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RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting

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RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/27/2017 6:49:08 PM   

Posts: 12180
Joined: 8/16/2007
Status: offline
I know exactly what you are saying... you are not listening to the likes of Bama and what I am saying... I have mentioned on many occasions the need for change to the background checks only to receive the same tired enforce the laws we have bullshit.



Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to jlf1961)
Profile   Post #: 321
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/28/2017 10:24:46 AM   

Posts: 20687
Joined: 2/27/2005
Status: offline






Hey here is an idea...go after both.


I'd settle for taking the shot we know we can make. (Pool reference.) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush? That kind of thing?

The Bama's of this world would have us naively believe that if we only enforced the gun laws we have all the gun violence we have will disappear. I hope you are not of that mind. If the gun laws we have were enforceable they would be enforced. These laws need to be re-examined to determine why they are not working and changes made to rectify them. That is the first step in reducing gun violence. Then we need to determine what these laws are not addressing, if there is still a problem, and make new laws to address those problems.

Just saying "enforce existing laws" is not working with conservative leadership so what makes Bama think there will ever be an enforcement of existing law...without changes?


And your naïve world more restrictive gun laws will give us utopia.
The beauty of trickle down criminology is that you can claim to not
be against private ownership, you can even believe it. just one more
restriction that's all. Since you don't believe you want to abolish the
2nd anyone who disagrees is just out of touch with reality.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 322
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/28/2017 11:58:54 AM   

Posts: 10691
Joined: 5/6/2016
Status: offline









Hey here is an idea...go after both.


I'd settle for taking the shot we know we can make. (Pool reference.) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush? That kind of thing?

The Bama's of this world would have us naively believe that if we only enforced the gun laws we have all the gun violence we have will disappear. I hope you are not of that mind. If the gun laws we have were enforceable they would be enforced. These laws need to be re-examined to determine why they are not working and changes made to rectify them. That is the first step in reducing gun violence. Then we need to determine what these laws are not addressing, if there is still a problem, and make new laws to address those problems.

Just saying "enforce existing laws" is not working with conservative leadership so what makes Bama think there will ever be an enforcement of existing law...without changes?


And your naïve world more restrictive gun laws will give us utopia.
The beauty of trickle down criminology is that you can claim to not
be against private ownership, you can even believe it. just one more
restriction that's all. Since you don't believe you want to abolish the
2nd anyone who disagrees is just out of touch with reality.

What are you offering as a viable alternative?
Sneering that if even the near godlike and completely infallible police of your country can't enforce the existing gun laws then any attempt at legislation short of a total ban is useless isn't exactly constructive, is it?
If you have nothing to add besides whiney bullshit about being a martyr over something that hasn't been done to you and probably won't ever be, why are you flapping your gums in the first place?


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 323
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/28/2017 12:07:13 PM   

Posts: 14840
Joined: 6/10/2008
From: Somewhere Texas
Status: offline



I know exactly what you are saying... you are not listening to the likes of Bama and what I am saying... I have mentioned on many occasions the need for change to the background checks only to receive the same tired enforce the laws we have bullshit.


Do you even have a grasp on the reality of the situation?

I have pointed out the flaws in the back ground check system for over 2 years.

I have also pointed out that those very flaws make enforcement of the Prohibited from purchase restrictions impossible.

I have made a point to explain why, with no uncertain or ambiguous terms that the reason the present laws are not enforced, and cant be enforced goes beyond the background check system.

I have also made it clear that, in essence (if not enforceability) that the present US code on gun ownership, sales, etc are the most comprehensive in the world that allow for private gun ownership, and when printed, goes about 2000 pages when you count every addendum and change made since the original gun control act of 1934 (yep, we been trying to fix the problem for 83 years) with the additions mandated by SCOTUS after the various court cases.

So, here lies the problem.

The ATF is part of the Department of Justice, and as such is dependent on the approved DoJ Budget, which has agency allocations dictated by congress. Now when the priority was the 'War on Drugs' which has failed in keeping drugs from being brought into the country as well as controlling drug trafficking inside the US, congress gave the DoJ their budget and along with a list of priority areas that needed to be enforced.

So, long story short, the DEA and FBI got the bulk of the money and the ATF got the short end.

Now, we have big concerns over terrorist attacks, both from outside the US and inside.

Which means congress approves a budget and tells the DoJ where to spend the money. So now the FBI is getting shit loads of funding, and the other DoJ agencies are getting scraps, including the ATF.

