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So far every single person in this web sight is a Prostitute. I have not found one single Mistress t

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So far every single person in this web sight is a Prost... - 6/20/2017 11:21:21 PM   

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So far every single person in this web sight is a So far every single person in this web sight is a Prostitute.
I have not found one single Mistress that does not ask for Money.
Not all of us are JOHN'S.
Not All of us CYBER ether.
You should be a shamed of your self.
Is there One Legit Mistress out there. .
I have not found one single Mistress that does not ask for Money.
Not all of us are JOHN'S.
Not All of us CYBER ether.
You should be a shamed of your self.
Is there One Legit Mistress out there.
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/20/2017 11:31:45 PM   

Posts: 10215
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Your profile and journal entries are weak wank fantasies. There is nothing there to entice someone who isn't here for purely financial reasons. Why are you surprised that's exactly who you seem to be attracting?

Pro Tip: Forum tantrums aren't going to help you find what you seek either.


Welcome to PoliticSpace! If you came here expecting meaningful BDSM discussions, boy are you in the wrong place.

"Hypocrisy has consequences"

(in reply to FunnelMouth)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/21/2017 12:01:19 AM   

Posts: 3623
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Well, what kind of dominant lesbian couple doesn't fantasize about dominating a barely coherent 58 year old Charles Manson lookalike in exactly the way he wants?

(in reply to stef)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/21/2017 7:56:30 PM   

Posts: 28072
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You'd probably have a hard time even finding a straight Domme. Why are you surprised that lesbians won't Domme you for free?


"You women....

The small-breasted ones want larger breasts. The large-breasted ones want smaller ones. The straight-haired ones curl their hair, and the curly-haired ones straighten theirs...

Quit fretting. We men love you."

(in reply to heavyblinker)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/22/2017 1:24:02 AM   

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heavyb.... MORON . a lesbian . a real one that is. NEVER WANTS A MAN.

(in reply to heavyblinker)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/22/2017 4:19:02 AM   

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Hello my fragile little lesbian lotus. Escaped from the bin of many loons again. I see.

Anyway back to OP not all women are money parasites, or in need to their antibiotic shots, or last months hovel rent money You will also find that it is infact men who created the bulk of the profiles you speak ill off. So men are the main culprits.

Women genuine tend to be relatively rare on here at the moment, and thats all women; some will be looking, others no looking for chat, friendship, company etc.

Your profile is shit - make half of it about you, who you are, what you like and lead into the lesbian dogs body fantasies. I'd rate your chances of finding a lesbian couple on any site as fuk all.(zero)


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We SAtuRaTe yOur aLPHA brain WAveS, ThIs is nOt A DrEAm The wiZaRd of Oz, shoES, CaLcuLUs, DECorAtiNG, FrIDGE SProcKeTs, be VeRy sCareDed – SLoBbers,We DeEManDErs Sloowee DAnCiNG, SmOOches – whisper whisper & CaAkEE

(in reply to bondageerone)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/22/2017 7:21:02 AM   

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ORIGINAL: bondageerone

heavyb.... MORON . a lesbian . a real one that is. NEVER WANTS A MAN.

I really wasn't expecting anyone to be dumb enough to miss the irony in my post.
Seems I was wrong.

(in reply to bondageerone)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/22/2017 1:39:14 PM   

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Yes there are a few legit ones. But yes over time the site has been invaded by crap.

Does anyone know how many reports it takes (generally) for the automated system before something is done? Seems like some of these folks should have been long ago, as I am sure people have "reported" them.
Specifics would be good, or a couple people willing to test what it takes for an account to get canned. I have a possible plan to help clean the site up, and once I know how it works (if it does at all), I would solicit volunteers.

(in reply to heavyblinker)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/22/2017 2:01:06 PM   

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About 80% min of the "women's" profiles should be removed. But before that happens we must get embroiled in the argument of what is a valid profile.

To someone like me you are a non entity


wE arE tHe voiCes,
We SAtuRaTe yOur aLPHA brain WAveS, ThIs is nOt A DrEAm The wiZaRd of Oz, shoES, CaLcuLUs, DECorAtiNG, FrIDGE SProcKeTs, be VeRy sCareDed – SLoBbers,We DeEManDErs Sloowee DAnCiNG, SmOOches – whisper whisper & CaAkEE

(in reply to submgreenbay)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/22/2017 2:02:18 PM   

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you know that one is a guy? Well more a loony really and not one of the good loons :)


wE arE tHe voiCes,
We SAtuRaTe yOur aLPHA brain WAveS, ThIs is nOt A DrEAm The wiZaRd of Oz, shoES, CaLcuLUs, DECorAtiNG, FrIDGE SProcKeTs, be VeRy sCareDed – SLoBbers,We DeEManDErs Sloowee DAnCiNG, SmOOches – whisper whisper & CaAkEE

(in reply to heavyblinker)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/22/2017 2:15:25 PM   

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I'm not going to argue what is valid and what is not. Its clear the folks who run this site are not going to make and policy changes anyway, so that is a futile discussion. I am talking/seeking specifics about existing policy. There is a "report user" button on the other side of this site. First question is has anyone noticed that it yields any kind of results? What did it take, etc?

