"Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (Full Version)

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Musicmystery -> "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 10:57:22 AM)

Senate Republicans' health care bill—an attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, which is growing more and more popular—was, at long last, revealed Thursday to the public and many members of Congress. Reviews of the legislation thus far have been, somewhat predictably, quite negative, considering the House version of the bill, dubbed the American Health Care Act (AHCA), polled as one of the least popular pieces of legislation ever.

The Associated Press tweeted the Senate bill scuttles "Obama law, cuts Medicaid, slashes taxes for wealthy." Explainer-heavy news site Vox wrote simply the bill makes "poor people pay more for worse insurance." GOP senators might be backing away from the bill already, with NBC's Chuck Todd tweeting, "Per solid source: at least 3 GOP [Senators] (perhaps more) plan to announce public opposition to [Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell health bill later today."

It might be a smart political move, considering the latest poll from NBC/Wall Street Journal released Thursday found that just 16 percent of Americans thought the House version of the bill was a good idea while 48 percent said it was a bad idea.

The health care debate has proven toxic for President Donald Trump, who has largely supported the GOP legislation and threw a little celebration in the Rose Garden at the White House when House bill passed.

But after that bill passed in early May the Morning Consult/Politico survey found Trump's approval rating immediately fell to a new low of 44 percent. The previous low had been 46 percent, which came directly after the Republicans bungled the House vote on the AHCA and failed to even register enough support to take a vote.

Looking at the Gallup daily tracking poll, Trump sunk to his all-time low of just 35 percent approval in late March, just after the first attempt at a vote collapsed. In the days following the passage of the AHCA in the House, Trump's approval in the Gallup survey sunk from the low 40s to 38 percent.

The weighted average tracker from data-focused website FiveThirtyEight—which has his average approval at 38.5 percent Thursday—also showed Trump's approval rating declined around the major health care events, as well. Along with the firing of former FBI Director James Comey, health care has steadily dogged Trump when it comes to popularity. Nate Silver, editor of FiveThirtyEight, tweeted in June that, "health care [and] Comey are the two things that have most caused Trump's overall approval to decline."

So, if history is any indicator, Trump's approval rating could be due for a drop soon as polling firms are able to interview folks on their thoughts concerning the Senate health care bill. Of course, Trump's approval rating is already historically low compared with other presidents this early in their respective tenures, so there might not be much room to fall if some of his most ardent supporters are slow to abandon him.


WickedsDesire -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 11:18:43 AM)

Trumpnocare will be a fuking disaster. But until the top secret work of fiction is made public it is impossible to comment. It won’t pass either, even though they will try ram it through with how much “speaking time?”

America should have the best health care system in the world because it spends 2-3 times more of its GDP on it than any other nation. Do you Americans know this?

This is exactly where the money goes:
1. Insurance companies’ profits have almost doubled under ACA Obamacare
2. These are by far the guilter off all - Big Pharma is raking it in at record levels It’s not just breakthrough drugs that are soaring. Drugmakers are hiking prices of older medicines too; pharma bad boy Martin Shkreli’s 5,000 percent increase of the AIDS drug Daraprim last year was the most brazen example, but hardly the only one.

I couldn’t find anything regarding % extra demand on the health care system.

Many Americans are fixated to the point of complete irrationality and blame Obamacare (ACA) poor people, and people with existing conditions ( I get that they cost more). But your money is getting siphoned off at an unheralded rate by number 2, not so much 1.

You lot are getting fuked. More than half of you are too dumb to realise that

Now go read this or look at the pretty graphs and tables rather than go mawaahhhh Obama poor people etc


For fuks sake Pfizer (US) are taking the complete piss.

Real0ne -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 12:09:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery
Trump's approval rating is already historically low compared with other presidents this early in their respective tenures, so there might not be much room to fall if some of his most ardent supporters are slow to abandon him.


yeh because he actually is doing something compared to the rest.

heavyblinker -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 12:13:17 PM)


yeh because he actually is doing something compared to the rest.[/color]

You remind me of the guy in Idiocracy who cheers the destruction of his own car because it's exciting and looks cool.
In fact, a lot of Trump supporters do.

