldn't be approached like she's a free pro Domme. Do you not understand that? Casual play IS FINE but you have to approach her like a human and speak to her like a human, and see if there is mutual interest. Do you know how to speak to a human?

WhoreMods -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 1:22:33 PM)

If she enjoyed doing it to you, you wouldn't have to pay her to do it to you, would you?

respectmen -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 1:29:17 PM)

So as there are women out there that are willing to be a fetish delivery system in comparison of there are subs out there willing to be a financial delivery system, that must mean the men who seek a fetish delivery system must be immune to any criticisim of treating the opposite gender less than human.

Fair play equal standards. If dommes get away with the excuse of that there are willing participants. That means vise versa. Equality.

needlesandpins -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 1:37:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: respectmen

A quicky

To the people who keep saying "oh but its different".

This is what they are missing. If a male is looking for a fetish delivery system where he only see's a woman as an object, will only talk about kinks and anything to do with her is all about kinks.

So he finds women who partake in this. As he has women who consent to this, does it take away the fact that he's treating the said women less than human?

So in comparison to that, as pro dommes have willing subs to partake, does it take away the fact tjat these male subs are being treated less than human as they are being treated as a financial delivery system?

So my point is, why is one acceptable while the other isn't? If either find others who will partake or not, its still treating others less than human.

There are still women willing to be used as a fetish delivery system as there are men willing to be u used as a fincial delivery system.

Women get away with this behaviour simply because they are women.

Oh my days, if a man looks at me as a fetish delivery system he's plain out wrong, I'm a Human Being first with a personality and wants of my own. I'm not here to satisfy any dick that happens to come along. No-one gets to dictate to me what I should do to them, nor treat me as a blow up doll. That's what sex shops are for. There is a whole sex shop industry built around that.

Now if that is what a guy really wants, he can go to a pro with his 'do me now' list, and she does not have to give a single flying fuck about him, because she is being paid to be that fetish delivery system, however, he can also fully expect to be treated for the bank balance filler that he is too.

If a man is willing to treat a woman like she is nothing, then why do you expect that a women should treat him any differently?

These things are not emotional investments, however, if they are going to be people have standards and boundaries. Some random bloke that does not respect my profile right from the outset, or even have the courtesy to introduce himself before slinging his copy and paste wish list at me is never going to have any respect for me as a person. Therefore why should I show anything but contempt for him from the outset when that is all he has done to me.

It's all you do every time you bleat on with this same old boring nonsense like you just don't get how life works.


WhoreMods -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 1:38:50 PM)

When the male subs stop whining about the Dominatrices overcharging, the evil misandrist skanks in thighboots will stop complaining about the guys wanting more topping than they're paying for.

respectmen -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 2:12:22 PM)


I'm on my mobile and its before work. So I can't express things atm how I exactly want.

I don't understand how women not wanting a fetish delivery system takes away the argument I'm making. People in here seem to be trying any way possible to keep side stepping the crux of the matter.

So again, why is it acceptable for pro dommes to treat men less than human but not men to treat women less than human?

You lot can come up with every excuse under the sun to give pro dommes a pass but it still remains that they are doing the same as what you lot criticse men for...treating the other less than human.

If its not excused for a man to do it to a woman, it shouldn,t be excused for a woman to do it to a man. But of course when it comes to women being the culprits, you lot are always full of colourful excuses.

As for the women who also seek the same as men seeking a fetish delivery system, I'm not talking about dommes with this part. This part has nothing to do with dommes and never will. This is about women who also seek casual fun and who are not expecting 100 dollar notes for it. Women who aren't exploitative parasites that feed off from the desperation of insecure men.

NoirMetal -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 2:26:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: respectmen


I'm on my mobile and its before work. So I can't express things atm how I exactly want.

I don't understand how women not wanting a fetish delivery system takes away the argument I'm making. People in here seem to be trying any way possible to keep side stepping the crux of the matter.

So again, why is it acceptable for pro dommes to treat men less than human but not men to treat women less than human?

You lot can come up with every excuse under the sun to give pro dommes a pass but it still remains that they are doing the same as what you lot criticse men for...treating the other less than human.

If its not excused for a man to do it to a woman, it shouldn,t be excused for a woman to do it to a man. But of course when it comes to women being the culprits, you lot are always full of colourful excuses.