(in reply to WickedsDesire)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/22/2017 2:25:23 PM   

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ORIGINAL: submgreenbay

I'm not going to argue what is valid and what is not. Its clear the folks who run this site are not going to make and policy changes anyway, so that is a futile discussion. I am talking/seeking specifics about existing policy. There is a "report user" button on the other side of this site. First question is has anyone noticed that it yields any kind of results? What did it take, etc?

I reported a used in the other side every day for about three weeks, as his user name and profile all referenced invest, and his profile explicitly describes real life activities between her and his underage sibling. Nothing was ever done.

(in reply to submgreenbay)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/22/2017 2:30:50 PM   

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Thanks for the report. I does say its an automated system, that supposedly will be acted upon after a per-determined number of users report the same. Makes sense else it would get abused.

(in reply to Wayward5oul)
Profile   Post #: 13
RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 6/24/2017 1:10:17 PM   

Posts: 5165
Joined: 10/18/2005
From: Montana
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Since this is the Positive Experiences forum, can we all assume that you are very pleased that you have found only prostitutes? Only face to face meetings count in this forum so how many prostitutes have you now paid to get your itch scratched?


We are stardust, we are golden, and we got to get ourselves back to the garden.

Yes, I am crazy about feathered creatures. I have a dozen chickens, 3 ducks, 5 geese, and 2 parakeets.

Revise that number. Just got 14 new chicks and 5 turkeys.

(in reply to FunnelMouth)
Profile   Post #: 14
RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 7/3/2017 11:51:39 PM   

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Prostitution is the oldest profession...and for some its the new feminism. :)

(in reply to peppermint)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 7/4/2017 12:07:13 AM   

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Prostitution is the SECOND oldest profession and still an honourable one. It gives a service for a set payment agreed upon before the service is provided............just like many professions.

(in reply to DomStrictMale)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 7/4/2017 12:26:56 AM   

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It is the none.

(in reply to Dvr22999874)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 7/4/2017 12:57:41 AM   

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you forgot apple picking

(in reply to DomStrictMale)
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RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 7/4/2017 6:22:28 PM   

Posts: 12580
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From: a mean old Daddy, but I like you - Joni Mitchell
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ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

You'd probably have a hard time even finding a straight Domme. Why are you surprised that lesbians won't Domme you for free?

Quote for truth.

His profile photo looks like Charlie Manson with a hair cut. Leering sideways at the camera like that only makes him look like a serial killer. He is a man seeking lesbians... Last I looked, I am pretty sure lesbians don't seek men for partners. So that only leaves processionals willing to service his nonviable fantasy for a fee.

He doesn't have a dating problem. He has mental issues and no grip on reality or how sexual preferences work.


-=BDSM Book List=- Reading is Fundamental !!!
I give good thread.

(in reply to DarkSteven)
Profile   Post #: 19
RE: So far every single person in this web sight is a P... - 7/30/2017 7:31:16 PM   

Posts: 6845
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ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul


ORIGINAL: submgreenbay

I'm not going to argue what is valid and what is not. Its clear the folks who run this site are not going to make and policy changes anyway, so that is a futile discussion. I am talking/seeking specifics about existing policy. There is a "report user" button on the other side of this site. First question is has anyone noticed that it yields any kind of results? What did it take, etc?

I reported a used in the other side every day for about three weeks, as his user name and profile all referenced invest, and his profile explicitly describes real life activities between her and his underage sibling. Nothing was ever done.

It clearly states that it has to be a number of separate/different users.
A million reports from one user is just ONE report - that's why your efforts amounted to zero.

I can only guess that not so many others reported it because -
a] They found it titillating/interesting so didn't report it; or
b] they were so disgusted they just skipped it and moved on; or
c] assumed others would do the reporting.

As for OP?? Clearly uneducated.
Repeats himself (probably deliberately) even to the point that this is his second post on the same subject - and in the wrong forum.
Not intelligent enough to realise that what he's asking for is virtually impossible outside of a fantasy.

< Message edited by freedomdwarf1 -- 7/30/2017 7:44:04 PM >


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to Wayward5oul)
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