Consent 3 (Full Version)

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PeonForHer -> Consent 3 (11/12/2017 2:31:03 PM)

I didn't think this fitted with the Consents 1 and 2 threads. Perhaps I was wrong, but, well ...

A weird little thing that I don't quite get, and have never got, related to the question of 'consent': If a woman doesn't want to have sex with you, and shows it, isn't that depressing enough to kill your boner anyway? I mean, beyond 'yes' or 'no' - if, for instance, she says 'yes', but with no enthusiasm? (OK, I'm factoring out, here, those people who either don't care whether or not the target sex-partner wants sex or not, or even actively get a buzz out of her not wanting sex.)

The reason this question pops into my head right now is the thought I've had, recently, that in all the years I've been bonking, I can't recall any woman, ever, pressuring me to have sex when I've not wanted to have sex with her. I think I've been clear that I've not wanted sex - with the way I've looked and sounded. On personal experience, anyway, if a woman catches the vibe that you don't want it ... she won't push it. She won't want it herself, because *you*, the person she wanted to have sex with, are now showing you don't want it. Her buzz has been killed, by your lack of ardour.

... Or so I've always vaguely assumed. Am I wrong?

Genuine question, folks, please don't boil my bollocks over it.

Danemora -> RE: Consent 3 (11/12/2017 2:54:47 PM)

Im a female

Id never even want to pursue sex with a man who was clearly showing signs he didnt want sex with me. That is asking for pain and humiliation I just flat out dont need to feel all sucks because it genuinely hurts.

It very much would kill my buzz and ensure Id likely stay silent altogether about it.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Consent 3 (11/12/2017 3:52:09 PM)

Well yes, but then a lot of men decide to overlook vibes because the small head rules, not all of them but quite a few

Greta75 -> RE: Consent 3 (11/13/2017 4:38:18 AM)

Peon, I have the impression you are a "submissive-slanted" male sexually, so when you feel the vibe of a woman not enthusiastic, you like to please so that wouldn't attract you.

On the other hand, a more dominant leaning men, and I am not accusing all dominants for this behaviour, but there are many who will feel challenged by her disinterest and carry on anyway trying to maybe prove that she wants it?

There are also the ones who are just over-excited about getting lucky and cannot pick up on vibes because they were feeling overly excited about what they perceive to be an eager woman to get laid with them.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Consent 3 (11/13/2017 10:30:40 AM)


Am I wrong?


DaddySatyr -> RE: Consent 3 (11/13/2017 10:35:26 AM)



... Or so I've always vaguely assumed. Am I wrong?

Genuine question, folks, please don't boil my bollocks over it.

In a couple of specific instances in my life, yes, you are wrong. I'd tell the one story again, but the last time I did ... guess what? YOU boiled my bollocks over it. Funny, no?

I'll still be nice enough to answer your question: it is entirely possible to have a relationship with a woman that believes as long as there is sex, every day, everything's fine.

P.S.; you owe me a dollar for not breaking your balls along the lines of: "Geez! This 'Consent' shit is starting to get as tedious as the 'Rambo' franchise."

PeonForHer -> RE: Consent 3 (11/13/2017 10:56:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


Am I wrong?



PeonForHer -> RE: Consent 3 (11/13/2017 10:57:45 AM)


On the other hand, a more dominant leaning men, and I am not accusing all dominants for this behaviour, but there are many who will feel challenged by her disinterest and carry on anyway trying to maybe prove that she wants it?

Oh, I've done that before. If I've seen a spark, or thought I have ....

WhoreMods -> RE: Consent 3 (11/13/2017 11:04:47 AM)




On the other hand, a more dominant leaning men, and I am not accusing all dominants for this behaviour, but there are many who will feel challenged by her disinterest and carry on anyway trying to maybe prove that she wants it?

Oh, I've done that before. If I've seen a spark, or thought I have ....

...that's when the roofies come out.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Consent 3 (11/13/2017 11:08:21 AM)


...that's when the roofies come out.

