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Joined: 1/12/2006 From: Texas Status: offline
ORIGINAL: Greta75 I think the best beaches may be all in Western Australia. (My definition of "best beach" is 10 metres deep crystal clear water and calm water to snorkel, lots of sea life and lots of colourful corals". I hate surfing beaches because I can't surf and the massive waves are annoying, and I'm pretty sure Sydney area is all like surfing type beaches, not crystal clear calm types.) When I think Australia, I just think Sun and Sea! I literally go Australia for authentic chinese food with fresher pork and seafood in it. They grow their own produce, and we don't. And by virtue of how fresh the meat they use are, as in Singapore, all our meat are frozen and imported from other countries, it taste so much better in Australia. Plus they really cook it authentic. They got great authentic Vietnamese food too. I am not a fan of Australian local food, as it's either typical British stuffs which is nothing special, or weird Asian Western Fusion inventions. I never liked AsianWestern Fusion food. I guess the most interesting stuffs would be if ya wanna eat like Kangeroo meat or Crocodile Meat or Ostrich Meat. I mean, when I lived in Australia, I always bought fresh Kangeroo meat to feed my cat. Oh and Australia has so many unique indigenous animals, so I definitely love carrying Koala bears and feeding Kangaroos. PS: I hope Respectmen would for once post some positive contributions on here about his country since this involves his country attractions! And he should be the expert since he lives there! I would like to see some animals, hoping to avoid the poisonous snakes, of course and I do want to try ostrich and croc while I'm there so thanks for reminding me! I had forgotten. American crocs are an endangered species so we weren't allowed to cook them or eat them in school but I imagine it tastes a lot like alligator which I enjoy. Kangaroo..just have no interest in it. I think of them as Australias version of how most folks in America feel about our horses. As a group of people, they are generally for riding to us..not eating and I have an aversion to consuming either one. I want to see but not eat a Kangaroo. I like the beach..anything that has to do with water.. so a scuba dive would be on the agenda but I will play it by ear depending on the weather. I like to check out churches and other unique buildings and talk to locals, find gems disguised as holes-in-the wall in people, culinary eateries and other places and I usually like to go to a contempory, current flick. I saw Despicable Me 3 in Glascow. It was cute for my grandson and he will like it. Wicked and I also watched Wonder Woman and, of course, Star Trek. I will be coming home with a stuffed koala bear to attach to my purse dangles. I have always had a thing for bears and koalas are just too cute so definitely would huggle a koala. I usually do some museums, techie stuff is my first choice but whatever is in walking distance from my hotel is always an option and I am careful of the areas I look in for my lodgings. My hotel is 5 mins taxi away fom the Opera House so I have a lot of options from what will be my base of operations. My main contraint is always time and having to do that silly sleep thing on occasion. Thanks for the posting.
"Oh, so it's just like Rock, paper, scissors." He laughed. "You are the wisest woman I know."