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RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 8:59:41 AM   

Posts: 5079
Status: offline
I am really getting sick and tired of being called a sock. I'm not.

Actually, i didn't wait for my prince charming to come rescue me, i searched profiles and contacted the few i was interested in. I keep my profile hidden almost all of the time.

I know that there are very very few men that can fulfill my needs or that even really want what i am because of what it requires of Him. Very few men want the real thing they just want to play. I also know that i am a very rare find for the type of man who wants what i am. So i hunted until i found Him.

(in reply to needlesandpins)
Profile   Post #: 121
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 9:13:54 AM   

Posts: 3901
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With the sock thing, you're reaping what you are sowing.

I saw my ex playmate for over six years, and I found him too. He was actually the only man I contacted. It's not that this stuff doesn't work for me, it's that the men contacting me with their wants are idiots with their approach.

There is no waiting to be rescued. I'm whole as I am. I don't actually need a man in my life. In fact, that is what is going to make it exceptionally hard for any man to actually enter my life from here on. I no longer want a man in my life. That doesn't mean I hate men, that I have any grudge against them, any phobia, or anything else, I just don't need one. I'm totally responsible for my own happiness, and my own life. Therefore when men do pull the bad mannered bullshit that they do, well it is an instant turn off. They also reap what they sow. If all they can do is then come in to the forums with sob stories about how bad we are for our reactions to that, tough luck.

As always, it's about their lack, not ours.



I deserved better. Not than you, but from you.

(in reply to tamaka)
Profile   Post #: 122
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 9:20:31 AM   

Posts: 5079
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ORIGINAL: needlesandpins

With the sock thing, you're reaping what you are sowing.

I saw my ex playmate for over six years, and I found him too. He was actually the only man I contacted. It's not that this stuff doesn't work for me, it's that the men contacting me with their wants are idiots with their approach.

There is no waiting to be rescued. I'm whole as I am. I don't actually need a man in my life. In fact, that is what is going to make it exceptionally hard for any man to actually enter my life from here on. I no longer want a man in my life. That doesn't mean I hate men, that I have any grudge against them, any phobia, or anything else, I just don't need one. I'm totally responsible for my own happiness, and my own life. Therefore when men do pull the bad mannered bullshit that they do, well it is an instant turn off. They also reap what they sow. If all they can do is then come in to the forums with sob stories about how bad we are for our reactions to that, tough luck.

As always, it's about their lack, not ours.


Why don't you just hide your profile then. If you're not looking, you don't want anyone, and your inbox is only causing you distress.

(in reply to needlesandpins)
Profile   Post #: 123
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 9:38:51 AM   

Posts: 3901
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Again, it's that thing where I shouldn't have to do something to suit other people, to prevent other people's shitty behaviour. Other people should adjust their own shitty behaviour. It's rather like my crappy neighbours who think that I should move because I don't like how they are, rather than the fact that actually they ought to just act like decent human beings like the rest of us in the village.

So no, I won't hide my profile, because sometimes it's nice to get mail from decent people, and my profile is here for MY benefit. What should happen is that the people with crappy behaviour should accept that they are being invasive, and they should be the ones to sort themselves out in to decent human beings.

Again, stop with the rape culture blame crap.



I deserved better. Not than you, but from you.

(in reply to tamaka)
Profile   Post #: 124
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 9:59:34 AM   

Posts: 5079
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ORIGINAL: needlesandpins

Again, it's that thing where I shouldn't have to do something to suit other people, to prevent other people's shitty behaviour. Other people should adjust their own shitty behaviour. It's rather like my crappy neighbours who think that I should move because I don't like how they are, rather than the fact that actually they ought to just act like decent human beings like the rest of us in the village.

So no, I won't hide my profile, because sometimes it's nice to get mail from decent people, and my profile is here for MY benefit. What should happen is that the people with crappy behaviour should accept that they are being invasive, and they should be the ones to sort themselves out in to decent human beings.

Again, stop with the rape culture blame crap.


Funny... even though i'm not 'gothic' i almost always wear black. Did you ever see 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo'? Part of me could be that girl.