So you basically have 2000 plus pages of gun laws, a demand that they be enforced, investigated and violators prosecuted, and the ATF does not have the manpower to do the job it is required to do, and use a system that is basically designed not to work.

That is problem one.

Problem two, the current ATF backlog for cases to be investigated is years old.

But then you have to look at the current priority on domestic terrorism, and guys like Timothy McVeigh.

And now you are going to ask what does the McVeigh Oklahoma city bombing have to do with the gun problem.

Directly, nothing, indirectly everything.

Because the ATF, since the Oklahoma city bombing, has to put a priority on investigating any activity involving the individual components purchased in bulk that could be used to make explosives, with the exception of those purchases made by the big agricultural farms owned by the ag conglomerates.

So, when some private farmer goes out and buys a few tons of Ammonia Nitrate fertilizer and bulk diesel to fertilize his fields and run his tractors, the ATF has to send an agent out to make an inquiry, as to why so much was bought and what the intended use is.

The kicker is that Farmers have to have special permits to make bulk purchases like that so they can easily take a tax write off on operating expenses, and of course avoid paying state sales tax on the fertilizer and state and federal taxes on the fuel.

But, when that tax number is input, it only goes to the appropriate agencies that handle said taxes, nobody thought to set the system up to notify the ATF that farmers buy the stuff that can be used to make explosives in large quantities and use it to grow crops and operate tractors.

So twice a year you have a couple of thousand ATF agents running around the farm belt bugging farmers about stuff that has, technically, already been cleared and approved.

Further stretching and cutting into an already over stretched agent pool.

Then there are a couple of really stupid laws that were passed after a couple of fucked up ATF investigations that limit exactly how the ATF can investigate alleged firearms violations, the most noted is the Ruby Ridge incident.

You see, the ATF was informed that some guy was attempting to buy illegal firearms, and already had possession of some illegal guns.

Now, the ATF went to a judge and asked for a search warrant to really check it out, and the Judge denied the warrant due to hearsay evidence, all nice and proper.

So the ATF agent in charge came up with the brilliant plan to sell this guy an illegal firearm, let him take it home, then since they knew he had one illegal gun, get an warrant and search his home for the guns that they were told he had already.

We know how Ruby Ridge turned out, and all charges were thrown out since the basis for the case was ruled as entrapment. If the ATF agent selling the guy the illegal gun arrested him at the time of exchange, no shoot out and a warrant could have been gotten easily.

But no, some idiot had to get 'creative.'

So, a couple of new laws were passed that basically forbid the atf from acting on anonymous tips, the information has to come from a law enforcement agency, which then takes up to the Branch Davidian compound in Waco and well, enough said.

But that incident under Reno got congress to further limit the investigative abilities of the ATF.

So, in essence, the ATF got teeth pulled and put on a very fucking short leash.

You see, for the longest time, the ATF, like the IRS, operated with very few limits.

And now, both the NRA and gun lobbyists agree that the ATF is basically hamstrung which makes their job impossible to do.

Which is why the ATF has a lot of field agents running around bothering farmers and checking on home grown alternative fuel producers... yep the ATF has to check out people making alcohol to use in making biodiesel.

And all of this is being done instead of investigating gun regulation violations.

Which is why when you make your statement a lot of us respond with "enforce the present laws" because, and I hate to tell you this, if new laws are passed, there wont be enough agents to investigate and enforce them either.


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of.

Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 324
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/28/2017 12:41:21 PM   

Posts: 20687
Joined: 2/27/2005
Status: offline











Hey here is an idea...go after both.


I'd settle for taking the shot we know we can make. (Pool reference.) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush? That kind of thing?

The Bama's of this world would have us naively believe that if we only enforced the gun laws we have all the gun violence we have will disappear. I hope you are not of that mind. If the gun laws we have were enforceable they would be enforced. These laws need to be re-examined to determine why they are not working and changes made to rectify them. That is the first step in reducing gun violence. Then we need to determine what these laws are not addressing, if there is still a problem, and make new laws to address those problems.

Just saying "enforce existing laws" is not working with conservative leadership so what makes Bama think there will ever be an enforcement of existing law...without changes?


And your naïve world more restrictive gun laws will give us utopia.
The beauty of trickle down criminology is that you can claim to not
be against private ownership, you can even believe it. just one more
restriction that's all. Since you don't believe you want to abolish the
2nd anyone who disagrees is just out of touch with reality.

