Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (Full Version)

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Greta75 -> Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 1:08:11 AM)

I think it screw up the new Bat Man and the New Superman, so I think it is good he is removed off Justice League now. Justice League might have a chance not to suck.

But seriously...., when I read that, I am thinking in my head, a very neglectful father, very focus on his career. And does not keep tabs or make any efforts to find out what's going on in his children's life and just not have a close relationship to know what is going on at all.

I think if anybody give a shit about their children. They should keep their children close to them. Or make an effort to do so. At least they can step in and do something to help if their kids is in crisis mode, like his daughter.

Lucylastic -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 1:21:00 AM)

She was 20 years old....grown woman.
How can you say he is neglectful??
The wife is a producer on the show, is she neglectful too??
I think you are projecting.

Greta75 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 1:39:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

She was 20 years old....grown woman.
How can you say he is neglectful??
The wife is a producer on the show, is she neglectful too??
I think you are projecting.

The wife is neglectful too, yes. But in the case, I don't know who the wife is.

I don't think parenting ends after the child turns 18. It depends on what you think your duty as a parent is.

If being a parent to a child ends at 18. Why even bother being a parent.

Lucylastic -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 1:46:13 AM)

I didnt say "parenting" does end at 18. moron

kiwisub22 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 3:56:33 AM)

So - everyone who commits suicide has neglectful parents. Even if they are 80 years old.

Good to know. [8|]

Of course, mental illness wouldn't come into it. Just neglectful parents.

jlf1961 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 7:28:28 AM)

Greta, I am going to try and be tactful, but...

Considering that a person suffering from suicidal depression can and usually does hide it so well that absolutely no one knows what the hell is going on until it is too late, you have proved once more that you are a complete and utter moron.

Do the world a favor, pour five gallons of water into your computer and go out and get an education on life issues.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 9:23:39 AM)

I'm sure her parents are beating themselves up wondering what they could have done. I see no value in pointing fingers at anyone, especially the parents. Parents are never supposed to outlive their children.

A police investigation might determine if there is reason to believe she was driven to suicide. Without knowing her life experiences, all we can do is go hug those we love and feel empathy for those who have lost a child, friend, lover, etc.

Greta75 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 10:08:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

Greta, I am going to try and be tactful, but...

Considering that a person suffering from suicidal depression can and usually does hide it so well that absolutely no one knows what the hell is going on until it is too late, you have proved once more that you are a complete and utter moron.

Do the world a favor, pour five gallons of water into your computer and go out and get an education on life issues.

If a parent can't tell if their child is having a hard time in her life.
I don't think that parent is close to their child. As simple as that.

Then again, perhaps some people might have different ideas of "close".

I just spoke to an American dude over the weekend, who proudly told me he is close to his mom because he just spoke to her like 3 weeks ago! Basically once a month. And I was just thinking in my head. That's not even close to close!

Greta75 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 10:10:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: kiwisub22

So - everyone who commits suicide has neglectful parents. Even if they are 80 years old.

Good to know. [8|]

Of course, mental illness wouldn't come into it. Just neglectful parents.

If they were 80 yr old, most probably their parents are dead and can't be there for them.

Greta75 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 10:11:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: WinsomeDefiance

I'm sure her parents are beating themselves up wondering what they could have done. I see no value in pointing fingers at anyone, especially the parents. Parents are never supposed to outlive their children.

I know the parents are gonna be wreck with guilt!
Where were they when their child needed them.
I find it hard to feel sorry for parents who's children commit suicide.

I remembered one day out of no where, my BFF called me and told me, he is at a funeral of a friend now, who's 30 yr old son also committed suicide, and of course the mom is devastated.

And I said to my BFF that, I bet none of his children would ever commit suicide. That's because I know the kind of father he is and how close tabs he keeps on his kids even though they full grown and with girlfriends and living their lives now.

Obviously, the relationship was not good in that family.

WinsomeDefiance -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 10:18:35 AM)

Without personal knowledge of wrong doing, I find it hard to feel anything but sorry for the family of someone who takes their own life.

Spiritedsub2 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 10:47:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

Greta, I am going to try and be tactful, but...

Considering that a person suffering from suicidal depression can and usually does hide it so well that absolutely no one knows what the hell is going on until it is too late, you have proved once more that you are a complete and utter moron.

Do the world a favor, pour five gallons of water into your computer and go out and get an education on life issues.

Fuck yes to all of this. Good post. Greta, just do us a favor and take Tamaka with you.

Greta75 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 11:01:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: WinsomeDefiance
Without personal knowledge of wrong doing, I find it hard to feel anything but sorry for the family of someone who takes their own life.

I kinda feel they deserve it.
This is very different from a child dying from cancer or accident.

