Posts: 55
Joined: 7/14/2008 From: Seattle, WA Status: offline
Just because someone is dominant, it doesn't mean that they're into gross stuff. I think that I met one dominant woman - a professional - who was actually amused by scat play. ONE. Into something gross or fringe? A professional is likely your only option. Cheating on your partner or otherwise not willing to have a complete relationship with someone? A professional is likely your only option. As to having a stranger move into my home based simply on a kink, not just no but fuck no. I'd put more thought into adopting a dog than some people think should be put into housing a submissive or slave. The hell?!? Oddly, while I've never approached anyone about financial domination or tribute, I've been approached by people offering to pay me. As a wise friend once to put, anyone who can afford to randomly hand you a large sum of money can afford to get that same sum back out of your hide. So, yeah, some of us do what we enjoy and understand, and leave the rest to other people who have those interests - money or not.