What are you offering as a viable alternative?
Sneering that if even the near godlike and completely infallible police of your country can't enforce the existing gun laws then any attempt at legislation short of a total ban is useless isn't exactly constructive, is it?
If you have nothing to add besides whiney bullshit about being a martyr over something that hasn't been done to you and probably won't ever be, why are you flapping your gums in the first place?

If you think I have claimed that our police are godlike you haven't paid attention to what I have said in this thread.
I already pointed this out to you several pages ago.
At least you have admitted that you want the 2nd repealed as that is the only way banning firearms is possible.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to WhoreMods)
Profile   Post #: 325
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/28/2017 1:33:31 PM   

Posts: 10691
Joined: 5/6/2016
Status: offline













Hey here is an idea...go after both.


I'd settle for taking the shot we know we can make. (Pool reference.) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush? That kind of thing?

The Bama's of this world would have us naively believe that if we only enforced the gun laws we have all the gun violence we have will disappear. I hope you are not of that mind. If the gun laws we have were enforceable they would be enforced. These laws need to be re-examined to determine why they are not working and changes made to rectify them. That is the first step in reducing gun violence. Then we need to determine what these laws are not addressing, if there is still a problem, and make new laws to address those problems.

Just saying "enforce existing laws" is not working with conservative leadership so what makes Bama think there will ever be an enforcement of existing law...without changes?


And your naïve world more restrictive gun laws will give us utopia.
The beauty of trickle down criminology is that you can claim to not
be against private ownership, you can even believe it. just one more
restriction that's all. Since you don't believe you want to abolish the
2nd anyone who disagrees is just out of touch with reality.

What are you offering as a viable alternative?
Sneering that if even the near godlike and completely infallible police of your country can't enforce the existing gun laws then any attempt at legislation short of a total ban is useless isn't exactly constructive, is it?
If you have nothing to add besides whiney bullshit about being a martyr over something that hasn't been done to you and probably won't ever be, why are you flapping your gums in the first place?

If you think I have claimed that our police are godlike you haven't paid attention to what I have said in this thread.
I already pointed this out to you several pages ago.
At least you have admitted that you want the 2nd repealed as that is the only way banning firearms is possible.

When did I say that?
Thanks for demonstrating the spin you're determined to put on any arguments for gun regulation or control, though. Much easier for you to argue with your paranoid fantasies than what people are actually saying, I suppose.


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 326
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/28/2017 3:56:12 PM   

Posts: 20687
Joined: 2/27/2005
Status: offline















Hey here is an idea...go after both.


I'd settle for taking the shot we know we can make. (Pool reference.) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush? That kind of thing?

The Bama's of this world would have us naively believe that if we only enforced the gun laws we have all the gun violence we have will disappear. I hope you are not of that mind. If the gun laws we have were enforceable they would be enforced. These laws need to be re-examined to determine why they are not working and changes made to rectify them. That is the first step in reducing gun violence. Then we need to determine what these laws are not addressing, if there is still a problem, and make new laws to address those problems.

Just saying "enforce existing laws" is not working with conservative leadership so what makes Bama think there will ever be an enforcement of existing law...without changes?


And your naïve world more restrictive gun laws will give us utopia.
The beauty of trickle down criminology is that you can claim to not
be against private ownership, you can even believe it. just one more
restriction that's all. Since you don't believe you want to abolish the
2nd anyone who disagrees is just out of touch with reality.

What are you offering as a viable alternative?
Sneering that if even the near godlike and completely infallible police of your country can't enforce the existing gun laws then any attempt at legislation short of a total ban is useless isn't exactly constructive, is it?
If you have nothing to add besides whiney bullshit about being a martyr over something that hasn't been done to you and probably won't ever be, why are you flapping your gums in the first place?

If you think I have claimed that our police are godlike you haven't paid attention to what I have said in this thread.
I already pointed this out to you several pages ago.
At least you have admitted that you want the 2nd repealed as that is the only way banning firearms is possible.

When did I say that?
Thanks for demonstrating the spin you're determined to put on any arguments for gun regulation or control, though. Much easier for you to argue with your paranoid fantasies than what people are actually saying, I suppose.

You didn't, but you implied that that I had then accused me of claiming
martyr hood when I have done no such thing.
The closest thing I did to that was show the problem of thinking that what
works for you should be the law for everyone.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to WhoreMods)
Profile   Post #: 327
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/28/2017 7:09:02 PM   

Posts: 12180
Joined: 8/16/2007
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: jlf1961
I have pointed out the flaws in the back ground check system for over 2 years.