Nice joke on a thread about consent.

Stay, "classy".

thishereboi -> RE: Consent 3 (11/15/2017 3:47:30 AM)



I didn't think this fitted with the Consents 1 and 2 threads. Perhaps I was wrong, but, well ...

A weird little thing that I don't quite get, and have never got, related to the question of 'consent': If a woman doesn't want to have sex with you, and shows it, isn't that depressing enough to kill your boner anyway? I mean, beyond 'yes' or 'no' - if, for instance, she says 'yes', but with no enthusiasm? (OK, I'm factoring out, here, those people who either don't care whether or not the target sex-partner wants sex or not, or even actively get a buzz out of her not wanting sex.)

The reason this question pops into my head right now is the thought I've had, recently, that in all the years I've been bonking, I can't recall any woman, ever, pressuring me to have sex when I've not wanted to have sex with her. I think I've been clear that I've not wanted sex - with the way I've looked and sounded. On personal experience, anyway, if a woman catches the vibe that you don't want it ... she won't push it. She won't want it herself, because *you*, the person she wanted to have sex with, are now showing you don't want it. Her buzz has been killed, by your lack of ardour.

... Or so I've always vaguely assumed. Am I wrong?

Genuine question, folks, please don't boil my bollocks over it.

I don't think you are wrong. It's one of the reasons I never understood lesbians who go after straight women and try to change them. If someone isn't interested in you, why would you want to be with them in the first place.

Greta75 -> RE: Consent 3 (11/15/2017 4:55:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi
I don't think you are wrong. It's one of the reasons I never understood lesbians who go after straight women and try to change them. If someone isn't interested in you, why would you want to be with them in the first place.

Over here, when lesbians go after straight woman, it's because they fallen in love, and it's not like they chose to have feelings for a woman who happen to be straight. Usually, it's quite a sad situation to watch that woman they love, go out with a man, and then marry the man.

I got a few lesbian girlfriends, who would just pin for a specific straight woman they got infatuated with and it's like unrequited love.

needlesandpins -> RE: Consent 3 (11/15/2017 10:35:02 AM)


I haven't been about for a while, but couldn't be bothered to read the other two consent posts after I looked at the second one and saw it was already a bickering hell pit on page one.

Consent for me is really easy, yes, or no. If the guy I was with said no then it's a no. Now that's not to say that I might full well let him know I'm not happy about that, depending on circumstances. My ex playmate once came out with the most pathetic line I've ever heard in my life from a guy 'Have you ever thought it may have had something to do with the way you asked'. My reply to that was that we were fuck buddies, asking him if he fancied fooling around should have been enough. I wasn't aware I needed to crack out the chocolates and roses on his arse to woo him after 4 years, and nor was I aware that I had to make sure the planets were lined up just right. He then said that if this had been a guy saying this to a woman ... What the absolute fuck? You do realise I am the woman here, right? You do get that whilst I'm not the most girly woman around, I am the one supposed to act like the girl between the two of us, right? At that moment in time I felt like whilst my ovaries were certainly bigger than his balls, his ovaries were far out weighing mine.

I've been in the position of just not wanting sex. I had lots of issues before having an hysterectomy, and my ex just couldn't understand that it was nothing personal to him. The pressure he put me under though was horrid. I couldn't even cuddle him without him thinking that we were having full on sex. That made me even more depressed. Once that issue was sorted out though I was back to my full on self. I have a friend that I've recently turned down, so he's been sulking for the last six months. I wouldn't mind, but I've never given him any indication that there ever would be anything between us. We've been friends most of our lives, and frankly if anyone has the right to sulk, it's me for knowing he values me so little as a friend that he's willing to risk our friendship for a fuck.

I don't get the whole gay on straight thing. It's a total waste of energy. I know some really lovely gay guys, but what would be the point. I've had women come on to me, but I'm just not interested. Many of my female friends have wanted to kiss me, and I don't get that either. I have kissed a few, but there just isn't anything at all. Weirdness.