Like over here, we got children below 10 yr old committing suicide all the time. Not from bullying. But because of their parents stressing them out on their school grades. And I never feel a single sympathy for the mother who claim she thought she was trying to do the best for her child.

angelikaJ -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 11:42:46 AM)




ORIGINAL: WinsomeDefiance

I'm sure her parents are beating themselves up wondering what they could have done. I see no value in pointing fingers at anyone, especially the parents. Parents are never supposed to outlive their children.

I know the parents are gonna be wreck with guilt!
Where were they when their child needed them.
I find it hard to feel sorry for parents who's children commit suicide.

I remembered one day out of no where, my BFF called me and told me, he is at a funeral of a friend now, who's 30 yr old son also committed suicide, and of course the mom is devastated.

And I said to my BFF that, I bet none of his children would ever commit suicide. That's because I know the kind of father he is and how close tabs he keeps on his kids even though they full grown and with girlfriends and living their lives now.

Obviously, the relationship was not good in that family.

I understand you have areas of ignorance (as in you just don't know) and this is one of them.

One can have a supportive family and be surrounded by good friends and yet still feel suicidal.

Depression can be merciless especially if one is not on medications or if the medication isn't the right one.

jlf1961 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 1:43:26 PM)




ORIGINAL: jlf1961

Greta, I am going to try and be tactful, but...

Considering that a person suffering from suicidal depression can and usually does hide it so well that absolutely no one knows what the hell is going on until it is too late, you have proved once more that you are a complete and utter moron.

Do the world a favor, pour five gallons of water into your computer and go out and get an education on life issues.

If a parent can't tell if their child is having a hard time in her life.
I don't think that parent is close to their child. As simple as that.

Then again, perhaps some people might have different ideas of "close".

I just spoke to an American dude over the weekend, who proudly told me he is close to his mom because he just spoke to her like 3 weeks ago! Basically once a month. And I was just thinking in my head. That's not even close to close!

Again, you prove the point of your being so fucking totally stupid.

Greta, when Robin Williams committed suicide it was a surprise and shock to all that knew him, even those he saw on a daily basis. People who suffer depression get damn good at hiding it.

You talked about kids in your country committing suicide because they are stressed out by parents over grades, and then said it was not due to bullying.

That is a kind of bullying, you fucking idiot!

However, chronic depression is caused by an imbalance in brain chemistry, and while not directly the result of environment or outside stimuli, is influenced by that stimuli/

Those things that cause a depressive episode are called triggers, and are not the same thing for everyone suffering from depression. And that makes it harder for the people around them to know just what those triggers are.

Just this week, a local girl tried to commit suicide because the boy she had a crush on asked some other girl to a school event. The girl in question was, by all accounts, happy, out going, she attended church regularly, her parents attended every school and outside function she was involved in. She had no problems in school, was a cheerleader and one of the 'popular' kids.

But one innocent little thing, was to her, the end of her life and happiness.

So, quit being a fucking stupid bitch and actually go out and try to learn something, or just go the fuck away. Your callous ignorant bullshit is doing nothing to endear you to the masses, in fact, there are many on these boards that would not mind seeing you fall off the face of cyberspace. And while we would not wish you harm, you do present a case for Singapore to pass a law against stupidity with caning as a punishment.

kiwisub22 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/23/2017 2:43:11 PM)

I would hazard a guess that Greta doesn't have children, because if she did, she would be aware that kids don't turn out the way you expected or wanted them to. In fact, one of the best parents I know doesn't have kids - because she knows everything about raising a child - and doesn't have to prove it. And isn't afraid to offer advice.

Lets see - that would make me a neglectful parent, because one of my children has depression, anxiety, and a form of schizophrenia, and the other has depression and anxiety - oh, and comes from a family with a history of suicide, depression, OCD and ADD. Yep - they have mental illnesses because I was a neglectful parent. [8|] Actually, I guess you could say I was a neglectful parent, because I didn't do a background search of my (ex)husbands family medical history.

Greta75 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/24/2017 8:15:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961
Again, you prove the point of your being so fucking totally stupid.

Greta, when Robin Williams committed suicide it was a surprise and shock to all that knew him, even those he saw on a daily basis. People who suffer depression get damn good at hiding it.

You talked about kids in your country committing suicide because they are stressed out by parents over grades, and then said it was not due to bullying.

That is a kind of bullying, you fucking idiot!

However, chronic depression is caused by an imbalance in brain chemistry, and while not directly the result of environment or outside stimuli, is influenced by that stimuli/

Those things that cause a depressive episode are called triggers, and are not the same thing for everyone suffering from depression. And that makes it harder for the people around them to know just what those triggers are.

Just this week, a local girl tried to commit suicide because the boy she had a crush on asked some other girl to a school event. The girl in question was, by all accounts, happy, out going, she attended church regularly, her parents attended every school and outside function she was involved in. She had no problems in school, was a cheerleader and one of the 'popular' kids.

