RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (Full Version)

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Greta75 -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/22/2017 8:40:10 PM)


Islamic Extremism is far from being removed.
As long as that religion exist, just like when Al Queda died, and ISIS rise from its ashes.

There will always be something else.

But since ISIS has mastered the art of rallying lone wolves to take action upon themselves.

Eliminating ISIS isn't about eliminating just one mere base. The real fight is, how do you eliminate an ideology?

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/22/2017 8:47:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

So....1.6 billion Muslims aren't against us, but their governments are, so we have to end them.

The only ones making such claims are the unhinged howler voices screaming at you in your head

In your madness you can rarely discuss what others actually post so you argue against these imaginary arguments you invent, that are yours alone

Despite your delusions to the contrary

Again, the real argument is that Islam itself isn't the cuddly little friendly kitten that ignorant brainwashed leftist trash such as yourself try to pretend that it is

Muslim governments are terroristic. Muslim law is terroristic. The only way to ever end Islamic States, is to end Islam itself

Brutal crackdown has gay and transgender Egyptians asking: Is it time to leave?

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/22/2017 8:48:37 PM)



Eliminating ISIS isn't about eliminating just one mere base. The real fight is, how do you eliminate an ideology?

Or, how best to defend against it?

Musicmystery -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 5:21:59 AM)




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

So....1.6 billion Muslims aren't against us, but their governments are, so we have to end them.

The only ones making such claims are the unhinged howler voices screaming at you in your head

In your madness you can rarely discuss what others actually post so you argue against these imaginary arguments you invent, that are yours alone

Despite your delusions to the contrary

Again, the real argument is that Islam itself isn't the cuddly little friendly kitten that ignorant brainwashed leftist trash such as yourself try to pretend that it is

Muslim governments are terroristic. Muslim law is terroristic. The only way to ever end Islamic States, is to end Islam itself

Brutal crackdown has gay and transgender Egyptians asking: Is it time to leave?

So, to sum up, you're not saying 1.6 billion Muslims are against us, and you're not saying Muslim governments are against us and that therefore we have to end them. That's just my howler madness that made me think you said that in your posts.

Instead, you're saying that Muslim governments and law are terroristic, and the only way to end Islamic States is to end Islam itself.

But NOT that Muslim governments are against us and we have to end them, or that Muslims are against us.


You are an incredible moron.

Edwird -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 5:40:17 AM)


President Trump committed the USA to destroying them, rather than continue Obama's give them a wink and nod polic

So, Trump's only success this far has come from following in Obama's footsteps.

Not that we're surprised.

The utterly clueless need clues more than anybody.

What's amazing in this case is that he actually followed somebody obviously smarter than him, which is totally against his nature.

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 6:45:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Muslim governments are against us and we have to end them

Your words, howler.

Not mine.

Stating that there is but one way to do something is an observation, rather than a recommendation or an endorsement

That leftist trash hates facts is your problem alone

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 7:33:31 AM)

I have stated before that there are common-sense Muslim control measures that are viable. Stop them and their violent ideology at the gates, keep them from coming here. We can fight them wherever they endeavor to expand, in large part by aiding potential allies in this grand battle. And we can do things to try to help them finally come into this current century such as help educate them in various ways in order to to delegitimize the cultish worship of that bloodthirsty god of theirs

Exactly as we did with the Germans, the Japanese, and the Soviets - only different.

Musicmystery -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 7:38:33 AM)

Exactly only different.

Okie dookie.

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 7:42:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Exactly only different.

Okie dookie.

Brainless little howler trolls have to attack puns because otherwise they got nuthin' [:D]

Discussing actual topics literally kills them

Every time there 's a quiet informed discussion of the facts? A little howler troll like Maniacal dies inside

Musicmystery -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 8:17:56 AM)

Dance and dance and dance, and you still can't articulate what you actually mean. Except that you don't mean it--you mean something just like it.

Yeah, it's everyone else's fault.


WhoreMods -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 8:30:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Dance and dance and dance, and you still can't articulate what you actually mean. Except that you don't mean it--you mean something just like it.

Yeah, it's everyone else's fault.


When is it ever not somebody else's fault with these idiots?

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 9:05:55 AM)


The last on-topic post - RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS?

I have stated before that there are common-sense Muslim control measures that are viable. Stop them and their violent ideology at the gates, keep them from coming here. We can fight them wherever they endeavor to expand, in large part by aiding potential allies in this grand battle. And we can do things to try to help them finally come into this current century such as help educate them in various ways in order to to delegitimize the cultish worship of that bloodthirsty god of theirs

Exactly as we did with the Germans, the Japanese, and the Soviets - only different.

