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Collarspace website - 5/19/2017 5:34:19 AM   

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Has anyone else had issues with the collarspace site? I've not been able to get on for several weeks. I get a blank web page that reloads and reloads.
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RE: Collarspace website - 5/19/2017 6:21:15 AM   

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From: Montana
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I had a bit of a problem the other day. Went back a short time later and everything was fine. Have you tried to get there by clicking on Collarspace at the top of this page?


We are stardust, we are golden, and we got to get ourselves back to the garden.

Yes, I am crazy about feathered creatures. I have a dozen chickens, 3 ducks, 5 geese, and 2 parakeets.

Revise that number. Just got 14 new chicks and 5 turkeys.

(in reply to quietquartz)
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RE: Collarspace website - 5/19/2017 8:12:15 AM   

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The sites been very good lately with just the odd very brief hiccups. Do you try and access it from say a google search?

It would help if you cleaned out your cache and temp files etc and browsers, completely

(in reply to peppermint)
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RE: Collarspace website - 5/19/2017 8:21:59 AM   

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I sometimes get a timeout on the server over on the other side, but if I refresh the page it sorts itself out. Lately I've found the site to be working rather well really.



I deserved better. Not than you, but from you.

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RE: Collarspace website - 5/19/2017 10:04:39 AM   

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Not here. It's been working fine for me for a while.


Welcome to PoliticSpace! If you came here expecting meaningful BDSM discussions, boy are you in the wrong place.

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(in reply to quietquartz)
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RE: Collarspace website - 5/19/2017 10:22:09 AM   

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i forgot to ask you if you were on TOR or VPN

(in reply to stef)
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RE: Collarspace website - 5/20/2017 1:55:59 AM   

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From: a mean old Daddy, but I like you - Joni Mitchell
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The server is working. So it seems like it is at your end. You might try clearing your browser cache. If you have more than one browser, like FireFox & Explorer, use the other browser one time and see if that pulls the website up for ya'.


-=BDSM Book List=- Reading is Fundamental !!!
I give good thread.

(in reply to quietquartz)
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RE: Collarspace website - 5/20/2017 9:50:39 AM   

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I seldom have any type of problem. Doesn't mean that if I do then everybody has it. The way I can get to Collarspace is by a saved email.

(in reply to ResidentSadist)
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RE: Collarspace website - 5/20/2017 10:35:32 AM   

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I noticed something really quirky. When messaging another user the word description comes out deion on the far end. It was initially funny and confusing. I was only able to show the word by putting spaces between each letter. It works both directions too. I just got here maybe there are many things like this but I was having trouble surmising what may cause that type of problem and who to tell or just let it be quirky I mean it seems fitting.

(in reply to Onerat1)
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RE: Collarspace website - 5/20/2017 12:13:15 PM   

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From: Texas
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It has to do with the letters which are missing. The particular word that forms between the de and the ion. Starts with the "s" and ends with the "t".


"Oh, so it's just like
Rock, paper, scissors."

He laughed. "You are the wisest woman I know."

(in reply to Twoamstart)
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RE: Collarspace website - 5/21/2017 5:39:16 AM   

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Thank you, mystery solved. Still funny.

(in reply to BitaTruble)
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RE: Collarspace website - 5/22/2017 4:40:56 PM   

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I have another question about the website. When I am observing a profile and click next, what is the hierarchy of next ? It does not go to the next profile in the list of profiles being displayed. Any one know ?

(in reply to Twoamstart)
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RE: Collarspace website - 5/22/2017 5:19:24 PM   

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From: NYC
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ORIGINAL: Twoamstart

I have another question about the website. When I am observing a profile and click next, what is the hierarchy of next ? It does not go to the next profile in the list of profiles being displayed. Any one know ?

At the bottom of the page, there is a listing of who is online at the moment. I believe the profiles go in that order...but I could be wrong.


"The desire to inflict pain, that is all that is uppermost"-Albert Fish

(in reply to Twoamstart)
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RE: Collarspace website - 5/23/2017 5:22:30 AM   

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Not sure myself

But in theory if you stick in a city in the search box than as missK says in that list it should give you the mst recent users from that area - not all of them mind you as the city search is a bit iffy

eg i could put in

Despite people not being far it will only show those who cite them as their location - as opposed to if everyone was withing 50 miles of eg me. if you follow

(in reply to MissKatya)
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RE: Collarspace website - 11/18/2017 8:38:32 AM   

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(in reply to quietquartz)
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RE: Collarspace website - 11/19/2017 8:00:27 AM   

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I'm hoping someone can tell me the process of how to change my primary photo... Thanks in advance, john

(in reply to quietquartz)
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RE: Collarspace website - 11/19/2017 4:09:43 PM   

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I find the site quirky at best, it often signs me out when responding to an email instead of sending it. I have to copy and save anything I intend to actually send and then sign in again. go to messages and then paste in the response and try again. So many functions don't work any longer, I can't use the search function that's there for sorting received emails or sent ones. The whole history of emails seems erratic at best. It's hard to have much faith that emails actually go through or that the sorting engine to look for people in a given area is even working. And the updates to new users comes in spurts now, sometimes 30 or more hours with no update and then so many updates that the 4 pages isn't enough to show them all..... I suppose most people just use the site for wanking to photos or to play with peoples heads online but if anyone (else) is seeking connections and trying to use the site it's truly frustrating... and those problems don't come from anywhere but on the actual site, certainly not from my ISP or computer. The drop outs and site not found messages are common but amazingly enough I don't get that on any other site I use... So yea, the site is technically fucked up and actually getting worse over time.... you're not crazy for noticing

(in reply to MyChamberPotty)
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RE: Collarspace website - 11/20/2017 10:38:42 AM   

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Very seldom have a problem getting here. Forget the message I get but have a on going problem with answering messages. Not able to tap on reply to answer that way. I have to do a search for the person's name then send a "quick message ". That is what I think it is called. That has been going on for about two months so not a occasional problem. Otherwise have very little trouble with this site.

(in reply to HausVonHerrin)
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RE: Collarspace website - 11/20/2017 10:41:10 AM   

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I meant my comment for anybody. Not just for VausVonHerrin.

(in reply to Onerat1)
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RE: Collarspace website - 12/3/2017 10:02:59 AM   

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last week sometime i had issues logging in but so far its ok....

(in reply to Onerat1)
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