I do not remember ever criticizing your stance on gun control... you addressed me... I have been very specific on who I was addressing... Bama and his like. I agree with you on the need for change... so I do not understand why you feel the need to say things like... "Do you even have a grasp on the reality of the situation?" We have little beef on gun control over all...except perhaps on what changes need to be made but those can at least be discussed... There is no discussing with Bama on changes to the existing law.

Changes to existing law to make them enforceable is different then making certain guns illegal for instance. These are two different things... I can understand resistance to changing the legality of certain weapons..but i cannot understand not wanting to make existing laws enforceable or to keep weapons out of the hands of the insane. Again you and I may disagree on how to go about it but we realize changes must be made... Bama up to this point anyway is resistant to any change other than attempting to enforce laws that are flawed



Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to jlf1961)
Profile   Post #: 328
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/28/2017 7:12:46 PM   

Posts: 20687
Joined: 2/27/2005
Status: offline




ORIGINAL: jlf1961
I have pointed out the flaws in the back ground check system for over 2 years.

I do not remember ever criticizing your stance on gun control... you addressed me... I have been very specific on who I was addressing... Bama and his like. I agree with you on the need for change... so I do not understand why you feel the need to say things like... "Do you even have a grasp on the reality of the situation?" We have little beef on gun control over all...except perhaps on what changes need to be made but those can at least be discussed... There is no discussing with Bama on changes to the existing law.


That is because you dismiss anything but yes sir.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 329
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/28/2017 7:45:41 PM   

Posts: 12180
Joined: 8/16/2007
Status: offline

That is because you dismiss anything but yes sir.

Bama when I address a thread or one of your posts I don't just say you are wrong without saying why and what I would do...simply my opinion. You just invariably make wrong and snide remarks as above. Or you rant about me wanting to take away guns or defile the 2nd amendment which is incorrect. What I would very much like from you is not only what you think is wrong with my opinion but what you think the solution to the obvious problem of gun violence could be. You have repeatedly asked me to say what I would do... I have yet to here what you would do. As I've said before and so have others... just saying enforce existing law has not what can we do?... make changes right? So what changes do YOU think would help reduce gun violence? We don't have to agree but we should at least be talking about it... Gun violence, under existing law, has not and will not go away on its own... so lets have some ideas.



Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 330
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/28/2017 8:28:15 PM   

Posts: 20687
Joined: 2/27/2005
Status: offline




That is because you dismiss anything but yes sir.

Bama when I address a thread or one of your posts I don't just say you are wrong without saying why and what I would do...simply my opinion. You just invariably make wrong and snide remarks as above. Or you rant about me wanting to take away guns or defile the 2nd amendment which is incorrect. What I would very much like from you is not only what you think is wrong with my opinion but what you think the solution to the obvious problem of gun violence could be. You have repeatedly asked me to say what I would do... I have yet to here what you would do. As I've said before and so have others... just saying enforce existing law has not what can we do?... make changes right? So what changes do YOU think would help reduce gun violence? We don't have to agree but we should at least be talking about it... Gun violence, under existing law, has not and will not go away on its own... so lets have some ideas.


We have not been enforcing current law.
Example NISC rejects hundreds of thousands of attempts
to purchase firearms. To attempt to buy the guy when you
are ineligible means you lie on the form, this is a felony.
Yet they only prosecute a hundred or so. You call that
enforcing the law? In the Ca shooting that this thread is
about they collected 4 guns, all were he had illegally.
While under the court order the neighbors complained that he was firing
guns that he wasn't allowed the have and threatening them on a regular
basis, and they did nothing about it. You call that enforcing the law?
The shooting in Tx was the result of the very problems with NICS that we have
been complaining about for years, you don't see anything that does not
fit into the trickle down approach to fighting crime as doing anything.
I see trickle down as going after everyone except the criminals.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 331
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/29/2017 5:08:37 PM   

Posts: 20687
Joined: 2/27/2005
Status: offline

The Air Force admitted today that their mistake was responsible
for the Tx shooter being able to get a gun. Refuting the idea that
it was legal for him to buy them. Once again proof that fixing NICS
should be our top priority.
They blamed training.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 332
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/29/2017 6:55:16 PM   

Posts: 14840
Joined: 6/10/2008
From: Somewhere Texas
Status: offline



Changes to existing law to make them enforceable is different then making certain guns illegal for instance. These are two different things... I can understand resistance to changing the legality of certain weapons..but i cannot understand not wanting to make existing laws enforceable or to keep weapons out of the hands of the insane. Again you and I may disagree on how to go about it but we realize changes must be made... Bama up to this point anyway is resistant to any change other than attempting to enforce laws that are flawed


The area of your statement I highlighted is the reason I posed my question.