Musicmystery -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 9:34:43 AM)

"Exactly only different."

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Then there's your bizarre ignorance/prejudice/generalization of Muslims as a group, not to mention your fanciful notions of history.

WhoreMods -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 11:52:50 AM)


Exactly as we did with the Germans, the Japanese, and the Soviets - only different.

All of whom missed the lesson your country was teaching, as they have domestic manufacturing, rather than thinking that they can import manufactured goods from somehwere cheap while maintaining economic isolationism.
The Chinese don't even own a third or more of any of these countries' national debt! Sad.

MrRodgers -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 12:41:35 PM)






ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

It is as absurd to credit Trump for the liberation of Raqqa, or the demise of IS generally as it is to blame Obama for its rise.

The hard work was done by a mixture of Syrian and Kurdish forces in Syria, and a mix of Kurdish, Shiite Iraqi and Iranian forces in Iraq. The US did offer some logistic and training support, and air support but that is the extent of the US contribution. IOW the US contribution was something more than minimal but not that much more, especially when one takes into account the enormous resources the US has at its disposal. As far as I know there wasn't a single US casualty, which tells its own story.

The credit lies with the forces on the ground, who risked their lives to liberate Raqqa, and all the other areas of the 'caliphate' in Syria and Iraq.

Except that the actual defeat of ISIl couldn't have happened without US and Russian air support, logistics and coordination. All of which Obama couldn't or wouldn't do because he was more in to making imaginary red lines in the sand and leading from behind so he wouldn't appear to be a war president.

Exactly. Under Obama, Isil prospered and made Raqqa their capital. Trump promised to defeat them and so it is with American forces providing leadership and support on the ground and in the air. To deny he is fulfilling his campaign promise is to live in a fantasy world full of participation trophies on your shelf.

Enough already. It's so obvious now. Obama's really to blame for the ambush deaths in Niger because years ago starting operations in Africa and in a neighboring country no less..

But even though this whole op was started over a year ago by Obama, oh no, that doesn't matter, it's now a Trump success despite apparently 8 months planning for this 4 mos. operation

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, backed by U.S. airstrikes and American special forces on the ground, said they had completed their four-month battle for the city Islamic State used as a nerve center to plan and stage attacks on the West.

Preparations for the recapture began nearly a year ago, with the SDF and U.S. special forces on the ground supported by American airstrikes taking the hinterlands of Raqqa to inch towards the city.


Look the right wants it both ways and then tell us it's all the left's fault and in this case, Obama's the problem. Horseshit.

Obama went to the repubs for direct war authorization to go into Syria and ISIS. Graham said no troops, McCain 10,000 troops, the repubs haggled while...NOT declaring war on ISIS as Obama asked and NOT a codified authorization to go in as Bush got with Afghan or Iraq.

You see world, the world is to join in when the right conveniently forgets [its] part in these 'failures' only to always blame the left for the consequences of [their] policy.

Then as in ACA and Medicaid money, just as here, take credit when the lefts policies (long term military operations money etc.) are in favor.

Hardwild -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 4:45:16 PM)

President shite bag draft dodging bone spurs single handlely defeated ISIS. I have his tweet right here, and a very brave man he is< tells not one fucking lies save oacks of 1000s.

Are there any single women on here (Shag all) attached attention whores are not wanted save by scum

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/23/2017 7:09:43 PM)


The real fight is, how do you eliminate an ideology?

That is easy; by removing the socio-economic and political factors that makes it so their apocalyptic ideology seems a better choice. You want the people to reject Daesh? Then offer them something better.

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/24/2017 6:13:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


The real fight is, how do you eliminate an ideology?

That is easy; by removing the socio-economic and political factors that makes it so their apocalyptic ideology seems a better choice. You want the people to reject Daesh? Then offer them something better.

They bite your hand off, every time. Their bloodthirsty god is everything to them.

BoscoX -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/24/2017 6:19:46 AM)



But even though this whole op was started over a year ago by Obama, oh no, that doesn't matter, it's now a Trump success despite apparently 8 months planning for this 4 mos. operation

You want Dear Leader Obama to get credit for working with the "hated evil Russians" to defeat Obama's ISIL friends, who he winked at and nodded to as they grew in power - but the operation that began under Obama in Nigeria, has to be 100% Trump's baby...

Got it [:D]

KinkyBlackMan -> RE: Raqqa liberated: The end of IS? (10/24/2017 6:35:51 AM)

Please can someone tell me why we are in Syria in the first place. I thought we was on this America first type mission. We have enough problems within our own borders.

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