As for the women who also seek the same as men seeking a fetish delivery system, I'm not talking about dommes with this part. This part has nothing to do with dommes and never will. This is about women who also seek casual fun and who are not expecting 100 dollar notes for it. Women who aren't exploitative parasites that feed off from the desperation of insecure men.

Go top another male sub for free some time. See what you get out of it.

needlesandpins -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 2:35:18 PM)

Right, you are not making any point. There is no point to make!

Pros do not treat the men as sub humans, they treat them as clients, and with no emotional investment. It's like being a child minder, yeah, nice kid, but take it home, it's not mine!

Woman goes to a guy that charges ... you notice how you ALWAYS keep forgetting about this one? ... and it's exactly the same thing. He becomes the fetish delivery system, and she is nothing but the bank balance filler to him.

Pros don't take advantage of subs paying, because here's the real kicker, they don't have to pay anyone for anything. No-one has a damn gun to their back! They want to pay for it. Many married men pay for their kinks. Many married men pay prostitutes for sex. It's what they want.

If, however, you don't want to pay to have your wish list fulfilled, then you have to start acting like a civilized human being, and treating the other person as such. If you want an emotional investment, you don't get that by paying for it, and you don't get it by sending a PM to someone like me saying 'On your knees Bitch', or any of the other countless pieces of shit that men class as an opening line without even introducing themselves.

I don't give a crap if a man is insecure. Virtually every person walking the planet has something they are insecure about. Many of the women you think you have the right to body shame are insecure about just that, and yet it's your top cunt move. First class on you. Desperate is as desperate does. Fuck all of it. Non of it gives you the right to approach me as though I am nothing more than a hole to fuck, and if a guy does, I'll treat him with exactly the contempt that deserves. If he disrespects what my profile states, I'll treat that with exactly the contempt he has shown me.

This is the whole point. It's what you fail to see because you are so fixated on something that only exists in your own tiny world of women hating.


LisaSadistic -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 3:01:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: needlesandpins


ORIGINAL: respectmen

A quicky

To the people who keep saying "oh but its different".

This is what they are missing. If a male is looking for a fetish delivery system where he only see's a woman as an object, will only talk about kinks and anything to do with her is all about kinks.

So he finds women who partake in this. As he has women who consent to this, does it take away the fact that he's treating the said women less than human?

So in comparison to that, as pro dommes have willing subs to partake, does it take away the fact tjat these male subs are being treated less than human as they are being treated as a financial delivery system?

So my point is, why is one acceptable while the other isn't? If either find others who will partake or not, its still treating others less than human.

There are still women willing to be used as a fetish delivery system as there are men willing to be u used as a fincial delivery system.

Women get away with this behaviour simply because they are women.

Oh my days, if a man looks at me as a fetish delivery system he's plain out wrong, I'm a Human Being first with a personality and wants of my own. I'm not here to satisfy any dick that happens to come along. No-one gets to dictate to me what I should do to them, nor treat me as a blow up doll. That's what sex shops are for. There is a whole sex shop industry built around that.

Now if that is what a guy really wants, he can go to a pro with his 'do me now' list, and she does not have to give a single flying fuck about him, because she is being paid to be that fetish delivery system, however, he can also fully expect to be treated for the bank balance filler that he is too.

If a man is willing to treat a woman like she is nothing, then why do you expect that a women should treat him any differently?

These things are not emotional investments, however, if they are going to be people have standards and boundaries. Some random bloke that does not respect my profile right from the outset, or even have the courtesy to introduce himself before slinging his copy and paste wish list at me is never going to have any respect for me as a person. Therefore why should I show anything but contempt for him from the outset when that is all he has done to me.

It's all you do every time you bleat on with this same old boring nonsense like you just don't get how life works.


Well said. I think you explained that very clearly, and anyone who doesn't get it is beyond hope. He doesn't understand how life works or how humans work or any of that, and he's socially retarded to the point that it's no use trying to explain it to him.

The other difference is that true pro dommes and fin dommes aren't sending SPAM. They place ads, and people seeking their services can respond to those ads. They don't spam you. That's completely different than some guy sitting there stroking himself with one hand and with the other hand he's going back and forth between watching porn and sending the same generic one liner to every Domme in the eastern and western hemispheres, without even reading our profiles, trying to find someone who will dress him up like a school girl and make him sing Mary had a little lamb. As for wanna be findommes who randomly spam people looking for money, I hold them in the same regard as all the other obnoxious spammers spamming us with their SPAM!