(in reply to needlesandpins)
Profile   Post #: 125
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 10:16:52 AM   

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Joined: 7/12/2016
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You may enjoy being used as a sex object, that's your prerogative but the majority of us want to be treated simply as human beings until we know if we're compatible with the other person. Simple, basic, easy to understand logic, for the majority of us. We're not interested in the BDSM aspect until we know the other person is a good fit with us, that we want to engage in BDSM with that person. If I don't like a person why would I care about his BDSM preferences?

It sounds so simple, doesn't it? So much for common sense.

Seriously, sometimes all it takes is one decent date, to see if there's chemistry there. But these guys are so rude that they can't even make it to a face to face meeting. They expect me to agree to have sex with them (and yes oral sex is sex) when I don't even know their names or what they look like, much less met them in person. Do they really think I'm that desperate for sex? Even if he shows me a picture of his abs, so what? That doesn't mean there's chemistry. Doesn't it make sense to at least meet someone before you start offering sex? I mean, duhhhh.

As for the long distance guys, again, I am not free interactive porn. Why would they even think that? Just because they were looking at porn a few minutes ago doesn't mean that I'm porn. My profile specifically said local only. But they don't even read your profile before sending a message, which is really rude.

Even aside from sex, why should I care about the fantasies of strangers? Yes I know that you really really really want a woman to make you dance naked with a banana on your head. But that's not MY fantasy, and I don't know you, so why should I give a fuck? If I know you and like you and feel attracted to you and appreciate your service as a submissive then maybe I'll give a fuck. But right now you're just words on a screen, and all you care about is yourself. If all you want is someone to do xyz to you, then HIRE A PRO! That's what they get paid for.

Seriously, this isn't rocket science.

(in reply to MsLadySue)
Profile   Post #: 126
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 10:19:21 AM   

Posts: 2042
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I can't cover all I want now but will in 14 hours from now sigh.

Needles, what I keep trying to explain to you but you're too damn dumb to understand is that its not being ill mannered to approach someone with a conversation about BDSM on a BDSM website unless....I have already explained.. Wanna be my mistress etc.

If you even think its ill mannered for a man to approach it in a laid back and respectful way, you are the one with the problem. You would have a point if we're on a non BDSM site but you can't seem to admit or acknowledge my point that we are on a BDSM site where everything on here relates to BDSM. It seems that you have a bug up your arse. What you are basically doing is being bitter. You are judging men based on no fact, just your sexist predijuce. You can't tell if a male is going to be a user until you have further conversation and meet him. Yet you automatically assume he is simply because he has a penis.

That attitude is the problem, yet you are calling me the gender hater. Sure, there are men who you claim that exist. But this needs to stop being exaggerated and this needs to stop being used as an excuse to treat all men bad when they happen to mention BDSM in a respectful manner on a BDSM site.

You have no right telling others they can't talk about BDSM on a fucking BDSM website. If you come in here with your kinky profile and kinky pictures, don't expect a male that you see from a bloody romance novel to come walzing in his shining armor.

You are telling me to grow up and act like an adult while you are stamping your feet at the vast majority of the male population because they don't think things should work in a female centered point of view.

Aren't it funny how you classify me as childish to criticise women yet here you are criticising the vast majority of men and claiming they are all wrong and you are right. Now that's damn childish! Why? Because you refuse to understand that men are different, therefore, things don't work properly for them if you demand it to work from a female centered point of view.

Before you jump in and claim that I'm being a hypocrite and want it in a male centered that's not it at all. I'm asking to compromise differences.

You seem to think a male not working things in a female centered point of view is childish when having that exact mentality is childish within its self.

More irony, you tell me to stop whinging like a little bitch while you are blasting the vast majority of the male population for not being like women laughs.

If you thought I was serious when I said "turn lesbian" it shows how out of touch you are.

