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I need some advice... - 7/14/2017 10:01:18 PM   

Posts: 578
Joined: 6/27/2013
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I am going to a play party this weekend and I was wondering if anyone know whether or not it is safe to be flogged wity a back injury? I have one herniated disc and two bulging ones currently. I don't have a lot of experience with this subject but, I know I like a nice thuddy flogging. Any advice would be appreciated.
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RE: I need some advice... - 7/14/2017 10:34:19 PM   

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I don't think the flogging itself would do damage, but if the muscles in your back were to spasm or do a hard contraction in reaction to the pain I think you could do further damage to those problem areas. I'd suggest you consult your doctor and be very frank. Don't forget that you have doctor/patient confidentiality on your side.

(in reply to SweetAngel43211)
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RE: I need some advice... - 7/15/2017 8:16:16 AM   

Posts: 578
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Thank you for answering me. I will have to sit the playing part out for tonight and talk to the doctor on Tuesday for the future.

(in reply to HaveRopeWillBind)
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RE: I need some advice... - 7/16/2017 2:15:44 PM   

Posts: 2837
Joined: 6/6/2013
From: The Shire
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Are you hoping to get workers comp or personal injury? If so- don't go.
They'll hire PIs to prove you're not following docs orders. I did the herniated disc thing- and I wouldn't do it- we didn't do any type of impact play for 2 years.

(in reply to SweetAngel43211)
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RE: I need some advice... - 7/16/2017 3:11:59 PM   

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ORIGINAL: SweetAngel43211

I am going to a play party this weekend and I was wondering if anyone know whether or not it is safe to be flogged wity a back injury? I have one herniated disc and two bulging ones currently. I don't have a lot of experience with this subject but, I know I like a nice thuddy flogging. Any advice would be appreciated.

I say this with experience in back injuries and several back surgeries:

Being flogged with a herniated/bulging disc will not inherently harm you. The flogging is generally superficial. The flogging affects the top layers of skin for the most part. Even a heavy flogging may get into the muscle structure a little bit. But either way, a typical flogging does not go deep enough to bother a herniated disc.

Now with that being said, you are more likely to experience pain from your herniated disc as a result of your position or how you are tied up while being flogged. The strain your body puts on your back while being flogged is what will cause you pain. So the flogging will not hurt but your position and strain on your back while being flogged can caused you increased discomfort.

Here it would help you to have good communication with your partner that is flogging you. Have the conversation about your back before hand. Let them know if you need to adjust your position while being flogged. I also recommend ice pack on the back afterwards.


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(in reply to SweetAngel43211)
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RE: I need some advice... - 7/17/2017 6:13:58 PM   

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Thank you for replying to me. I am sorry I didn't see it until today. My restrictions are all geared towards lifting and pushing and pulling. It was in a town over an hour away from where I live while I was out of town visiting my sister and brother-in-law. There wasn't anyone there that I would have allowed to flog me anyway. I was just really asking in case there was someone. I just went and watched other people playing instead.

(in reply to shiftyw)
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RE: I need some advice... - 7/17/2017 6:16:41 PM   

Posts: 578
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Thank you for replying to me. I didn't end up getting flogged since I want to ask my doctor about it first. I didn't even think about the strain of how I would be positioned and such. The only time I have been flogged I was always laying down on a bed... I will keep it in mind if my doctor gives me the all clear.

(in reply to DocStrange)
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