WhoreMods -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 3:11:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: respectmen
So again, why is it acceptable for pro dommes to treat men less than human but not men to treat women less than human?

The men that the pro dommes are dehumanising are paying to be so treated, in line with murky submissive fantasies which many of them feel that they can't let out of the bag under any circumstances. The pro dommes are not dehumanising all men just those who pay for it.

LisaSadistic -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 3:41:08 PM)

I'm going to make one final attempt to explain reality to you. Then I am no longer addressing you, and I am in fact leaving this site.

Let's say you want a cup of coffee. You know that your neighbor has coffee, and you even hears that they like drinking coffee with other people. You've seen them doing it at the coffee shop and on their front porch. But you've never spoken to them before.

What would you do? What you probably wouldn't do is just go knock on their door and say, "Hey, I want some coffee! Give me some coffee!" Even a more polite, "Can I hang out here and drink some coffee with you?" or "May I please come inside and drink some coffee with you?" would still seem rather strange if not downright creepy because you are a complete stranger who wasn't invited.

Yes, your neighbor enjoys having coffee, and maybe they even enjoy making coffee and giving it to people. But they enjoy having coffee with their friends, people who they know and like, people who have taken time to get to know them, and they spend time together because they like each other. But you, some random stranger, who the fuck are you?

Now, there certainly are people who sell coffee for a living. If you're at Starbucks it's perfectly acceptable to walk up to the Batista and say "I would like some coffee." But random neighbor is not your Batista, and you are not their customer. You would not speak to them the way you would speak to the Batista.

Now, if some Batista knocks on YOUR door and aggressively tries to sell you coffee, you can tell them to fuck off.

Random guys on the Internet with no names, no faces, and no personalities have no reason to expect sex or fantasy fulfillment from complete strangers. Start by making friends.

Finally, in much the same way that you do not need Collarspace to find people to have kinky sex with, neither do I. I do not need this site or any site to find someone to eat my pussy or let me tie him up or let me do him with a strap on. I can find all of that literally anywhere. I don't need Collarspace for that. I came here hoping to find people who are genuinely interested in D/s or at least heavy S&M. I can get casual kinky sex anywhere, so why would the hell would I need to be here for that?

LisaSadistic -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 4:03:49 PM)

But since we're dealing with do-me subs online, it would be more like, "I want a medium sized coffee with one cream, two sugars, and a dash of cinnamon. Oh, and I want you to wear a sexy green apron. No? Why not? The Batista does it that way! Why can't you? Don't you like doing it for free? I saw you serving coffee for free to a man on your porch last week! You even sat in the swing with him! I mean, I'm just a random stranger who showed up on your doorstep, with a bag over my head to conceal my identity, and a fake name, so I don't understand why you won't agree to make that coffee for me!!!!"

NoirMetal -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 5:02:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: LisaSadistic

But since we're dealing with do-me subs online, it would be more like, "I want a medium sized coffee with one cream, two sugars, and a dash of cinnamon. Oh, and I want you to wear a sexy green apron. No? Why not? The Batista does it that way! Why can't you? Don't you like doing it for free? I saw you serving coffee for free to a man on your porch last week! You even sat in the swing with him! I mean, I'm just a random stranger who showed up on your doorstep, with a bag over my head to conceal my identity, and a fake name, so I don't understand why you won't agree to make that coffee for me!!!!"

I'll miss you Lisa,have a good life!

tamaka -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 5:45:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: LisaSadistic

But since we're dealing with do-me subs online, it would be more like, "I want a medium sized coffee with one cream, two sugars, and a dash of cinnamon. Oh, and I want you to wear a sexy green apron. No? Why not? The Batista does it that way! Why can't you? Don't you like doing it for free? I saw you serving coffee for free to a man on your porch last week! You even sat in the swing with him! I mean, I'm just a random stranger who showed up on your doorstep, with a bag over my head to conceal my identity, and a fake name, so I don't understand why you won't agree to make that coffee for me!!!!"

Maybe instead of getting angry you should open a dialogue with them. Really, you want medium sized? That's interesting, what makes you prefer medium over a small, or a large? You only want one cream? Gee, i kinda like 3. Why only one? Oh.... i see you like it more bitter! Maybe i should try that. I suppose that dash of cinnamon would offset that bitter.... gee, i never thought of trying that. Pretty cool trick! And don't you think green might make my ass look fat... i always wear black because it's slimming. .... etc.