According to congress, the following is required for a weapon to be classified as an assault weapon.

Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which expired on September 13, 2004, codified a definition of an assault weapon. It defined the rifle type of assault weapon as a semiautomatic firearm with the ability to accept a detachable magazine and two or more of the following:

a folding or telescoping stock
a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon
a bayonet mount
a flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor
a grenade launcher

Now, here are the flaws in that.

1) Colt made a one off of their civilian AR15 without a pistol grip, and the 'bayonet mount.'

None of which changed the rate of fire, or operation of the weapon.

2) Congress is under the misguided myth that a flash suppressor is designed to hide the muzzle flash from those people targeted.

The actual function of the suppressor is to keep the muzzle flash from blinding someone firing the weapon at night.

3) the bayonet mount is useless on a civilian AR since the flash suppressor needed to actually mount a bayonet is not normally available, and to continue, what difference would a bayonet make, most civilians are clueless as to how to use one.

4) The pistol grip really adds nothing to a shooter's ability on a semi auto rifle, in my opinion, since the weapon will never be firing at a rate that would make the pistol grip necessary.

5) A grenade launcher? Considering a rifle mounted grenade launcher is an NFA weapon requiring a special ATF permit, a special fee, and a 3 to six month wait to actually get it, what the fuck were they talking about?

That leaves the telescoping or folding stock as the only viable argument in trying to compare a civilian weapon with the military version.

Congress would make a better law by outlawing magazines with a capacity of more than 7 rounds.

So we are now left with the magazine fed rifle, specifically a detachable magazine fed rifle.

A proficient shooter can get the same result with an SKS or even a German Bolt action using zip loaders. Neither rifle has a detachable magazine and both use much larger rounds.

But then I am on the range at least 4 times a week.

Then there is the fact that every time that congress even mentions such a move, the manufacturers go into overtime producing them because the law only affects weapon made after the date it went effective.

Nor does it affect the thousands that are sitting in warehouses waiting for someone to get a wild hair and buy one.

It is just like the law that allows one to buy NFA weapons, everything from a full auto capable M16 to a mini gun.

You cant buy a new one, the only ones available for purchase were made before the law went into effect.

And the new parts sold for the military to make repairs will not work on the older firearms.

The idea is that eventually these weapons would disappear.

They haven't.

The law allows for demilled weapons to be put back into firing condition but again you have to use older parts and there are still a lot of those around for weapons dating back to 1930.

I recently saw an add for a 'virgin' M2 50 caliber machine gun kit for sale.

This means that at one time, these parts were sold to the military which never actually assembled the weapon. So you have a few boxes of parts and need to put them together, properly, or it wont fire.

There are probably thousands of these kits laying around in old warehouses, waiting for some military inspection team to find, notify the GAO that there is surplus items to be sold, and since it is not, technically, a working weapon, the government will sell as parts.

Here is the grounds for your next heart attack.


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of.

Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 333
RE: Another day, another "small" mass shooting - 11/30/2017 9:46:23 AM   

Posts: 20687
Joined: 2/27/2005
Status: offline




That is because you dismiss anything but yes sir.

Bama when I address a thread or one of your posts I don't just say you are wrong without saying why and what I would do...simply my opinion. You just invariably make wrong and snide remarks as above. Or you rant about me wanting to take away guns or defile the 2nd amendment which is incorrect. What I would very much like from you is not only what you think is wrong with my opinion but what you think the solution to the obvious problem of gun violence could be. You have repeatedly asked me to say what I would do... I have yet to here what you would do. As I've said before and so have others... just saying enforce existing law has not what can we do?... make changes right? So what changes do YOU think would help reduce gun violence? We don't have to agree but we should at least be talking about it... Gun violence, under existing law, has not and will not go away on its own... so lets have some ideas.


So now you don't think any guns should be banned?
I have repeatedly said that the refusal to enter mental health
information is a major flaw. That is a major part of enforcing
current law. We cannot say current law is inadequate until
we actually enforce it. What weapons do you want to ban?
Do you want do ban concealed carry? Do you still want to make it
to expensive for anyone but the wealthy to own guns(and your periodic
mental exams do exactly that).


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 334
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