Termyn8or -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 12:27:43 PM)


This is exactly where the money goes:
1. Insurance companies’ profits have almost doubled under ACA Obamacare

Damn, an almost intelligent statement out of the Wickman. However it is not backed up with at cites, which some people like here.

But actually I almost beiieve it. I am sure insurance company profits went up after the passage of the ACA. I have so little doubt that I am not even going to look it up. Whether is doubled is not relevant, but it did go up.

Under the ACA they are allowed to make 20 %, oil companies would suck a mile of donkey dick to make 20 %, and so would the insurance companies. What most people fail to understand is the concept of volume. Oil companies make like a fraction of a percent profit, but they move so much product this becomes significant. Would you rather have 1 % of a billion dollars or 10 % of ten million ? Do the math. If you can that is. Our schools stopped teaching math a long time ago.

Bottom line on the ACA is that those companies were not making 20 % before. Between the fact of them insuring the sick while the healthy were not required to pay in, and the natural competition that haopppens in a capitalistic society, they might have mad 5 % or something. But they moved so much money that the profits were enough to make the bills, payroll and bonuses.

With the ACA the government gives them a forced market, and they can change whatever they want. This is worse than the car insurance scam. If you are a really safe driver and will never cause an accident, why the fuck should you pay for auto insurance ?

That is conservatism folks, I conserve to me what I have earned and I am not giving it away. Got it fleagle ?

While I am getting to the point that if I live much longer I know some socialism is going to have to be tolerated, but I am still reminded of the words to a song, and while I hate to use such things as a reference here goes. (shoot me)

"Tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no rich no more".

Rich people are needed to start shit up in this world. You think Henry Ford was on welfare ? Fuck no, he had some money from somewhere.

The thing to do now is what they used to do, via the tax structure and whatever, FORCE the rich to invest. In fact FORCE them to invest in the country that made them most of that money. And that is the US.

Other countries do it, why don't we ?


MrRodgers -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 12:45:53 PM)




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery
Trump's approval rating is already historically low compared with other presidents this early in their respective tenures, so there might not be much room to fall if some of his most ardent supporters are slow to abandon him.


yeh because he actually is doing something compared to the rest.

Does this mean you give Trump free reign to do anything rather than nothing, no matter...what it is ?

kdsub -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 12:57:19 PM)


GOP senators might be backing away from the bill already

I think if the recent special elections had gone differently they would be backing off... but now they see America is serious about conservative ideals and like it or not the bill will in my opinion be approved.


MrRodgers -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 1:00:26 PM)

However, there are two types of return for an insurance co. One is return on underwriting which the return on their assumption of financial risk.

The other is return on assets, often meaning return on capital which is in lending and the properties they own.

So a combination is required to know the whole picture. Currently the industry is making about 12.1% or 12 cents on the dollar.

mnottertail -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 1:15:16 PM)




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery
Trump's approval rating is already historically low compared with other presidents this early in their respective tenures, so there might not be much room to fall if some of his most ardent supporters are slow to abandon him.


yeh because he actually is doing something compared to the rest.

Yeah? What is he doing besides felchgobbling putinjizz, employment sluggish, interest rates rise, jobs going overseas, many so disheartened that they have left off searching for work, huge deficits and debt, we are being treated like a 7th world country abroad, we are an embarrassment, and we are paying a lot of money for Il Douchovitch to vacation in Mar lago or whatever the name of that sewage pit is there.

Lay some plusses that are actually accomplished on us.

WickedsDesire -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 1:17:14 PM)

The insurance companies have, and will always make relatively little as big Pharma throttles them such is their outrageous gluttony. I believe for the last year it was $15 billion profit for top ten insurance companies for Obamacare, adding a greedy but relatively feeble 80% increase to their profit margins.

So if they are not taking all the money. Then who is?

Big Pharma - their profit margins are matched by no other industry on earth none

The Americans should have the best free-universal health care system in the world

two tics till I look out two links


Obamcare was and improvement but not to blame for premium rises one iota
NHS I think little of that it is already about 50% privatised and the UK ranks behind half the EU - USA is a lot further behind.

