Russian folk ballet (Full Version)

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Edwird -> Russian folk ballet (4/22/2017 11:13:45 PM) from their performance in the Riverdance show, but unless you see it live, you have no clue how phenomenal their performance actually was.

Video producers and directors like to chop everything up to kill the spirit of the performance for sake of "because I can!," "look what I can do!" etc. (like 'producers' and directors everywhere).

When I worked that show, I was stage left carpenter (fancy word for on-deck scene changer) and I didn't have a stage cue 10 minutes before or after this scene, but I was there stage left when the Russians came on, my being in rapt attention, every show. When looking at it on stage, it was phenomenal. The women were much more impressive and the guys much more phenomenal than what could be gleamed from this or any other video.

That said; if one wants a less producer/director-intrusive video of Russian folk ballet and would like to see an excellent performance of the art without all the hoo hah, here is a much more straightforward presentation:

WickedsDesire -> RE: Russian folk ballet (4/22/2017 11:59:08 PM)

That was really good. Not that I have seen it for about 2 decades so have kinda lost track. Well you know me I always go with the origanal
Eurovision 1994 Interval Act - Riverdance

Edwird -> RE: Russian folk ballet (4/23/2017 12:26:16 AM)

"This video contains content from Colombia, not available in your country" was what I got from your link.

Being the represionist country that we are.

Pick a better source.

Heck, we had the St. Petersburg Orchestra and Moscow Ballet and all that over here. Don't ask me why, just don't give a Colombian link, TY.

Not that I care one way or another. The Charlotte Ballet (formerly N Carolina Dance Theatre when I worked with them) did some artistically dangerous enough things back in the day. Not sure what it's like now.

I hate the name change. Corpratocracy, front and center. We keep going backwards.

I can just see it now; The Google World Philharmonic, The Verizon National Ballet, etc.

Not that it would actually happen. They've been doing everything to kill pre-existing culture as it is.

Edwird -> RE: Russian folk ballet (4/23/2017 12:31:18 AM)

And if anybody doesn't understand that the North Carolina Dance Theatre changing its name to the insipid "Charlotte Ballet" has everything to do with their clueless corporate/political sponsors, then you aren't paying attention.

Edwird -> RE: Russian folk ballet (4/23/2017 12:53:58 AM)

Why does everybody 'hate' classical music?

Because the sponsors and big-money contributors are clueless about music, just as they are in art or theater or dance.

They ask another clueless rich person; "Whuts supposed to be the best classical music guy?"

"I think it's, like, Mozart, and Beethoven too, maybe."

-Donor to radio station- "here's a big donation, but play Mozart all the time, I am paying, and I only pay for the best."

A bit of an oversimplification, perhaps. But essentially the truth nonetheless.

But the 'big donors' may as well have just shot any semblance of serious music in the head.

As with ballet or modern dance, as with culture generally.

Not a single classical music station worthy of listening to in the last 15-20 years.

The fund drive pitch- "our culturally clueless sponsors will match your donation to keep this culturally insipid classical music radio station alive!" " We need your support to keep purveying 90% music from the boring classical era!"

Good luck with that.

Edwird -> RE: Russian folk ballet (4/23/2017 1:24:25 AM)

Here is what FUN is about:

Cuban Overture

And here is what deep dark exploration of some small dark corner of the the earth (or possibly some other like planet else where) is about:


And here's what it's like to be beaten over the head by relentless and unremitting gorgeousness:


Edwird -> RE: Russian folk ballet (4/23/2017 12:49:43 PM)

Oh my goodness, I just now actually listened to the third item, and what ungodly horrendous sound!

My apologies! No wonder some hate digital sound so much. That was a truly reprehensible aural abomination. It hurt my ears greatly and truly.

I figured no one would listen beyond five seconds, if at all, so didn't bother to listen myself. An egregious error.

I've got The Pines of Rome on two different records and have heard it live three times, and they sounded nothing like that audio abomination I mistakenly presented. What a screw-up.

I only avoided my initially preferred link because I thought people didn't want to watch this large face for 53 seconds, but I'll link it now since it is the better rendition by far.

Charles Dutoit Pines of Rome

WickedsDesire -> RE: Russian folk ballet (4/24/2017 5:56:47 AM)

Well move to the UK to view it then christ - oi jackal land countries who the hell blocks youtube content Columbia? Are you from North Korea or something?

Riverdance at the Eurovision Song Contest 30 April 1994, Dublin #Riverdance20 try that one.

Now if you didnt know its origins were from an Interval act at the Eurosivsion 1994 in Dublin - that would surprise me

outlier -> RE: Russian folk ballet (4/24/2017 12:13:35 PM)

I confess to being old enough to have seen The Moiseyev Folk Ballet
when it was part of the Soviet system. It was incredible!

Of course at that time it had dancers and dances from all the Iron
Curtain countries: Rumanian, Hungarian, Polish, etc., as well as the
different Russian styles.

Both times I saw it I was fortunate to attend with a professional dancer,
one of them was a Hungarian, great memories, good times.

I am not endorsing that system! But as they did in the Olympics the
system did produce some remarkable performers.

Edwird -> RE: Russian folk ballet (4/25/2017 3:56:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: WickedsDesire
Well move to the UK to view it then christ - oi jackal land countries who the hell blocks youtube content Columbia? Are you from North Korea or something?
Riverdance at the Eurovision Song Contest 30 April 1994, Dublin #Riverdance20 try that one.

Now if you didnt know its origins were from an Interval act at the Eurosivsion 1994 in Dublin - that would surprise me

There are probably hundreds of US youtube Riverdance or Russian folk ballet videos, or did the two links I provided not work there in Scotland?

Fun show to work. Aside the Russian Folk Ballet, there being the other cultural education of hearing a bunch of 15-17 yr. old Irish girls saying "fuck's sake" ~ 10 times per minute in the course of even-toned normal conversation offstage and backstage.

I enjoyed the show band a lot too because a) they were really good musicians, b) all those idiosyncratic instruments, and c) they were onstage, not in the pit.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Russian folk ballet (4/25/2017 4:27:58 PM)

I like some classical music - but I'm very picky at what I like.

I just can't stand ballet or opera in any form.
In fact, I hate just about all dance forms.

And I don't ever go to youtube.... for anything.

I found WD's link worked fine; not that I liked it much.

Edwird -> RE: Russian folk ballet (4/26/2017 8:29:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

I like some classical music - but I'm very picky at what I like.

We know. If 'classical music' doesn't have a pounding 4/4kick drum, then it's "cold and unfeeling."

"I just can't stand ballet or opera in any form."

What a shock.

"In fact, I hate just about all dance forms."

What a surprise. Best you stay away then, don't you think?

So tell us again, why anybody gives a notion to someone who has the taste buds of a worm and overall cultural aesthetic of a condor?

(Sorry about the insult to condors.)

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