< Message edited by respectmen -- 3/23/2017 10:23:08 AM >

(in reply to needlesandpins)
Profile   Post #: 127
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 10:45:15 AM   

Posts: 2254
Joined: 12/18/2004
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The main person who is "out of touch" here is you. We're not asking for the world. Simply a well mannered first message from the men who are interested in us. If you wouldn't say something to a stranger in a bar or on the street, then use that same logic with the first message you send us. Let us know you have some manners and your interests are not strictly centered on BDSM. We know the subject uppermost in your mind is BDSM because of the site you're on and messaged us from. How hard is it to read a profile and make a comment on something we've stated as a hobby or outside interest to this main subject? We are human beings/women first, treat us like one, the rest may follow when a connection is established, until then we are just two people, period!


In order for you to insult me, I would first have to value your opinion.
I love it when someone insults me. That means I don't have to be nice anymore.

(in reply to respectmen)
Profile   Post #: 128
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 10:53:05 AM   

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The main person who is "out of touch" here is you. We're not asking for the world. Simply a well mannered first message from the men who are interested in us. If you wouldn't say something to a stranger in a bar or on the street, then use that same logic with the first message you send us. Let us know you have some manners and your interests are not strictly centered on BDSM. We know the subject uppermost in your mind is BDSM because of the site you're on and messaged us from. How hard is it to read a profile and make a comment on something we've stated as a hobby or outside interest to this main subject? We are human beings/women first, treat us like one, the rest may follow when a connection is established, until then we are just two people, period!

Logic and reasoning aren't his strong suits. Apparently some people never really picked up on the whole "how to speak to strangers politely" thing when they were children.

(in reply to MsLadySue)
Profile   Post #: 129
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 10:59:05 AM   

Posts: 32566
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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
bit of advice for ya to take tammy

I hadn't considered this possibility before.

I wonder how dear, old, MOOBS is doing?


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

Please do not send me email here. Unless I know you, I will delete the email unread

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 130
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 11:00:38 AM   

Posts: 3901
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ORIGINAL: respectmen

I can't cover all I want now but will in 14 hours from now sigh.

Needles, what I keep trying to explain to you but you're too damn dumb to understand is that its not being ill mannered to approach someone with a conversation about BDSM on a BDSM website unless....I have already explained.. Wanna be my mistress etc.

If you even think its ill mannered for a man to approach it in a laid back and respectful way, you are the one with the problem. You would have a point if we're on a non BDSM site but you can't seem to admit or acknowledge my point that we are on a BDSM site where everything on here relates to BDSM. It seems that you have a bug up your arse. What you are basically doing is being bitter. You are judging men based on no fact, just your sexist predijuce. You can't tell if a male is going to be a user until you have further conversation and meet him. Yet you automatically assume he is simply because he has a penis.

That attitude is the problem, yet you are calling me the gender hater. Sure, there are men who you claim that exist. But this needs to stop being exaggerated and this needs to stop being used as an excuse to treat all men bad when they happen to mention BDSM in a respectful manner on a BDSM site.

You have no right telling others they can't talk about BDSM on a fucking BDSM website. If you come in here with your kinky profile and kinky pictures, don't expect a male that you see from a bloody romance novel to come walzing in his shining armor.

You are telling me to grow up and act like an adult while you are stamping your feet at the vast majority of the male population because they don't think things should work in a female centered point of view.

Aren't it funny how you classify me as childish to criticise women yet here you are criticising the vast majority of men and claiming they are all wrong and you are right. Now that's damn childish! Why? Because you refuse to understand that men are different, therefore, things don't work properly for them if you demand it to work from a female centered point of view.

Before you jump in and claim that I'm being a hypocrite and want it in a male centered that's not it at all. I'm asking to compromise differences.

You seem to think a male not working things in a female centered point of view is childish when having that exact mentality is childish within its self.

More irony, you tell me to stop whinging like a little bitch while you are blasting the vast majority of the male population for not being like women laughs.

If you thought I was serious when I said "turn lesbian" it shows how out of touch you are.

You don't need to go in to any more detail, because it will just be more of your same old crap.

You see, again, you entirely miss the point.

