Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (Full Version)

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abytchgoddess4u -> Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 5:05:43 PM)

I just received this from a "sub"...

Since technically this doesn't fall under any of the categories for reporting the email...I'm wondering, who can come up with the best retort?

Not that I'll use it to respond to this oddball, but I bet all of you can come up with some good one-liners...:D

{Mod Note:  Please don't paste email into forum posts]

pahunkboy -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 5:10:10 PM)

i wanna be sedated.                     

[by the Ramones circa 1982]

BrightAlrisha -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 5:16:00 PM)

I forgive you my son.

Level -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 5:16:49 PM)

How about "no thanks"? I have no overwhelming urge to ridicule someone for their religous beliefs, whether it be Christian or Rumiesque.

Ariel -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 5:19:39 PM)

Yes indeed... I just got the exact same one... go figure....[:'(]

pahunkboy -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 5:24:44 PM)



Yes indeed... I just got the exact same one... go figure....[:'(]

i just looked. im not on that list. oh mannnnnnnnnn!  life is the pits.

leatherorlace -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 5:25:25 PM)

Send the deluded cretin the following clickie-dealie... I love to debate their deluded mind into some sembelance of sane thought.

LotusSong -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 5:34:07 PM)

"I makes me wonder by what kind of spiritual hypocracy you find yourself here on CM?"

MistressTexas -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 5:42:40 PM)

Gee thanks, I'll show it to all the lesbians at my satanic ritual later tonight.

Thats just me, I have an incredible dislike for anyone who shoves their beliefs down my throat.

Kagesuta -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 6:02:45 PM)

"That's what your mom said, when we were playing D&D last night... And, like, sacrificing chickens to an idol made of non-kosher provalone cheese."

First thing that comes to my head, anyway.

missturbation -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 6:12:02 PM)

Reply just like you would to anyone ur not interested in which in my case wud be thanks for message but no thanks.
What gives anyone the right to make fun of anyone elses beliefs?

MistressTexas -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 6:16:19 PM)

What gives anyone else the right to preach to me under the guise of... well anything really. I avoid churches, chapels, temples and all other places of worship for the exact reason of not being preached at. Why should I have my inbox clogged by it?

Level -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 6:22:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: MistressTexas

What gives anyone else the right to preach to me under the guise of... well anything really. I avoid churches, chapels, temples and all other places of worship for the exact reason of not being preached at. Why should I have my inbox clogged by it?

CollarMe gives them the right to send you all kinds of shit, at least once. Block and delete.

Arpig -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 6:32:30 PM)


CollarMe gives them the right to send you all kinds of shit, at least once. Block and delete.

And collarme gives her the right to reply any way she wants to, He can block and delete as well.

missturbation -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 6:32:50 PM)

I avoid all kinds of people but they exist and they message me and i politely say no thank you. There is absolutely no need to post a thread about someones beliefs in this way.

missturbation -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 6:34:20 PM)




CollarMe gives them the right to send you all kinds of shit, at least once. Block and delete.

And collarme gives her the right to reply any way she wants to, He can block and delete as well.

Not the point hun - its about making fun of others peoples beliefs in this way. Its wrong.

Level -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 6:35:10 PM)




CollarMe gives them the right to send you all kinds of shit, at least once. Block and delete.

And collarme gives her the right to reply any way she wants to, He can block and delete as well.

Absolutely, Arpig.

popeye1250 -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 6:36:48 PM)

Reply back with   "PRAISE ALLAH!!!"

That's why I always keep a pot of boiling water on the stove when I hear the Holy Rollers are in the neighborhood.

RedRedWine -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 6:40:26 PM)

"Abusers of themselves with mankind." What does that mean?  
I'm not sounds like it's talking about masturbation, but then you get the "with mankind" and then it just sounds confusing.

LotusSong -> RE: Should I Poke the Biblethumper? (7/28/2006 7:12:15 PM)

Actually, just posting his note and making a thread out of it has proably reached more people than he could have dreamed of.

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