WhoreMods -> RE: Consent 3 (11/15/2017 11:47:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: needlesandpins
I don't get the whole gay on straight thing. It's a total waste of energy.

The lure of the unattainable.

needlesandpins -> RE: Consent 3 (11/16/2017 8:21:45 AM)




ORIGINAL: needlesandpins
I don't get the whole gay on straight thing. It's a total waste of energy.

The lure of the unattainable.

I guess, but then I also never understood the whole fangirl nonsense either. Don't get me wrong, there are some famous guys I'd do if the chance came up, and they were nice in person, but I just don't get that whole pining after someone you're never going to have. Mind you, my mind doesn't work to fantasising about people I've never been with, so may be that has something to do with it. Someone I knew used to do it with a band some years ago, following them around I mean, and staying in hotels where she knew they would be, just to try and get a glimpse of them. She'd convinced herself that these guys actually knew who she was. When they split up she moved on to another lot. The whole groupie thing is a little repulsive to me. It's all just a bit too sad.


WhoreMods -> RE: Consent 3 (11/16/2017 9:34:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: needlesandpins




ORIGINAL: needlesandpins
I don't get the whole gay on straight thing. It's a total waste of energy.

The lure of the unattainable.

I guess, but then I also never understood the whole fangirl nonsense either. Don't get me wrong, there are some famous guys I'd do if the chance came up, and they were nice in person, but I just don't get that whole pining after someone you're never going to have. Mind you, my mind doesn't work to fantasising about people I've never been with, so may be that has something to do with it. Someone I knew used to do it with a band some years ago, following them around I mean, and staying in hotels where she knew they would be, just to try and get a glimpse of them. She'd convinced herself that these guys actually knew who she was. When they split up she moved on to another lot. The whole groupie thing is a little repulsive to me. It's all just a bit too sad.


Read the collector by John Fowles. It may put you off guys completely, but anything that seems odd about male sexuality is covered in that one to some extent.

PeonForHer -> RE: Consent 3 (11/16/2017 11:50:55 AM)


I wasn't aware I needed to crack out the chocolates and roses on his arse

Strewth that's a rum image. ;)

WhoreMods -> RE: Consent 3 (11/16/2017 1:33:51 PM)




I wasn't aware I needed to crack out the chocolates and roses on his arse

Strewth that's a rum image. ;)

I'm sure you've seen a rose stem used as a flogger in a fetish film before now...

needlesandpins -> RE: Consent 3 (11/16/2017 2:05:28 PM)




I wasn't aware I needed to crack out the chocolates and roses on his arse

Strewth that's a rum image. ;)

I really wanted to come back to that with something witty, but my heart isn't in it at the moment. I like WhoreMods idea though, although the pleasure would have been entirely mine, not for BDSM reasons, and with the most thorn blessed stems I could find [:)]


needlesandpins -> RE: Consent 3 (11/16/2017 2:08:00 PM)




ORIGINAL: needlesandpins




ORIGINAL: needlesandpins
I don't get the whole gay on straight thing. It's a total waste of energy.

The lure of the unattainable.

I guess, but then I also never understood the whole fangirl nonsense either. Don't get me wrong, there are some famous guys I'd do if the chance came up, and they were nice in person, but I just don't get that whole pining after someone you're never going to have. Mind you, my mind doesn't work to fantasising about people I've never been with, so may be that has something to do with it. Someone I knew used to do it with a band some years ago, following them around I mean, and staying in hotels where she knew they would be, just to try and get a glimpse of them. She'd convinced herself that these guys actually knew who she was. When they split up she moved on to another lot. The whole groupie thing is a little repulsive to me. It's all just a bit too sad.


Read the collector by John Fowles. It may put you off guys completely, but anything that seems odd about male sexuality is covered in that one to some extent.

I've downloaded this as an audible book, and have already listened to a chunk. Freaky little beast!


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