This, for you has never been about decent men contacting women in a decent well mannered way, and where a conversation is struct up on a mutual basis, which for the record, I have never once stated I have an issue with. You see, on that basis, then yes, on a kink site, of course you expect the conversation to go along the lines of mutual interest early on.

However, your bitch fits have been entirely on female entitlement, and how women treat men as sub humans because of men being a certain way, and how if men are a certain way on a kink site well women should actually expect this and put up with it.

When I contacted my ex playmate I didn't send him a do me list, I actually sent him a compliment on one of his photos. There was actually no intention at all of thought of him being a playmate, and in fact there was someone else much more local on the cards who had got in contact with me. That guy had also approached me in a very well mannered way on another site, actually a swinging site, but still not in a fashion of 'fuck me now'. In both cases we'd been speaking for a while, and that's how the first guy and I found out that actually it wasn't going to work out.

You also seem to forget something really fricking vital in this whole thing here. It really is especially different for women on their own. There are, regardless of your tiny perception, predatory men out there, there are men out there that don't have the first clue what they are doing, and when you are single with children, you have them to take in to consideration too, even if it is no strings attached.

Regardless of your tiny little view of the world, it is a massive difference for women meeting men, and yeah, guess what, plenty have been stung enough to not give a crap about all the cocks that drop in to their inbox unsolicited.

You've never lead anything with the 'well mannered, well written mail, good approach' point, because that isn't what you whinge about.

Notice how there is only tamaka ever on your side? no-one else agrees with you.

I'm not the one that's dumb, I'm not stamping my feet, and I've repeated put many points across that you totally ignore simply because it knocks your petty theory out of the water.

For instance, on your silly Lesbian note, because it is really petty, and dumb, simply because you failed to apply this SEXUALITY to your own agenda, but what happens to your silly little agenda when it's a Domme doing this to a woman? because women pay other women for pro sessions too, and are treated no differently to men.

Now this may also knock your keyboard socks off, but what happens when it's men on men? Because shock fricking horror, gay men also pay male Doms to session, and they are still treated exactly the same way as women would treat them.

You see, this is where you fail to Adult, because you just don't get how it all works. No-one owes anyone anything special when it's paid for, or someone just wants their own kink relief. You're the one that keeps saying that it should when it comes to women. I've put my views over, which everyone else seems to understand, except for you, and tamaka.

That would suggest that you two are the ones with the issues. That's a reflection on your poor integrity, standards, and self, not mine.



I deserved better. Not than you, but from you.

(in reply to respectmen)
Profile   Post #: 131
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 11:06:29 AM   

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In my experience few women enjoy being whined at. Maybe that's the root of your problems?


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to respectmen)
Profile   Post #: 132
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 11:07:04 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
bit of advice for ya to take tammy

I hadn't considered this possibility before.

I wonder how dear, old, MOOBS is doing?

If tammy inferred anything more than a nickname for tamaka i'm sorry to disappoint you once again but... not me.

(in reply to LadyPact)
Profile   Post #: 133
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 11:07:55 AM   

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Joined: 1/26/2004
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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
bit of advice for ya to take tammy

I wonder how dear, old, MOOBS is doing?

Please don't summon He Whose Rack Shall Not Be Named.


Welcome to PoliticSpace! If you came here expecting meaningful BDSM discussions, boy are you in the wrong place.

"Hypocrisy has consequences"

(in reply to LadyPact)
Profile   Post #: 134
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 11:29:26 AM   

Posts: 32566
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Please don't summon He Whose Rack Shall Not Be Named.

Wouldn't it be hilarious, though?


ORIGINAL: tamaka
Why don't you just hide your profile then. If you're not looking, you don't want anyone, and your inbox is only causing you distress.

I'll take this one.

Not only is it about people seeking partners. Did you ever bother to consider that some people use those profiles and email contacts to stay in touch with people they know? Keep in contact with those who don't have a Fet profile or maybe a different name on the other site?

I don't answer (or read) emails from screen names that I don't know. However, I do interact with long term posters who may want to politely converse regarding a number of things. There's no reason they shouldn't be able to be in contact with me just because other folks think the only reason I should be here is to talk about kink.