But one innocent little thing, was to her, the end of her life and happiness.

So, quit being a fucking stupid bitch and actually go out and try to learn something, or just go the fuck away. Your callous ignorant bullshit is doing nothing to endear you to the masses, in fact, there are many on these boards that would not mind seeing you fall off the face of cyberspace. And while we would not wish you harm, you do present a case for Singapore to pass a law against stupidity with caning as a punishment.

Dude you're such an idiot. I have been publicly caned in school on a regular basis since I was 7 yr old. You know that post about gay men being caned in public on stage infront of a big audience. Well, It is pretty identical to how I've been caned regularly on stage infront of 500 people watching. Big deal as a 7 to 12 yr old kid. By evil Christian folks! And it happen regularly because the more they caned me, the more I will defy them further and show that their caning and public shaming cannot hurt me. They couldn't really top public caning, after public caning doesn't faze me.

And my mom used the cane on me ALL the time, so she has trained me to withstand the cane. So yea, bring it on!

And don't pretend you don't wish me harm. You wish it.

To me, parents who were mean to their children deserves their children dying. And they deserve that guilt for the rest of their life. That's the best punishment for them. And I will not feel sorry for it.

As for Robin Williams dying. As I said, we don't know his relationship with his parents. Again, I am blaming his parents. I am sure if we dig the story there. We will find out the issue is the parental child relationship aspect of his life.

Sure he was successful, he has many friends who love him, and he got a family who loves him, wife and kids.

But what about his parents? What was his relationship all his life with them like?

I am almost certain there is where the problem lies. The media doesn't get privy to personal information on what's really disturbing him.

Fuck after guessing that IT IS his parent's fault.

I googled and I am 101% right! It's a given. I knew it was his parents that caused his life time of emotional pain and eventually leading to suicide and no amount of love other people could give him could possibly fill the void of not having parental love. And that's why he killed himself.

Greta75 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/24/2017 8:36:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: kiwisub22

I would hazard a guess that Greta doesn't have children, because if she did, she would be aware that kids don't turn out the way you expected or wanted them to. In fact, one of the best parents I know doesn't have kids - because she knows everything about raising a child - and doesn't have to prove it. And isn't afraid to offer advice.

Lets see - that would make me a neglectful parent, because one of my children has depression, anxiety, and a form of schizophrenia, and the other has depression and anxiety - oh, and comes from a family with a history of suicide, depression, OCD and ADD. Yep - they have mental illnesses because I was a neglectful parent. [8|] Actually, I guess you could say I was a neglectful parent, because I didn't do a background search of my (ex)husbands family medical history.

Kiwi, I cannot comment on your personal case as I don't know you as a parent and what you do. And your kids are still alive. So obviously you are still doing something to help them and keep them alive. That shows you gave a damn.

And for me to make such controversy statement, any parents who ever experienced a kid committing suicide on them will be super duper mad at me. Understandably, because, I think whatever I say have a measure of truth and speak to their personal guilt.

But end of the day, alot of parents will deny responsibility if their children is telling them, even straight to their face that, it's their fault.

And that constant denial is what will hurt the kid and drive them to despair.

Even child psychologists will teach parents that even if they feel whatever their children accusations are not true. But it's important for the parents to treat it as if it is true, because it is true to their children.

And that is all I'm gonna say. I don't know anything about what is happening on your end and how it all developed. But if they are alive and well and seeking treatment. You are doing a good job.

Greta75 -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/24/2017 9:13:04 PM)


Your callous ignorant bullshit is doing nothing to endear you to the masses

One more thing about this stupid shit.

Calling parents out on their neglect as a cause of a suicide is not callous. It's making parents think about their own current relationships with their children who are now still alive and well. It jolts them to reevaluate if things are good or whether it could be better and maybe pay more attention. The reality is, a parent is part of the child's life in their most vulnerable and mental and emotional health forming years. They mess it up, and you get Robin Williams. He still killed himself as I bet 101% his parents never even acknowledge to him ever that they were wrong and they were sorry and not tried to mend the crack. If Robin William parents feel they are not responsible for his death. That's their right to feel that way. But psychology says it is.

Secondly, I am not here for a "most well loved poster" competition. IF that is your goal, don't project it on me.

I can be scorn and disliked by every poster on this forum but it doesn't matter to me. I've always been very comfortable being against the grain and never a sheep.

I always speak exactly how I feel, and every of my post are my authentic feelings. That's all that matters. That I am true to myself.

It's not a popularity contest.

Lucylastic -> RE: Zack Synder Daughter Killed Herself (5/24/2017 9:21:34 PM)

you dont know WHat the reasons behind her suicide were, or the parents relationship.

you are assuming and using your own issues to blame the parents with neglect.
Thats what makes your opinion so scummy

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