Communication and treating each other like human beings works both ways, and i would think being the 'domme-type' you'd want to take the lead in advancing that. But then again, most so called 'dommes' are just stupid cunts.

NoirMetal -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 5:50:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: tamaka


ORIGINAL: LisaSadistic

But since we're dealing with do-me subs online, it would be more like, "I want a medium sized coffee with one cream, two sugars, and a dash of cinnamon. Oh, and I want you to wear a sexy green apron. No? Why not? The Batista does it that way! Why can't you? Don't you like doing it for free? I saw you serving coffee for free to a man on your porch last week! You even sat in the swing with him! I mean, I'm just a random stranger who showed up on your doorstep, with a bag over my head to conceal my identity, and a fake name, so I don't understand why you won't agree to make that coffee for me!!!!"

Maybe instead of getting angry you should open a dialogue with them. Really, you want medium sized? That's interesting, what makes you prefer medium over a small, or a large? You only want one cream? Gee, i kinda like 3. Why only one? Oh.... i see you like it more bitter! Maybe i should try that. I suppose that dash of cinnamon would offset that bitter.... gee, i never thought of trying that. Pretty cool trick! And don't you think green might make my ass look fat... i always wear black because it's slimming. .... etc.

Communication and treating each other like human beings works both ways, and i would think being the 'domme-type' you'd want to take the lead in advancing that. But then again, most so called 'dommes' are just stupid cunts.

She left the site doofus-numbskulls like you drove her away-well done.

LisaSadistic -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 5:50:20 PM)


Same to you. :)

tamaka -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 5:51:48 PM)




ORIGINAL: tamaka


ORIGINAL: LisaSadistic

But since we're dealing with do-me subs online, it would be more like, "I want a medium sized coffee with one cream, two sugars, and a dash of cinnamon. Oh, and I want you to wear a sexy green apron. No? Why not? The Batista does it that way! Why can't you? Don't you like doing it for free? I saw you serving coffee for free to a man on your porch last week! You even sat in the swing with him! I mean, I'm just a random stranger who showed up on your doorstep, with a bag over my head to conceal my identity, and a fake name, so I don't understand why you won't agree to make that coffee for me!!!!"

Maybe instead of getting angry you should open a dialogue with them. Really, you want medium sized? That's interesting, what makes you prefer medium over a small, or a large? You only want one cream? Gee, i kinda like 3. Why only one? Oh.... i see you like it more bitter! Maybe i should try that. I suppose that dash of cinnamon would offset that bitter.... gee, i never thought of trying that. Pretty cool trick! And don't you think green might make my ass look fat... i always wear black because it's slimming. .... etc.

Communication and treating each other like human beings works both ways, and i would think being the 'domme-type' you'd want to take the lead in advancing that. But then again, most so called 'dommes' are just stupid cunts.

She left the site doofus-numbskulls like you drove her away-well done.

Lol... and you are a dom? Lol.

NoirMetal -> RE: Don't They Enjoy It? (3/21/2017 5:55:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: tamaka




ORIGINAL: tamaka


ORIGINAL: LisaSadistic

But since we're dealing with do-me subs online, it would be more like, "I want a medium sized coffee with one cream, two sugars, and a dash of cinnamon. Oh, and I want you to wear a sexy green apron. No? Why not? The Batista does it that way! Why can't you? Don't you like doing it for free? I saw you serving coffee for free to a man on your porch last week! You even sat in the swing with him! I mean, I'm just a random stranger who showed up on your doorstep, with a bag over my head to conceal my identity, and a fake name, so I don't understand why you won't agree to make that coffee for me!!!!"

Maybe instead of getting angry you should open a dialogue with them. Really, you want medium sized? That's interesting, what makes you prefer medium over a small, or a large? You only want one cream? Gee, i kinda like 3. Why only one? Oh.... i see you like it more bitter! Maybe i should try that. I suppose that dash of cinnamon would offset that bitter.... gee, i never thought of trying that. Pretty cool trick! And don't you think green might make my ass look fat... i always wear black because it's slimming. .... etc.

Communication and treating each other like human beings works both ways, and i would think being the 'domme-type' you'd want to take the lead in advancing that. But then again, most so called 'dommes' are just stupid cunts.

She left the site doofus-numbskulls like you drove her away-well done.

Lol... and you are a dom? Lol.

Oh,am I supposed to be pc to some worthless troll? Nope,it's not listed in the manual. Respect is earned,and you are in the minus numbers with me.

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