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

Please do not send me email here. Unless I know you, I will delete the email unread

(in reply to stef)
Profile   Post #: 135
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 11:51:35 AM   

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Please don't summon He Whose Rack Shall Not Be Named.

Wouldn't it be hilarious, though?


ORIGINAL: tamaka
Why don't you just hide your profile then. If you're not looking, you don't want anyone, and your inbox is only causing you distress.

I'll take this one.

Not only is it about people seeking partners. Did you ever bother to consider that some people use those profiles and email contacts to stay in touch with people they know? Keep in contact with those who don't have a Fet profile or maybe a different name on the other site?

I don't answer (or read) emails from screen names that I don't know. However, I do interact with long term posters who may want to politely converse regarding a number of things. There's no reason they shouldn't be able to be in contact with me just because other folks think the only reason I should be here is to talk about kink.

Ok well then... i guess it just gives people something to complain about then.

(in reply to LadyPact)
Profile   Post #: 136
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 2:06:28 PM   

Posts: 2042
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ORIGINAL: tamaka




Please don't summon He Whose Rack Shall Not Be Named.

Wouldn't it be hilarious, though?


ORIGINAL: tamaka
Why don't you just hide your profile then. If you're not looking, you don't want anyone, and your inbox is only causing you distress.

I'll take this one.

Not only is it about people seeking partners. Did you ever bother to consider that some people use those profiles and email contacts to stay in touch with people they know? Keep in contact with those who don't have a Fet profile or maybe a different name on the other site?

I don't answer (or read) emails from screen names that I don't know. However, I do interact with long term posters who may want to politely converse regarding a number of things. There's no reason they shouldn't be able to be in contact with me just because other folks think the only reason I should be here is to talk about kink.

Ok well then... i guess it just gives people something to complain about then.

Of course women get some special license to complain about the opposite sex. I find the shameless hypocrisy amazing. The exact people who ridicule me for being a complainer are prime culprits of complaining themselves or they back up other female complainers and condone their complaining.

You just can't fix stupid. These people actually believe that women have some special pass that men don't to fucking whine all they like.

(in reply to tamaka)
Profile   Post #: 137
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 2:15:04 PM   

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The only person whining in this thread is YOU!!!!

The rest of us have been quietly attempting to get through your thick skull that we want to be treated as a woman first, when a connection is made, we'd be very happy to discuss BDSM ad nauseum.


In order for you to insult me, I would first have to value your opinion.
I love it when someone insults me. That means I don't have to be nice anymore.

(in reply to respectmen)
Profile   Post #: 138
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 3:45:26 PM   

Posts: 32566
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ORIGINAL: respectmen


ORIGINAL: tamaka
Ok well then... i guess it just gives people something to complain about then.

Of course women get some special license to complain about the opposite sex. I find the shameless hypocrisy amazing. The exact people who ridicule me for being a complainer are prime culprits of complaining themselves or they back up other female complainers and condone their complaining.

You just can't fix stupid. These people actually believe that women have some special pass that men don't to fucking whine all they like.

It's more about a person tailoring their interactions to having just the ones the prefer, but take it as you will.

Just like the OP. He had a different idea of how the arrangement should go just because there was sexual contact. It's not terribly unheard of for clients to believe the sessions mean more than for the person being paid. I'm not a pro domme but it's got to be the same phenomenon as some people experience when engaging in casual play. More often than not, it's going to be the bottom who has feelings of attachment when those same feelings aren't reciprocated. How many threads have we seen over the years of "how could he/she have done these things that I enjoyed so much and not feel anything for me?"


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

Please do not send me email here. Unless I know you, I will delete the email unread

(in reply to respectmen)
Profile   Post #: 139
RE: Don't They Enjoy It? - 3/23/2017 4:03:47 PM   

Posts: 40310
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female privilege?

yes its just another "feminist" meme, but consent is the focus.


<) )╯SUCH
/ \

( (> A NASTY
/ \

<) )> WOMAN
/ \

Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to LadyPact)
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