NHS I remember getting two ops
1. Hernia one waiting time up to 12 months
2. Hernia two I went private with my work it was carried out the next week

Now number one hurt so to the extent i could not work for two months before the op and number two I worked up until the day beforeit hurt a little but nothing like the first

The exact same doctor carried out both operations

The NHS in the UK has problems and is basically fucked the way the Tory Scum party try and divy it out to the private sector - in reality about 50% is privatised. And big Pharma is creaming its pants and throwing money behind every politician who will enable their rape - nothing remotely like america mind you but they want every peice of that pie.

But I will reiterate the USA system should be the best bar none and universal and it should cost you all at least half of what it is costing you all personally now.

WhoreMods -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 1:46:28 PM)






ORIGINAL: Musicmystery
Trump's approval rating is already historically low compared with other presidents this early in their respective tenures, so there might not be much room to fall if some of his most ardent supporters are slow to abandon him.


yeh because he actually is doing something compared to the rest.

Does this mean you give Trump free reign to do anything rather than nothing, no matter...what it is ?

Yes. Hadn't you noticed already?

Musicmystery -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 3:20:47 PM)

He hasn't done anything except run his mouth, tweet, and lie about accomplishing things.

Real0ne -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 3:27:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery
Trump's approval rating is already historically low compared with other presidents this early in their respective tenures, so there might not be much room to fall if some of his most ardent supporters are slow to abandon him.


yeh because he actually is doing something compared to the rest.

Yeah? What is he doing besides felchgobbling putinjizz, employment sluggish, interest rates rise, jobs going overseas, many so disheartened that they have left off searching for work, huge deficits and debt, we are being treated like a 7th world country abroad, we are an embarrassment, and we are paying a lot of money for Il Douchovitch to vacation in Mar lago or whatever the name of that sewage pit is there.

Lay some plusses that are actually accomplished on us.

right wrong or indifferent, he is actually trying, compared to Ohahafuckyou who when asked what he is doing said FUCK YOU that was just champaign rhetoric [for all the stoolies and nutsuckers]

I dont like trump, even a little, but I hate the criminal syndicate that comes with a clinton.

With everyone out to hang trump you know he has to play it straight.

Real0ne -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 3:36:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

The health care debate has proven toxic for President Donald Trump, who has largely supported the GOP legislation and threw a little celebration in the Rose Garden at the White House when House bill passed.

""Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support"?

Inventing fake news or the usual problems most of you suffer from out here intermediate level literacy and comprehension in a high school world?

mnottertail -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 4:31:17 PM)




ORIGINAL: mnottertail




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery
Trump's approval rating is already historically low compared with other presidents this early in their respective tenures, so there might not be much room to fall if some of his most ardent supporters are slow to abandon him.


yeh because he actually is doing something compared to the rest.

Yeah? What is he doing besides felchgobbling putinjizz, employment sluggish, interest rates rise, jobs going overseas, many so disheartened that they have left off searching for work, huge deficits and debt, we are being treated like a 7th world country abroad, we are an embarrassment, and we are paying a lot of money for Il Douchovitch to vacation in Mar lago or whatever the name of that sewage pit is there.

Lay some plusses that are actually accomplished on us.

right wrong or indifferent, he is actually trying, compared to Ohahafuckyou who when asked what he is doing said FUCK YOU that was just champaign rhetoric [for all the stoolies and nutsuckers]

I dont like trump, even a little, but I hate the criminal syndicate that comes with a clinton.

With everyone out to hang trump you know he has to play it straight.

What is he trying? show us real evidence. Real credible citation no toiletlicking.

mnottertail -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/22/2017 4:32:45 PM)

I guess to be perfectly accurate, it isnt losing support, it never had any.

MercTech -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/23/2017 11:43:44 PM)

Obamacare ... take the ability to afford medical treatment away from the middle class and give it to the poor. Yep, make everyone poor and sick and all will be equal.

Lucylastic -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/24/2017 1:34:09 AM)



Obamacare ... take the ability to afford medical treatment away from the middle class and give it to the poor. Yep, make everyone poor and sick and all will be equal.

Life Liberty and pursuit of happiness...Only if you can afford it.

Musicmystery -> RE: "Toxic" Health Care Bill losing support (6/24/2017 5:29:37 AM)



Obamacare ... take the ability to afford medical treatment away from the middle class and give it to the poor. Yep, make everyone poor and sick and all will be equal.

Cute. Ridiculous and an absurd straw man, but cute.

Meanwhile, back at reality . . .

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